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yl I, in `   II    i`  Paul and Silas ianprismzcrl. THE ACTS, XVH, T lacy arc Zellw-
ii ·‘a ll `II g  3,,,; llli; 18 And this did she many days. ,1.]), 5154 gistratcs scat the scrjuauts,>.
‘§ ii lll `I         Hut Pnul, hein{: gzrievagtl, turned and I —··—- Let those men go.
· , lf (L   lI_ · "   ajaidx to the spirit,leutninand thee J; Mm._]_g5_ 36 And tlicheeper ol` the :·
Q I I '» Ill ;t ani} l jg {gl lll the naine of Jesus Christ. tal ;;g_ told this sayin; to Paul,'l’l.·
j L " I_£ ·y ‘f ·g  -; ;a if rome nut. uf her. Andy hu carrie,] uw IG IT gistrates have sent. to let I-I
Q ~ Cat l`    ga    outtlic samuliour. » tj‘ ` 'n'q; new tIiea·et1>1·u depart, aaai,
I ‘     ,I M;   19 ‘ll And when her masters saw Z *`I’·w·-I"-I- peaim:.
» `Q   f»¤ fl ;_~5, L  that the hope et` their aams: waisI*t»r,te1u·I. 1lT But Paul said unto tIiv»m`
, ` ·; j; tl -I    an IQ pane, they eamizht Paul amd Silan, Q )m_;0_ig_ `liave beaten u~zah¤·nly tint-II;U
E‘ IQ II   5;   EE?  aintl drew [fawn mtu the lmarI;ut—~ A Ch ,..6 Ied,r laan; llomans, amd han
L g { I· ali It rt   _;;·;» ;* place,t1iimnIl1eri1It·rs. I Us kin. lax into ;iri>on; anal now IE~
I I, ~‘ ,l~ §~ ~,,‘ , _.f‘  I LEO And brauulit Ihein to the ma-, my `G _ ' ‘thru>t as out priv1ly! Raya
I `_ QI »; I   Y1,  ~ :1,saiy1ii¤, 'l`h¤·se men. helm; ‘ L 3*] jh. lhut let thorn rome tla;ni~·
`   It ii,     _ .;_. *’,—__ Jews, do exeeedimqly truttbleb um" Wh ‘;","" amd fetcli as out. W
I ~ I I— I, I_ ,15 ,-,, I rtly, _ T" IIS And I ie serjeants Io,—I‘
' ‘ la`, ;l il '¤· E] ill ;\nd_Icaeh custnins.>wliiel1arc J Jl-¥’·’J· Iwnrtls unto the nia:iruu¤htI llarm ev
' U I Y BEL-,I giatrates rent all their rlotlics, and_ I"};   lde>1red u {Iam tu depart out
’ * [I ·, i.i;| I coimnamdcd to heat lima. 1 " "" ' eily.
li I` I ·I ,. {FM ZJ And when they had laid inanvc It l*r21l.tI;l2., —tI1.\nd they went ant, af II~
l; a · _ . I   stripes upon them, they t·a<\I I/may IUM5-l=>· `son, and entered mtu l/ir Ia
IZ   II '*I‘§`·TI mtu prison, tcliarzaig the _|anit;r tu arg,-;_i5.i7_ Il.ydia; tt and when they hai,
` ~ ,·I ` ~ It _     ka-cn them safely: yl, JU_5__H_ Ithe lIrtI,li1·t·n, they cotnt}Ir=ttL‘
, ll ' I ll   Lg lit Who. liarmz rtaccivcd such ai 1 I W, and departed.
` ' I I   V -·aIE. <·h_ar;;e, thrn>.t thI·m1nto the>inn<:r, "   l`ll.\P"l`EIl XVII
. { ` ; , _ W -1 yrisen. and made their teet taut 1nl ," " Il Paul ;n·:arI'h!Ii ral 'I'm~I~`·
_ ~ ;   a' * ·.Q thc stocks. I **1 ”·‘; If·39· ` lll aah! ul 1lI.artt:1ltni.nI_.II.
Q ' I, r   115 fi .\nd at mldniulit Paul and JH"§···I: G i·r·1·/mi.
