I __   - 1 ,
5 tg _, '   Puulcxhnrlsla unity. PIIILIPPIANS, II, III. Timothy cvmmmnlrtl. ,11111
" ` { thc behalf of Christ, not only to A, D. 6-1, I7 Yca,autI i1`I1m Ioiliarcttzg upon 1113111111]
V 4 V 1 ; hclievc on him, but also to suII}:r ~——•—— thu saucrttiot: ainl survnvc o1 your 1,,0,115,
    Y 1 for his sakc; ¢ A¤·_lU- l9· fattt11,ljoy.antlrc1oi1:e with you all, 1¤h1h-,S(
’ · ° 30 Having the satnr: contlict which lvl "·2·>l· _1B I·`or tht: saint: vattst: also do yu tj tYon~
,'  _ ·. Z ye saw c in inc, and now hear I0 bc (CHAP. 2.) ]UY,il1ltl trtzlttttau with um, 1111, (,1,
1 .1 — . ‘, . ‘ tn mc. ,1 y,,1Vg_1_1_ 111 5 But. l I1·u>t in the Iiorvl Jesus 111,11,,1,%
1 Y `   CIIAPTEH [I, 1,_,,,,,3 U1, to suntl 'I`imotl1t—u$a shortly unto 1111111111],
l   ‘ I 1 IHee.z7mrtr1lh /0unilynmlhuniili/g/, qc.,   you, that. I also may ln: of gootl 7 13111
1 ' . V 1     ami iu u 1*:1rz;/hl pruruzliaty zu C *1,,;],;, ' r·t;t)11hl11·t, uilnin I know your stétiti, m,._ 11
1 · " 1 c way Q/`sn vulmn. Q _",' Lt ·`or tavo no man nw t`|11j$1V
1 aj ` 1 IF_l/mrc béhtlterctthrtz any cousolztij tl   1uintlutl, who will naturally care 5 Y1.11
= ‘ , ` 1 tion iu rtst,i any votutlnrt o `_' L] or your state, 1111111:;:1
1  S ' lovc,iI`anyIl:l1ow>In11ofthc Spirit,5" ll “‘”·r’; _ 1 Ul For all sock their own.71 not 111 11,1,
1  - `: Z · 1 ti` any luowcls n antl nn:rt·n:s, 1f lC"·m·¤- thc things wlnvharu Just1sICl1r1>1'>. my 1,,.1-
,  V V 1 = Ii 1·`ulhl b vt- myjoy, that ye l>ec,g·1¤1soltln:r,u hut your un·>- 1`U111,“·>
 ·     1   \\’l1o,l1c1ngh 1,1)1,tln: I`or1n of Go1l,`v   jsungor, autl ht: that 1nt1n>turt·tl to 11111,111 1-1
1 lm, 1 1 \ipu;;1t it not ro wry to 1c t·t1tta L, *·¤» · tiny wants. _ ll 11
1 .. .1 V with (unl: ·11.1uo.t3.1$. 1 Zo I—or he lonztal after you atl. attznu u
1   1 7 But Ic unnlc hintsolf ot` no rtjpu-1 1%:.11.9. anal wa< t`t1lIot` ht~aviut ss, 1¤t·oa1u>·· 11111111
Q iétift 5 lI\l.I0l1,2\11tIlUIll{\l1\Il1ll11t||t.lt<’itt1'11l]qI’r.|O.lG, that. yo had ltoztnl that hu ha.1 l2 X1,1
1 _~1 Ax!   · o1` at s1:rvant,I aud was nnitlu in thu` Jnwti.27-L10. l1t·c11:~iaal{. _ ;111111111·1
1 ,_ €· ly`,-_ ~ ilikcuoss of mun: 1 1It=.»I,1l. L17 I·`or iutlutatl hn was sick nigh 1}·1·1;r
1  Zj;""y» B Ai1tll1t~111gl1}n1111l in tlifhionlas a 1!i‘t·-1.+10. uuI11 death: hut Go1l haul 111t·1‘··j·‘ tn:1ya111
*1  .Q "·` ‘ umn, n: hum 1lut rimso I`. aut hu- r 1·I1·.G.3, on inn; amt not on inn on y. 1ttZ [11111111
L;"" j;1  caunnm ot:t:1li¤~nt. u11to tl·:aIl1,ovt:t1 ,111¤.t3.zt, on nm alw. les" I *l""¤l¤1 h¤l\‘·‘ 111 Uri:
,11 ` `   the doath ot tht: cross. 1 tL‘t1. 10.10, 1S11t‘row u1:ousorrow. have at
 1,,; :,17 .1 \tln:rtaIo1o:1 (:1111 alan hath ,,1l"H`l' 1    ¤t*111 111.111tlnatoh1tt:tl,1o nn111~ tl-uug 1.
