E V ·B
'~I» Of the duly afscrvzmls. 'I`I'I‘US, III. Tim: dim/al by Pau!. A .  
and their husbands, to love their child-( A. 1).65, lSttlIlt2l.llItl£S foolish. disohe1lie11t,de- : i  
ren, V ;+1· having no evil thmg to say ol` you. "“"I• mil" 7 'l'hat being justified e by his ‘i
I'lI§*II $1 l§J:J1or[se1·v:111tsc to be ehenltent “"!"“""l· grave. _we should be made heirs 1 Q
UV? nnlo their ow11 inasters, uml to ]1];1,_5_1g_ aeeordliig to the hope of eternal ’ Q
please [hem well in all [hmys; null , , life. . {
Uanswerinz again; I x llu.2.ll. S This is a faithful saying, and r
ltlNotf_]1u1‘lo1t1111g,btlftsl1;1\\'111;: all A Lu I 75 these things I w1ll that thou alllrin 71 ·
good Itllilllj" that Liey 1na)' I V · constantly that they wlneh have
atlorn the doctrine uf God our Sa- l2p“·3·l:· believed ni God might he earefulf  
viuur in all things. m l'le.l.7. to maintain Wood works, These I
11 For the grace I1 of God that 7, El, 5 , things are good and pmlltahle unto I
briiigelh salvation 7 hath ap11el11‘etl ) ’ `“' men. _ . I >
Yimtl to all men. _ _ 0 1*-NO3 EI Ijutg avoid foolish questions Q
,s1»e- 12 Teaehing us that, dc11y111g71;p11¤.9_1.1, and geiiealogies, and eonlenllulis, ,
IZ n11go11l1ness a11d worldly lusts, 1I (I Dp_7_G and strwmgs about the law; for V [
Stull- we ir shoultlllve soherly, iaglxteotts-l 1pU_;_j_ they are uuprodtahle and vain. i '
Histo, ly, and godly,111this}1ri:se11t\\‘o1‘ltl;.TF" Z 10 ll) A man that is an lneretinl. after 1   I
Jtlgltt 1;} Looking [ l`o1·tl1atl1lessetl liaise, ‘I‘ ' the lirst. and second udnionitlen 71 · ,
. . . . 1
and the glorntus ao;1e:1r1ngm ol I IT1.—t.I2. ro_1e;—t_; _ _ — {_
Milla ihezreat God and our $L\VI\I\1I']C*> (e1{,;1»_ g_) 11 Iuioiving tl1at he that is sueh · . ·
' ` 16 sus t'hrisL· R. _w_, is sulwertei, and sinneth being - 1
UHSIS. ll \\'l111,;!av1:11 himself Dir us, gl, V4 ,, ' eondenlnetl of hiinselll I H `
\h.1t l1e mightroller-111us{ro111 all 1], ‘l" "· I2\Vl11;1xllsliallsendArleinasun- ‘  
l\lI1“C· 1n1q1111y, and pnr11]i gi unto lnmsell c It7*·.t5.II. to thee, or Tyelneus. he diligent to
that a peeuliarq people, zealousr of II’¤··I»3. t·o1ne unto me to i\mu1iol1s; for I : (
ll Q good works. WV" _\_\\,_ have tleterintiied there to winter. lj {
3Iif=1- 15 These things speak, and cx- 1 _ lil llrmg Zenas the lawvvr and _ {
IIIUII1 hurt, and rebuke with all autliori-i I"; MWL .\]1ollos{u1tlrelrjourrleytlxlxgzintlr, ,  
tr. Letsn¤1na11d1·s>1$e thee. t `1~»2.-I Q,9. that not unt: 1oI\'1111l1t1g\111lot rein,  ·
I5 tII`€ 4 (7ll;\l"l'l£IlI1lI, 4,,,- ,;,.1;;% I1 .\tulv let ourls also learn te ‘g
re ru1tl out leur/1, [[1*. 1f"<"'·l·I·I· lrulttah H t H X I 3
'_)U'l‘ Illtllll in nnnd to he sub- gy1·‘_g_3rl, lo . 1:1. are wl r me sau_e
IQIIOIV 1 `eetulo n‘1nt:i»al1t1esand 1ew—l I, . thee. Greet them that love us 1n ,.
. J I I I - 1. xo is I7 . » -
r [ttm. ers, lu ohey nragistrates, to hel, ‘ " E ‘ the iaith. brace be with you all. ti
thunt, really mevery good work, 1 J ""· I’_""1‘·" AIIICII- _ _ 1 lj.
I`¤I’I`*I‘ 2 'I`o speak evil of no man, to he! """_*·‘_‘ 1l It was written to Titus, or- 1 4;
no brawlers, lull gentle, showing "“"*" tlzuned the hrst bishop ot the hw
1,11 1, mcukucss um,,;,11mUu_ it-er.S. church _of the Cretians, {rein . l
1 MII 3 For: we ourselves also were. 7..; l\1CUlI0ll5 of Macctluntu. _ ,
9 171.7 gig { ;_ 
wl1ieh 1  
lsolietw _
t`a1tl1 _ i
1 `  ?
:. that ` l
oinelh , {
s, not : F
ers ot . l Q`
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thc 21 {  
to love { 4
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