{fm, HIL pyriiy qflijk rvijainrd. 2 (`ORINTII., VU, VIII. Paul r.z}10r[sir1 Zjbrrali/yn  
sin: th.: unclean lhiny; zmd 1 will rccciv0I A. D. GO. toynu, 1 dui il not mr his cause  
riglmmw yum _ ,——•—— that had done thi: wrong, nor ibr n`
18 And will! he :1 Fntlicr unto 4Jl».3I.9. his cause lhnl sullbrml wrmiq, but JI
5(,u,Iml1ye gIilzi.lLI li? IIIYEIIIS I¤IillI Ri·.;£l.7. U15? rgir ¤LlI‘l·:1llIil'yUl1 in the sight ij
L uu·*ners,sn1 1 ie nn un"; n _ u Jo niiaxtnpm ni · n. ·i
”‘“'""" ’ mM>·;·m yn, _ ° I I (CHAP- ··> 13¤r[,rc`{LL:;l¢L:e gglgllineu ie.
1mm], 1 Hc rxfwrrcuz to purify al lik. 3 ¤·"··6·¤7.1S. in your coinikin; yen, and emma- I¤
WU HL gm! shmwth thc source cj his cum~l ’J'*"·$-$· nigly thc more joyud we rin- the  
gmw I; pn-!\iY${li1‘I10r1s.l_ H Ig, y¤,_;;y_ m_ I MIY 0lI'1`:lIusI)l1uc·ni15u his spirit. was Ii‘ ‘
A , ` Lmiv orc .1csc pro· 1-;;;.-_3(;_;3_;»n_ rc rcs 19 w · iou ull. y
Im hw H m1sus,n dearly l_n·Io\‘0il. l_cL us 1.Jm»,1,7,y_ Il For ii`I hgvi: honstcel amy thing ‘ II,
md mix plwulsie b ourselves lroni ull hhh1· C NLM 17 lo him of you, I mn not n¤.l1:uhm1;  I
;,,,.CUm,. mss hx tho tlcshnn1Ish1i‘|§,pe:1‘luuL- ]Mv[l_j>‘_ but os we spake ull things lu you ji
,nm,,I,h jug holinms in the iczir ol boil. A,._gU4g;§_ in lrulh, (even so our lyonslimz, *  
L];,vl,{N L: Il¢·e·¤:ix·c os; we lun": wroiizml deh G H 1, wliirh Imudchufure '1'1tus,1s found = Ii
‘ my umn, Im hIivg ¢·nnI1l |u·1brc,tl1:1L fl‘hi.Q.l7. ht: i‘uiiu·1inliun·¤l1 the ulIudnence of
,{Um]_ _' yvurien1ullrI|L;1n'|SlU diu znnl hvcI Cul-l·£L you nll, how with fuannz und Hem- `
_- · 1, wnh gnu. ,_·»1i¤,5g_1;_ hlinzyo1·vvuh···llIl|i¤i. ` _}
ms”mI` 4 Grant ix my holllnvss of shcvezli   ch 7 I3 I Iii l rvjoicc, \l1cre:hrrne.ll1:1l I hnvc {
mmuwi mwzml you. urunlrr is iny ::ll’- ~:1l>oun¤lcil unlu thu 1·u;lu:so1` their I
wg I`, T.\iuli1othyliisvominzonly. huh I q Ili~.~1.l. I\l1hemlny_ ` I
,j,_,I,]' ,,, hy zhu i-onsolnuon wliuruwitli hc T y>_`;;_]_ I 3 l·`oi‘ lol/uirpo\ve·r,Ilicurrcnord, ·i L {
m1|\1If. was ¤‘ouil`or|cl··1‘in: Lo thu sznnts. ·` » .
YLUIMH with n hrllur, I do not rc]n·n\, l·r9y_g,|_ A 5 Anil {his Huy dnl, not :15 wc  
llmnuh li mlul rcpeiitz for I purr] _n__ I. 3, Ilioinwl. hut 1h‘>I wm: their own · -5I
gu my Cvivv lhcn lhc s:nn¢· opisilu hauh fl ` ”' “‘ Isulvus lu mhz; l.o11l,;nnl umu us hy ·!I
,,·,ml,l,·,¤- nuiilv you sorry. lhuugh ii zL·¢1‘¤;I"'""**l‘· the will ol` God_ I »‘
b¤1t{.n·:xsc:nson. I: I‘l.i.2.l2. I G lnsonnuch 1l1nLwod¢·sii‘ml Titus, I; [
in H, yg, l}Now I r<·jo1u0,1n>l !hnt yr: were 1 U g·I·h_3__I_ lhnl as he haul hugnn, >o hu would "
my ,.h_;; unulve sorry. hut ihan ye snrrowu!" H,,|l._§_2]_ I:il>o uniah n1 you thu sannc 'igruizc   _-
\oi‘o;u·inl:ni<:ry; for ye xwm mnlheI I _ _ nlso. A1
v,,g;,.,Ig-. Sorry inilnr :1 godly innnnur, {hut] ICHAV- 5-' I 7 '1'l1<2r<:lbr<>, ns yu uhounilrl in I  
'I;,r V, y¤·ini:|iLrcru1vu lhnnngu hy us in uch.9.L2,l. Icv<·1‘y I/uny, in f:nLh, unil nl!<·rzuu·z;, , E i
www noi|n_n: LMm._l_z__u_ und linowlcllgu, mul zn ull dlli- v
Im; I-,.; lll l‘ol‘!¤ >1·|l`—s:n11oIlnii1f,Ial,,—_:lr;_ fol` o|h¤‘l’S. Illul Ur l¤1`<1VL lhw SIHUCI'1- I. VI
;; lj wl yr >o1‘i’o·.vuil nl`i¢er n uml _v; .|` ', ly ofyour ou:. I 4;
Ilgpm Mirl, ni wllnl cnne1l|In4-xh 1; it jd Hf   I 51l·`o1‘ yu knoiy tho ;:1‘:u¤i: uf our   ,  I
.m:.;,.; Moiiuhh in yon, y4e;l_ in/mr l;llen1·»I** ](*‘·¤·(*· `I.o1·1l Jesus L`hr1st. lhnl`, lhouaqh hc uh  I
Il“v,.y; llllool yo¤i1‘>olv¢·<, ym wha} unll;;·IjJlm_1,x_ `wns ruth.} yuh hir your Kirkus hc _ II  
Im} [·.»__ "¥'ll*’l1.1*)’\*E¤. irimi |l»:u·,q yl·;¤_ »» , I “_,,_»Is_ ho<·:nnu poor.·; lhnl yi; Lhruugh his I ·_  I
U] phy;. ""I""'\¢‘|Illh'¤ll'\3,V')'l*i\.ur/in/z1t:l],S]` l»),]);_U 7_ povuriy unghl hc riqh./L _ I   [ _I
Ylvo. Wlil! r¤·\‘¢¢r¤:¤·! I lh all minyg.I R 3 l_’ I lll And h¢·i`cn1 1 um; my anlvuvoz g I `
ml {yo; Yo huvv :u·;·l·ovi;¤l yoln·;.·1w;su m`_] ‘_’ ‘ ‘ jihr this is ¢·xpi·gliciiil lor SUN. who A 2 ‘
S,,,,m;,· l>*‘<‘l¤*1¤1‘1ii thm 1nn!n·r, " “"'l ”5'· have lueuun huloro, not only to du, 5 I .
I, fm; 1;, IU \'· lw1’