‘ Y
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Ve- Erhorlalrvn to h0Zmrs‘S, EPHESTANS, V. mul fnjim nil rznclcuzlzlrss; *[`
mul cunning: cruflincss, whcrebyl A. D. 61. 1 (IllAl"l`ER V. . rl
YUM they lic an wait. lu llucuivc; l——·i l 2Hq png;-{gy}; gp [Opp 3 {0 jm; jm-. il!
mug! 15BuL6s]»c:1k1m:llncm11l•imlnve,{°<>{.being ,,jm[m,,» gg Dumé (Lf m,_,L,_, 25 lg]
I m;1y;.{r0\V up mm hun nn ull iluugs, ·“'*¤”'· und ly'/lnsbam/5, I  
`_‘°“*l wlnuh ls {ln: l1¢::ul.k rvu1Cl1risL: i2C¤.·l.2. E pc mm-,;.]y,r,-, p,U0wm»S Of j l
e{glll¤; 16 Fmln whom! thu wlwlc lmdylll C··1. r. IS,l9. BG<»d. as (leur rclnldrcn; J?
;]~_.*fl» m1y,·jninml lr»g0ll1U1‘i¤ll4l_CUH1[1i¤€7I· 1Jm._;5,;_ l 2 And walk in l4n·n,¤ as Christ l
uilié ull h{ lllul`\\;l;l¤·ll c\‘c1?*)J<:¤{;llsl1n-lm Ac_26_,S' ulsn hnlh luvcd us., null hmh given fl ·
` ml, plmll, .nvn,orc 111,, lu ll IL Ll_ccJ;U·ll;7Ur hm_d_ llI1Ill§l£lf for us un ullermg and :.1 ,
wnrlxlng ln thc rrwusurc Ul c\€l)‘ ";U_ lgucrmcc tn Gud {01*:1 swunzbsxncll- ‘
1 [ purr, nmkclln 1ucr¢¢zxsu <¤t"_lhc hodyl H 1 ZW., {111:/nsuvnur. Il
  un1n1llemlnQ·nng;nf 1lsultu1l<¤vc._ 1" _°‘ ‘ T"'} 3 BuL i`nrnicution,n uml all un-  
ls'?} 17 ThusIs:lyLI1<·1‘c(}¤1‘r*,:u1d fc¤l1·E" l"I·3·?·9· fvllsunncss, or covlztmlsnoss, lu!. lt  
¤ fy In the l.urml,|ll:1l ye lnenccfurllx`J*W*·6·U· innt he nncea nnnxed d uumng you, jg
· _\ ymlk nur ns ollnur _(·¤:nl1l¢:s \\‘U.lk, qRn.lZ.2. als bwmrnnulll saints; ~
mm: lll UW \'i¤||1¥}' Ul UM? |¤||l¤ll· y-uh..!.l0, l ·1 N•*|llll:l’ lilllunces, nnr fnuljsh l
' ‘*‘ lll lluvnna; lhc umle:rsl:mmlin{:in G;¤.0,l5. tulklnnmmrjcsllxnz,wlxicllznrcmlut E
Wu- il;.]-1;¤yla;l,Il»o;1¤;; ulgvuzilcll from tl1¢=`5(,r,h,,;,·,m, i<·¤•11vr·r11¢:11L : hut,} mllmr glving of I
nl; ul` ‘•»¤ r mm; l 1 nr: lgllU|`1|ll(7€: 0;;,-U,;,_ Llmnlcs. P
ymnv lllanl. is ln Lln~rx1,_lmva1usc ul` lhc Jnu.l7.17. 5 For this yr: lmuw, that naf ~
E 0],; Tllllullnwssnfll1<;11‘l102_nr|,: , ZuC_>_y(;_ \\’l1r¤rnrn<¤n:u1·,nor unulunu person, .
lil \\ hn lnsnng pu>L 1<;ul1ns{ l1:1vcHR,_I2_5_ |1u1‘cuvulunxsxnnnlwlmylxunnlul- . 7
FIM gmjn n l,ln·m:rn·>s, lu yvork ull unclean-; _J' "‘__' krmgelolrn ul Chnsl uml ol`Gu1l.
