‘ ‘
I , ., t
Q Q ‘ Titus lift al Crclc. TITUS, 1, Il. Of evil-doers, Q
] ·   15 Of whom he thou wore also; A. D. 66. 19 Salute Prism. and Aquila, and thc,
~ » for he hatl1 greatly withstood our i•—- the houshold of Onesgihorus. mu
1 Q V 2 wgy;]5_ r;,,,_ prmcy,. 20 Ernstus abode at 'ortulh : hut 5  
Z 16 At my first ansaler no man wigs, illlԤ)]'7lllllll.1S have l lelt at Miletum M I
A stood with me, but al q mm for- _ sic;. A _ ,,w,,
,1 sook me: 1 pray God tlllll it 1nay·’I“l‘·l·l”· 21 Do thy diligence to come UU,]
‘ · 11ot be laid r to their charge. 1, AC_·;_5g_ ltetore winter. Euhulus greet- G X
17 Notwitlistaiiulitig the Lords oth theo, and Pudens, and Linus, 1,,. ;,
1 stood with mo, and stremgtlitinedll){¥·£)·:?· and Claudia, and all the hre- 7]
, ine r that hy me the proats tin: ‘ · · · thren. ,, t
1nigl1t\1e fully known, and Hm! all [_p,,gg_gl_ 212 'l'he Lord Jesus Christ be with 2;,;;,
_  the Gentiles n1it{l1tl1r·:11·: and lwas tl1y spirit. Grace be with you. (mr,
_ delivered out of the n1ou1htot` ul’$—l2l·7- Amen. 5;
the lion. »"\\~\». 1I 'l`he second rms!/e 1111to '1`1rno— t:on—
18 And the Lord 11 shall deliver 3 C VU tl1ous,orda111od tlietirsthisliop wu
me from every evil work, and will 0“";;'€‘}5'"j ot` tl1e oliureliottlnz Ii|lllUSlill`l>. my
_ ‘ preserve me unto his heavenly   N3; was written fromllome, when ti,
1 kingdom; to whom be glory lor P ' Paul was hroughthefore 3Ne» um
_ 1 ever and ever. Anicn. l;•— ro the second tnne. pic;
‘ Um
· _ ,-1 , _ , mo
·  ~   The Epzszlc if PA UL the Jpostlc to TITUS, hit]
, vtov
’$ ;. 1 ———————-—· 11
1 "· = hrn
, if C1[i\["I`ER I. 1 A. D. 05. 10 For there are many unruly und hi;
  5 Why Titus was {rf! nt Crc/A 6 ——e—- Villll talkers m and 1leoei1·t·rs, spe- 13
  j How miniszmw shvo/tl be qt:alUictI. <¤ !T*·J-2$~ eially they of the circumcision : nh;
. ’ . .~ 10 Of cri! rlnrrs. It l'l`i.6,3. 11 Whose inouths must he stop- we
. tl. P,\UL, a servant of God, and an 1or_ Fai; [tod; who suhvertn whole l1oust·~, ]\·_
 ` ` :1postleot`.IosuslZl1rist.:1_ not, lor tiltliy luere‘s sake. mu
Q? ‘ the at:k11owl1ztl;:111:a of the tiulh d vw y; M 12 Oueo of theniselves rem :1 mu
i’;§ _ wl1iel1bisat`ter godliness; _ C {Tl 1*,,, ` tuottlurt of their own, said, 'l`he me
it . gj _ _‘ 2 I In hope of otornxil life, which   ' ' _ tlrettmisrire ulw11yl1ars,ev1l heasts. 11
·    Got],thatce:in11ol.l1e,1»ron11sedhe— [ ` '·m ll·l"· islow helhes. 1h_,
    5 tored the world began; z K lil"- l-li l3'l`h1s witness is trite. Wln:rt;» mh
Q Fg 3 llnta hath lll due titties maui- /¤ !i`~.|l-Gt. hire rebukep tl1e1n slinrnly, that ii
