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5 A-   ? t, &§§*.   . . . . Of
tv Nm tg It     Paul trrnls I CORIBTH., NIL 0fmr11·rm,t · ` I
1 fyi   —§ ww};   tis l·`lr:cs fnmirntiun. >Evnt·y slut A. D50. hc he plcrmml to dwell \v1Lh_. ‘0l€€v¥
, .|»· ";¥_ E. :f   than tn mam nllmth ts wtthmtt the>j——•—- lutlttzrm>tlt·ztvcl111n. and 'II
. _ t’.»· ;,J;:¤  vg Qijri l¤»t1y_; htttvlu; that ¢·ummtttt·t|t thy- S Pr G OM, lt Foy thu uuhchuxjtuz hushm 9**5***5
· ,, iw pf,. I   $2:; tztmtttutn smucth ugutuat lux own %_,$]_z'7"' suu¢·l1ttt»tl l¤y_thg: wtte. {xml th»· 31 All
g ~* Xlli: ’$¥··.—L fi- QQ lnuly. [ U T ` heltuvnn: wtic xs smtrzttliml by ¤$"*"
, Q Lyl   ]`l,§`_-   lh \\`h:tt Z lctmtvyvttnlltlmt yu1tr£"*("’·°·m· hushatml; ulsu were yu¤1r¤·lh_»;- UIPUK
` 1}, {1··»4{\,  §§§;_` lnlly ts tht: tvtrnplnc ul thu lluly M Rtv.|\.7,F. 11t1<·luzxu;_l»¤1Lnowhurcrtlwyh fj U'!
g_t;t. t_f”'—·  ;;_ gp j fihust grfurh ws tu you, whivh yn], _M_gg_gp_ 15 But 1I thu llnnlwltcvxtxz thu c“'“"'l
  -4-LU Tg; ¤ have nt uml, zmd yu me mtt tl your 1t·.·_1_ts,tg, Ic! htm depart. A l¤1‘uLl1crhrl» c·'*'”'=U*
K; taht {iq; :=·  _;; mth ! l 1tt-.3.04 mr 1S ttul under l>uu W UW l
' ti tl=;`   V, j :~  Qu Fm- ye _m-n hmxght 1; with _;t`w H»U_£_9_ cases.- but God huth czxlludz ug Légmii
‘ ig ~ _I1 t hi  jj;   ‘ ytwu: tllcrututiu qlm·1ty1t·_(§ml mt _ pcmzu. "'
li `·1A Q , j, *2;- s‘§· _ wvt1·lmtly,:x1ttl ut ylmr >;»;1·tL,wltit:lti (NHT'. 7.) ltj l·`orwlmt kttmvcst llmu,01· il"' UW
l ;, tt`;]    :3, ;;  l zme Gtulk H _ _ ,,1 };x,gy_m_ wluetlmrtltlmu>ltz1lts:1vt< ir Ilw, hm? lm
.   j_ apt; {  gv,   _ ¢'l[.\l‘l LR NI, [ 1|·l·_:t47_ lmud! or 'Jlww kuowtest lhtt 3l__I_h‘¢
xw} t lh;   __—;§‘t*~_. V 1 l"w1w qfn1nrr1'm,·c.· l0C`n’1`s!71nIh L JM 3 ,6 umu. wllctltur llxuu shall sun ‘¥"“" ~
_ ; l J nj`. hg  Q‘—:_ · J·v.·I»zl.GZ»u lu1]i>su[vc{/tcbwzrllilcn- _ 'ff ' unl: { _ A ned “'*t
V; gl si t;;j_    i t»&·<{·. I I ¤ m··¤¤·» 17 mm tts (:¤tt13¤t1§ tthltattttitl gitilltgf
· Z— _t— .~·  _ ¥.fZL`  Nt) ' trvntmrernixng I tn t thus 41 Mnt,ts),11, cvu1‘ytn:n11,zns Llc mn mth, 4
i l _;; gilt     . wl¤t¢1·z:¤>t`yc wrutl:u1ttt»1nu;][; 1.1. full uvtrry ttm:. sn 1n:l lmn tt, thin ls
` t pj} }~fP#_»#g‘  fx cond1`urzuuuuhutmtmuzltutm-if lm G H *A1ul nz snmnltnitt l iu ull s·ltth·.·;, th"'“‘ "
L lt   y I   nm? I 1 [ I { tf\m"_'H` I IM l{<'ztluy11;:tt1uxtlltzalgmihgout, p}ig“*&$
tw vp .   W t3·»  L. lzvcrt te ess. 0 num`: urnion- = ·>~ T vmen . tzlt um mm teuutmgu., _·
{ ·   L';   ltrm, het uvvry mzlu huvu hts own` _ (1°‘,) luutm·t>gd. ls amy catllcml th ll. pmmif
_ 1_ ; -7 [?f:;_1$t·;  w1f··. uml hel. every wutuztu hhmt M"r""U"'jt‘u1m·t¤1ou lulut lt1t1xnutl»t:¤:t1t_ “p"" }_"
  N i‘l ’**%` · ""G `’`` ` ‘i ""`}"“‘i" t t g E“"°‘·"’ `“iT§‘2" - - - , Eimli.
