I   Il I -
`     ' F Duties qfscwants, etc. EPIIESIANS, Vt. Armour qfa Chrislimz.
~ ' ' · 21 Submitting yourselves one to A. D. 64. I S Knowingthnt whntsoever gootl
·‘ ` ‘ . nnotherinthe fezrr ofGod. -—•—· thing nny mnn doeth, the sninn
l . ` 22 Wn·es,a submit: yourselves ,1 IIII,_3_I_&C_ shnll he receive of the Lortl,
I I unto your own ttustionds, as unto eII1,a.1s,&t, wlwthcr he bv bond or free-
l ` ; _;I I the Lord. __ 9 And, yo mzt.sters, do the sonic
°  i L Y   23 For the husbnntl is the hentl of; b '1**·3I5· thinzs unto theni. lforlitrnrittu T
1 it  5 r the wife, even ns Christ is the hend¤ C IIIIIIII QI tltrenteuinu :_ ltnowtnq thnt ?your
I ‘ I- · ofthe ehuroh : nnd he is the Sn- ' Muster nlso is tnhcnvenz noitlrer 1<
I , viour ofthe body. dih-4.7I Ithcre respectzl of persons with
I · . ` 2t 'l'herefore ns the churolr is, II ICI I, ,7 htm. I Froml
i i subject unto (1hrist,so[rt the wives ' ' “'“ ' ll) Ftnnlly, my hretltren. he strony
l  I — " be to their own lrusbnnds in everyijGe.2.2»t, In the Iortl, nnd in tho power ot
t ; » thin:. _ us nn: il.
· r 25-llusbamls, love your wivcs,`$' ](“°·G·lG· ll Put on the whole nrnrourr ot
i ` I , even ns (`hrist nlso loved ltlllbi ICIIIIIIGI God, thnt ye tony he nhle to stnntl I IIIIIIII
i I ' clrurvh. nutl gore ltiurselftor it; l   I ' nszntnst. the wtlos ot the tlovil. IIIIII
'Q I I 26 'l`hnt he rnieht snnetrfy nnd*“  12 l·`or we wrestle not nzzunxt IIIIIIII
I I I. clenyrse rt with the wnshingb oft U ‘ gui ¤Itl¢>shInntl tilootl. but nzntnst prin- )IIII
I, I- _, _ wnter by the word, I ‘ o1pnlitu·s.fngntust powers, nznunt   I.IIII
l :     I 27 'l`hnt he rnizht presentc it to II }Zx.20,l2. the rulers ot tho dnrknoss of tlns I.IIII,_ I
i  I ¥f;_>."· himself n glorious church, not I I world, nuoinst -*sIIirttunl wiolretl- I.IIII·
 ` T Iii?  ` lrnvirt: spot, rl or wrinkle, or nnyI ” H"··L€°?i nvss in 5lrt;:ltp/rmx. II,,.I,i,I:;I)
I I . -If._I I such thing; but thnt it. should be ‘ L' lll Wlrerefore tnlgo unto you the ·»iIII.,I
I . ’   I IIIIIII IIIII] WIIIIIIIII tIII=IIIIi$tI_ i -\.VI\ os whole nrinour of God, thnt ye tony IIQIIII II
’ w»· -5 ~ 28 So ought rnen to love their he nhle to withstnnd in the eru I III
l E in   l wives ns their own liodies, Ile] X   dny, ond, hnving iltlone nll, to   Ii
I ` I-j_E._ l thnt loveth his wiie loveth hirn~i ° stontl. II.,IIIII_I
, { ZFIY. ~ self I'} ~'*¤t\¤ tml, lt Stnud tlu—rt·lo1·e, hnving your I III;.
l { I QJ ·_L ih} For nu mnn ever yot hnted his` LU!/* UWT ·l0ins girl {1 nhout with truth, nntl IIIQIIIII
i ¤ ’ Ei?} ' own llesh; hut nourishoth ond “"d"'“"'· lhnviuzonllreht‘enst·plnte of right- I; ‘I.—,,I.
i I   ;_§‘j,‘ jr cherisheth itz, even ns the Lord the d IIIIIQIIII COLl§llUSS; III III,
I ·     church: ~ 15 I\nenk concerning Christ nnd thcl IIIIIIIIII Spirit, which rs the word ol`Uotl; ItI·tiIIII.I
TQ i ·"?;EQ' olrttrvh. II lt·l Prnyiu: nlwnysnr with nl} 1I,_I',,.I
IE 5L’;§;. 33 Nevertheless, let every one ol` "i"”*"”’*’L{I prnyer nntl supplnwntion in tlII— ,3.,,,.,, '
tg    * you in pnrliou;nr,soIlore his wilt! "”""·l··’· SInItt,IInnd wntolinuru tl1ert·un‘o I I.?,`I,.
