4*.  .1*
·mm1c1$·u: ‘- . . _ _ l
mm Jl Jiutticalmn not by the law. ROIIANS, IV. Abmfmvzfs jaith was mpulczl. [
,;,5, ,. bafura lproved buth Jews and A. D. GO. |f:1itl1,u1111 unci1·c11n1c1s1un through l
,,1 um; _ Gent1le§,tl1:1ttl1ay1trv: all untjcrsm; ——•é. myth
,,,,1 Um,. I0_As1t1s wr1tt0n,f lhurc xs nuuc , Char Cd 31 Do we than mnlm vnnl the law ·
!1§lLtc11us,1111, 11ot0ne : , g ' through 11 faith! Gml tbrbhl: YCG,
my 1,,,,,,   Tglere 1s_nunc tl1z1tl1111dursti·111tI- I PL xp;4 we cstahhsh tho law. ;
.,,,,, my o , ere 1s none Lmt scc·c11 L;11_ (ilI.\_1"l“l·I|t I\’. ¥
lg U NWT Gull- 1 _ I Al11·r1hm1;’s _/nit/1 was intntzml I0 5
Gm, in I2_»They are all ,*:011e out of thc §l’€·'¤·9- hun jar 1·1y?1h:0u.s·11css: 2t and sn -
1 . .. 4 way, they are t11;{t1tl1crl1eco111o an- , x},1,1;,mrS_ 1
M L5`hr" prbfitahle· there 1s11u11cth21tdoctl1 IL l°'lLm'3' II \'I‘ sl11ll uc s 11 thcn tlrtt I
1 tv'; sz 1 :_1 ..
pc;-jh- ;; E°°d,1_nU; llllt lllllf- _ iI‘s,10.7.   _ {\bral1an1. uur t`:1rl1<:ru 1u< 1
N.; W, 13 hctr thro:1ty14zs an open sc- I _ _ Q pu1·tr;;111nzto1l1e tlt:sl1.l;:1th1o1111d? 5
um 1,,,,.. Hulchrc; wtth thuxr ttmzucs they ‘l’··’°-*·~· 2 For 11 Ahrahoyrt were justttletl l
, ,,,,,.,,, HYS _uSc1l tllflllllt-_; tht-1 [1l»lSUH ll ut H1S_36_,_ hy works, hu hath1u.';m·c0]`toglt1ry;
usps m under lhutr hps: _ hut 1;1;ti1 hu1`n1·c (intl.
unclrm I4 Wl1<;sc111a11Ll1z1st“ull0fc111s1ng4»;1 1*;.107,12, 3 l·`$r·’ *mdbmQm?S°: _ uw H I. I Allrztlttun lltllmvutl Gu1l,11;1tl 11, was ,
,m.(_,,m,_\ IQ Thetr tuctk are swtft to shud` M12/if llydr ;r:a;1;;tc11 untohnnt'urri2;l1ti:ous11cSS. ,
1:1s1on’ bmw]: . _ _ 1 ,,,Um{,f S'; 4 Now to I111;1 that work1;tl1d 15 11
mI,m_,,,,_ Lg2hl)cstru<1t1n11 111111 nnscry arc 1111 [,{,_,_ the 1·tlwa1·1l not ror;lw11<:d of grucu, 1
ly 1»· “'¤·lY=l! 1ut.o111t:x%, ll
_‘ V'   011* wc ‘now mnt w mt   ·' · ti livon as I):11·14l also rlesrwriluztlx ·
’{\_`_`§uli'£n thipgs s1>uvt:1·tl1c lawsai1l1,1t muh ,, t;C_7_;g_ tht; hh·ss;;1l;11zss o1` tht: 111:111, unto l
` UTK Bm Wllll ¤ll`0 lllllltlf lllv lllw; _ wh·1111Gu1l 1n1;;11L1:tl11‘igl1t1:1111s11css ` 4
vhiph _4 thgt nvury tnrluth 111 n1;;v hr: stop- J"'- [¤1‘U11‘· 4·.v;1,h;»;11.w;»;—[;g, 11
WKIWQ, gd, tual all that wtzrhll 11111y l;c· d“"'€’I- I 7 Su;/111;;,/`bltzssotl arr:tl;oywl1osc `
_   me 1*1114 y »t· nrt- io;. 1 .- ,ti;11qu;1.1usa;·u tbrgivuu and whose ·
  20_’I`l11:7rcn1ro 11 l1yt.l;1~1Ioc1ls ofthe (Lr[.,€iH"”’ 75;;;:4 are govr;1·g1]_ l
l¤v;_tl1c41·1]Tl1;1}l 111]; |h:;I1 l;o_111»t1fi;·1l IIS lilcssytl ts the 1r1:111 to whom thc ·
HIV 1n ts :¤1;{1.: _or lyt 10 nw tx 111: 1· .\c.l3,3e, .1111 `wt l11at111;p11_te stu. 1
W- gl, kgfnvélctlgu 111;:11 _ H _ JU. ll (011111//1>tl1;» lnesstellxtcess then
! HI] ,4 u now ;1:1·n;111011s1;qss ot __ I 111111;; tho r;11·o111;;¤:1s11111 only, or ll_|J- .1
f {Quill Gqd\v1t|1111tt4tl.11e law;s1;1:‘11;1.1¤·>t111.1.l hy thc 1.111 0 .11111 (U , ,,5 lwt:>11ytl1at l.11tl1 was 1*1-trhottcd to 1 1
‘ l thn‘£:ropl11:ts; _ _ "“' ` ‘_\l1r;;|1a1;1 tor r1:l;\t·o11s11css.
