·e__ -‘ .
I · 1 1 .
1 , _l , C,l7`15[,S sacrtacc all stgyirzsnt. HEBREWS, X. ll’2‘(l]i71£‘SS af [hc law sacrjcrs, (1,*
`   l 1 G New when these things wnre;1 A. HG1. 20 Sayi11:,'l`l1isis the hloott 1; ot 7 *1*
· thus rtrtlaitted, the priests 111 went ———•——- the test 111111211t winch God hath c11- ,-,,1,,,
T   always into thc first t:1h1·1·11aele,`111N11.2S.3. joined unto you. _ _ ,,,0,)
i ‘ UCC0lll[7llSlllllL'tllC service 1JGn1l, 1,,1-;,t_t111_t11, 21 i\l<1l'CilVlil’}t he s11r111kletl like- 1.1 ,1
` · 7 But i11to the sect111d wm! the, t,t·,tLi.2,&c. wisew1tl1l1toodh11tt1t1etat1e1·11aclc, n,,,1,,
, -. hizh priest, alone 11 once every `0 c1,_5_;t_ and all the vessels ofthe 1111111stry. ,111;-,-1
1 · year, not witl11111t. hlootl. which he ,,,,.,,_,,,_,,,20 22 And altnost all things are hy ,,,.,11,
` , utterctl thro himself, and ,/br the _1,,,,_,_,_,}_ ` the law 11111*ged with hlootl; antt ,,-1,1,.
. vrrors ofthe ptmple: ,, ,0 , ,, without. shedding ot hlood1 ts no 1) *1*
i _ I 8 The Holy Ghost this signifying. q $1; ,,,;,,‘7_` rennsston. ,1,,, ,
, 'l`I111t. the wayp into the hottest of (,1_;1_2]_ 23 It lUVISlllQl'(?it1t`Q necessary that ,1,}, {
. ¥ at} {vas r1ot yet ntzttle ntanitigst, ,_,,s 5, ,,,,9 ,the 11:1t.terfe11t taher- "h"·m·2'l7· world: l)\1[ now o11ee 111 the cnd 11
J ; i naele, not n1atle with hands, that G lI’¤-3-W ot the world 11:11.11 111: a1111e11red, to ,,,,,1*
- ,· ‘ is to say, not of this hutttliiig; 1 or,f¤11l1. put away Stll y t 1e sacrtttee oi ,,,,,,
· ,· · ` l2,Nt;ttherl1ythe ttlootl ot` g<1:1t.s11,d¤i,_10_zg_ t1L111seltZl _, _ _ [ H 15
·. a11t e:1ives,l111thyl11s own; hoot 1 V »,__ _1_ ‘7 1 nt as 1 is a11p0111,11t unto ,, ,,-,
1 Q i he eiiteretl i11 once into tlte l111l1*I;l;,L,iD lllt‘l1 once to d1e,t1ut alter tlusm 1,,,,1
  g 11la,ce.11 hrtving ohtaiiied eternz1l1 ,,,10,1;,,,,,, lg§)llLl£!1ll(!ttl z [T H 11;
. 1 1·.»t tt . tt /;1·11__ . ,. ' ' So tj trtst 11 was once o eret o ~
li    13 iliii‘ilflit11 lilohtl0I`l1t1llst1111lt1flb Urtlljmli/W" heartl1es111sot` 111any ; 11 and unto  
1,  `ti- :11ats.a1ttt tl1e 1tsh1·sI1 of 1111 hoitler fl,*_·‘·Q;’1¥°· thctn that look;11i11‘ l1i111 shall he ,,,Q
 ,1;]* s11r111kln1gt.h¤1 t111t·I11an, szntetttiexltl *“· k,.,‘ appearq the seeontl tnnu without ,1,1.,
1 ,‘ to the 1111r1ty111g ot` the tleshz l_ ‘ _ ' sin, unto sal1·at1o11.r ’ 17
