. Q
mans. Anlichnst described. 2 THESS., III. Bivzvsprcccp/s. 1  
with 11,, ;1l1·ez1i1yf work: only he who new A. D. 51. ‘$111111g1:¤1,1‘S1, -011 , ,1 1;»» 1, 1 1
11-11e1l1{uilL Lei, until he be taken ——·— frnnievil. I 1 ’ m up you 111
1r11,t11;11 out of t ie wily. 1J1¤,4_3_ 4 And we h1 *0 , nf`1 ' t1 ’
tl1e111,]y zi And then shall that Wicked he { Dil; ,0 H Lord toucliing vviiii, tiizdnsriihtiilh rig  
,C1·ez11e1l, whoni the Lord shnlluj ' ' ‘ ' and will do the things which we 11
1] Jesut eunsnnie with the spirit/1 of Iiis-"I{{·E[.;*·.> command von. ,1
_ mouth, und sluivlldestroyz wi1.11 the _ “‘ "I"21· 5 And the Lord direct zi your · 11
e'I`11e;. lirizlitiiussvuf l11s C0l1|111gZ_ _ *11*:-10-27· hearts into the love of God, und 1j
an fron, l9r]{H;n\\I11;1lL,H\vlttisiiryii115H illgi It 11,,3,13. ittuoltlie 11putientwn1ti11g1`11rChrist. ,1
1- · 1: 1   1._ *1 111 ,,1C 4,G,_ ‘ 'ow we con1111u11d you hre- "
power und signs and lying won- m Fife   lhren, in the n11n1e11f our Lord Je- E
111·rs, _ _ u‘l"‘5" · ,5115 C11nst,t11:1t ve willidrnwe your- 1
111 And with all dcceivuhletivssk ' ""; selves froni every 11ro1l1erf'thnt 1
of 1111r1g11te1111st1ess in them that 1111*112-11¤· wulketli disorder] ,111111 not after 1
pe1·1.·s11 ; hecziuse they reeeived notlu 1:11.1.3. the tradition \V1l1C{1 he received of {
1ofZNS, the luvel of tgie truth, thot l11ey·]pR,,_,__,_ us. _ 1
1111ght he s:1v1>1 ._ 1 1*1·1_1_.1_ 7 For yourselves know how ve · E
11 ;\11<1 for this cz1use_G01] shnlll ll'ci1.2. ouzht to follow us; for we lie- . 1
§;~11llt11e11hst1‘1;11g del1is1o11,m th1it_ q 1p¤_5_,O_ iliuveil not ourselves disorderly 1
nay s1on 1 11: 1eve n ie : 1 _ ‘:1n1o11: vnu ; · s_
12 '1`h:1t11 they 1111 tnight he "·11"’~11·22· 8 Nenrher 11111 we ent {my rn:1n’s
11;1n1nc11wliuhelieveil11otth<:tr11t11,1,.1n·1_1;1,1_ ibrend for 111111;:11t; but wr<111:11tg t. i
hut hud pleusure 111 uiiriglileous-1 1le.1.$, ,w1tl1l11hunr:11111 lruv:111 n1ghtrn11¢1 11
Dny you ness. _ dny thnt we n11·»11t not he e111.1r·*e· 31
` 13 But we 0 :1re hound to ;:iv<:,[ l_P"['?' `nhle to :111y ofygu ; h E1
rnlwnyr lhxuiks nlwny t11Gt1<1 for y·»11,1>1‘e-1 11111-*1- gd y 9 Not heenuse we have not pow-
¤11·o111;1 lhren beloved ol lhc L<1l'l1.l)UCll\1*C 1* 1‘¢¢11· er, /1 hut to ninke ourselves :111 en~ · * .
