l J i I
. t‘ . —
l l l Z Ezh0rlat1'01t tu czmslancy, 2 ’l`l\lO'1`l1Y, I1. and tu purity oflik. L
l ‘ I edu us with an holy calling, not o A. 1). 65. ,l.ord give thee urrderstauding in all [rm,
'. - accordinq to our works, but ac<‘ord-l ——-•—-· thinqs. ,,,,,1
‘ · ` ing to his own purpose 11 and zrarre, 1¤II'¤·B·2$,30. 8 Remember that Jesus Christ, lr ,,,.,,
” wlneh was given us in Christ .Ie»lu 'l'ir.3.5. ot` the seed of David, was raised 0,:,
, - sus, hcfore qthe world began; l p rr.~_7_7,s_ from thc dead aceordurgto my gos- 2,;
, ~ .· l0 But is now made rrrarrrfostir hyl 1·lp.r.£t,tt. pol: rim,
I ` i the appearing of our Saviour .l<~sus ,, r-;,,_r_.r_ 9 Wlrorein I stiffer trouble, ru: arr ,,,,,
_ ‘ ' Christ, who hath aholisired s death, 7. ,,,U , .,0 evil-doer. wm rmt o horrd ; i hut the r,,· r
` ,  , and lratlr hrouuht ltth [ and irnrnor- ,C ',Q`,, word of God is not hound.
· Z tality to light throualr the gospel: I "'_`:’   ll) 'I`lreret`ore I endure all thirrzs
, r ‘  l 11 Wherount0I am appointed a ’*I""·"···"*·U· Iirr the /: oln<:t,'s sakes, that tlrey I H
»  { preaelrer, and an apostle, and a H R°·I·lU· lrrrayalsoohlrrrn the salvatiorrwlirclr Cl
_   teacher of the Gentiles. ¤ or, zrurml. rs nr (`hrist. Jesus with eternal glo I1
, 12 t·‘or the whitwlr cause 1 also sut`— a lPc.·I.l!l. 'ry. Sf
  {cr those thmzsi nevertlrelessu I w R,,_2_2;,_ 11 I! is a faithful saying: For iI`l
‘ _` j am not rtslrarntctl : forl know wlronr x ,,,, 5 ,7 we he dead with }zim,we shall also T
.  ·* Ihavu lhelreved, and am persuad-l Z ' ' live wrth him: ,.,,,,
L 2 l et} that.! hi: is ahle to keap thatry   12 lfwe s?Ilbr,wc slrallnlso reierr g
,  w rier rave v oommrtte unto = '· ·>- - witlrhim: i we den tn rim,he also .‘
'      hgr ;r5:;i,rsI,_tln1t day. { { `nt At.l!t.|¤. will deny ns; I y I  
' N,‘ ‘ · o 1 ast ru t re orm 1* 0 1/ It c!r.»t.h),tG. 13 fn we he ieve not, ya! rc . I
3   . t Sound w<>rds.wtric1rttwutrast twartl C a.,.r.rr»_ ,alud¢>tlr Qattrtal ; hea eaaaor. deny `llll
T    I , of me, in Iirith and love which is in d A,. 2,;,0 lhrnrselr`. ,,,0,
, '_ z I Christ Jesus. \, ' ,,“..,, l It UI` these things putp Ihrm in r<·~ ,,,.,,
  _;- , 14 'I`hat 1 good thing which was ° ' “"'“",,0` rnernhrarree, ehar;:in:: them lretow _,,-U
Qi,   (committed unto thee, keep _l>y the f ,,_ 8 ,0 ‘ `the Lord that they strive q rrtr ,,·]
.j~; , Holy Ghost, which dwelleth rn us. _" ' ‘ ahout words to no protit, but tetllu ,,,,i,
I `§,E , 15 This tlrnu knowest, thatalln tl HA   Ll `srrhvertirre ofthe hearers. ,.,5
I QQ Q they which are in Asia he tu1‘rr¤·tl/1 “‘l§"·l·'· 1 15 Study r to show thyself up  
  ·· . away from me; of whom are I’hy— , l‘l`,l" m* proved unto God. a workiuran that rm,
