:11 r;1, ’· ··~·* `··’· ’ ,~ r.
-1   if =1t anti  1
- 1 " j‘$ *11*. · .t° " ,1s . 1
1l 11 111 1f   E1 :1    Paul nl .Iwrusalcn1. TIIE AC I b, XXII. Hr ts r1[:pr:·hr;t 1 Paul dc
t l· *1   " ¥1. tl mm of the disciples of (`esnrc:11 uml` A. 1).00. 1 29 (Eur they ltuvl seen lttelttrwjaw, 11,1,141
'Z 1} ll llijll I  QE; ltruttgltt wttlttltrzm _f 1—•—— h_¤m m the <·tty Irtt1tlttttttt—tCmc1n_1-,,
: 11 1` 11'11   l`y1·rt1s, un oltl tl1st·1ple1m wtth ,11p,.11,;_;;1_ 1I·.1»ltest;tu, whom ltltey 51111- utthB$11,1_
1     111 ;1_~1g1  `j1,.i1e  — \t§lttn{t Eye s1tottlll1utl;·e. 1 171 ph H X   ll unl hull l1tt>¤t;ltL ttt ngcgrltfm
. 1 1 ~`¢ 1;..1 ‘ 1.;* T 1 tt w ten we were cnnte t>~ --·· Ir v c. _ 0 L 8 my
Q 1   11; tl [   .let·u>1ttt11tt1 the hretltren ret-etvetll1,111_1;_1;t_;;11 Iiltl Autl=1lllluv<;¤ty\;»1¤¤srum] Zgglgrtgj
- *1` 1 11*}-1   · usn W ut y, 1;111111_ tu pvttlv e run hue har; ut;1 me this 1
- 1 1 ll‘ "   l?. f ij 18 (lkml the day fullowittsz Puull 1111.1. 1;111 ttmlt I’uul1uml tlrew |_t1tn ttul 4A"11111
i ti il lt ·~1·~*  .1%;% wmtt tit with tts ttttltt Jutnes ;e uml `I ‘ " " “‘ tttntltltez uml lttrtltwtttt that 1mB dem],
I · 1l tl     ull the nltletwc were 1trt;s¢·ttt1. lq l·h.20.2t. were shttt. mm mlm;
· fz `l‘I1 ‘v "ll   Y;·_1 · 19 Aml whntt he ltutl s:tltttetl1 QCu.I.!,l;‘£. lll Amtuslltcywentuht“tltee. U “ '·l’-··U»——· 1mrur. uml tmtk htm. uml t·uttr~ smm€“11·1
"   gl I Z.i§1§ that thou teueltestlull the I.Iews11c 11·O.51_g1)_ 1e1l htm tu lfe lhtttttttlit itrtttt agrem 11;
11 t` t · `   ··1 whrclt ·tru utmtttz t te Genti es ttt _1 1<· tums; um tt·m:tttt ·~t xt 7And 1
l l~· y     hnrsukt; Muses, suyittu tltut tltey'J7°I'-2I·l°· lw;us1 uml whut he hutl tletttt heard aw
i . 11 11 Ig i>_ Q1 ought. mtt 1ttt t:1r(·tmtmse.v 1/twzrI1,N1;_g_1;;_ 1 .>t And slum: t·¤‘tt~¤l wmv t $uu\1 why
j;' ‘ 11 · `·*·_’ t=l11ltlrett1nettltertt; wulk utter the1‘ 11 ~stuttt: zmtttlttcr, uttttttt: the z BAH1] 1 1
1I " "lj ;f_l`fl`1 cttstttttts, 12 ¤l··f~t—l==~ ltmle: uml when he mul Lord; A
· ‘ ‘ 11   $:1;,,51l 22 wttuttstt t.1tet·entre? thcntul- ,11i._g1;_;t_ 1t¤¤<·w*t··*t‘··¤"=¤¤¤1t>‘ ¤~¤‘*l¤*= 1* Jesus of
‘ Z f` I lf ~1-lt tttmltz must tteetls r·tmt<·tueetlter;[1 1ht* <·¤tm1ttutttlt·tl tttttt tu het pemectiih
1 `. 11   tv; :`:'~,°I lur they wtll lteur thut thuu ut·t1?·~lt-}i·1G'-_ll· 1111lttKltttlt·:ts1|t~.g1l 9 Am] tl
. 1 1; `.-€ jj. 1  vttttte. 1 -·1>1¤~ 1 ij .· m w ten te vuntv mv Saw]; 11111
·         Zi 1)t> tlwrnhtre this Lhut we suy 1_   __,_ ._\ sthtrsr so tt wus1thut h¤> \\t<—‘ ;tf;··,t1d1 ltr;
, t   11%;·jQ 1 tu thee; \\e lturte litur tttett whtltlt Ffh 10 1 Ittl tlht: soltlfcrs, mr tlte tt»~ gféunt t1t;
T 1 1 5 Y`_§W{ 1 ltuvu u mw tttt thettt; · 1 ’· ·`· url te pt-tttt tt. 1 _ ]_ Am
1 i -    tit '1`hetn tult` they were "‘ 1thc hustle, he szml utttutht t,gdg_