` . L ai ~ "   t·£'   Salas i»rayeil.¢Z and sanzr hra~>t·< ""·€‘L;'·3 · www when thev had ·
‘ { ' ] QI; I ;;,;_,]. ttnto Uod; amd the prtzeners Iieard __ j;:" ll through.\iiipli1tvoI1s:ia
· -i I; SI» lhcni. ""I‘·~·"~I· _ `lonia, they came to 'l'hi·~~.
_ I ‘ ;   Z3 ..t~.,tVe\\`wi:iit m unto them, amd Iain
` T I' *§i":‘ were oheiietl, and every one’s rch 21 2; l»aatli—day» reasoned with lin
‘ I ` · I ‘  _ I; hands weie loosed. I) '6 'H J,) lutthe sa·r.htures.
. I I `q I"_;»'lI 127 I\_nd the keeper of the pri>nn I \;‘,‘I;_‘l‘_' I il O;»eniie: and alh··:.iv;
I H . 1:;'l=` aiwukuay out t·I`h1s slccp, amd see- f_" 'I   °' l`hrisi mu>t..'» needs hart- >.
; I ‘ _ ·_   ing thu prison doors open. he drew I  ;; · and risen again from the dt-.
_ * 2, . ,-atl outI lns_ sword, amd would hare '“‘ ' ' that, this Jesus iwhoin Ij
I . I I , .i I fg]? ltilled Iinnseli supposuig that the IL M*"·*·3l· untoyou. is l`hriome<· et` them I-
; " `Yj '. LN But It Paul erteal with a loud ,(-Hu, 1-) and (L i·on—orlI·Il with l’.¤
I I , _ t· vut<·e,sayinz. lln tliyaelfi no harm: " ' ` I` Silas; azid nt` the ilevoul M
_ ~ ` t ,` ter we are all here. ti €l*·U;2I]· gra-at multitude, and oli t I.
` ‘ = :`· ' 29 'I`hen he eallwd Ihr a huhtq amd Id- ’·I‘l· women not a I`I·w,
{ sprain: ia, amd eame trenihlinz,/: LIL L HL I 5 il llut the Jews wiia·h‘
` , · amd t1·ll down hetlire Paul amd 51Ias, L <'I*- I‘·¥*,- ,noI, inovnil with 4·nr·:. Iv
’ _ , Zlll.\ndhrouqlittheinouIrand>anI, I·f··l_I·J°»IG· them certain lewd Ii-Illo·.I—
V ' — , I Sirs, what lmust I do to he >areil! ("·‘I· I· Ihawr sari, and ua’lh·iI·1 I
` I `I ?· Ill And they said, llelierem on lla- "’l`-_i’*'·‘*’**I ~p:my, and wt all the easy Ir.
· ' Q It I.<1rd .1t:suhaa.t ”"*‘I I°"~I roar, Imd a~>aIalII·il the I
~ * I,Ij` l~e saved, amd thy it linuse. I ·""*"”I‘· ,lla~on,¢: amd >oa;;hL ta la.1: `
` ` I JI; 32 And they xatatlte unta him the C ~`I*·J¤-ZL eat toIla·]1oo;»l¤·
‘ I il ward ot` the lIord, and te all u that tIJl` ·.~.i.r I oAnd when they tiiimd *l.·
,   iw were tn li1shou~e. I I'i`¤-I--GI!}. they drew .Ia;U_ Im; '1`hI-,U_; that t.;“.· ith;
Q ` I; ~   >tripI·s; and was liahtizetl, he, and ],;__g,;,3_ 'world ¤an~1de down .a~
    all his. >1rziiuIitway. I rl 0,} I, Ilatlier also;
_ I — ·   g 3L And wlien he had l>rotn;liI them 5 I‘I:""I;fi, 7 \\`iimiilIa<<»i1l1:alli1‘I·l*rlY
Q , ‘ l I, "·_,I inte his lmu~i·.Iie Met nii;Iup hetlire " '   " these all do eI·ntr.iryu l~>`
` ~ , ‘· ~ j   them, and reIoiI·I~·I,q helieving m I4 T·I¤'·Z·3- execsolil`e>:aa‘.>1iyii11 tlrn"
` · ;" I kiod with all ln» ln·u~I-. I JM"- I I· I5- another I\1ii:.m1I:.Ie~¤as.
‘ ` I ·I- 3:3 And nhen it waa day, the may —-— •——l li And they troahledll liv'
I · lljd
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