""‘•·t . '
l"’"i)“" ' Paul dcclarcih TIVIE ACTS, XXIII. hm zmttwstott. slr. I
‘l”’l"l“'Jew, born in Tzxrsus, n rilu in A. I). 60. Iout of.Iert1sale1tt: Ihr they wtllnot I
‘!‘l*"““"Ci1inia. yet ltrutttgltt up III this city ——•—; receive thy testimony cuneerntng I
VY $“l‘?·uttI1efee|.uItl GattIaliel,ztmltauuht d cI,,;_;H_ me. I
Sm lllltancorditngc to the pcrteet mannert r _ II) And I said, Lord. they J: know I
_ ofthe law of tht: thtlters, and was fi E “l‘·!"·”· that I nnprtsoned and heat tnevery _ .
`S Hmm-ZBIIIDIIS towartl God. as ye 51 alI;f(;t,I_t.I_ Isvttaxugut: them that htcltcvcd tm I
""; i*l"l'I1re this day. I _ thee: I
llll"‘ll· 4And lpersetztttetllttltis wat·unIo_é"l‘·:l·m· LIU Antl when the hleotl of thy
lll U"? =tha death, lttnthttu: and tlelivertn¤‘ ll“·lO·2· martyr Stephen was shed, ly also I
inte prisons ltoth men atttl women. it eh.s_3, I WHS >l¢IIIIlIII§; IU', IIIIII ¤'tIII$*¢|\l1¤¢¥ 1 I
·l><·III ’l` 5 As also the hiuh priest doth hear` 2ti.u~I3_ {unto hts death, and kept the 1't\I- I
Irihlllf ‘ ni11e·t¥gttess. and all the t·sIat{— oI`I I’hi.‘I.t». Intent oIitItetn tgat slew hun. I
I {III-t se ers: front whom also rt--I "I.l.I3. Lil An te sat ttnto me, Jepartj  
ll'? ceivetl letters ttnto tlte hretltren,‘ {chg, if Iforzt l wtll send thee tar henre '
'l“'*‘k"· and went to llattt:tsetts,i to brine ' `“" ' tmto tlte Genttles.
lll *l‘—’“¥I thamwhittltwereIhertchottntl ttnto It Ui\·lO·7. LIZ ,\ntl tltey gave him atttltttttoe
:"I"15?" Jergszgettt, Ihr to he ttttttislttwl. I` [Ch 9 H `Itnto this wnrtl,L;nttl Ghczt hfted up
VU *· ‘* ` 6 n it. eatne to jaws, that. as ‘ ' ‘ Itheir voices. an san, Away wttlt '
made my journey, and was tconte nt ¤h.I0.21. —>·tIt=h a _I}tI/rtw I`:otn the earth : for It `
mllllllll nigh unto llamztsetts ahout noon_t [Ti-3.7. in is Itttl Ill that he should hve.
III, """'?` suddenly there shone I`rom heaven ll¤‘·ll·l   1£II;\utl as they ertetl out, and ettsi I _
I “'lllI ngreat light routttl altont me ` ,, Ch {U3 'ofl` I/mr clothes, and threw dust I
Il·‘tl III. 7And I tell nnto the around, and 'ggtnf ‘IIIt<» the att.
I *l*’ll"- heard avoice savtttguttto 1ae.Naul.] _ I BI 'l`he elnel captaitt cotntnatttletl
I IIIIII I Saul, wlty perseetttost. thott mel ,0 *`l’·ll· lit; lttttt to he hrought Into the castle.  
¥ llI*’ I 8And I atistveretl. Who art thou, (‘“·l·l°· Iantl hatle that lte sltottld he exannn- _
It t···=II~ Ltn-at Anti he stntt unto the I am ,, twig, ·=·I I»t· s<··~·II·:¤¤I¤; that Im IIIIYIII
ILIIIIII ls g:;;;c£E€`§:t1It1‘etlI, whom thottl Ie‘t:t)_l_ Ilitttsgil Kl‘Iert·1`tIre they crtetl so
» · . . ~ .»,t. It :1 . I _ -
9 And the· that were wttlt mel I 2:3 And as they hound him wttlt
Um 'l¥`I" sttwk italedtl tlte lnsht, and were I Cl"l.I'I“I‘ tltont;s. Paul sattl ttnto the eentu- ,
IIII “¤I" ttgtilnid; llutthey h<·artl not the votee """ rton that stood bv, ls tt ltIwI`nl Ibr
`IU \IIt-¤ 0 imttat spaketo nie. Ir tI3·¤.It,£3. you to sttourtge a titan ttat is a _
10 And I said. What shall I do, G.t.I.I.£. Iltoman. tt and ttn<·t»tIdetnnt·tl I .
`I*{llII‘Z· Lord? Atal the Lord stud ttnto toe. Mh .,3 H I 20 \\`hen thettentnrton lit-ard!/m/, `
.=\\\'—I§`»‘Arise, and so Into |>atnast·us; antl ‘@J'm'w the nent and tultl Iheclnefcaptain. `
there it shall he tnltl thet- of all " ' ' Qsaytnx, 'l'ake heed what thou
to he l· things \vlIiclt are appottttcd Ihr thee I lI~· 10.:1. tloest: I"oI‘thIsInan Isa Ilotnan. -.
