ixjnny Paul tazsth I/11: 2 CORINTH., XI. fake 11111;.11/;,;,  
M xw Engg/111m hose nmnn: ynu. but be—I A. D. 60. I6 'I`11 pr11u1»l1 I.l11> gospel hl 1111; ·l
Ima nf. i113:Il1Ii111.; 111111*11 -1 i111:1:l11:1t11111<,1l , 1’£$'·‘· l 2 l·`11r I 11111 je:1l:1us11\‘ur y11u w1Ih g `l
_(_ hw und e1·1·1·I· hush /: tl11111: Il111I 1e\:1Et-`L 1, '·lL·7I1· ,L’111lly_j1·11l111Isy: t}1rll111veusp1111sc1I I
Jul`. jb elh 1Is1-lf :11:11111>t the L,1111wl111lgc` F;_‘l·;{;I lyou 11 I11 one hu»h:1111l, that I 11111y l
uh Hi y .1{Go1l, 111111 I11-111:111:111n111::11111vi‘y/ll \j.l[,{`.$.,‘ 1·1‘1·s·=11I you 11s :1 chustc v1rgi11b to 1
` r1y1=1-yIl11111gl1t. tu 111 tl1c11l11·ul1e111r11- ' ` ' Elf Chrtsl. ~ V
hwh W 111 (Zh1·1sr; _ _ I I", (;i.vg_g1_ 3 III1t I 171:111 ]1·sI l1y:111y1111>1111s,:1s ` 1
uh) S 6.·\11IIl1:1v1I1£111 Il I‘1=111l1nI2sstr1 rn- 3I.1,|a_19_ thc sc1‘11e11Ll11::;I11l1:1l Lvc tI1r11u;;|1 {
I `\H._`._ 1-e11z1>:1ll 1l1s11|11·1l11e111r1:,wl11;11yoI11·l Il1·..I, I3, IIIS s=1hI|1eIy,s11I1111r1111111ls shoulll 1
in mu,]. 11l11—1l11·111-c 111< t11lI1lI1;1I. l1ll'I1.7.l5. I11: 1@r1rr1111Ie1l {1*11111 the >1111pl1u1Iy '
` TIl11y1· look 1111 lhluzw :1t"·1~r tho 11 -I¤I··.7.2I. tl1:1t Is 111 Christ. I
N he W. 11uIw:1r1l 11 1111111-:11-.1111-1:Y lt` 11111·`1'*¤VIl·'{I·21?I· »t I-`11r 1t`|11: I|1:1t1-1111111IhI1m:1cl11ztl1 ·
hw an :111111 |Ir117ttI31 l11111;1¢:l than     111111lh{:riI1es11>)_wI111111 11:11 l1111·ot;111t 1 1
  1r1s s, v 11111 11 11111se 1111-   _ · 1110111: Im .111-1 yo r1:u1·1v11:11111 1111· 1
,I:'i;]\Lr,], tl11s 11¤11111. Ih:1*,:1s I11: zs (_'l1r1sL‘s, ;;l"*‘;;>I'/ I >11Ir1t.wl111=l1 y11hz1yc1111t 1·c1·e1ve1l, I I
.. 2 s 1.-.1·-[liz   g c···- ;·
    °§‘1*l.l`{1i1C(. `l§"1Z`1lLZ"J5Z1“1,...11S   l *·l--T flllr §iil£‘£.’1`l‘{ilL'&”‘1°2'§’.'.1‘liT'§§"1l"·—'l,?HT I ‘ -
£;l:l,`H,l'[‘ wl111I 11111r1e of 11111- ;111II1111·il1‘.l1ll..;_ Il11l.> \vI1l1}11111 I '
m'u\.té \\‘l1I1·l1 the Lor1l l1:11l1gi1·1111 us I111-I, 1; _1;_g;;_ 5 I·`11r I sI1p11os1¢I1l I1-:1s 1111t nwhit 1 _
@dIR1·l1t11111,1;11111I 1111t tor y11111· 1l1·-'~11r_,,1,1l,,,·. l11vl11111l tht: vary 11l111:I1·st :_1|111stl11s. ’
Mm [i,_ 1t11r11_-*11111, I sh1»11l1I 11111I11-111:1:l1, . .
mw,1. 9 lh11I I 11111y not >11-1:111 us 1t` I __._.l` , yel 11111] 111 l111owI1¢1l:1:; 1111t wo { _
\W__s'p_ \vr1u[l»lt0r11Iyy11u hy letters, ·1,,,. ,,1], have |1cc11 Il1r1111::|1ly 111:11lu 111:1111- 4 I I
` "" ` Ill -`11r lux l1:IIcr<, 5s;1v thm-, mw 1, _1é_g_v1` h1st11:11111111:y11u i11;1ll tI1111z¤. ~ .
