1.   ji
W- Paul mcazzrugcllr 2 CORTNTU., I. agnins! troubles.  
$1*1*1 {hq; 1l1eyI1_aveat1t1it1lCd tl1€mSB1V€S AJ7159. 1 20 All the brethren greet uu, (,1
‘Y·. 1 totl18u1t11tSY-FY 0{111f* $11111151) ——•— Greet ye one another with anl101y [;‘
‘1“"" 16 ’l'h:1t ye submits youtselves ,H,._l3_,-,_ {kiss, 1,]
11 ""1 unto such, mul ttl EVGTY 0110 {bat I , 21 '1`l1osalt1tati1111 uf711eP:1ul with,  
I 11g1pet11 wah us. and la11ot1ret11._ H'"·2·30· mtne own hand. ,`
nl'? 17[:11ngl1|t1‘(1f1llUCU1|1|1|EU1b[(§· H 1T1,_;_1·g_ ` 22 lt` :111y_ man love 1·11ntIl1e Lord  
11 j pl1¤1111S_i¤f111 YU1'W1V}1U$ "'111 -'\€1\¤¤1· A 15 2:. JESUS C11r1st,1et 111111 l1eA11r1the111:1y jg
IME gag; 1or that which was lack- " °· _' _°·_ ;)Ia1·1111-ath11,z if 1
Aw'} 1111;! on your part they have sup· w1to.1t1.¤,1¤.§ gg *1*1,0 [mega Of Our Lord Jcslw i
·· phetl. _ N\__“,\,`,_,\ Cltrtst be wlth you. . 1
18l·`¤1‘!l1t3Y1l1\Vtf1‘0i”¤'0$11€d¤1Y$P1· 1 21 My love he with vou an in 11
, rj; :11111 y11ur‘s: t11ere1brc :1<·k11ow- I EF·6·211· 1Ch1·ist.les11s. Amen. `  
gm;. ledge 11 ye thent t11at are $111:11. ly Ga.l.B,Q, 1 Tl '1`he first epistle to the Corin—  
~ ’11*·_ 19 The 1jl1urel1es ot A§111 Sallltc.._,udc1_1 H 1 thiuns was written 1111111 Phi- , 11
you. 1\11u1I:1u :11111 Priscilla salute l` ,,’ " ` li1»11i hy Stepl1an:1;,;1111l [·‘1,rt11- ~ ll
¢<‘11_*#¤ you 111u1·h 111 the l.0l'l1. tvtth tl1c1“11"·16··0· , natus, and Achaicus, and '1`1— T 1
$*1** churchw that 1s 111 Ll1U11" l1ouse. 1++. 111U1,11€11S_ I
1 11.1
1111... 1 ' M " ` f
**;**4:- The Smmd Epzstlc qf Pat? UL thc ./Ypesllc l0 I/tc CORINTHI./INS. Q ·
w1.· 1
  From the Creation, ~iO61....Year ofthe Cl\1'1Stl(1ll .JE]ra, 60, ’ 4
1, 1_. 1
**1* (`ll_\P'l`ER I. _ · A. D. (111. s11‘11t1;1111, 111s0n1ucl1 that we de- I  
__ 3 Thr rrpnsllc eltcutzrrwcllt r11;n1n.1l1——•— $1121111:11 even of hte: ·
1v*"···, 1m11l1l1·.1,1Qs1'1u1v1·1/11/112st11r1‘1‘1(yrL[ 11111,1,1, $1 Hut We 111111 the isunteace of ' `
*‘_*`;` hm 11m11·}111111, 15 mnt cxc11s1l/1 hz: iZl`i,l,|_ 111::1111 111 ourselves, tl1at we should
“"·‘[ 1111/r?11111111!0l1'1cn1. { J 1bH_ I uot lrustt 111 ourselves, but in God v _
1 .\1Y 1, :111 a|»11s1l0r1 11 esus` ‘11,I. , ‘wl11cl11·:1iset|1tl1e 1.h·atl:
*‘1'··'£ P Chrtst bv the tvtll ofGo1l 1111111 ($**1-1-¥· 1 lll Who delivermllr us from so · 1
`f*‘1 " '1`1111ol|1y _ our h1·11tl1er, untolv llltll I __ ‘L{1't?1\tZ1t191l[l1, and tloth deliver: in ,  
1 "-·· Cl1ll|‘t‘11<>l Uod\\‘l1t<¤I1 1satCo1·111!h,,‘ 1"· 1·’· whotn we trust that he w1l1 yet I '·
“ . _ with all the sanrtsb wlneh are 111 d1;,1_1_3_ l1Cl|\'(’l'U5{ 1 · ·
"_'_·‘ al At·l1a1a; 11·c,1_3_ 11 Ye also l1elpi11e;Z toczether by ·
**111] 2 Grave c br In you :11111 pearel prayer for us, that lor the 2111. be—
*"1*‘·_ ` fmtn Gotl our l·`:1tl1er,a111l]rr1mthem Cul.l.;Z4. 1vI01¤c1I 11111111 us by the means of I
*1> “· L§>r§lIJes11s;.'l;r1it. I H T |fCh ‘ l_ ;l11I1l§’[1(51`St111$,tl§$\1;l{i:_ll(l}'lJCg`1VC1\ ,1 ‘
_ _ »es>e1 1. le 1111 , even 1e ·:1-y   ¤· 1y 111:1ny on our_ 11· 1:1 . ‘
"*`1`··` ther of our 1,11111 .]est1<1.`l11‘1st.tl1e 1 _ U 1 12 1·`11r Ol1l‘_ r1·,1o11:111q ts lhis, the · lt
1* "`Z lqtfllter 111 111ere11:s,a111.l the Gull el` °'1w"“‘¤M· ` testtuttnny ut ot11·!z1o11s1:1e11oe, that iff
11 t·o111l`1.»rt; ... in si11111l1t·ily :1111 yrotlly s111cer1ty. , .t.'