L,   highly cA.1ltt·tVlhtn1,.unlgt\t·n httn 1,,, X, I _,,__ <.ant·tull1a that, when yo was Intt1 uh1t·h
js   at nanuo which ts ahovc uvcry U1,i\,g‘,;" 1a2au1. yi; inlay rte_1on·t:.,_a111tl that t 1orth u1
.1  :~},%'t. name: 1 Z" ' tmay 1u I 1t· ws >orrow at . tntoru,
31 .,‘i§£%1 IU Thnt nt thc naunta ot Jcsttsl,,,}QQ;§1Q;_ 1 211 ttt·grt111·te 111:11 ttu~1·t·1111·c in tty; lt 11.1
5 jgirgg ovary 0 kncc shouhl how, ot 1/1:111;.; J ,,,_ ,1,,,,,. ,,,._ ` I,ortl with all glatluo>s; anal 71111.12 ttm 111·11
1, 1 »  ~ 1nl1t·avou,auul I/mmx ni catrth, antl I )1_,1,5,V11‘, 1su¤·h an rt-1tuIat1o11; tiorl n1 t
11%  :a. ’· I/onyx utnlor tht: uarth; 1 to, 1 Zitt l11·r·ant~t· tor tht: work ofL`hr1~‘ 1.1 1.1·1
· =   J I1 Antl I/1a£t~vu1‘y tongue: shoultl y tL‘11.tt,:t}, tho was 111gh uuto tlouth. not n— t1t· 111·1·1
gg D1 :“ ,Z{ conh·s> that. .It-sus l`hr1>t ix Lortlap . t t.t. wgartlntg hw hIl·,f to su11111y yottt au1tl1I`n
1,,.     _ to tho glory o1`t1ot1 tht- l·`aIhor. 4 11~111,·1~1{ 1tn·l< ot`st·rvn:t: towartl mc. tnttttltztt,
g3 la   X 12 \\`11t:rt:I`ort·. 1ny,l1t·Iovt:tl. as yo 11·11/1. H tI1l.\I"1'l·Z|{ ltl. Y ttuto 14.11
0 1 1, * 1 , iayu at ways o1n·y1~1 . not as in my : ;'1‘1 ,1.1:. 'I ··wm·11axIh I/nm11t`/21/.v¢rtmt·1·~ . 111 Nor
hg V IZ. , trteststiutco11lv,\:ut now utuoh ntoro " ~ttj¢·‘~t·· tv IH umllntltrlnm lin; ways uj`mra1t alroatlr
1111; .  -5`Z_~ ` in my atl1s1·t1t:t-, work 11 ou: your tt l'l't-7l·!- r1:ri,au1o tu
      owu salvation with 1k;ar1· aud °""`~ ""l‘"" ,F‘|X:\l.t,\`,tuy11rt·tl1rt·u.rt~1o1t1· tion:
(10, »   trourltltug. ., _{{1."ll'Q*" I, . tuthv i.ortl. 'l’owr1ta1tln- sooo , 17 11rr-
111115, 1  jr; lil I"t»l`1|,IS Coils whiul1worla1Ih to will antl to do ot` has ,,1,1,  1grn·ra1us,l1ut 1111* you 1/ 1.< >aIte uatlk so
Z5    '¥ pt1t1tl11lt·:t>ttt'<·. 1, 1~1,]1,i__1' 1 13 ltowart- of tlog>.t· l1t·w;1rt· att? —.t1:111lt·.
:1111gQ   II Ito all things without. murmur- :,,,_1,,,,,Q,,1,. ,t:v1l worlttcrs, howart: ot` t1n~t: 011:1 lat 11·’o
111:1:; ,%;*1 1ug»/ anal th>11ut1ng» :11 1 111.··,_ lotston. lmao 111
211{ ' fj, I5 '1`hal yt· may ht: tvluutoloss aunl f1t`»t.Iti,l7. I 11 l·`or wt: arm /`ll1t¢ t·11·t:ti111t·1>t·—t» tttu ow
aga11‘. ,   ?l_1ar1u1t·>x, tho _so11<1: ot` Gott. ,(—11,\1.1G,, 1wh1oh wt1r~h111 tiotl ni tho >111n` t·u¤;n1tt·~
not.  V··1··1 without 1ol1ut:t·,n1Iln: nntlst ot'a ,, . G .a1nl rte1¤11t:t· u1 t'hr1sI .lt:>t1s,u11. lat \\'1
26 l' ht   . trroolttttl an anal 111·rt·t·r>t: nation.   ,11* 'Ql, '. have1n1oonIit|t·1n·on1 tl1t· Ilt¢