t S
, . . . ‘ l
lt}?. Enemies oflruth described. 2 TIMOTIIX , lll, IV. Paul v.z*7t0rlt:l7t 'I‘un0thy. `· i Il
gintkll that oppose tltcmsclycs; if God A.]).t1fi. wise unto sulvutiott tltruughfuith I  
_ put1tdv<—tttt1rcg7 will give them re- —~.— wltitclt ts in (lhrtst Jesus. i I
hrt$t,h potttztttou to thc aclmowlcdgtngh gAc.S.22. ui Allp >t·rtpture vs given hyin- . I
rutsetl of thc truth ; III TII I I :~ptrntion of God, und q ts trotitnblr: It
ny gets- 26 And t/tat thoy tttzty *irt:cov0tj*5   ' lor doctrine, for rteprool{ Gtr cor- II
themselves out of the stturot _ot I_*{·jit·*=@ rcction,{orinstrutxtioninrtL;hLc0us· ’ tI
, zu: nn the devil, who nre tukcn 7 cupttve =1lt,B.t. nuns: ·  
hut the hy htm nt: his wtll. " attr!. 17 ’l'hut the mnn of God may he   ‘
II _ CII IPTER UI (CHA p_ {LI IpurlIIet,r throuultly 4 furutshettun- I
nnzs .‘ . ' .   ·ton good works. It
III I_III,I· l Ha azltrrrltsellt htm nf Hu: hmm In it gbl-}. CII \I,.I.IyI, IV I I
ttwltttlt ¢·>"·;· *·.·l~gtb~’t ”·g¢;·~;~·; ~{ n;.,_l,,._ tuntz fFl'}N)TII`I}1 r.m,,n.,; wml,. l I
ttul glu [""{'t   "’* C””"""" "' he I0 V _].,,tU|qI]u_ rr/it htm I0 cmttc lu hun, and In I
__ $m1*!”*¢~‘· Ib R,__I_w_3I [nvm; Mark, uml al/tar thtws II
YU? lt! Y I \lllS know nlso, tltutn in tltrz I or IIIIIIW ' tv/ltr/t he wroicfur. _ ' _;
All Hlétt lust duys perilous times shnll' IIIIIL I ('ll.\l{Gl·)zt thro tlterclltrulmlortt . I I
_ r~or1m_ IE,,I,I_ I III M I God, und the Lord Jesus iltrtstf - Z i
sn retutt 3 [Pol-}; men shrill he lovers o{I ‘_ ‘j‘ = ·;who shull juduub the quux :tn< -. I
,hU illw tueir own svlvus, <··   Httvtttzc at Emu of zotllittvsts, - ,_U_nI§II§/,0 Ilcttcltors,ltuvtn1ztt<·lttnt; eurs; I e
· t·· v ~ —- —-·-·"*‘ "t"‘~ttx1tt~·-t-tlt -·--tw »
mn it-t- lint dvtnttta: thc potter tltettot. ,, I_ II , G I . ttt toy ent urn nun) i,1r .
I. 1‘i§l1ll:' ttutu sutth t.ut‘n ztwztti I I I I_ I " ‘ °' '“"I,; gtutrs t'qotttItlt? ItIuthI und shnll bu   ·
lt. G For ot` this sort nrct my w tits t_ I __ " ‘turttt · 
ttwztv with dtvvrs lusts; In ¤ \. . . nu evztttartve ts , mn ·u u pmo ·
tins doth 7 Ever lcnrttitt:. und ttevor zthle uJtto.5.39. ot thy tutntstry. "
ytnuttcu— to come to the kttowletlgc of thc ‘ .»»~..\\`.` h l·or I uni now rgndy to he offer-
truth. Ip ;Zl’e.l.2l. Itctl, ztnd the Luna ot my dcpurlurcy
utltlttnr :5 Now ns Jnnrms mud Jntttltrcsy;lII u.,_I5_,I_ Hint. ltiutd. jj
resurrrv- t·.·ttlt>tontl Blows, so do these ulsn I. I.5IIIII_II,;_ » lltuve; fougltth a zood tiizht. I I
t‘ct‘llttutt` rvstst tho truth; menh ol trorruptg I0O_ lutw lnttsltpdt my course, l huve ·_
tnntds, il ruprohnte cuttctzrtttttgg tltuI, nr Ima lhnll ztvu tue ut thnt. duy, I- I
tt` Ulttlei vans, | [*-*3- und not to ttm only, but unto ull I ,
to uu; (hou Img; it {nity- kmum I.l Rc.20.l2,l3. thomm ulso Lltztt lovu his appear- I
tlttrt”tt_itt_·* tny dontrtne, m:tntt¢;rol` life. pttt·-IC*r.t.;.ts. tu:. _I I I III-
tnnl ot >t.~ Itosn, tiuth, lottg-sutlertng, cltatrtty, Ig yy, tn, 9 D0 WY thltzcucv to Colm? 5]*0*112* j II
nl` uxtrilt. p:ttit·nco, _ _ IC cII_g_g_ U"lt*_m*‘: _ _ I *‘
lsutnc tt ll l’t¢rsccttliotts,:1{llittt,tu1ts,w]t1chIIIII IIIIFI I lll For Demos ltuth frttjukcu me, A
vttnto unto mt: ut Arttiotrlt,1 :tt leo-I I'_ ‘_‘ _ tltztvntz loved n this )IrIt·setttuor1d. .  I
to ltltfit tutttn,/; nt Lystrn; whut purseott-If]I`f-l·'—·l’#I:tItttl is tlopnrtctlttttto lluzssttlontcn; I I·
:h:tll tn-et tions lt·nttnt·otl; tntt out or I/um :Qly-¤»¤3- t r<>¤<·¤=t¤S to ¢·¤\=¤~¤¤. i¤¤¤> ¤¤¤¤¤ I  ·
t.tticd.1t=¤t ullltho Lord tloltvorod nn;. I LIIQ-|_-N- Itultttztttjt. I _` I I TI kx I  Ij
v,u1ttl]¤l’t· 12 \`4·;t,:t1ul ull that will lujtz zotl-I/¤ l1¤-t»»|2- l1_Q¤¤ll I-Ulm 1> Ill 1   II Q Q I   
tvotli. ly itt t`hr1sL,lusus shnll sutlor pur-Ig ,tt·_3q,gi_ I1:ttIt, Ittt t z . I I
h,<:Itnttl§'· lil llut evil matt mul s<··- · · nto tnuoh   t IC on Igsrewa I  I
rtitt;\lt¤·>= whiuhu nre nhle to ninlre theet——m—-—,ltttn .tceorJ.n¤t