 # #1 ,11 llotv 1111111h ntore shall tl1et""¤ 7""pm 1 in {ill-\l"l`Il§RlX· v_ will
  1 ootl J 1· . t, w t 1: one t 1 ’ " ` "j"" ic wm 7112.;.; 11/ 111 aw sun: tres. _1
'_   - el111·11:1(tgi11l1i1tiSotll:rlitil1i1ii,so1t'ii*itltlc ¥ hI“'·2°·2$· 10 N11: s11zr1·Uir1¢ M Cintxfs hotly {xiv,
  `. out ·t spot to Uotl, purge tl y1111t‘t’*l`·X-J9·li!1 011r1· 1j}7*1·1·1l rj)1:rZ1111L. ttl .~tu cx- 111
  . 1roosr1ie111·e t`ro111 dead works tol 3** /1or/11t1¢111Iafiti//111111l11z1tm11r1:. .11,,,
fig; i servec the tiring Gott! 1i L°-l7-ll· FUILLI11: law,t1ar111ga shadow 11 1,cS
Q‘,3 ` 15 And htr this cause he is the It 11115,31. . ofgood things toco111e,11111l11ot go
i' fill 5 111edi11tor o1` the new tt:st:1.111e11t, 11;.-,11,151 the re1·y1n1:1;1e of the tlttntts, tiltll ,,-1,,
1 i   . t|1at hy1111ea11sot`tlt·atl1, thr tho re- ,,, ,.,C_,j_,,_ never with those s:1e1‘1t11:es whieh ,,,
Q 1‘_ l' , l 1',,,‘ {{1; !Yt¥i!$u1‘getl 1,,,,
 £?_ { d1eatI1_11t'tlit1testator. I [ [ P ,;%,1,; should liare had no 1110re con- ,,,,
hz _j‘ 7 ·or a t1·sta1ne11t 1.1 o oree X   ,,“' se1e11<·e ot sins. I _ ,,-,,1
0   atfter 111en are tleatl; otttorwtso it 7*   ‘,. ‘ IS llut in those snc1·11ir1·s lhrrnts :1 ,11
1 _ 1~11l` 11o,str1·11gt|1 at all while thelr   ,1‘e111e111hr;111;:e again 111111Ic of sins ,,,‘
,1, · ttestator trot 1. ···· · · every year. 1 1 1,
 _§- ` 18 Wh1:re1t11o11 111-itlter the tirstt(lYltA!'· IU.) -1 l·`or 1I is not pnssililc that. the  
gh   ' I1sxI1mtm1£ was Uuledteated without 11 C1~|.2.|7. hlood of hulls and of goats shoultl ,,,1,
gt; * ` hlootl. 11 or t1tt;., take away s111s.c gu,
111}:  , lt} l·`o1‘fwl1t:11 Moses had spoktzn. w1111.‘1lt1t1e¤. :3 \\`|1t·1·1-titre when he cometh 11
2} 1. t avery p1·t;no11t, to att the 1too1tIo 1,1,,,_,,,_;,,_ tinto the xrorttl. he sa1th,1/ Sa1*r1ti<‘t= ,,,,
agt l aucurtlitig to the law, he took tltcjc \,,_,,_,,_e_ land otliering thou woultlest not- ,,,.,
sg? ltloutl of calves atttl of goats, \v1tl11,1'1·._,1(,_1,.s_ 1hut a hotly 2 hast; thou 11re11:1r<:1l ,,,,,
I _ _ 1 water, and 7 scarlet w1111l,a11t1 ltys- ·u 1,,-_ 11,,,,, 11111; _ _ _, l ,,<,
, 1 1 sop. illltl sprnikletl hoth the ho1·k,l Itutzjttmi. 1 _t» h1hu1‘nt otlernigs anti mrrt/W-1 2,
1 ` , and allthe11eo11te. ·•-—— ,tor sin thou hast had no 11least1t‘1:‘ 11,,
.1  ZZZJ
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