E ?I N Ivclulxly :11111 p11wu1~t'11I· hut /11.1-Dlg1_g_;51_ 7 lI:1vc l1:1111111111:1:1I :111 111Il>111:c 111 ' `
,I;;I.l;,;`_ l101l.lv p1-1-se:11-1; 1.1 11-pull, 11111] L1.1l`(·"A1»_ ]|_)_2lI|lt$lIILK 111y>1:lI than yo l||I§Ill· he
Nil`, \._`. sl1c1-1rlI 1·1111u111;1*1l1l11.v V *1l,,»_ W ,1., 11x:1lte1l. I111:.1us11 I 11:1rc ]11‘c111vl11>1l ‘
he [mo llI.cts1I1th :111111111 Il1111kth1s,Il1:1t.l l11111·. lll YUII lll1¢¥1·Sl>1rIIII-(MII I1-1·1:lyl I -
" SIIcl1:1s wu11rci11 wo;-11 hy l1·tI1·1-s;11ll1.2,ItI,E!0, B l1·11l1h1:1l1rl11er 1-|1II1‘1*|11·s. taking ' _ ·I
,l_,.\.\1`._ xluiu we 111-1; 11h<1=11I_ sooh will 11-1 I1 L~·..2l. I3. w:1:111> 11/ 1/11-111, l111l11y1IIl su1·11c1a. l. 1]
Ql·,. . I1 :1.1 1111l1:ed uI1u11wq 111-1; plus- 1 U1-|.7,\ El 1\111l when I was l1r1vs1:11t with 1*
  aut. ` V LII. ¤;¤/1'I¤lI*‘- you. 111111 w1111Ie1l. I_/1 way cl111I‘;;1·- ·  
lll-<1r1j11c dom not 111:1lu; 11111-- ’l‘l';l-·]l· .1|1I1: to 1111 111:111; t11rtl111t I1l111·l1 ,1 ·
M UI·I1v_ S¤l\‘v> ol ll1_1e 1111111I111r, or 1·o11lp;11·o l%"·[I  was l:11:k111g I11 1111: lIl(¢1 hret|11·c11 ,' 1
Wm] I._ UII|'$\¢l\'t%< \'·'Illl :1111111·Il111L1eoh111111111llr `T; I` xg w|111:l1c111111· t`r11111 NI:11-1·11l11111:1 s11p» i _
11 :111*111) tl1um<1·1v1»S; hm 11,,.)- m,.;L`m—mL; /}.5;   ‘ pltetl: :11111 11111IlI.'111111sl|1:1\‘e kcpt ,  
l\_l;‘_,%u. IlI<·111>€lI‘e~ hy tl11e111s1;lv1·s_ ;1111ll;,‘.];_`|`j_,'2_ I115’sc|fIro111hem:l111r1Ic11s11111cu11t11 1 pl
’ €<1I11111·r11u*l11·111s1elvos11111o11g1l11»111- `,, A‘._,11_;;_ y1111.:1111l s11w1ll 1 k1e1~11 7Il_!/{i‘·lft .1-.
_|m(_u. _. 5t’I\‘<‘~. *7:1:0 not mso.; · 11-1,__y_11_ 'l11·h1r1:! l11:1*;1u>uIl11vI: you ,; I
fl,`Mh,. “'I¤l¤’I\G11Il |111tl11|1~I1-il111I11.l11111$ :1 Illttlr _ 1111I I ljoll l;11ow1·Il1, yy V. 
" " 1111-11<11ro111 1-111111 1111111 11..1o1·.111_ ·~I1·1·1-¤d~1 I2 Btll 11-11111. I1I11.1I1;11 I w1lI 1I11, ; 1  -
_ {II, \._`_ II l'<¤I‘ W1: st1·1et1:h 11111 11u1E.11lv11s ’["-I __ Il1:1l. l 111:15- 1-III 11Il` 111:1·:1s11111 t'r01I1 ‘-   I
1. ,1,,.`(;. b°Y*"‘Il UHF lH1`¢l.¤I11v. zu tI111I11.;h 11*1: km? H; R tl11¢I11/1 w|111-l1 1l11s1r11111-1:;1>11111; that   .,1
WI WUITIIUII wrt I111t11 you: lor w11:11·1· HQ';   J" °‘ w|11&I‘11111 they ;:|111·y, they 111:1y bc , 1;_* 
  M.], C"|ll*3 MS Ihr :1s I11 you nlm ih §I§;'_,'l `ll1II111l1:v1:1111< wu. _ Ill 
‘ ‘ 11r1111,l1·11111l111 @$1,111111 1;;,,-io ; ' ;,m;f;_]_ Iil For >111·l1 111-1r mlsol :11111stlcs, 5  j
wxh! I¤t*=I>lII1:11t' tl1111:s 11-i‘h1111I 11,.}g4;_ 1l121=1:1tlI1l111 \v111·k1zrs, 11-;111sIl1r111111g .  }
_,_ MH,. 0IlI'_u112¤1<111·11, Um! 1.1-, 11I‘l 11Il11:rl111 1*111.:;.*2, 'lll‘llN'I"*’$ mm [llc “l"'$II"$ vt A  J1 
,m,.,.,},— mmli l¤Il1¤1lI1‘§; hut lluvlhg l1o1,11_ -1-1·_1_|o_11_ (7hr1\I_ I I ‘
M__',,,,]._,; "'I**ll)'0IlI'I111tl1 Is i11o1·1;;1s1;1l_ thm, 11 (I.~ 11.1,%. ll 1\111l _11o 111:Irv1·l; IY1r_$nt:11111 l` 1 »
..m{]..,, w¤1I111I1 1111 “1:nl111::1111l1y y1111;11;- R¤.l2.5L l11111<1¤ll 1s t11111sl`11r1nc11 1111.0 1111 I I 1
fin {fn, CUIIIIUS Lo uurrulc ;1l1u111h111Ily, —-•— 1111;111o1“ l1gl1L. ;~ 1 .'
IB;} 1 . 1.
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