l -   1
1 , _* Christ simchar lo Moses. 1lEB1'll·]\\`S, lll, IV. Tim rrr! nf C/irislians. 77,
l l l   that he lr by the grttcu nf Go1l‘ A. 7).61. ifi we hold Histthct2o11li1le11t:e:111~l 5 A,
‘ 1 Q should taste death for every 111:111. l——•—4 the rejoicing ofthe hope tirni unto $,,;,,1
1 1 10 For it lteeame l1i111,l ti11‘l It J111».3_1G, ,the entl. (; 5
, - _, whnmm arc all thinzs, and l1y‘,,_,,.», ,1,, ,6 1 7 \\`l1erct'ore (as the Holy Ghost 1,,,,;
 ` whom are all things, 111 lll`lll;IllI£;`l ,,-   ',s:1itl1, '1`o-day/c if ye will hear hzs 1,,,,,,
I · inany sons unto;lo1·y,t0111al<<> th1· "‘   ' “‘ voicv, ,,,,s,,,
~ g 1·a,1tai1111 01`tl1e1rs11lvatio11,1c1’iL1:to. 7* l*· ’·*-l· 8 ll:1rtlt111 not your htearts, as 111 ,,f ,,,
, through sutllerings. oel1.5.F.‘1. the ,>rovo:::1t1<»11.i11tho day olit1;1n,1— 7 (,,
_ 111 li`or hail l1 he that s:,nt·tinc,l1 I.11.1L$.L)Z. ,tati1»n i11 the wildcriiussz sayii
` , ant tiey w io arosaiictitiut areal ,1 .I1111,17.!1. , 9 \\'hen ·o11r 1:11 hers tent ited mt-, ..
‘] ofone: hir which t·aus1e ht: is not fp, nl IL lprovcd 1113,andsaw111ywui‘l1s1`or1x'  
 1 ushained to call th1·n1 hrellirtrii; E {,1 it-·» lymrars. i vour
1   12 Saying, Ir; will dt;<·l:11·o thyfl   ,;,'j' I 1U\\'l1ert:fore I was griievml with `g F
. _  11:1111e unto 111y liruthrenr 111 thel   ,:' ,tl1:1t 1:t:11::r:1tio11,:111d said, 'l`h:2y do wg,
 1 midst of the Clll1l‘l'll will 1 sing} "“‘j', 1 .alway err in !l11irl1e:11‘l; and they 1,,,,-:1
,   ,1r:11S;2 ul11tntl1c1:.] H ,l‘];"’·l'·'·"l··· ll1:1ven11t known 111y ways, 5, ’
1 113 1 nt auain, 1* wi put 111,1,11 11<1·l·l·l· 11 Su l sware in 111y wrath, '!Tl1¤)‘ :1 S
, '  l t1·aTgli11l1,n,.lA11d:,z:11Ii1.bB131;1,dI,s,a 101.1%.:,1. iSlIl|lllll;1l. Tite, into {ny rust.) I 1%
· ant 1:·t:111re11w11c 1 `o 11111, ,,·1,,,_1,74, 12 ' 'ate 1cct,l>r1¢t 1r1111.l1·stt1ere » 5,
,   l given me, I 1,, ,,L ,,,,__,,, l1¢:i11:111yt1fyot1 an will he:11‘to1' :,1,,
`  ` 1 1-1 l1t1r:1s1r111:·l1tl1e11asthe chilnlrenl ,,,, ,,, U ,,, m1helit·t, 111 de,1:11·t111gm (1*:1111 tht: ,,
· f·_*' 1 are ,1artakg>rs of fl1·sh_ and blood.! ,,,,,1;,-1.,—_ 1,111 ltvaiz Gull. vnte
, ·t g he 11 ulsoliiinselflikewise took pmt, oft/iu ,.111 l;$_1h1t exliort zz 011e:111<1tl1er:l:1il,‘, ,3,,,
 , _ 1 ofthe same; tl1:1t tlirough deatl1·11 ty" Abru.- while 1t1s called to-day; lost any 1;,,,,,
‘ 1 he nnglit destroy l11111 that 11ad the /111111/1c of you he l111r1l¢111ed tlirongli the ,3,
‘*` _ _1 power ufdt::1tl1.tl1:1t is. the devil ; lfllwlll ’1<1l¢l· detreitfuliiess ofsin. ·,,,,,
‘   Q {15 J\111l‘_tl•;l1·1tfrtl1e111xhlititliruluglita; ¤11.·t.1J,lti. C1-1 For we are inado ,>r1rt:1k0rs<1l` ,,,,,·
  { earw o _1 eat 1 were :1 t1c1r ile- · , , · hrist, ifo we hold the l1oui1111i11t: .,»
» g . time s11l1,t:cL_to ll0lltlili{0. l (( ,H3\f,` S') of our coiitideiice steadfast unto tho :.,,i,l
;   i ttl l·'or verily 51111 tool: not on ` 7 C l' ’ ' end; ,,,,,,.