 >"1 ·t1\1{|111 1·o111111rt111l1 us 111 all o11r §£;}5,}'], lnutm with tleshly Tvtstlum, but 11y P, ”
1 "‘ 1 t1‘1 111 :1111111. tl1at we 11111y he allle to " "" "' {the grave o1`:1 Gaul. we have hurl · ‘·
*‘1* ·` Outulhrt thetn \vh1r1h are in 1111y·jhA,._1y_;3_ our co11vers:1t11111 111 the worhl, aut] 1 ·
I ` Y1’1|11111<1,1ty the 1·11111111rt wl1er1-·w1tl1` ,1% 111111111 :1bu11,_1· 1 weo111·sel1·11sa1·1er·o1111111·t01l111`Gml. 1 lll l·'11r we wrtte 11111n: other tl1iu::s 1
"`:11· 5 1·`<·r as II111 s111le1·1111;sc 111`tfl11·ist— """""` ` unto you, than what ye reaml or 1 N y
**1*1 ¥1{1(111l1{1 111 us, so our co11s11l11t1o11 ¤111·,r111r1err. 111:k11owle11::1e; and l ttiust yu shall { ‘ _
*1 1* tl S11 :1 111un1l11th bv tjhrisr, 1 a1:k1111xvl1r1h;11ev1·nt11t 11· 01111; V
1 ,6 :11111 u|1eth11r\v1· l1e:1ill1ele1l, iz ih-17-5.7- 1 ll As also y1· havez11*lt1111wlt·11:e11 ‘ ‘; 
V1? , 15 1111']` your 1·1111s11l11t11111 111111 sal- _ ,us in 11a1*l,tl1at0 we are }'\\1ll' rv- ~ ,
11 1 { vat11111, u·l111·|1 1s 1c11@»1-111111 111 1},1,,,* 21*-2·9· 1j111(;111g,ev1·11:1sy1ra|s0 n1‘::o1tr`s111 .1
tt? _ Bllrlurtntq 111` th1- same 1,11|lL1·111gs lm I. ,,0 1thetluy11t`t|1tz 1.111*11 Jesus. f '
·t11" _; Wl11t’ll\\1111l~1> s111l1·1·; r¤1·\vl11;1l14e1·1 I,iLi"i‘ I;) 1 1:3 A1111 111 llus 1·1111ti111:u<1e 1\v1\S 1  1
*‘1"·j WT 111- 1*o1111111·t1·1l_1`/ 1.v 1111·y11111·1;1111. _,.`   1'U_'I§ 1111n11l1111 111 1·1111u1 unto you 11tv1i11‘u, §‘   (
t<‘· S¤11t1·»11:1111ls.1l1·1111o11, " ‘ “' 1t|111t ve nnght |1:1v11aset!o11t1 $111e- 1 E  1
tit`?   7»\1u1o111·l1111111o1` ven ix st1·a1l1E1st ,,1 1(·11¤.1 13 111*111: i · r 11
t1·¤‘ 1 k|}<1\\‘111e that :1s1; @111-1111111-1;1l;1·1~g _   ` ' lt; A1111 to pass by you into llut¥e·   j
y_§ vitt1··~1111111-11.%,$.11-111111y1,»1,c1.1,11 *·1@*‘·1—>·1¤- 1lo1na, :11111 to tzoxue :1::1111 out ol I Q '
f 1·‘ A Oglhtr 1·1>11>oln111111, 0 l’hi.|.t. Al111·111lo111:111111oyou,:1nt1o1`y¤1t1t<1 »   `$
‘ · **1 We would not, I1r1z1h1·1;11, he l»1·ou··ht on mvp wav toward 1 t 1
-11. Q; 1111\‘t¢y11u 11;11111·11111 111 1111r1r1111h|1e}1 Mr';]-n"' ..111\1\7i|- D i · ' 1 I
~,t`· “11|1¤`ll <·1111»1— 11»11,111_1$,,1,11.,11 \vg1]1AV·21-G· [ 17 \\‘111·11 I tt11»r11h>re was thus 1 1,;
1~*-·* “¤¤¤1~1·¤>s»1111111111‘111e11o11·1·,11111,1-01—·.t 111111111-1l,1l1d I use ltghlucss { ur the j {
177 ] · 1i
‘ 1 11 1 
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