ns. 7710 pricslhnnd nf Chris!. HEBREWS, V, VI. Drmgrr nfnpnstncy.   *_
zum! 5 And in l]nis plncc nznin, If they A. I). GL nour umn himself, but hc that is ‘  
*1***0 shn!1 ¥¢¥}\•2\' IMD my N3$T· _ ———•— vnllqxl of Gnd, xw was A:m·n.e _ K
_ (Q Semu: Ihcrelnrc xt rcngn111cfhld<>*¤·$·*9· gi S0 also fTInr1l {hah some must unter Lhcrc1u,:uulA° ""·*’*¤ hnmself to hc nuulc un luah [mast; 4
I h:s rhcy xl to whom 3 it 4 was tirst:   hut he tlmt sui:} un\<»l11n1,g1'I`lmn _,
preuclmn} nuturcd not 1u bccnusryf ,1?lm*·is· nrt my Son, to-duy have 1 hcgotlcn ‘ L
ns 1u ufunhclncfz _ _ Juéhmi thee. ,  
MHD- 7 (_A::u_u. hre lxgmlnlh :1 ccrtnin day, 5 ,,X._',mP'm, 6 As he saith also i11m1nHmrpMcr·, j \ .
suymg {ll Damd, To-day, nftcr so nyu Hxumil 'I`hm1h nrt :1 pnegt for cvuruftcr , x
*_m*‘· 19m: u mnc; =¤s_¤t 1ss=ml,e '1`<¤ lli|Y`f2}'¤,]_\[], thc order uf llelclusedec. _ 1
1ufi)' it y0w1ll hczu‘l11s v¤1cu,l1urdcn not ¤¤ ur. (l;,wLg- 7 Who in thc days of hx; flesh, Y ‘
_ ynurl1c:u·!·:,   dimes. when hc had omercd up prayers: ; 1
Wim 8 For if % Jesus haul hvqn (hem'; i~-19.2. {md supplicutimns will! strvmz cry- _
By dv rest, than would he 11uL :•lu;rwurd h }f¢·*·*6· mz und mars xgnlu lum that \VllS {
they lmvv spoken nfugm!I1crrlny, * *1]*: @9-2- uhlc k I0 wwe; lum {rr»1n_dc2uh, mul y
{Y 'Fhcrc rcmmucth Lhcrefnrc :1 1;:*,*  was lncurd 'J 111 that hu Izzumxlg .;
Thvy 3 res! Lu thu pmmlse ur`(j¤»¤I_ k l,:l1·]l· 8 'l`huuuh he were :1 Sun, yet g
10 For lm that is cntcrcnl ium hisuch }, Qf, {1 lnzprncd hz: 0h<~nlim1r·cl by the r'
UWTFQ vest, he also lmfh <·1::1~cnl {mm lm M C{{']0`23' lhmzs \\‘hir*l1 hu suifcmd; ·  
HT Ul mvn works. us Gnd did (rum ms) M H,f_] I'»,(_` 9 Am} m bum: uuuhg perfect, hc *
ll UM: 11 Leif us l:nhm>ur Llmrefure mq, ;p,.4g_;;_ l>cr‘_:1u10 thu nuih¤¤r<¤l ¤·¥<-mul $111- 1  
_ ruler imo thm, rmt, lust may 111:111* 1,|m»_3   vultqu unto:1_lIthr·m\l1:nM¤huy_l11nx; ,
¤*¤***)`» hull nflcr the snmc uxnmplc u1`*pch.lD.l9-22. 1_0 <`u\lml ut Gnd uu huh ylmust 11 ;
L any umllyplwgj Hq».3. 12. ntmrtlxcnr4]<>r0f)lul<·I1|>m¢·c.4 _ y
l V-N0 12 FurLlmw0n1 of:] Gnd is quick, <(`U¤\*‘- 5·) 11 Of whnm wr: have muuy {lungs
_ uml powerful, amd sluxrpmj than f**'·   {ns:1y,:mdh1ml(nlm 1)l.n:1‘cd, scm- , , _
*5}** any lxvu-vdznrml sw0rd.l1 pmrv1u·:' '*'; *'*'**"*' mz vc nm dull_01' lxuznyxuz;. ‘
¤*******¥ l·ve·n in {hn: divuliuz :n>v1m1u1·1x1`s·n1| "jI;&*“" 12 `l·`u1· when mrlhu luuc yc mnzht 1
*0***0 cmd spirit, und of thc _ir»iut,s uml I ;;"7*,;; In hr: t¢~1m!u:rs. ye lmvu uuml Ilmt I
_ murruw, mul 1.9 u d1>m·rx1u1·i of the é L_f_€[_}_' gnu lc:n_c|1_ym1 uzguu wlmzh he Hu; g
' rf Y'? tl1m1uh\s:u1¤l 111lc|1ts¤»1`l!m lmnrr. ,1 iU,,_a6_|s_ hrsh prmcnplcs ut the rwzuvlcs nt A-L I _
LYOUY 13 Neillwr is llmm amy vrmuuru ~/0 Gnd; mul agri: hcnuunc sunI1:1sl1:u·e { ·
¥h:1L 15 unt m:uui•z>L 111 his sight: e E;a.2S:l. num] ol m1lk,0 mul no!. of stroma E '
V **7*** hut. ull things urn xmkvd lr upnl >u.lb_4U. trauma _  pl
wl HN n;»:¤4. 71}% I·r»rkc§n{y·_¢:1;T ll1:\L\1;0lgnly;;;lg; S: é
*5%- whom we l1:u·4:md¤>. =' >-·-··- `· rs uns ‘1 u m 14: mm u 1 x - ·;
\`*¢*V€** 11 Swing than 1lmL we lmvn u **  ;0m1sr1cSs: Furhc ns 1x hcnhu.  
