t r` Paul com/'orlclh 2TIIESS.,I, II. the T/tcssnlmnhzts, Anti
i ` ' 22 Ahstain: from ull appearance A. D. 5t. I 26 Great all the brethren with an alrcatl
. of evil. -——•—-· ` holy kiss. ltxttctlt
¤ ’ 23 And the very God of pcaoo x 1.33% l 27 I tlcharuc you hy tht: l.ortl,tlmt outot
` sonctitjv you holy; nntt 1 pray Iiotl `Q ' this epistle he ruatl unto all tliehtily zi Ant
_ your whole spirit and soul zmtl V IW-l·S¤9· ihrtcthrun. rcvwl
· _   hotly he proservotl hlamolessy unto : l(?··.ltl.l3. l 28_'l’he zrace of our Lori] Jtgsut cunsltt
 - ~ tl1octmiinj.:ot`0ttr Lortllostts Christ, i!'l`lt.¢$·3» |Chrtst ln: with you. Amten. tnottth
· 2t L`aitht`ul is hc : that calluth ~\.`\`»`»`~ 1l The ltrst. rptsllc untuthe Thos- hrtilti
you. who also will do il. t my udjurg, satuinans was written {mtu 9 EM
_ ` 25 Bretlircn, pray tbr us. T-.- Athens. tvr tht
. ttowct
t. Z · `N-, . ,.. ..A,.,,.,,,.,.N.,,,,,,V.,.,`..,`,`~V.,~`,`,V`/`a tlvrs,
' . ut' tm
‘ _ Tha Y _ perish
. ~ r Second Epistle of PA UL t/ic Apostlc to the THESSAL O.Z\ IJJNA. the ,1;
» , intq t
 t ' · lt A
i { I NMFMN svntl t
V 2 { Q From tho Crcation, 4058 .,,. Your of tht: Christian {Era, 5t. USF;
 · _   D -4___. limit?
I JF hut. t
`  ` `· . CI·IAP'I`ER l. .4. D. 51. (hcoausc our tostimony among you ttt¥_SS-
L 1`? 1 Hz sltntvrxt/A his gootl opinion of ·-··•—·· WHS l>¤tltt?\'€.t.3. Oiryott, that ottrGt»tl woultl itrontu lltttétl
Z'5 I . tum. {·g(Tt._9_Q_ you worthy; of this callinz, aiitl Uttdl
i   · P:\UL nntl Silvanns, antl Timo- tTtt.2.t9_20. Itultil all the uootl pleasure of tot mutt
L   , lhotts, nntou tht: t·hoi·t;li of .;_h_5_]t_ tgtrotltttrss, and thc work of tatth Mttttil
= ·_;*— thc Thessalonians ni Gotl our l·`a- U pm 1 og lwtth tiowvr; ltd Q
A  gf · thor antl the l.t»nt logos tjhrtst; i W" fl'; . 12 'l'hatt the nauio of our Lurtl ll \
{  ._{ if 2 Grattc /1 ttttto you, antl tit·ar·u,lfH_ I`El"5{ ;m l.h·sns Christ tnay ho uloritivtl tu fttttt;
L :Z· t   t’t·otn Gott out- t-‘ut1i¤t·auttt1te Lontt ’ ‘ ""‘ you. and yo tn l~i¤t¤.=¤<=t=··t‘dtt¤¤ to t¤l*i**'
kt 7* . >. Jnsus Christ,   R°‘6‘m‘ thc ;:ra_<¤o ot` our God and thc Lual lv Vi
iii  A I-  _ Z5 We art: honntl to thank Gotl al- t ll "*‘·l‘l·m· Jusus Christ. ltttd
  `l· Y Q Ways tht yon, hrtetlirt~n. as it is`€lJl`lt·l]l|U. H H $7lrh\P'l'l·lI{ lli [ Y tmc,
’ ". ';· ' tttmzt, liocattstc that your tinth zrow- tt· ¤ ~ l c uri /'It lurm to tion /zttt/r s mt.- Wttft
{Q   nth oxtwt-tetltiiuly, antl tho nhat‘ttyi‘ ¥’t’¤tt5'»lS JYW ttl VW WMU! 7"*`f?ttl*’t]§ ii Stott, Us
[1 ···;j· of ovary ono of you all towanl- ttfttts r//1[7ttH t/ure stm!} hn n iIt·pm·t‘ttv htttti
"     Bach other ahontntt;t|t ; [ Ft*tU¤*‘· _/Turn I/tr_/F11!/1, 8 mul 11 dt.scut*ttrx Wltltf