; ‘:; 2;% ’§.~.‘é,~  tt Jet t tee u tm ttm: rumor uuttv ~¢<· I . `m:ummsmur» ts not tm:. _ ,
·   gf :31{"‘§p&z ` the- wtt`t¢ thm t»mttet·t»|t·m-te; uml] \_._\,\\__ ttm:h·t:u¤mztgtt»h ts m»tthhg,htt· bi$’_[·f'l’
{ tt jig Li HQ}; _ f hlu·w1>l¤ atlsnthu wit": uhm thultus- V _ Iu·¢·t»;1tgp<>i tht; t·uut1x1umltuu;.1; h._‘*‘}‘f·I
» l ;; yi, goth ~ ,.`,,,tt_ ,nAtt1.:.1». (;t.t|_ {L5] \_|f¤¤
I       '§;;?£` I 'l'h:-\Ytllellt:¤tI1_1u¤$ t»¤·;vm~1·lut' h<·¥ ;ttl».1z.t<. UU L<%tllr&\‘<:t‘yl umn Tbitlvq tu ginilwf
» ;   §;__.;;  ég; mgstmtmt, nh tm; t¤t~t,tht _ .tm ‘1`»;tevr. >thtt<,t.l 1.t:tXn;1u1h t¤,tt.t>._Ltr nnhhll
· ;, L. V) ,  v >t¢ltl>l1tI1l· ltn1>!».mti lt;ttltttt»t` 1l¢.....l1. ..1.\1Llltnuttnlltulbcw1r1lt~»·.~, _ 4
  ·     ;·t¤\yt:r uf his uwu Imtly, hut tht; . UL `i·11t‘ur ;u»§_l`t1rtL: !u;Lt1`tltm1th. sg2fl$.l;;1'
.1 :2%: tt 1 wme. t _ __, , t muutttz 1··:t».n1s¤:1 mt t¢¢r._ _*. j-
        l>r~t`1·:1t1d yu unt mm thv utlu»r,,i H_"‘}‘l·“‘   111 l·`nr_ Im that ts vrrzxllwi ti.  
t l j =;; {5;*:   <·vuz:;»t 1/ /rr/1 wtth t·mt~t-ttt tttr tt - tv/mt. 1},01*4],7»mtu:tsurv:xttt.1ssth··l.~ hr} _ »
` 7;   l'"*'”· ']*¤¤*· Y0 WHY MWF }'¤·¤¤t‘S¤¢l\‘<¢#,1 t-ut·_;0.g.|_ l¥‘l`r<=r:-mzun: l1k<:w1seatlmltvtz, S ‘;'·"'
  t ij l§@‘"‘L_.: in 1`aNtn1:ut_ul [1r:1y121‘; uml vutuc tu— J m fh _1 I,] rxtllml, [muy 1`ruu, ts: Chrt~t';— $33*; "fil
] · ‘_; Qt.,;L;,_,v·l greihcr nzzuh, thntc Sutzm luutptt ,,,_·[, 'H TN ivuu!. _ 29, '
'; ;   }§';§j§§,f§j ynlu tml lbr yuur lttmtttttttettvy. _ { `\   {“Q' { 2.5 Yu nrc l>0tu;ltt.u with xt gc  
4 J jl   E: i·-jzitga; tt But I spank rhts hy purnusstott, " Z_“·_‘·,     ` lm mn! yl: ilu: snrvzmts ut Illt‘ll bank;
l ` 5; ~, 5 KKFQ;1 and not nt¢·lm1rn:md1m~nL.   "‘·"‘··‘ *· j Ul l5t‘l:tI1t·t:t1, lc! 11 avery 1 39Lm·_
;: Mi ,*   7 For I would that ull 1110t1w¢·\‘•;·`vG¤·§-U; ‘\\‘lxr:1‘u1t1 lu: is culled, thurutu  at 1 fj ‘
|> 4 J   I gYj—'   <:vL·t1:tsltny>ult`. Hut.l[vt·;»1·ytu;utt *J·l¤· lwith liml. _   '""_·—,"*
ll_ Z t; "; 5 jg-__& hath his |»t‘<1pcr gut nf God, tmc p.1m»,t5,1t, l 15:3 Nm'! cmttwcrniuz v1r¤iu~l_ {ih I?_:"