1*    tested his word throueli proucii- *2 or_ hy`; on- thee may ho sound i11 the liuth; got
1   n1ef1vl1iol1 is eotnnnttetl unto mo, done. 11 Not giving heed to Jewish fa- 15
 " 3·. tiretirtliiig to tl1e eouttuuuthtiettt of {An, 1 1.13. NCSJI tuttl Ctrttitltttlltllltitltts of KHUH, l1o1
i   · lltnl our §nvioor; 21*1 3,3, that turn t`1·o111tl1e1rt1th. ii;
l    . 1'l'o ’l'11us, mine own sony after 1, yi·,_;1_;,y,;_ ` 15 Untor the [ture all things nrc '
g  ‘· · the voimnon tinthz Grave, nteroy, ;1 ,,, ,,,,,,,, pure: hut unto them that aro·l' vn1·r `¢ 1oth1n·*
,5 and pears, {111111 bod tht l uhnr 1,I.h , IJ Inlet nn u 1 ie r, 1. ,1 _ g
J T; and 111e Lord Jesus Christ our Sa- 1`_ _'“` `Y tpure; hut evten their nnntl and J
‘ 1*% ni vionr, 'T’·Q"““"" `uottsoioiieo is tlotiled. "
1 .  qi-: 5 [rm- [hi; mhigc hgh I thee in` "‘5· l lo'l`l1oy11rot`esss that they know 1*
' hir Vrnto, that thou shouldest set i11` """`_""""God; hut in works tlieydony him. N-:
{Hifi orderh the things that are 2 want.-1 m JL ljffl lhetnt; aho11nnahle,andd1so|tt·d1ent, 1-,,;
I ·  ji . in:. and ordauni elders 111 every " lm *·l·l’l- land unto every good work 5 repro— 3
hi;    . oity, nsil1:1d:11u1ou1ted thee: gv Av-l7·3*· ~hate. my
1 { tl Ifany ho l»|z1nneless,tl1ehushnnd p 2'I`1.-1.2. l ClL\["l`IEll li. uh
'·l E;] of o11e witle, Imvinz tiiithful olnhl- 1, |']`i_l_»l_ `1 Dirrrltmts g1it.·1.n to Tilus, helix 3
lt ‘  ‘·*- ron, not aceusotlotriot,or unruly. TR ,_] L] I g0_Q jhr his rlnrlrnir: mnt liv/e, 9 Mn
“ ¤ ‘ 7 1·'o1· 11 hishoplt must ho l>|:1mo- JUN .; 3.] 1 dit/1/n}`s¤rt:/:11/s.
V  g loss, as the steward of God; not L n__   V3" `BU'l`s]1e:t1lc thou thethinzs which
E , self-1v1llt·1l. 11ot soon angry, _not .r;/fmuigi het·ome sound tlotctrnioz
Q uiven to w1n•:,11ostr1l&er, not given ',I Q _ J ' 2 That the aged a 1ne11 ho lsoher,
ugly i to tilthy lutvre; ((,,,l‘,,l‘H"’l grave, teiooerzito, sound n1 t`a.1th,
t   8 But u lover of hospitality, :1 £lm."_,i'j..l;, i11 ol1arity,1n tnitnuiet:.
n t_`_ lover of good ilinen, soher, just, .;,,,1 jljiill l` 3'l'he aged women l1kewise.tl1:1t
‘ l1ol·,tc111peratc; 1 ,,jJ,,,,;,_ I/icy he n1 heliaviour as heeometh
[ Sl lloldinzl l`asttl1c i`ait.ht`11l word,] 3 or, unmet ~’_holiness, 11ot 3 false aeeusers, not
H2; ‘, ·\asl1e hath heen tautzht, that he` 1...1,._ 1:11*1:11 to 111ueh wine, teaehers ut
4   may! be ahle hy sound dootrtno li 1'l`¤.G.t·t. goodtlitngs;
g ft ‘ hot to exhort and to convince the * <¤r.wit¤· l ·t 'l`hut they may ttettolt th0l*
  gainsaycrs. l ~»- Efyoung women to be ·t sober, tolovu
t. ·. _
of J1;