\h€11¤ gym; hm}. p»·jp,y_ mm gg I.;]$q»\\] ;—“·‘U·jé·  w 11 Bur sLmm; n1rei¤t._\1uluu¤<:lh to Q
1$S¤5#' »:1I.oI,I;se \m;m»n<_ Jpsug xm; sm; nf  {W /E_};U‘ xuuzun tlrxt lure ·* or hljlr mzmlcvmx  {
ii I 1·t. ·l ll 12 L · yr |`·s- fl, , msc wm my rmm:]1 :1 ·>usre_ mw E· 
ii [hm —1g:1j L ua ml In D Um { DL mgm',.} their suvnsvs m:1:1j<·1sml to dnsccm ~, 
‘ *`¤$*·· 15 For wc lnuvc nut uu hugh px·i{~<1 ,,, C;,_;_l0_ holhguod{1mlc;y{l._ V] "
H \vlxi<·h r·:uumL he mm·h4·»l n wnh ,, \.·p_1;_ { (HAY I LR V. _ _
**·* **0* me {Realmz uf mw iu:}.-mlm-S; hm U 1(7»»_;;,1.$, ~l H¤r1h{¤rlrH1m>IIn /rr/· fwrkfrorzn ` 
was in ull points u·uu.wd like us ¤¢>u1.'{ un xx- * H{r·>_fu1t/1, lg buy/nI/¤2.v!rn:U;1xI.1.3 1
M*<·u1·r,ycI wyrhmnr 0 sin, ;*¤·¤»m·¤. ` d1lnmu/ mu pn unt 0 wm, upuu _
. ~ .  . . · ¤\r;*v]1f· Gm!  
”’""*"* *° *‘**‘ "”»*‘*`*"»""F.? i"*‘€‘ }’."*`}**v’?     /i·- i u¤-znu-;¤·—0m:. ,1 lm-mg Mlm · ;·
·GUd·; uulu —nu I mm;. 0 .1.u 4•{ x.n \\¤, M_ Ur I I » '_ in fu P Im_mm_ Hf . __
Muay m>|»¥_:x11xv1xmrr·y. uml mul ;;r;u;(: U_}m;m' » : _}l!Il\(|{l_t,> sm 1* a `,l_* [_. I
V &uhe1p1n1xum mx ucvd, `(EHA 1,} hi ,( *¥Y\>'*·v*_"Ey**?E*’**** **** _" **L{_* F *0**; _.  .
lest, :1 , V. . r V , nm Lum. .x-.unlh¤, u»um.1t1onut ,
cmvr- ( Ufwl mi *' T l)*`I`[!Y]L;U} ` 1·s*r»r·11r`u11m: t`rnu—.h¤1u:1dwu1‘kS,u11Ll · *
,1,0um 1 'IVm_mnimn{u uml _'»·>zww·""*""V *"""""""[· i·,,-,,;_° {uml nf luvin: <»nr_<>l` lmuais. amd ,j 4
***6***i F0I{q`·(»;-y·|];gi;m·m.r1;.1;`·u1]·4y;. r, (—;,_e>_ nin, :ut__/ ¤·<:s{rrrg~¤·31;w11l¤>£ tha: d<·=n\, uml  Q 5
ul mnt mm,,,£ mm H U,-`y;,,m.`|,, tm- p.—1¤_11,u, _ `11‘t¢:tm"r1·\l _|¤}¤;j1¤{,11~.` l` _l_ Gun E :.
Q “***** mvu m things pn-/yymiuq to (huli J·:~'-LT'-K_*.¤· 1IJ1;~\!1¥l Ulla \\ll \\<, U, I U §
ntzr. l· ;· Il`: I tl L:il"S1\ll< " "·`;{· `*"'* ·, . . . _ ‘
vcd l*** ,;:(fyggj:f(.$U;*,:E  ;r N X ` f-\¤’~*y»-~**· * 4 For 1[ 1x 1mpuss1hI¤·h Hvrtlucsc  
*’ AN 2\\')u, mm \|,;“·p p.,yn;mg$j(yu my -**9- ‘wlm warm 011::1: <·1xl1:|1tvm»d, and Q
Y ****'*' the igm.1·;my_ um] on uhm., mm Em- $;;*i*:|*A_*;;}. ilnuvc Eznjtml in! Ihr; *£f·i{\;1-nj|5;1_¢ll)!; ` I
**0*5** rn1I,n{t|mw;|y; y.,,· 41.;;; 3..}/; {my. Mm_5_w_ ;§¤Rt}`x;`ei:(vi`L¤¤¤Ln¤¢. p.u .m,r> m A
H1 W M 4;   ;.·¢ *1 t·» ·~   —· g'
1:1*3 IN) lh Lump bsd VM X In H ;,,,{z{€I(}`u'\ 5 And lmvzz iu~¥¢:d lhv zmnl word  
***1****** 1*Xml11v1·<>:m»uhen·¤»|‘ lm mx:ht_ gp,.__g_;(»_;;_ in (iu¤l,:\mlll1<·p~>wv1‘>¤>{Ll1u murld ,
w1sc.n¤ ; · · '. . . I _ ~ . I,] ,,3; ·_ u CNW!. _
u_ us1¤nrrlu»_1>g¤p|»*<.>—{F ·*=** **** ****** ",Q ° · G ly, [mw small mll :¤w=¤Y·¢<* TFP
lh d y >.;1QmU11•-1 xm sum V * *`·**· · , I , 2 ... mm. n~u·i)l21lV’("
¢ And ml no umu !:xk<-th Llus ]m» rtf --,11cu I 1·1|1.¤_.uuU. ,; ,.
“ * “   Er