-·‘ >’:j ‘ 1; hunsc ti nnt the win: seen; I .- wu in Iu·r‘sIevernirr;onntlsttptiltrzt- II   .
Ig   Ir sro reEItIIuIIIIIoIIIQ#rVItts1.rn . Ig IIIIII5 III! Io I o·\1l|» I I   II iII»n·.;]$
,,. . •_ I · .· I . - . . nd tor ino,11 tlmt uttt1,mtI II
gi Y I   T/u1ITItIItIIi»&I*QilzlvI¢·11 o1ulofxm·tin1tIs. i II CIIIIII I tony he siren uIrtII 1IrI:I thnt l ruin IIIII'.>Iiii
IIII I II;  I   I ·III.oioyu your Ip.nents I I I oyttzn tny tnoutt Irony, to 1,n.t •· IIIIIII,,II
I . ¤ in the l.ottl. liar this is right. ¤U¤¤ i-·¤··|. lrnowu the my story ot tho ;;os:It·l. III ·· i
02 3  I   2 llouourb tltytirtlier nnil mother, II II 5,, II. i 2U__l·`or whioh I nnr nn zunhnssntlot IIIIII ilk
III E   I which is the nrst <·o1ntnnnthnent   ‘ Im ·l>onds; thnt ¤t.hort-rn l mn: III.; II,
IIIIII _ ·Iy~i with Iirounse, I Illlc.»t.t2. Spook holdly, ns I ought It to sptwtk IIII III,.
I. _, le]!  3'l`lrntI1tn1nyhewollwrthtlIoe,nnd I III I I ill llut. thzrt yo nlso rnnv know my II II,.
dig >· -IQ I thou tnxtyest live longonthoen1·tlr,lm ‘u‘ ‘ ' Intliurs, uml howl tlo, °l‘yolIrieu<.ii I,:III,.,,I
Im'!  __I.Q_  -t And, ye fnthers, Iirovolce not ·II M;Ir_Qt5_.I1_ In I|u·lo\‘t:gl lirothor nntl tntthtiti tIII-IIII
Uflgt  ·‘;I I your children to wrnt 1: hut l>ringI IIII_I II I Iuuntsler rn the l.orIl, shnll rnn.1v I,I I;,,,I_
Z3, I  j iili tlugtn up in tho nurture nnd zulrno- U ·· l· · - kInowtIt to you nll things; I-; IIIII
IIIIIIII   nIruIn of the Lortl. I In ,I,»I ,1 CIIIIIIII ..3 \\ hotn lr hnve sont, unto you X-IIIIIII
IIII I ,TI;é1.I  :I >ervnnts,r: he oliotliont. to Lhern_ I Itor the tenure IIurIIIose, thnt IU II~’,,,-I II,
2I?I, §_¤*j.;,,  lhnt nre your tnnsters nocorrling toI "UFI !’¤f*‘¢<;C Ittrtultt. know our ntlanrs, nntt Itt! I.III IIIII
IIgII·II ·I_ I,·:  the lleslt, w1t.lrI_ft·nr ond trernhhntz, I III ISISSI II jhu tnurht. vtnnfort your lrontts. _ pI.- LII,
IIIIIE I'     1t_t>ltt!lCu¤:ss ot your ltonrt, ns unto, II I 23 l’ont:e { he to tho ln·I·tlIron, surt I;I g,,
zi I I_   ( hrtst; I I J1 ··\¤--O··|· Ilove with tenth, from tiotl the l·n- ;II.I IIIIII
IIIIII-‘ I  I', I-:5  tI I\ut wttIh Ioye-srfrvrre, ns nronI_l I—t;II1_4,7I5I llIlIl'iJl\lltl tlIo LI>rtI Jeans l`hr1~l.I MIIII IIII
.  ;I”·_.{_t‘ pensers; Io. os tro sorvzrnts o -, , _ i 1. `rnoo II: wut zi tiimn t intl II I I
°g,;,‘:§_   L'|rr1st.,tloi1n;tlIo will of God tronrlii H C'""H'_ Ilovt: our l.ortl Jesus Christ U tn Mil tho  
III III,   the Irontt; I _ I ‘ ""IIf”*"* "" eerily. IAtntnr. i·I»IIr1t_
  I \\ ith uootl-will doing sorv1ee,I ‘“""7"‘°"·I 1[ l\ritten from llouro unto luv ~III-IIII II
II,} III;}  unto the Lord, und not to men; T Lplresrnns by 'l yelnuus. is sr,
{hr-  2
I We 
` ..:·=’¢II; I»