' ` ` l iQ". _,·— lnlltrtmetltcuttrcertttttg thee, ure mt- fver.11. `<‘u11tutn.1 Nluy I stteulc v1ntt¤‘ 'l1Aml\1
I Y -1 .J?;Edi:‘ thing; hut. Nm! thutt Lltysell ulso @.90.23. *\\h<¤ $1|lLl,l.i\ll>lll|\lll stwukl the glttryt
1 J   1.?;;;éIF1 wulkest orderly, uml Itet·1tt·st. tlte Et·»U»!0· 1 Z3:_t1r§ mnt tl1t»u tl1ut i IY;1 the }t;ttttl
, ·   [Ft: *21 luw. 11 1w tw t tetttret test; t uys tn1t»`— mg mtttt
l  `lt _  1% As tttuvltingtlteGmtt.il0s wlm:h1" ch`23'l0"G'1n1»r¤tur1 uml ltetltltzst ttttt t·.‘ ]_2,A|ttl 1
1 1 ‘i `   . F;;jFI ltelttevu welt ltuvu wttttett mttt1/t l'—.53.Q. wtltherttessltttttr tlt·>u<.tml ntl nmngtt-out
’ 1 1   __ *311 t·t»m·lmlt~tI tltut they ttltserve nu ll=¤¤·l1U1 were tt1ttrterl»rs1' uml nt n~1
; · ' +-·_: such tltittu. sure ttttly thut tltt·yl1C1122 H itil lint 1*uul s:tttl111L· um 1: 5we1trtt¢~t·
` 1 `; _ `·Z· I l{tu·1>tltt:1ttst·lrt-slrtmt I71i:1y;1¢t1lle1‘- 1_11_J;1_1u_ trhtclt unt u Jew ut  ttrstts. tr` ]%1Cuttte
1 1 V ; ‘ I ml tu itlttls. uml 1`rtntt hltttttl, uml _i11 ,111,11-1 t'tht·1u, ulmtmut ut mt tmy:1 sai uttm
· {Q 'r·1 '   {rlmtstruttgletl,:tmlt`rt»mt}tr1m#ut1<¤tt.1 1i;L1,_11t;3j luml, I heseevlt thee. tu stttlrt Ihy sight.
{ 2ti'l`ltt~nPttttlttttthtltt~ttttut,rt·uml1l11 1 _ speukttttt¤ttltt·1»t:tt1»lt·. luoketl up
‘ ` '1 ¥- _1 thettt·xttluy1tttr1t;t·1ttgltttttstelfwttlt1 I1l"‘  l" —tt1 Aml when he hull 51"rt 1 1L.»\ml It
· ' ' . ;· t1ltt·m t·tttet·t·tIy· tttttttltutettt1tl::1ltt1 I3"'];"§, lttxettvc. l’uu1 stutvtl tut tz:-· — fathers lt:
I 1 _ 1. `   stzntty the mwmttt1tItslttttettt.y ttt`tht—t   . i11_1"’· 1attttllmvktttttwltn with tht·h1t· thou sltutt
  . .‘1 JI tluys ttt`1tttrtlit·uttt»n,mtttl thut uttl "" ' ‘tlt<¢1¤tert1tlt:. Aml when in seep thut
1 ’ 1 wa otltrrtttu slttttthl he utleretl t`t>r every A t*lt_!Lll. t1tutl<: u irt·:1tIs1lt·ttt*¤·. m·~1·1t1 hiegjhe It
1 1 Z 1   ttm- t»l`tltl·m. 1 11.3. ltzm mt tt: tr1t‘tt\\‘Itttt!’tt_— ·Ul‘l t
I _ · t   27 Aml when tht: sevmt tluys were 1111.,1 1,; 1 t`l I.\t"l`l·IIt XXII unto ull
` ‘ i ‘ ‘ I uhmtst t·mh·tI, the Jews; wlmrlt ‘“"“ ' 1 Patti tIot·lut·¢·l/t /tt.r ctnttvt Seenumll
XI 1     were ut` .1\ttt1eb 1* hilftlit nt tl
Il   Z 1.11 this ts the mutt. tltztt tt-ut·ltetlt/» ull 1I111‘_31; ‘1:w/1/*1tt>\v tttttuytttr I 17Aml tt
_‘ 1'1j—`1t· mm every wltere ueutttst the 1tt·tt- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 (Amt when they ltttnrtl ~ I WHS vu
  '   1***} 1»l¤:.umI the luw. uml this 1t|ut:e: F*‘l·-Jl·¥l‘l-1 sptthu m the Ileltruw ture even what
Sl ' , ‘· _`1   uml t`urtht·r Itrttttgltt. (Frm-lcs ulsu if "#1Il;i—· tltt;ttt1tIt<·yltt:1»L the tttt>rt· > Iwus tn u
‘ -' ;~.1 mtu the tt·ut1th·, uml hutlt pullutell H"l·‘l··’· uml he s:ullt1)1 _ 1BAn·l >¤
— ", `€ thts hulv 1thtt·t¤. 1—•~—~ il l um c vttrtly u mutt truth llltlkt: lttt>
1 ` ¥ —’ I tt:
‘ » _1_,..··é!·