` lt
hzw. We ure Abruham’s seed. GALATIANS, V. The liberty ofthe gospel.  
QF fH— nnd not nnly when I am prcsent A. 17.58. ~t]¤r the hnpe of righteousness/` by ' {
Ulltiil with yon. ——·•i tatth.  
19 Alyy little chil¢1ron,nt'wh0m l 5 lctt-~t·l5· 6 For in Jesus Christ neithcrq [V
tt vtlte trnvnil in birth again untrl Christ Mr. Iam circumcision nvailrztli any thiné  
www he mrmed in ynn, Jtvrehlrd nor uncircnmcisnon; hut faitli ] 1
20 ltlesnre to he present with ynn JW 1/··¤· which/i wurketh by lovn. J1
nnw, mul to change my VOICE; for h Gv.1G. 15. 7 Ye dtd rua wall; who did I hin- tl]
Chnst ttstnnd in doubt of yon. ;Gu_z1,|_z, der you, that ye shuuld not obey ll. .
V5- 21 'l'ell ine. ye lhat. desire to he A may 7 S the truth? ll_
in,   Findtir the law, do yo not hear the I ICO lb’l{ }8 This persuasion rmmzih not of I J
Ut`0 1 aw. . ' ' ' rim that calluth out
rgh hc 22 For it is written, that Ahrahamlb r;z'c(?m` 9 A littlei leaviin lcaviniutlr the ' l i
hail twu sons, the one IA by a hond i _   7. “l‘ whole lump. { ‘
ZUVCF nnntl, the othari hy a free: woman. ':”')'"$‘ ,, 10 I have contitlmice in vnu . Sli
wd uf 2,1 But he tc/in was of thck hinnl   u?:ul;"’ ·throns,·h the Lord, that ye will. bi: li
woman was burn ntleer the: tlush; H,‘e1;,;,;E lnone otherwise mindmla but hu Q
Witte hut he of thc trac rvotnan was by ,u,,;,w,·,;,_ `that. tronbleth you shall hear/r his it
Ulltkt prnnnsc. V H Hu I, >2 ljuderincnt, whosoevcr Im bc. I
. zi Wlnclitliingsnrc anallezoryzl ne‘»fif,,3 , ll And I,hrcttncn,tt`Iyutpreach *
of tilt ilyrtliusu ara the two ¤uov<·nants; Ur [I rl ' circtrinvisioit, why do l vct sntlbr ~
tilt ll * the une: front Ihr: rnonnt 7 Sinanmt ,;[,°3'.,i, pnrsuizntton E Z then is tlwiolliznce m -
de Utt· ` whichgcntlorethtuliontlagrqwliiuliQ1   of the cross cctmeeil, i
is i uar. · ;,_g _¤_ 12 l would thov were uvun cnt
crc nrt- `ztI1'i>rt1iiFA::iris inotnnt §iaai in   ii i1.ii._1'5ii9_ which trouble yon. Gif ii
`UCt:1\‘f irana,an4 ¤answ<~rnt i to orosa- iv(;»·.2t.t0_t2. 13 For, |n‘uthron ve have huun »
lun1,wh1t:h now ts, antl ts in hont1— ,i·HAp_ 5_, called nntu l1l1crt)i;'onlyusc not in I ·
S. Gtttl agi; wnth her tzlnlilrizn. _ G EWG. ,44 hherty for an otzraistoit to thc tlush, {
nt lM> Jullnthrttsaleiiiiiwli:r·I11sal1ove.Mm, t_ 3 , GG but by love survo 0 one another. ~
.AblM. i§;m,n·1net. is the mother of us, ACi`|;_]6_ ` lt Lordall the law is fnlrillnd in gl
a . n,_i;_;g one wor ,uvun in th1s,p Thoashalt ·
¥¤¤T@i 27 For it is writton, 0 Rvjotro,1 p tt »_y.;1t_:1z_ love thv nettrhbonr as thyscli ' ·
j\$*>t1— lliaubarruntliat laoziivst not; hrvak i il t1.·.l2, ti. 15 But it` yn: bite anil tlovoor unc
Lhn~t tiyrth and cry. thou that travatlr·st`c It *.9..23. another, take heed that yu bu not  
· );nl·u mn; my [yn, l|,~,;i,yugn tnnn nnnly.`~-~\"»~— consnnnml o11eot`:ntotlior. i
tt ¥l1U11· niore cltildrctr than she which lrutlilfi'1‘i.·l.t*§ Slli T/iisé say tlnenl. Walla qlin thc -
S» an ins tant. : ti··.7.l . Spirit. an 2 vu shal not fu til the Z `