.   _l» So that wt: otn·»telvt»s gloryrr L ll¤ul0.27. at`1:ttItdn·is/,rlc, tJl\`t‘i
' ¢;'i·¤  tn you in thu t·ht1i·t:ht·s ot` Gott tor ¢U'¤*-$·7· Nt)\\` wc ltusotzvli you, ln·t·thrt·1i. tttttlt
{ QQ `. your patttcittw: antl t'attlt ni all your ‘=··r, yittlitig. hythuteoniitizofot1t·l.ortlJt·~ 17 l
E ·'  »  ;vot"sctittltott;a antl tribulations that`; ti,·_;tg_;|,.;g_ sttslt`hrist{ atitl hy our gatlnrrtng to-  
, USM  ·t: cnt nrtezt t -t » ,go tor un o nm, ‘ F
?§• "v_ ` 5 TV/tt`t·/t isn a nianit`o~t tokoti of ;"L£;|',i`;:E; l LZ 'l`hat yu ht: not soon shakvn ttt
git   lhc rt::l.":ttsjutlztntztit,o1` Gotl,titztt’n“,]_24g lnnntl, or ht: trottlilutl, nt·ttln:r hy lm
lt?    , yo may ltr: rronnttetl worthy ot` tht: U rm q I',] st·n·t_t, nor hy wortl, not hy lt·ttt~r. M
E4 ·§,»* ltttltlgrlotn ot` Gott, tor which yo also} ,l,f);`7" his irom tts; asn that tht: tlay ot 9]:
`  _»>·; it su or zf ` $"i ' (" irist is at tantl.
is   l, tivSt:t»iit:r1 il is a rizlttmttts thinql?  3 l.ct no titan tltevoivt: you hyattv Cm
yl}.  :‘ ,_ with Gott to 1·tet·otii;ttetist; trihnla-‘ {‘_"   ' moans; for [fm! t/ny xitull not twtt. Fl
A *}z.‘ tton to thont that trotihh: yon; i' I’·'·"·J ’· t¢x<·t—ttL b thtzrc cotno a fallm: ana]-
qétl · 1 7 Atnl toyott who arte tt'tittl»ltiti}tvu   “" lirst, antl that man of star ht: rt- tttgty
lt .’  i rvst} with tt<, wlton tho l.ortl Jo-· "’· F“‘C"' vtralvtl, thtrzl son ot'pt·rtlitton; nttvt
0;% ~q‘· sttst shall ht: i·t··.·t»att»tl l`t‘tttit hea»| ‘,“l'· =t Who tipptnt-tlt antt tzxatttttlw 2 A
Y -’ VMI with Xl||‘>|l|l`!|ll)'1lltlIt¤i*t, ~‘ ' "'·Ll·l2- htrnsutf attovt: all that is t·;tllt·tl fron
n€/   8ltt/t tlanmtt: tiro ¤taktn::l von- I   Uotl.|or that is wtirsltitit;t·tl: so 1230;;
lj ‘ #". - gtzattotz on t it·nt that ltnotvm not; *‘- I- _th:tt tt: as (jotl. sittoth tn t tt· ttéttt-
zi, ` Uotl, antln that ohvy not tht; gt»s—\ tl`ll\l’. 2.) ‘ ilu of Gott, showing him~ult` th.t'
{tgt ,  p§l&t;ltittt*Iiti1H.h·sttstTlir;sti _] in )I1t,;}t_ t.t5_ itu   Gotl.] I I I
nm it .. to s ta ite punts n·t wit i g, yt·,_,t_t_ 5 t>mt;nt >c·1· ye not,t tat. tv ton.
2g;  t cvcrlastin:_ tltistrntctton o !`t‘otti tho i I. D" 7 2; iwas ytzt with yott,1toltl you lht·~t·
_  V tircscttcc ot tht: Lortl, antl t`roitt tht: it _y,,.`,_ Q1}; ~thtn:sl
sgi "" _. gioryp of his tiowor; L ],_] t_ t;;_ i tj Atal now yc know what lwtlltr
ZE.,   ·. ll) Whtcn hu shall voittr: to hte:] ttt»_ t:t_t;, lholtlnth that ht; might hu i‘ct‘t::tlt‘tl
  · glorified in Ins saints. ami to ht- atl-it or, /.t·liItt/t. lm hrs tinic.
ih],  _ tmrctl r in all thuin that belicvui—K-— 71'ortltutttystury of iniquity tlotlt
l-*ti  z
` U  .
~ t  ..4