lt   ’ gellusarrd Ilerrnoqerres, ,,',l,.,'%' ,5 needetlr not to ho ashamed, ritghtly ,‘,,,,
'  ~»J Q I lti ’I'ho Lord give nrercy unto ther C ·,~;,', ‘,, ' s drvidrng the word ot` truth. G]
¢   honso of t.1rresrplror·rrs;c lor he oftl ,,,.,,2]   lo Ilut, shun profane uml vaiu ,-,0,
,_ _ , _¤ · r·eifr·ti_slred nre, and was not ruharn-lc rt;,,_§r,g;_g(;_,halil1lirr1;s; Ihr they will rrrcreast: ,,r]
t, .  " Q et o my e rarrr at 2 or, la1,t»nr·- unto more urrqodlirress: uw;
    _, 17 llut wlrerr ye was _rn Itorue, hel oir_·jii··z, 17 And their word will eat as doth 7
,,  ,,;,r . 3 sought me out very diligently, and, rnujtllic a iileinlrlrler; ofwhom is Irlynre1reu~ r,, ,
,~   · ourrt rrro. ww o tr. ant rr etus; ,,-,,—
  18 'l`lre Lord grarrt unto hun that ,f t'1`i I. rs. 18 \\'lroeorreerrrirr! the truth haw sj
I _   V he may Iirrd mercy of the Lord r1rw—;,*l’r.2.ti. ,orred. Isayirrzrz that tho I-osu,-,-,;.». ,,,.,,
ll - ; I that day: and m how rrrarry tlrungsl ~~~~-»/~~~.~»,ti1`· pri;
,   . * 2 And the throes that thou hast ,g, ,,",t,__,`_,· `vt-r,hr1t also ot wood and oi earth. my
Ag,  ‘ _ · heard 05 me ianrouu; ryrgrw wry- ,,K,,,,g,.,,,,, land some to honour, and some tr rr
,  ;_ A messes, rr: same eomnrr rou o ,» ·_ _! it rs rorrour. war
,1* 4, I Ihithful ru<·n, rvlroshall healrlec to`:, ri;I,,l]r;_lrg_ I Lil lfz a rrrarr tlrertrfore ptttit rrrrl
1, p _ tt·a'<:lr others also. *1, r*r·_ro,3;, ·lrrmsr·lf Irorn these, he shall l»¤·it rio,
,, ;j i‘_ 3 llrou therotore endure tl hard-l—¤ or. noiiiy. ,vessel rrrrto lrorrour, sarretrried,a:.~l all
q  _Q , ness, as a good soldier of Jesus to Nn.|.7. _ ,irreet tor·tIn~ rnas*or`s rrse,umlptt- I3
,,,,;  °ll V tihrrst, .Ivar.tt),l rah. pared o unto everyuoorl work. lv i
H, j ,1 1 t No _man that warr·uth_c errtarr- »T,l{*·,;t,{0· 21: lleeb also yorrthtul lusts: l»ttT‘ Nu;
2 I   I irleth hrmselt with the atlarrjs ot Hm,  ,_'·,;~,;, hrllow r·r:,lrteorrsrrt:ss, Iartlr,t:|ral‘1t}'· li;
ngtd ,., · rfc; that he may please lrrrn_ who Z ’_;‘ ,,’,,.~· rpeatre, with thern that trall ti vit tha
,,0, 3; _ hath chosen hmr to he a soldier.   ,.n",‘, [,,0 the Lord out ofa pure heart. my
»   , 5 And rfa rnarr also st,r·rr·e tor ruas ; ,,`,j ,;‘,j, ‘ 2; But foolish and urrlearrrel it
    tones, yer!   he not orowaed, ex- ,, ,C,`,_f:2_' questions r avoid, knowing limi rhir
5,   · eeprthe strive lawtnlly. c ,·,.,_ |(;_ they do gender stritlzs. _ any
gq:. E,  ’ , G Ihe lrusharrdruanuthat lalrour- :ior_jiir—· it And the servant of the Lorit oft
,_ . eth_ must be Hrst partuker ot the treating. must not strive; hut he gentle uu- rp
if?  I fllllls- _ f(h.ti.l. lto all zum, apt to toaelr, 6 pzrtrvrrt, lm;
ig,  7 U’ll$ll]0l'f‘Vlll\t I SM'? ¤\\\¤l U1'? {J W- 25 In rneeknessfirrstrur·tin;rhw wl,
ls?  ,.
- ».· rrr