i l   _l ’ 1   Paul glorulh in EPIIESIANS, I. the crnxs of Chris!. Wha
» _. · '   zriorylprnv<1ki11:o11e:1m1tl1c1·,envy-l A, D. 58. lnityllq let us do good unto all l m1—11_ lllllll l.
-. · ing one :1n0tl1er. ‘ -——~———— ~r·s11nc111lly unto then1m who are qi ll 1llll1l
l` l 5 ’ f _ CllAl"I`ER VI. l (CHAI5 5_) thc llvM¤uti¤1»l ¤‘t1r1s1,`
;_ · 2 Bcnrb ya one :111oLl11=r`sl111r1ler1s,'Z lCO_9_ll,H_ for the cross of iYl1r1st. l M [ll l
l · C Y an1l so fullil the law 11ft7hrist. 1 `lnll l q | I3 l·`ur neither lhuy themselves llllll llc
I ` · l 3 For ifa 1na11tl1i11k h1111s11lft0\1e if lll, Llfé who :11*0 <:i1‘m1111<:is<:d kn1rptl11:law,l me lllll
1 `. ` somcthinzl whvzn hu is nothing, he l   hut dusiro lo have you c11‘<·11111u1s11ill lylllllll
_ . ‘ lleccivctli hiinsolt`. 1 l,r ll lll tlmt. they may glory i11 yo111·1lesl1, vc wl.
( ‘ `l l 4 But lot every man proven l1lsVg_l;l'll ls" it But 11 Gull h11‘l>11ltl1al lshonl1l $lllll1 l
. A 11w11w01·k,:1111l thou shall he have ll lu` l, QQ ~s*lory,s:1vo i11 the cross ofour Lorlll ll \\*|
` ‘ ‘ - V 1‘cjoi11111:;inl11111solfrl alone, und not ,' °'   l.l1:s11st'l1rill avatlulh any thin: llllglll
` ,   , word crirniiitillicatollulno him that.   lnor 11111·11·c11111<:1s1o11l hut a 1; nw llllfc lll
1 _ 1 s' ' ’ » l.t%L\(Zl1('l 1 i11 :1 soo tiings. l ‘ ·   lor1·alt11·11. ~ g
1 '   Y V 7 Bc not tlszvcivctl; God is not_m lJl¤<*·$l»ll-I 16 111111 as many as walk :11:1·11r1E·l   lltll
l·   mocked : 171r wliatsoiévor :1 111a11 11t’t1i.S.t1,7,>·,·1111; tuthls rule, poauo r /11: on tl11:11..l l·,l—llvCl-1
l 1 :21-;· — s1é1¥otl1l, that shall hr; also rua;}. I l·1l,lVll·]llll1_y_ and] 1111:1*cy, and upon tho 1sr:11;lo;l 1·;'*ylll
nfl} » ~ `or 1et 1atsow11l 1to 11sf11:s1 .1 .1l lot . ; bus gl
l   I l shall 111`tho llcsh 1*111111 1·or1‘1111tio11; 0d:"Z"l3J` 17 F111111 l11·11<1c1W>rtl1 lot no 111111* llllly gl
l li}   bltitllxcftluit sow1:ll1lo1ll10 $p1l·i1,g   ;__ tl·ouhln :111 crtllrsll hj1§111111y1111llll llllllllll
` . ,511} ·L ~ s 1a o thc Spirit ro:111 1 om‘er:1st.— ~ `·‘: _'· t1en1ar‘so t1o .<»1‘ usus. llllllll-lll
l   f-nf Z iu)g.\ V] 1 tl t I _   lVlSl1lVrcLl1r011,ltl1+i1l;1‘uc11!lofwl 15*111,,
l ;, iz ·’.V l 111 o 1 ns no 111 weary 111 s Tn. .z . .1111 vsus (J 1r1s c 111111 yaa; lll! 1lcll
Z, ll; "Q well doing; tor i11 glue s1111so11w1: 121*;,4,21. s11ir1t. A1111»r1. l };111111·
;f if Tf sl1allr1:al1,1fiwe lYu11t_11otl. l 1’111h·111.z5. Wl Unto thu Galatians, writtei clllllllg
(ll  fir _ ·l ~ 10 As we have tl1or1:lorc opportu- 1 ———•—- from Rome.   11lc Ell,
lll l if   l Vsamls,
 @3;; l V l grcatnt
    T/1c Epistle qf PA UL the ./lpostlc Z0 H10 EPHESIANS. l  
l, V ·V:»_; ; vo
F-?   ~·~~’~~~-~   m W
'yq 2-1,, g wl11·11
Pig   From thu C1‘u:1tio11,·l_OllS...J\'11:11· of the F`l11·i_ur1·.’:ofhtrgwtll, l 1.1, 1lll.
gi` ·  lg:. 'Il).\I7l,1111 :111o11:l1 his I1l1>o1l. th1· t111·1:11.1·t:·— l ujllll
mug 1*   V f1·o111 Hull our l·`atl11:r, :1111lj1·omtl1c~ 1 lll-_ 11l;lll1_ lol >111~, :u¤co1‘1l111; to thu 1‘11:l1u:·l ,,,-1,,-,
111. ll ¥1;l·5Z‘ ` l.or1lJ¤·~u~t`|1r1lv>>111e:s 111 h1e:1r1·11ly lp/mros 111`l lllVl‘ l'] ;' ‘ fl l’l:1v111: 1na_1l1: known u11t¤»’.l gwlll
;1g;1‘  l1;.V{;q t'h1·1s1 ; _1,_'l_,lflg_l§l_ the 111ysl1:ry ot his will, illT<’tll`\ll¥-j el] lll-ll
$11111, gl§§l;Q,· 1 1\1r1·¤11·d111;· as ht: hath (!llU50Il_’ l1111,._;_11_ to his uuoll |llt'i|$lll'lo1‘11 tht: to11111lat1o11‘,,l 111 _; l;_ l1:1tllo11111·1»osml 111 nnnsoli: _V 1 11ll, lll,.
;l;l  gg; ol thc wo1‘l1l, that wo shouhl l1ol11 {|l·,e1_1;_ lll lhat111th1·1l1~pu11s:1t1o11ol1 V 11l1l·V· ll
pill}?  holyq :11111 without hlaino ho1i11‘u u2l`i.l.€•. 'fulnoss ot t11111:<. hr: nnuht ·:allr 111,1,1,l.l
.7  f`·-:2 luut lll lovu: l~—•——ltogothcr 111 ono all th111gs111L`l1!‘l· 3 _llll
ll #1 ‘*¤·F¢ wu
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