’$ 1·" C11 PuuZ71cuZ¢l11a cripple. TILE ACTS, XIV. Ho is slmmf,  
*511111111 mguyp 115 were 1m111ir1n1`1 to mer- ,1, J). 115. ·pitcr; :11111 1,3111, )1r21jc111‘111S, 1>i3·
1\“"“ 11*11111. 1ife,\1e1icvc11. 1·—•— u:111s1;_1111 was the cl111:is1>c:1kcr,  
_ 19 A1111 1111: 1x*11r11 of 11111 1.01*11 was 10 Ch , 4.. 111 111un 1111: 111·11—st 111 _.111p1§1·2r, I
Hm? 111;-`publislied111ru11:11011t:1111.l1121‘1:;11111.1 mfg   xv111c11 was hclurc Lhvir c11y. I
116 111‘1“1· 50But the Jews sLi1·rc11111>1111:111:-1 ` ' 111·1111zht oxen :1111.1 1:m·111111.1s \111lU ` 1
7*·'1'1"111111‘ vuut :11111 111n111ur111_11c wo111c11,:11111 1p£!Ti.3.11. 1111:g1`11,us, 111111 11*1111111/1 have dune > 1
Smlvkiw Lhg chief mun 111 the 1:111*, 1111111 Uh IRG s:1cr1&1;u>v1111t‘l11:J11i11]>1$._HCs Blu'-  
-·“ 1*~ rzusedp 11c1‘scc11L11111 :1:::1111sL 111ul ’I W   ~H 11 uci 11 11,11 11. .11115 ., 1. _ l
*1111 :11*1 and B:1rn11b11.<. :11111 cxpullml 1.110111   ; · 11:111:15 :11111 Pun], 1111111*11 0C 1.111:) L
s11z111 1111t uu; 0{111U11· CU;1$1s_ “· ·°· 1·11111111e11·u1111l1es, :11111 mn 111 :1111011;
1 SW U1 51 But Lheey shook 17 :111` thc dust ,.M1,_;»l2_ thu ]11:1111l1~.c1jy111g11111, 1
of their feet :_1g11111sb them, :11111 yI·1,,1_G_ 15 A1111 s11y111g,_>1rs, xvhgr 1111 yc I
11<¥1?<\·1>"came 1111111 1u0n111111.l ml I L1‘1es11;k1l1111;_·s !_ \\ e lc vagm   111;:11 :
*)'1\'J 11 52 A1111 thc 111s1:1pcs were 1 111 CHAR ;,;_) 11 ru 111L11r1,11, 111111 11112 sca, Q
11°U· B Palm huillnila UIWIIL Hi Li/`sllfj L """' ' 111111 :111 1111112s 111111,11re L11crq111: 1
1101111111 they me 7q'",m3 {1"_ WIL} bi/Tj{L1c xh1_1g_g3_ 11i\1\`1111r1111111111:s11:1:<’ s1111urc11 ull 1
1?1111'l’11, Peopm 19 If'; *3 ~"""€‘ · W 11;1111111s11»xx·11lk1111111·11·1gxv11 xx·:1ys. _
p1‘1*11·r11» r¢1~r¤¢¤ A"’“" L 11 ¤11_$,2, 17 N11vu1·111c11:ss,p11c 11:11,1111i 111111-
< <1i`sl11~   ND it 1*111mz 111 pnss 111 1cn11i111n, `U Um 9 2; sul: xv11111111L w1111u>as, 11141I111L 11;;Il11\1
1 lhnl 111 1,11111111ey xv1en\, 1111111 111;111111;ri ‘ ‘ ‘_,§ 15111111, 111111 l;i11x‘1i{ ns 11l11l!] ‘_l1l:;111 l
1 1.111112*, into the sy11.1q·111:1111 of 11111 ,1cx1·s,` ' ' 11:11vc11,:1111 1·u1_11 scnsnuns, 1 L: 1
nu just!} nm] so spake 111:11, I1 1:11:111. n111111» fI<,33.G. our11c:1r1s>w11111111111 :11111 ulaidncss. 1 _
Ends both of 11111 Jcws :11111 111511 1,11 1W I N ,_ 1:1 A1111 x1‘11h Lhcsu auyinus sczxrcc 1
1rc, 1·;>i the éreeks,11eli11v1·11. _ §¤ °‘···*·"· r11sLr11.11111d they 1110 }*l!1!I]1C, Ih=11& g
ich 1¤ 5 2Bnt1111:1111111:111:x‘111::Jcxx‘ss111irc111~-~~-- they hud UUE dulw 51¤, L 1$.1r.11.Q1. .Zl)1111\v11(:1h,1LS11112 111>1*1111cs $11:11111
xv111·11< : 4 But thu 11111111111111; 111 1111: 1c11y` 1111.111.1S. 1·1111111111111111t 111111. hc 1·11¤1*11p,:11111
111 5111e wus111vi111111: 111111 11111*1 I1 111·11l 11*1111 .11-.1-1.;:. 11:111112 11110 1110 city: :11111 1111: next
the .1ews,:11111 111111 xx·1ll1 1111: :111115-   11;1yl11u 111-1111111:11 with 1¤211‘111111nstu
zu; llus.   - 1::11:.