Z _ tg   ;u,¢1;'; 1¤1`l<:t‘thistmnttttutgtmdatuutltcruttcrl lJtm..!.3. tm tttuuttuttttltmetttw ¤>t` thwi Mill} ‘l'
tu   ‘¢   Q, ty, thm. jlx, }.r__!7_$_ `yul lszxvc t11yjmlq1ucut, :1> our 40   wu}
W M 1 9   · ",;i t F Isnv\lm1·ut7»rurntltlxttthmnrriutl , , `lxttlh<»lH:xlt1<·tl1m;1‘cvu1`tItu I ` [L .*
2 ' { ‘ ' gig; :ttnlw1'du\vs.It1s gtmtl thr llu:m1l` T H"‘U‘ " ll¤e1':t:YlxI`1llJ: ' {X}?-“]I¥‘ wi"
*27 ` il __ A vt,} Iltt:v:1lnll·'*·ZJ· ,:t>ud Ihr the prnxt-ut, -| nl1>*!·— U ‘ (
fw l ` · ‘   Q; tunm1u:u·1·y: thru is l1clLt:1‘l¤1ttt:tt‘-EJ mm]: jm; ,m3x, Ll1:1Ly1ltS guud1l>t‘z1t11.¤l.· 1 Chr {_
J· V · ‘Z ;   { r_t·tl1uutt>huru. gl 1,; W; W `hte. A]; ci",
gv ., '· `   _ lib Aml uhm thu mu1·t·1ml ltzvmt-j H`»l.__;_`m_' J 1£T'/\t'Il]1·e* t. ¢ we. .'1¥ "`
··r e t ¤ e ·  if?A"il.t;’if».‘}L"Ja,`l1§kLI-I%,.l."3]Z;-liu!. ~ ¤··»·~¢·»- h.`.2.IL.{"l.-J.‘.’. KT J%’Ii,`t"Mlt NW  
Zi ; » _ } ;~¢§i¤;§+ tutmt; H)"‘]"’·w*~v¤1i». uu ;,.;:.l,N`t{
‘"'*· l —   ll llut. uml if shu dctturt, lol, hm" t` ¤‘=·¤¤lT.i£Y- \ LIS But uml il` thou t11ztt‘t‘5‘,l ·f l ‘
uf _ °$ .’   rvmzutxtm1h:t1·ri<:d, ur he t·e·um1t:1l<·¢l wt-,.r_t,,;tt_;U_·h:x>L nut, stumwl ; uml u` xt} pggzml ’:.l`
_·-l tt li ··f   In hrr hu>l>:1ml: uml het. unt Lh¤:` M 1,1,. 1 1, l11t.trry,stu:lt:•tl1 t1t»t.stt11tt·tl. N kn0“4__.; '
***7** , ti ¥· tg,·${;Fl huslmml pt1L:m·uy}ns mile. tl " ' "f `lh¤el¢·>s smzll >h:tll lmvu lt‘¤¤l.‘ "0mm'|,1__
  `E " Q {mil: ll! Hut lu the t1·e=Lt1Ll>p;m·yt»¤t. ain"` F
_L’ `· ` l   \h¤: l.t¤rt|mt· lmth u L/t-l.,_;,¤_ 119 liut thts l shy, l»1‘<·lltt¤1` SMUPNI.,
·f*f**· ,   g,¤,;_.  wttb thztt lu;luet·t·tlt u0t,:x11lmrt,: it, 1·mxt:u1u·li= 4A; ']_,:`j_
*f;*¤_ L_ :4;   ttlmtstetl to nlt\‘¢:£l\\‘tth lt1m,lt;t.ltut1 ‘ "' "_' huth thtzy that ham: wm: · inglgr H I4
~·¤ l` · V ’ _, A_;§g~_2' hm put, }t4·r;m·;ty_ td H'j'·_‘·[_- tl1·»ttz|nt|1e¢ylt:ul mute; ` in $.,,.1.lIY/,
» _ ,, y-{Q lil Aml the wnmmu whivh huth :111* U°·*°··»g· Zl|l.\t1tlIlu:yil1:tl wuwtt. :L~ ¥· mm` lm 1
‘- ' t_   ht1»It:xtul lhut lmltuvcilt m»L,:tml1l` Li.-—~ Lhuy utept. ut1L;;;ml thvy HJ ` `
~ z ,.·¢~b= ws
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