0lm_“4_4 22_ vgaItihh1l13l1;;~1s)1I1s;1lr—§;${4light 1G;,3.S.2#. l“1:)(`ll;,;1t·4was 1L than .;11·_<;l1o11ctl?
,; www umu all 4u ll I lli I1! ; H   Ww,`\,,,,,., lr 11.11.   111Ic11<_11n;1 1>1on,or;;1 `
ML beuavtl lim; mtatlnn   )dl;l21l114u 1,; U H I0 H 11;1v111.1:1;1;1>11>;; , _ ?\ot 111 c1rt.un1- V
1 _ 1: . r~·· s l   1-11: J.   r~1<1111;, 111 1;;1111121;*01111;r:1>11111. ‘·
  23 Furnllq l1:1v1es1111t;~tl. and 1::11110 lb- ll ,\1;1l1; hu 1·u111·111¤;tl lh1l 1111; m111;1;-1; or 1111 [hun · 1,
”?1m· 25 Wl11»r11_t¤t1.l|;:1tl1 isnt Qlrtltfn l(1’·l·-»‘· {that h¢·l1<»1·o, thouqh thuy he not 1 1 t
  IW};   u pro111t111t11»11 t|11·;»11:h ta1th 111 F (:,,5 Hr g<·;r1:un1r1su1l; that ri:ht1;1s that 4 (|;_; 1_;;_ , l2.\111ltl1t2 1`1;1I1t=1· ot` 1rirm1111c1sio11 ; $11
  IW) are past, tl111ou;5l1th11 tu1·h1:11;1;1111:u1 IH 7 I Vto thoxn who art· not of the (:1;*- _ l l Q
    uftitltl; _ l ” ‘ ’··1 · l¤·un;<·1<;o11;>1;h·,h11t wl1o:;ll`l‘h:1? 1`anh ot' our
, tx tiu 1tcm1~;;1·>< : that he r nnuht tE;th1·;· Ah;·:1l;:111; 1vl;11·l; /1;- /1111I hu~ . ‘
l!l““"‘l' he just, 1111111lne j11>111i1·;· at h1111 *!G”·l7·m· 11;·* 211/ 111;<·11‘1·111;l<·1~:<·1l l  `
{Gy] Whicl1_hcl11·11¤·=l111;.h1s1;s. I _ 1 H- l?irl·`·11‘ tho p;··;;;;1»1·. thati hn  _
’ " ll_` 27 \\n1:ro1.vl;t1:L»1;1;gtl11·1;! lt. 1s ;, y,,,_|p_;y_ sltouhl ho tho h1·11· ot` thu world, I
'llhl l·1` exclunhetl. lly wltnt h111·_!_¤;t wo1·hs!, _1,;.._¤_;;1_y;_ 1:111.111ot In,\|11‘.tl1:1111,<11‘to Ins $1:1:11, 1 ,
bl ·""·‘ Nuy: l>nt.l41ytl;1eh1wo1t:11tl1, I 1;; 3,7,_1u_ ;t);r;»u;l1 tho law, hut tl11·o11;;l1t.l10 - ,
` I H ZS '1`|1c1·o11;ru_ wv 1u;11¤·l11;he thats _ _ (_ r1zl;t¤1;111<11¢·ss ot`t';;11l1. . ‘ ,
  umnn ts jtxgtttnetl hy t;;1th w1tho11t,'('*·l'·l1‘·*· lt l·'1111 1t`/: thtev wl1ml1 nruof thc 1 l  l
lll ··lI14 the dcetls 111 tho law, `;_ (;,_g_;$_ 1:1111 /1»: luctrs, _1h1t|; 1s xnatlo vottl, I G [
·'1'·,_ 429 Ishr11ho t·¤_1tl<1t tI;r;Jows<;11ly?1 _ laatl thu 1;1‘o1111st:111:ulu ot`111.1111:cf- 1 . ·
Ullm ‘ ¤f}§]11ot alsti ot tht; tjtenttltes! Ius,rl¤ll·-·-·lO» t}·1·t 1
n c Gunn cs alsa: 1 , lf; lloczttwc thu lawl w0rkutl1 1 l
l>_ll*4`—1'l 30 bt{r·11;2·_1/ 1.1 aah tha], wh1ch!,m U‘m'“l"l' ?1v1·:1¢h: Ihr wl;1·1’t» nom law is, .
lvl *1* Slmll jusuty tru- 1·.;·;:.; ;1;;1>;1;11 hy —i?J—-—,!/tcrczs no tru11sgross1011. t ,  l
l *32 · .
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