· I
P Ii
Of bwhupx and deacons. 1 'I`IMO'I`IIY, III, IV. Preccpls to Tone/hy.  
7 Whcrcunto I um ordained al A. D. G5. 12 Let the deacons he the hus- l ll
preacher and an apostle, (l speak -+1 hands of one wite, rulinga their rl
me truth in Christ,_1mll~ clnldrirnaml therrownhouseswell, ’·
tougher ofthe Genttles n1 faith a1nllglle.l0.Z.2. 13 For they that haro·l used the ll
‘·er|t.y._ ‘ ul'; 1ll·’¤¤!¤l, ofllce of a deacon wellp purchase 'l
K 3 [will tliornfore that men prayf ll“··Ul· tu thernsolves :1 gootl degree, and - 2
every where, liltnm up hulyy lli1IlllS,{Il lC"· Nm- great holdness in the faith q which il
without wrath and douhtm:. , <‘·l‘l;—\l‘· 3-) is in Chrrst Jesus. ,1 .
9 ln like manner als0,_ that wo-, ;l,l:ll'·lbl·4 It fI`hese things write I unto thee, l
us, Htgl men adorn thetnselues n1 modest x' ll'·l-J(l°· hoping to conn: unto thee shortly; l
glppnrel, with sliannetaoeilness zindwlzzt   ‘l· 15 But if I larry long, that thou `
sohrrely; not with ·l hronlered ha1r,l hind, M mayest know how thou ougqhlest to
or gold, or pearls. or costly array; l ,1,,,,;;,, hehare thyself in the houser of .
use mh, to out (which heeotneth women] ,,,,d,LU,,. Got], which is the church of tho {
‘ pmrissnig godliness) with good; ,,.n,,,;, ,1, limi: Fwd, the pillar nod ·lgroun·l ll
  wor ‘s. _ _ im; nl o to ru 1.  
  ll Let tlreuwonmn li learn in si-l tuiinr. 1G And wrthnut controversy great · i
`. lence wit 1 :1 so ijeetton. lc2’I`¤.1·2i. is the nirsterysof godliness: God
  W, 12 lint I suller 11ot ct woman to ji l’~·lIll»2- was earing.if thcy<:onti· . { Ae.t;,3, NOW the Sptrtt spcaketh ex· ;=
' une 1n taith and chartty and ltoli-,ll§¤r.3. _ pressly, lthiltrf in tline latter l ,§
ctcrmll ness wnlr§oln·iety.i {.10 9. tunes some s 1a t epart ron1 the _. I
_ » l.ll.\I’ll;Il III. l>L¢··l·l»¤!l· .Rnth. ·’1vin<* heed to seducmv ; ·
:5 5;:;}, Haw laixlzngis, uml dcumns, and Iluir I   Sllll‘llS.'l/ ll1tLlll¤t7ll’l\l0S l*I·llUV|l$§ 3 I
r ·` nrires, s/mu/il he quail;/ivd. " , F _· ’· 2 Spealrinrr hes in hypocrisy; hav-
l,0UH,,_ Tllls is a true saying, lt` a nian " l"·2·3·_ Vina: their eoliscieinze seared with a fe '
In mé desire the otliee ot :1 b1s!1op,a ”`_i""` " ,ll0l lrtlll; _ _,
,n),.,, lm he ilestreth :1 trooil work.   l.s_ ; 3 I·`orl>nldntg to rnzirry, and com- j_
jllumh. 2 A lushopb llnxn nnist he hlame-i [ ;_cd"‘ illlfllltltllll to abstain from ineats, g
" ‘ less, the husband of one wtfo, vi:i— P {1,, .3; _;,_ l“'l_ll€ll Gull lllllll ¤l’€lll€fl lll lm mr A
md mw lanl, soher, of l tqeod lwliarioiir, W é·l»,_;,l lcctvetl c with tl1:1nksgiv1ng of thein ';
iu, 'W, siren t.o liovpitality, apt to te:n·h; I,. H·,_;_g,,_ l \vhn‘h helieve and know the truth.  
E Tu_llI__ J ¥Nol. given to wine, no >lrtlt<·1‘,¤¤nr, tray. l 4 l"UT ¢\'Ul'Y l_ Gull !$ '
` not greedy of filthy luere; hut pa» S 1t;o,;,7, ,:ooi|, and notlnn: to he retused, it ,»
Us nm lient,c not a lyrawler,notrovz·tous; ti ziimiujlzstal. 1t_lie_re<:t:1retl w1tl1_tlninlrsziring; §‘ _
l,,]i,.,,,._ l One that rnleth welld lns own tJ¤¤¤.|.lh ti lor it is sainwtuietl by the word 5 ·,]
§y' mu,. house, liaring his olnlilren in suh- xlllélxl-{-lj og) wfntlfnid pray5r. I H _ w  
' · jeetion wtth alltzravity; l“· “ ·": ,‘ ` l lllll lllll lc tlc ll"$ll lll Tc- Q
5 (l·`(yrif;1m;;u lrumvymtlynxv ml f;l"}ll;—°»9· n1enilm1n<·e of these things. thou r il
,,,,1 my. rule ins own house, how shall lrelu GQ,   ‘H shalt he a zootl nnnister ol Jesus    
_"d5U_, take rare ofll11;(;||ur(t]1uf(j(nll) { E"] Q in ‘ Itlirist, ;iouris;1cdl_upd ru thle words xi _"
' , '_ ti Not? anovnre lest horn: lifted,   'Qw: o tall 1 ant o trout vtootrtne,  
dm "l up with priilec he tallinto theeen-l ,{lg_{_|;_ ll'll¢*S*llllllllllles.e and exercise thyselt   ‘
,1,.,,,h report of tlnznir; that. are wnhont; z (Tot. LG. 7'(IUUITllIll<)L{lllll1ll(2§S.> ,j· _.
` "' lest he fall into reproaeh and lhe§y Icnfiléil. lt; l·lor llmiltlyuexertcise prtglitealr ij  _
V ,,1 -. Mjrtreh oftlietltxvtl. _ i { ¢· - - itt e: rut t;oi_ iness is pro nai e t,  »
,hl:..,,ll; 8 Ltkcwiso mus! the dearonsr I/el (tllAl’.·t.) unto all tlnuzs, hzivnig pronnse 1; lf  .
1l,Q`,,l|,_ '·Zl'il\`1$, not doiiluleuonzuetl, not k rt lli1.ll.il5. |ot the ltfo that now is, and of that .` _
”` ¥lVeu to tnueh wine, riot, greedy o{· Al.1t.{t.:>·l2. · winch is to conn; _ ·
_ mm, ,,[,],,, |,,,.m; ,l» ll-·.l¤·l·t» ei This rs a finthful saying, and 3
  ( U llulilnigl the mystery m of tl1e;”  worthy ol all arteoptalien. i  
, lf hu Itulh ni a pure conseienee. id ,],·_j§·2 · 10 l·or thcreliire we hoth labour ,   
wtuw 1,, And [ct lhusc M50 mst l,,.EET“‘-I-iii mu] sniler reproach, he<:auSve We    
I l[|'¥lVl3tl§ then lot thein ruse the oil V , me   G trust ln the hvtng (iotl, who is the  L  F
md lm,. lllfttot :1 deacon, he1ng_tea1nIhlaine·; 1,H;€;,,,,;_ >¤l\‘l