1·(111!l1]111· 5 A1111 xvl111n 111111: was :111 nssnull, 1m H—h_]_g_ 21 A1111 xv11c11.111cy_11:111 11r1e11c11c11 .
Q10; 111 mud? ?111.11Iu1` 1111: UI1·11l]111cS :11111:11-1 F I I 1111: $11s111·l 111 {11:11 1*115*. 111111 1111111 l
y *1 .1 $00 t.1c uxv:4 xx·1l 1 1 1u11· 1*11 ers 11 .1-. . Z 1:1111:11, 1111111y wv 1’1:_111·111e1 Klglllll 1
1l111111m131» 10 use thm: 111;:11111.u1`1,111y, 111111 111   111 1.x·s1r:1, :11111 ru 1c1>1n111n 111111 A11- _;
;U111'1;» stone L110111. _ R_ H-j- 1111<¤11J V _ _ 1
1 _(11;; 6'Fhey wurc \V1\1`47 of zt r11111 11u11q ‘· ’·’· 2:21 11n11r111n1:111u s11u1s11fLhc 111s- 1
1·1,;11,'  unt,0 Lystm 111111 1>u1·111;, 1:1111:5 111 OV1,_17_;;0_ 1¤_11111·s,n1111 exI11_1rl111g L111·111tucu11- I
,·lm_11,1‘1, Lycn.011111,111111 1111t11Lhu region 111z1t' [';_§l4l_]_ 111111cx 111 lhc 1111111. 211111 ll|1:1t wc! {
_1 , ·_ , hath run111111111111t: 1 > 11111s1 1hr1111g11_ m~1<·11 1111111 :1L111n 1:11- — 1
»l1l.“11|1..i_ 7 An11 l1l1}f1J they prc:1·1:11c11 1111: 1!’ 11 *-1-21* 11f1` 111111 111u1;111u11111n111 l·1111, 4 1
1** ‘‘‘‘` ’ 1‘§s11°k 1 l1 1 1 1 11 1.. .1. 11.1’11""i·"’· 1€..‘1S111.`IZ"i}1 LTER“5`11111?I11""3K‘1 1 “
  1w 111 1c*c s:1 . 111%*11 1 ·`_.1·_11_ r · 21 I *1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 ·
1H1m.H :1t L stm i111111l1e11L 111 his ibut. he- )1,11,;:,15, 111111 p1·:1y1=11 with E1sL111:,1111·yh11111- 1
1111~ 111., y 1 1 1
u.m;|,>,> mg 11 c1‘1p11l1z1l 1`1·1»1n his 11111111cr`s '_n(.,,H1,; 1n1:111l1:11 1111:111 111 thu 1.111*11, 1111 1
mm H1, womb, who 11u1‘u1‘111111 1v1111ic11Z ` V ` " ' \\'1\U1¥\11\l‘}' 11h[m1,- 9 The sznnu h1¢111·11 1’1Ill1 $111;:11::`¤/1111I111111lp 21 1*11111 11i11·r_1111:y 111111 pussrrd
mu. 1,— who s1c1111111s11y11ul111111111zl11n1,111111 1111111yrl1s· I11r1111g1111_11L 1*15111;:1, thuy 1;:11nu 111
,[m_:;H,1 pcrceivi11gl|1z11.11111111111`;111l1cl11111: MMM- 1En11[1111‘l111. . I - · 1
mi-(IW V 1113111911}, _ _ ` whrmrw .,1 .\1111 xxhr·11 11111y 11.111 1>1c:1c11c11 1
im`, 1;% l()_S:nd w1111 11 101111 v111<·c, 511111111 ' 11|1u w111·11 111 1’1;1·;11,1l111y1ve11L1]11w11 1
Um ‘,_,,,` u r1¤111.1n1l11y1ecL. A1111 hc 1e1111— z1111.S,17, `111111 ;\11:111:1; >
iw _,,1`1 egfand 1x*:11kc11. 1 ;2'1`11ll.1Z. 1 v2|1.\1111 1110111*1: $:1111:11 111 1\n1111c11, ,1
mlb; |1\__- ll Am} w111:1111111p1z111»lns:1wx1·11:1t,l ch I3 13 1111111111 w|11¤111·c lhcy 11:111 111*1211 rc- 1 1
,mU,', {1:1 1’11u11111111111111;,1111ey l11`11·11 11111|11v11j L ‘ ' ’ ' 11j·1111111011111·11 1.11 1.1111 ;:r:11:1ev_111` (11111 1
" " voices, sayin: 111 1111: s111·111·h 111 uq11,13,·;0, 11111 l11cl\v111}1{ xx‘1n1th 1h1~y t11l1i11c11.
__ ,_ ,1yc:10n1.1 1111 ;1111~¤; .111, _1r11n1. __ _ 1 -1 1\n1 xx 1111 lhzy xx111, L111111.
GljJ|‘:‘11`_, 1111wn tu 1151111111; 11111:1111>s 111 1111211. "/ ‘1'·l·'·'1· 1:11111 11:111 1::1Ih1·r1111 11111 1:11u1·1·11 Lu;
'Um, YW 12 An11Ll1cy 1*1111u11 11.11‘11111>:1s,J11-,T gcthur, Lhuy 1‘c11u:11‘sc11 10 1111 lhut