5* V 1n·~s u1lllgrm·ll11nuSs, l‘ *4* '· U Lvl11u111:111dee:·<~1\·eh you with -
·m°“ (i§¤r_lh1L yu have not su lca1·11uml"<’·’\¤`·?€·35· \i2\lIl wormls: fur l»0¢·nL1sr¢ ul` lhasa I ‘
_ `msv; lvm-, ziLs· I xmas <:l»rn<·Ill lhc wrullx nf Gnd 3
:93* 21 If m he that yu lmvra llé1ll'(l· 1j‘¤M#f¤~ flnmrntllz-¤·lnlllrun¤»fllllsnhellience. ¤
’”‘“" hun, and have lurcau lzlugllt by hun, lf L/<¤l··*·6· l 7 lic nut ve Llmmfure pzlrmkers 'l
4 aes llue lrulh ls in Jews: "" "'» I" ~*¤fv wrlh {1mm,. :
{ul?} U2 'l`lmt yu puh 11me1‘x1im:l {"‘W‘{‘I"!/* l 6 1·`<»ryci were s0mcLim&s dark- · `
Q  the lk¤rnu·r_ m11vc1·>:nlh»1n thu old ¥`_;;°["l'$]‘M g¤n<>ss,luur1<»\v nn- vc lnghlk in the
{mc grlzhfxxI\\‘lg§‘R1Esllliggllgnt zu¢uorlI1z1;ln (.,_'|_h.E; ‘ `L£;11g}E}:\*:ill{ gyilrgnnlllxkgrif 01'£1;{l1_%:LY ..;
. o 1-luv   _ _ -7 _ I ¤_ ·r‘ lc 1* 1 mu nl-:..;ur1
l_ ll Aml hc ruucxvcdq ln llna Spirit  1125 lm ull ;:uml1m»s und rlghtcuugncss J · I
"‘p` ufywur mxnd; gg: uml truth ;) ¢ L
wh] Y-l »\1l\lv¥lHll YS P\l£_¤H il\C l\f>}\' N_,__`V_ _\ lll l’1‘nv1n::n what is acceptable l ' E 4
_ ' m:m.wln1cl1 :1l'u2rGml 1sr:1‘uull·llr lll , HH, , umn thc Luul. 1 f
wml] r1ulll<·m1>x1<=ss uml P Lruu lxulhmss. Uhm: m'é;‘) 11 Anal lmvc llfr fellowshipa with 3 ,
  2.3 \\`|lcrn:!l»1·c pullxnz uwuy lynxg, (ih,   q' ‘ [ilu: un|l‘u1l1'ul wwrks of darkness, E .
{W2 shrank avery num truths wuh his C ]l·[\_[}`];; lull. miller r1:;vmv1·p Ulm:. `
mu “ n<,l:l1PuL mllner lu! lynn w lnlmur,   . 5**-Q H I2 ilmu ll1:1Lsleupes\,:md urisc frqm ‘ j.
`wglljl \\`nrk1m; wllll/uls lnnnds thc thm: L°|]i.h;5‘g. ' lhc dgud, and Christ shull glvs F if
" XM Flwzlllls fl¤»4l,lrl1;ll llelnaxy lmvc to ll _lm,_ |2_w_ ll;gc1·c be ye not unujlsa, e;  ,
. H yrawc uhm (hl; )u»;;rc;~;._ l umd. hut umkrstunlling whzxL lhc wxll u ig y
mf DVP Aml gmuvu 1; not Lhc lmlv *1-]l*"·3·20»2|·l•¤¥'\l1€ Lrrrd 15- * {
*_ W Sl·ll'll <»1`(i¤¤l, whleruhy ye ure sunl- “ "*’» ·'· 18 And bu not drunk n with wine ; _
  l*jlz¤1¤n1<»tlne¢l:ly m`11·llenuniml.   whcrcm 1§ excess; hut bc Gllcd    g
04160 lll Im ull lv1Llcrnexs,a un wrnlh, I M +**1;) w1Ih_thc bpml; _ r  Q
uh uml unuvr. und cl;u|nm1·,;unl wall- "JIL'; is 19 bpuuklnz to ynurselves_ lh  !·
`R, _ >l¤·2»l<11¤z,b he pur. nwny {hun you, U I U §,Q'3',' psulrns,w amd hymns und spnntuul q  ’
kl'? will ull 1nulwc; lw {jid; Ni §m1gs,s1|1g111g.z‘ and n1uk11u;melo<.ly l =
IIM, -*2 Mill bu xc kiuul onctu mmllwr. `I l·`_m_;_ nix yunr hmm. v tu me Lurll ; lj Q
my lvllder l¤<~zn·:¤:d, 1(Irgwnlg g uny y p,`57_7_5_ JU (¤lV1ll,i{ thanks: ulwuxis fnr qll ;; `
M ·*¤\·¥hcl‘, oven us Caml mr Lhnsns ;1s.U3,7. tlnnzs umu (md und the luthenj 1n ·; A V
fm ==¤|ie muh 1'ln·gwm• yuh, l—•——. Lhc umue ufour Lord Jesus blmst; lr `
` " - 252 19.1 l z I
li ·l