. f. , 4, mn1 lhc nnlunr of :111,::1ls; hut he, "l"d“j __ 15 While it is said,11'I`o-dtiyifyo ,,,,,,,
_1_, _ , took on hnr1_tl1e_se1·d ol-;\l11‘:1l1:1111. ,l* N’·l>l·’· will hear his voiee,l1:11·1len not your ,3
1   ·2 17 \’\’l1c1·t;t1»1‘o 111 all llnnzs it. ht:» , 1 Z1·1·.U.lll3· lnrarts, as 111 the ,11‘ov0u:1tio11. ,,,·,,
yy ‘ j liovcd l1i111 to ho lltlltlli like unto ,1N1;,1;,7, 16 l·`o1·q soino. when they had ,,,,,_
‘ , ; ` , las brethren, that he 1111::ht ht: :1 U _1,`_,,;, heard,tli1l,11·ovi»l1e: liowheit not all ,,·,,.,
  ',, ‘ inercjzfnlz and litlllllilll l1lL{ll ,11‘i<·~i. ,- ,,,,_,$_,5_,U_ that (tame o11tofl·Igy,1tl1y lloscs. ,,l,,i¤
N  ,>,___ » 111ll1111gs]1rvr!a111_n1ytt1Uott,to 1,1:11:1:   , _ , ._, , 17 B11tw1tl1wl1o111 was he arievetl ,,
. Y,    ‘ reco11:¤1l1atw11 tor the suis ol the j ij; _"' tbrty years? was il not with ll1€lII g,-,.,,
,,  ~1 t ,1eo,»le: _ _ l" I “···*’· that had sinned, wl1eseca1·cassesr ,,,,,,
 g ig 18 For lll that he linnsclf hathl f""‘jj` ,],1, 1,, 1,,,; w,,,,U,·,,u$$’! Hm,
‘    sulleretl hoint: t0111,1to1l, ho is ahlel ' "l‘·l°#il`~,‘?· 114 And to whom swares he that 1,,,,,
 ri, ‘_ to suucour tlicinvthat are te1n,1tetl.l §l"}_;lg‘"‘ they should 110te11to1·111tol11s rest. ,5
1   ‘ _ _Cll,\l’ l'l·1lt lll. ,'* lf··1‘··· but to thteni that heliovetl not! ,,~,,,,
y   1 gbrzslfs nugrje wzrc/1y t/11111 Ilfnlrrs: , * I, 131 ll, 19 Sor we set: that they 1:011111 not ,,,,1
` [1;, 1 irrr orc: wc 1·zc1¢cnr1l:11 lli7Il j *·¤· ¢#1—’1`» enter i11 because 11 unhehel  
C  *"- E we shall he more war!/1y 0/`]11u11'.x}1i‘l )I:1r,7,£l- , ,   , I `,]',b
J  i-IW 1 211rv1,Utt1{,a,}1r11k1IiI1mrl11l Lvrrul. , ZJ. 1 wp mn_i£l’>};`l  [Hip an _ , 1;,,D
1* xyvr ·` 1 *1*0 1 ·I, holy l11·ot|1r1111,¢ 1,, 1.1.2,1a. '·. 1 "{' :`. ·` ” ’· .”""f‘
I 1;, gi H p:1rt:1kcrs of tho l1o:1v)lUSU5 b was >‘ Nl·¥‘¤'1_l1 seein to come short. of it. S
d. ; E jot//1f1zl111:1ll lllSllU\l$t¢. ` Jl`h>_,""· 2 l·`or unto us was the gospel 111
ll yy , J l·or this 1111111 was voutitetl I ll 3· _ ,1r1:a<·l1ed, as well as unto theta: ,
0 f` 1V¤Tlll5'*1f|¤01’¤ ¤lU\”)' illim )l1•5<¤S·l ‘ '*· ·_l13’· hut the wnrtl I preaclied dal not F
· 1 111as11n1t·h11sl1e who hath huildod c 1 vl1.l.t1. profit them, 21111tl11e111:111ixed 11*1*.11 ,,,,.,
m ,j Sie house l1:1tl1 more honour than, ,,-,,A,1_ ,,_, faith 111 the111th:1t l1ca1·d 1t ,,,.,,
, no iuuse, . , » 3 1*:11* we wlnoh have hehoved do .`.
lg, 1*   11, For every house is huiltletl hy ;l‘;`,ii,)l;;i,"i|`,, lentur into rest, as he s111e,:1sa sorv:111t,n for M j,U,,,',_} 1ou11d:1t1on of tho_w111·ld. ,,,,,
H u testimony ot`} those things which I V; W H ‘ 11 l·':1r ht: s,1:1l:o 111 at:::1·t11i11,1l:1n1· 2,,
2; , were to bespol:e11at'ter; _ ’   " · ol tho suvonth day on this w1st:.1¤ M,
,1   . . I G But Christ as :1 bong over his ¤(¤·*·2·!- `Aad God did rest the seventh day _,,,,
fg  ` own house; whose househ are wc,   fruin all his works. ',
1,,  ¤
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 ·‘; ¤· 1