' hilt" 28 Now wh.]: hrcthrnn, as Lam: tt ll`l¤»l-3- lost ofthe thish. ' I
l€¤W‘]'· tvas, aru thu nhildrien ot prointsrr. Ji‘·l·'*‘22- 17 l·`nr r the tlosh lnstieth aqainst · l
1 1** Ut 29 llntas than hoq that was horn » L ""» ‘l""’j the Spirit, and tho Sptrtt against _` f
?ttt*=11l‘~ ttttcr the tlcsh, persecuted hun that 1 .{1""  the flesh: antl those are vonirarys . _
.0 bc lil ujr1.yImrzia|`tui·Lllu ipnit, ¢;t·1;rtsi1ri`lHli;;}, ‘ lthu ono tol [hit: othor: so that! i
1 txuow. X »·   ' {yo vannot to ta: tlnnys that 1: . ‘
Ytl>\\ll*‘— SO Xizrcrtluzluss what sailhs tliciiifaiiii  l\\'t1l1ltl. in ) Y ';
svriptnrnl Cast out thc bond wo- l ni lt`·w. L23. l ld llut il`uynl1cltei1 ofthe Spirit, ' .1
»ll¤¤"‘ man anal hor son; tim the san ot n inns 51, vi: are not under the law. ji
tt\"¤l“ ilu: hond woman shall not he hmrl tl·¤·,J,t6.   19 Now tho norks ol` tho Flash u 3
tl. SNK \‘·%1;lLll1clsoii oftlau [rut; winmni, lo t·!¤>·;;iJ.|LS. Vai: 1nan1tl:sl,wh1t:hart: I/uxr: Arial- i__  
tt? ti Y 1 do t ueti.I>1‘¤;t1ren, wu arr! not 1*   ~'-   tcrv, tlirnnxation, utmluannuss, as- ~
I _ ttlnlnlruti ol' the buntl woman, butt M·*'·JJ·39. ttaviuusiness. s 4
lh 111*,* otthu tree. *0- 2U ltlolatrv witr·lrnrat"t, hatred · (
Wd 11* <'llAl"l`l£lt V. l 'l“·;’R· lvartance, ieiiiiilatiotis, wrath, strife; *i
_i 1 ihtmurctfi t/inn Ia slmul in iliriiylf l_h)'h",‘lll3' sotlitions. liertrstnvs. ti  
16:1 “f Itbtrlv, 11 mnt nut za utim-ug on--` llfglllllp   21 linvyiaius. ninnlcrs, tlrnnken- “ .4
to . 1· rtmiimwnz. , . ·,,L 1 _·» noss roriel 1n;s,an¤ snrh like: of 1
{ *“ *‘v· S'l`.\NlJrt inst tlrr·rutln·u in tlneh   tho ivhtreh I tvll you bi:t`ori:, as l '_ 
(·l*“’i‘ ]lt|¤a‘*)‘ wlivriztvttli Christ, lnlnli In .4;_ lB,|g_ l1:iv<::ilxo:¤>lfl yxoultn Itnno paslhtliat ij I I
mat u ns true-, ann nz not untan: in n 1tn,G. tt. t ivy w no it u>t1tt rt nnzss ra no é· rt 
=5t¥¤l|1*" twain wuh tht; yntgc nl` hnnilnntq t s.J. 1inIa;rtt. tho 1\nn:i|oniot`Uotl. tl {
1l”°""l, ¥U¢·ho1tl, I l'an-ilsav nntoyon,thnt. n )1tt.15.19. 22 lint tht: l`rn1tw of thu Spirit ' qa {
o\Yt»¤—- tt vu hi; i:n·4;tnninst§l1, tjhrist shall *¥t*·"·*2"‘_· is l<*\`t¢· l**}'· l’***“'*‘· l""*¥""lll’*`*"¥· i va
YH *51* |¤rutit you nntlnn; [ Wl il·‘*-[M .g¤·n·lnnns<, gnnil»n·ss, tinth, l  i
*4 _ ll l‘lt>t'l|t·>i|t`v;1;;:iintot·w·rym;m` R"·H;l·j· ‘ tit \li:i¢la1n·s».tun¤pora1n·<::a:;ain~t.  i
H0 YQ; that is ¤ai·ieiiiin:isl·.1_ thnt nc is n '“·l"';'j'·”· msnuti thm: is no law.  li
WW1 j debtor to iln thi; whnh; lnng l   `,"l{ , 2| ,\n¤l thoy that are Uhrist`$ lxavt: ` A { 
t¤t1,ltrt" 4 ttymn is twnnnn; nf my nt"il·;;l r {Ur KFMQ ,i·rtn·ttioil tho [lush with the 3ati`.a:- , l i _
t:X<'~`·~* unto you, a·lnisot~vi-r of vnu ari; HM, ¥1·>¤¤>t*¤¤l lU$l$- l. l
NW1" ._ tttsttliotl hy thu l;iw; y`g;;m']}lll|;i|g1 ,, H ,_,_.]_;_ l L5 Itgi wu hvn in the Spirit, lut ns I `
Uulliili IW"} $**1***- §1'In..2_;}, inlso wallr tn thc: Sptrit. L Z
id tre. 0 l·ur wu through thc Spirit \V[1lKC,———+——_ 26 Lutz us not bn: desirous uf vain t - ‘
1¤J { 1