ray" Paul adviseth to wuUc wzscly. 2 THESS., I, [I. Sc1.·c1·alsalu{a11o11s.  
ll Flllll Tl1(:f'»Sl1lIll make known unto you A. D. G1. llhat are in Laodicea, and them in l
do i all 1 nngs which qrc dune lion:. ‘——•i l1ie1·1111oIis. ` 1'1
, mm'; 10 Ar¤s1¤r¤11¤s1 my f¤11¤1w—1»ri- ¢A¤-21-2 11 Luke,11 me 1111101-11u pilysician, 1 f
g lj_l soners:1l11lH1.l1 vnu, and Mamus,k h Ac.l5.37. a1n1l)e111:1s,1;reet vou. l l
All ‘° l' 515ter`s so11 1.u_ll111‘11al1as, (touczlung 2Tl.—1.l|. 15 Salute tl1e l1relhre11 which are '.l
;cs H Y yyhom ye received 1:o111111a11d111e11ts: l ¤r,111·wm;. in Laodieea, and Nv11111l1as, and lll
S mlllx 11, he come unto you, 1·eceive,1J,,_5_11;_ the churcho wl111:l1is'111 Ins house. 1F -
llllll il . 1,,, 31,,1 q 15 IG Alll-l wl1cn1111s esgnstlep is 1·e1111 1l
rug and ll And Jesus, wluch IS calledl Hu_6;`l' ' among you, cause that it be read 'l
·1 · ;l11s£us,wl1o are 0l'tl1ee1rcu111c1sio11.lam mw also in the phuu;11 o1` 1111; 1_11u11j. E
_ [_ Ihese o11ly are my iellow-wurkors, _ _ ’__"‘ \ 1*1::111s; and that ye likewise read
  unto the kiiizdoiu of God, which 1 "2.|`.M mh the zpzls/Ic from Laodicea. l
|1:1vo_l1ee11 :1 cointort untuine, R IG': ‘ ’ 17 And say to Arcl111111us,q Take 1
rc] im 12 Lpa11l11‘as, yvlio is one of you, n " Ig Xgm heed r to the ministry which thou ll
._ l ' ;1·rva11L 111 Christ, saluleth you. i|l—l "* ‘ ‘ hast roiweivcd in the Lord that .*1
ll°°°“l' ways l lal1o111’in: herveiitlyl Mr you   il lTll-5·27· thou fulul il, I ‘ l
mmm 111prayers,1l1at ye 111ayst:111d111 nor-,41 Flulv-21 l 18 The s21l111a1i0ns by the hand `
0 nwaj fe1:t:111Ll - coniplele 111 all the will r |'I`i.-1.l—1. ,011110 l’:1ul.lle111cn1l1ert n1y bonds, ‘ 1
u_ yféui oilbod. _ 1 2T11_3_17_ 1G1·ace be with yon. Amen. ‘.
lsclm 1.11·orI bear lum recon], that l1e 1 11e.13.3,£&$. 111 \\`1·itte11f1·<1111 111111111 to the Cnlns- 1· 1
‘ · hulh Z1 ment zeulfur you, 111111 1l1c111 —•——-‘ s1:111s,by'1'yel11c11s111111011es1111115.  
01 dv U -.~V...,.M,..`..,..V~`N ,,,.1/m,,.»AM/..`,., (Nee`,. ' ’
11d not ll
T/1c »
.111*11 5c _ _ _
t11]e111» Fzrst Episth of PA UL I/tc ofpostlc Z0 Z/IC THESS.dL OATIHNS I,
e 11111 '1
~`\`» .\\\ rl
~··· sl · ll . . . , l `
lT1;1,Iil11 From the Creation, 11053 .... Year ofthe Clu·1st11111 [12111,:11. { l ‘
C1—11\P'l‘ER I. A. D. 51. lxvord ofthe l.(\1ill not only in Mace-  
py-MH, DH: show//1}11.s· r111n11f11Z11cssqfl.71c1r1 —g—— 111111111 and Acl1a1a,l1ut also 111 BVHKYY Tg.
qi 1/11111 111 lhurz/rsuzuzriry ami 111‘nge1‘,5 11111] ¤ ll’¤.¤~l?· lplnue 0 your 1111111 to G11d-ward is  
1w [mp prrs1111x1`e1z QF!/1c11·si11cercji11!/1und b A11. 17. l,&c. 1s111‘ead ubroail; so thut we need ucl; T
<·111111t·1·s1m1. e E11,1.2. to sneak any thin:. I1;
0 _ P.\lll1, aurl Silvnuus,a :11111 Timo- d _1,,,,_G_1g;_ 9 l·ortl11~y themselves show 0f us  
l"{?‘ll tliuus, unto the Cll\ll`\')ll of the ;1·;·1._ 1_11_ what mannerol'cnt1:r1n:111 we had ,,·_
l° ]‘_"l*_ 'Ii1vss:11<111ia11s b 11;/111*/1 is 111 God 1l1e E UML m_ 1111to you, :11111 how yo turned to  
’ Mu l`:1ll1c1‘a1uli1zthel.o1·dJes11s(jl11·ist; I no I., I, God p 1rom idols lo scvvc the living lj.!