II¥I>llII‘ todo. ~ ll’·‘~i$·il· I ZT 'l`lten the clnef captain eatne, `
I IIIItI·‘ 'LLAnd when I could not see htr U W, m IK Iatnl sattl unto hint. 'l`ell me, art
$[‘t’l\kl` the glorvofthat hqht, hetnu led hv Hg], I I" Itltou a llotnanf Ilt: said, Yea.
I I llit the l1atitloI`Iht·tn that wtzrt· with I I-I I 138 And the t·hteI` captain answer— `
Iyssttattft me,Lt·:Ittte into llantastzzts. I ¤lI”I.IJ.i. III, \l'tIh1a t;t·t·atI suna olttittwul I ‘  
on n.‘ 12 nt one I\nantas./ a tevottt , ., _ I ns Irtzet otn, .\nt l’att stat, ut
1IIIIl IIII men at·certlttI: to the law. havtnza IL ILI`H' was tht. horn.  
I 5u0¢Im report ofallthe Jews whtt·|t ```` ’l ` "*` r21I'l`|\tt·ttsII‘ItI:IIttIaytlIe{·tlepttrtetl  
f IIIII ill We t there, -" *""'- - It‘o1n ttttt w nc I s tottlt rave I ex- .
II‘SII“. IV I3 Came ttttto ate. and stood, and y rh,7.2s, attnntrtl hun: and the elttoI`eapI:tat . II
to ItItj~I‘¤ said unto ine. Ih·ot ht»t·SattI, rt·t·t-n··· _ _,,_ _ 1 also was atraitl, aI`ter he knew that I I
ISIIIIPI- thy sizltt. ,\ntl the saint: hour I ”   ,__ he was a Ilotnatt, attd heeattse he ` ,
I. ltmked Itp ttpon lnnt. " "l‘· "’·_J·"· IIIILI IIUIIIIII lIlIII· tl
Id F!'I‘It 1·IAntl he sa1tl,'l'he a (intl oI` our ll ’·Il·I LIU Un the tnorrow, heeattse ti he , II
In I:I·*— fathers hath ehosenn thee that   ,won|tl have known the certainty » ‘*
lheltltr thou shonltlest know hi< tvtll, and (-"`,' L); `wltt·t‘etln‘e he was atrt·tIst·tl oI` tht- I
~n I!I—·— seep that Jttstq t Ine, nntt sltottltltvst ,§I,‘]'g‘\‘ ,Jews. ltelottsetl lnnt t`t‘ottt/nsl1;tntl~_
I,,.,I,;,,. ham-me \·I,H.,. ,-,,rI,,\ ,,,,,n·I,_ H-;_I_{_' tant! t·nnnnandetI the t:hteI` Inttcsls  I
¤n:Itt·.— I5 For thou st shalt he his wnness I _' ,. ,x Iautl all their t·otmt·tl toattpear, anti . .
LMI. unto all tnen till wlntt then hast " ""‘“ ‘ IlII‘<¤II¤III Paul tlttwtt, and wt Itnn I
I-nm-.t·¤ mntnnt tnttn-.1. t` III- II5—¢IT- III¤I1·r¤ II¤··I·I- I
]n·tt·I!#. 16 And now whv tart·tt»sI thou I. J’·l"· · t`||.\l’4l`l·Yll XXIII. l I
_ arise, and ht- lntpttzt-tl, attd wash I I nt·.ItnIn»t·tI I [Qual I,/tut/II/I /t1.st`uu.vr.· Ttlissnt- I
atnl I.` away thy sms, ealhnu tt on the hon. I A11nt¢1Irtt»nr1 nts t1ct·tz.a·z·s: 27 hc to
Ineeb r name ofthe I.tn·tI. ' lit ot ;.t,g<, son rn1~t/IJ:. .
17 And It.t·ante to pass, that, when ( HM, ,, I ,\-All t’;tnI, earnestly In—In,IIIIn: ,  I
tnartlt I was come azatn to .|t-rusaltnn, I ‘ " 'I Ii tho trounctl, said. Men ont]  
ew ton. Even wlnle l pt·:tvt·tl tn the tetnple, Ii IflI—!l-llI- tlII‘t·tlIt‘<:II. lu have hved tn all gttotl
nore s` Iwns in a trant·t· ; tt . t€'»"»l·l:· t‘t·II»t`It·IIt·t: hetttre titnl ttnttl tht; I
_ 1SAntl saw to hnn saytne ttnto ine, ll"· '·I· IS- tlayt _
ttntmttn Make haste, antl get thee tItttt:Itiy_   15AntllltelugltprtcstAttattittsmtnn. I  I