nz, 111111 Gnd hnth from the l1e1:11111i11: elm-Q2 ntund. snuiiile unto you to thllow us. ,»
2 1,fl115 senp yo11 to s111vnI11111 I11ro11g11‘a1(;o_1_51_ 10 ·`ur even when we were with 5*
of 1111111 >i\lll3l111(7il110l1 of the Sparit und be» 1. e M. eee-et .y11u,t11is we co1r1111u111led yon,th:1ti ; ,i
11lJ1Fl>1 the truth: 1!1.I11r1.17.15. 111 1111y would not work, neither ,  
ur Lonl l1\\11ereu111<1q he culled you hy , F gC,,_;_1L;_ ‘s1111n1ry1· ol our l10r11 Jesus C11r1st. in W a_` sonic winch wulk r1111n11¤ you rhs- _
he Lord 15 1`11erefore, 111*1:1 l11·c11, $1111111 llist,1 IVLIFCK af iorilerly, working not ut :111 hut. ure F
Hllll 11111d the tr1111it1o11s w111<:l1 yel CHM, liiisyhodicsir I h ;
haive hee11 tnueht wliether hyl . .j 12 1`ow t em t1:1t nre sue we i
wr slrml- 1v11rd.<1r our epistlei 1' lT"Q‘°' `t·11111111u1111 llllll exh11rt_ hy our Lord  
Tlshoiu- 16 Now our l.or11 Jesus Christ ,f1L"·”·11»13· 1Jesus Christ. thzit with 11u1et11ess 1
1·1u1rl11v 11i111se1Lnr1d God,ev1-11our 1·`dl11er,1é’ A'·I1s—51· illluy \\'UfK,l 1111d Gilt il11>11' OWU  
`iscuizrz wliielis 11111.11 loved us, :11111 11:1111. -11-*1- .l1re1u1. I
1:11*1·11 us everl;1sti11*.$ 1:o11s11lz1l1o11§11 11:*1-‘J·6· 13 Bill Y0, 111”Cl111'8t1, *1116 1101711 ,
1‘1·l11rt·11. 1111d g11t1¢1110pel through gruee, 11 (1,-.1}.19, we:11·y111)ve1l L111111:. ,·_
i111‘11J1·~ 17 Co111i`11rt your lieztrls, und stu--1, 1*1*1 5_1r1_ 14 =\11L1 11 11111 1112111 Glicy 110t OUT 1 ,»
>1‘111;;t11- hhsh you 111 every good word midi ll‘e.4.1$. \\'111‘1l” 11Y 11115 ¤l11>11¤, 111119 111111 · X11
1,-1,,-1;_ 1, Ep 1 2;, 1111111. :111d huve 11 11ut·<111111:11&y with 1‘  
nken 111 . 4 .` ` " hi111t11z1t11e11111y11e11s11:1111e . ’ ¤
Hm. 1,,. C11·‘-1’1“1711 111- 11-NW1 ’{°{jQ 15 \`u1.e41u11t 711111 1111tus1111 enemy. ·i 111
J lu1t<~r. 1 mj cm1`?11‘ HW"' 111`"VNS1 3 1“`j. "‘ 1U1·I"j”`· 11ut :1¤1111o1ush /1fn1:1s11111·11tl1er.e    
dm. U1 xrrigm Ins cnrijirirvicc in I/10111, t- ¤¤1r..v1;11¤fy 1 11;N11w1]1e]_,or11p of 1>e:1ne111111» -. ,°
‘ g11.·r!11 1/11711 dziirrs ]1rc1tr·11ts, cspc- tr/mz men gsuu- ww you Pwnc ,,1,myS by nu ,11.,
1 11;*11112* ':1"11V 11* V11"1 1111*11*-1-’1 UL-   rncnns. The 1l(11'\1 be WHS you till. ;1 ]1·
~11!¤·1111. 1NAl.11Y hr thren ro for ' 171111119 $11 ‘111111*111'l 1* 1111 W111 JT!
IZ :111:1} F us.1h11t,t11e (.iv111’d1;1fi11uyLord "{Y1·GiQ I., niine own hnnd, wlneh 1stheto· ’_ 1
" hir rv 111:1y 1l1:1vef1·1·c course, mul be glo-1 * M' ‘ ‘_ " ~l·ten in every epistle: so 1 write. ly -·
,,,; ,-,,,,,,]_ nvm, ,,,,,1,5 W111, you; `D 1-*19-11- 18 f1`11er gniee ol our Lord Jesus 1 1,
c;1I1e111» 2 11,,11 11,;,1 wc,,,;1y 1,;; 11c11vc1~c11v111111.1620- Cl1r1stbe with you_11l1, Ainen. x {
#11111111 from ’1111rez1.so11a1hlu 111111 wiekedaq 1Co.lf5.21. *11 lhe second epistle to the Thes- y·  ·
wil; 1-* 111011:1"ornlln1i·11l1:1vc11ot1E1.1tl1. 1r11¤.l6.2»|, suloniuns was written from i, ·
l¤·· t¤¢111· 3Buttl1c Lorna is fuitliful, who __,_ Athens. I 1
e1i`tl1.11 205 1 i i
,1.-..1 , 1 1;
111 t11·~i· . , '
3 1
. 111*1111- , '  11
creztlml ‘ '
' 1
ily 1111111 .. 1
` 3
1 1
if - 1