__ { _, Gravecbc11n1oyo11,11nd pence,1`111111 I '   “' and 11*111: G11d; _   i _
LJ ,L lc l¥111l our l·`a1l1e1·, a11d the Lord Jesus “l;;,’€j·§';"1 110 A11d t1; waiaq l`o1‘_l11§ $1111 friim ·. I
Z1 4'I  , ' 11 1· , 1·1·z1s· rom I0 ~‘
T1 llllll UTC; give thanks to God always mil" ”1“"   .Jiisuslju·l1ioh slulivcred ; ‘
  Ihr you all, 111ak111g1ne111111u111`yeu W {_   H us1`mmtl1EIu‘{:;1l1EltolYu111u.  
_. ·_ ~ 111 our prayers; = "j _‘ j = ‘ 1 » ‘-
"l”° "' ii Ilcn1e1n\1e1·inz without eo11sing_ )l"';l6 20* llhnw I/ic 00.111% wus prmchml 1:1112 li, .,
{V , _ Your Workd of 1311111, and l11l1o111·1;lh/l'j"~l-·_l· t/111111, 1u11H1111v l}1nyrcc1`11Jc1l 1l: I1  
L°l1‘L’ 111 love. 111111 p111i1l111·e_f of hope iu l ·lV‘·l’·l’· ll'/ly }lU WHS 1l€·YlTUll-Y ll? W7 lll¢`”l1 i `
I _ our 1.11111 Jesus 1.'l1ris,1, in the s1gl1t ’·,}l}‘-U; rlr.  
lr} Till] 111 God 111111 our 1·';1t|1e1·; ll—'R"·°i;;’·_ _ 1]*011 y1111rs<·1v1—s,l11·ctl1rcn, know  
l¤ l‘ 1 Kno1v1n1:, l11·otl1reu l beloved. 1;*12 5,0   _ UHF ¤‘¤¤_ll‘lllll`ll lll lllllll Yllll1 llllll   '
. ·   `* ‘ ·  lm; 111*:1111: 1; ·
l'_w'l.ll lglIllnhii1li1i(lii»;ll1ll"1llli11e q 11111 1111111   ‘ `f “````“ ` ;lt2   ;11`11¢r that we l\l\ll_S\1l; _' ; .1 ·
ll‘lll_° You 1111vo1·1] 11111y_1111111511111p111v»~*’%lll·ll;l; '1]·r1·11 l11~1o1·e.:1111l\v1:re shiiinclully  EJ
‘""“"l 11./1 and in the; 1{oly 11111151, 1111111}* PQ"] ;·~· ,11111·1>1111:1l,1ey1- l{lll1\\',}1l lh1l111111.a 1 ,
_, -_ lll llll-lllll &\>N\Xl`ill|\’!?I k as ye lmowl! ,,L|`,,"_;0 1wou·e11~b 1111111 11111111·(·o1l_t11spe;11:   2
°]"Yl_l? tvllat 1un1111o1· uf 1111-11 we were ,l \L,,"q'T;' 1U11ll· You llll‘ K*lSl’l'l lll bull “'llll   1
Edin:] illllllllf you l11ryo111·s11l;11_ I R,,45_l,_' ln1u1·l11:onlon11o11 4: V `_  I
UAH ll:\111l ve I1e1~a111e/1`11ll11w1·1·s11t'11s,1 (CH _\ I, 1, 1 3 l·`11ro111·exl1111·11111onxrrrs not of er, i
. 111111 ot` vthe l.or1l 1111v1111r v1:<·eiv1t1l` ' .' ,· `J') l¢l¢¤1‘1·1l,d HUF lll lllll*ll'llllll*·`>$» ll"l` lll ‘ nl 1
"" ml 11111 word in 111111:11 11111.1n1.111, xv11l1~nA°'l)'gQZ‘ mule: _ _  .,   
,"llull' .|ll)'NI ot`1l1e lloly Glmst; lb Am I-L2   »1 But ax wo were all111v1·1l ot (.11111  { _
lluul 7 Fo that ye were 1:11s111n11l1ws to‘,;,)1111~;1,` I1<>l>¤11¤1l lll ll'll*l F “`llll lllll ¤‘l`l"’l»   l
_ 1 iill \|111L helieve 111 Ma1:ed1111i11 and 11.1]*1-,1,16. lev1~11s111ve Nlrvillii lllll il¤ l*l*‘—l—>lll¥  i
“l‘"" 1\¤·l1:11;1. 111·1‘1,1,11,1z,,1111¢11, but God, wluirli t1·1e1l1 our F,
ll Wu' il l"u1‘ 1111111 you sounded 11 out tl1eL—jt1l1c111ts. r 1 '
A01 6.1 _ I.
I -
15  ' .