`·‘· Of wiihzl uzvostnry. IIEBREWS, X1. 1171:11 faint 1.1 Lt  lr
7 vt *7 Then said l, Ln, _l Qome (in tho A. D, tit. llieilzc 11ftl10t1·11tl1.tl10re rernuinetli :1  
€i\· volume ofthe hook it is written of ——•— no nmro sncritirze thr sn1<. . .11
_r_ ine,) 1od1»1l1y \v1ll.O bod. _ L _r,,r._1·;_;9_ 27 But :1 vermin i`<%lll‘i~t1l lookin: *1 I
l¤l€· S Aliovc when he s:11d.S:1n11fic0l for ol'jud:111o11t ond tiery 11 indie-   1
lc Q1 nndolli·rn1gu_11dl111r11t-otlerinzsund f°l‘#9·l2· inition, which shull devour the ° l
M5'- 11/fgruig tor sm thou wouldcst not. lg yu_g1;_;; :nl1·ers;1ries, ·· g'
Z hi' 111·1tl1or h:11l§t iilczisnre l/1nrcin;, ` 25 llewtl1:1t1l1·sr1ise1lllo=cs’l:1\v Z il
_““*l wh1<·l1 :11*12 otlcrod l1y the low; 111 1%:.50.8-13. dm} “·r1_hrmr mercy under y_“·,_, Ur i· r
· UU 1) 'l‘h1·n sand l1e,l111,I1t11111oto dnl l=·l-ll· three 11·i111ess1:s: { 1
{ thy will, 0 (wd. He tukolh 1111*:11* l r CUI 3 I 29 Of 1 how much sorer p11nish— ‘ ,
uml the hrst, that he {lilly cstaxlilish the r ` ' ' ment, suppose ye, shnll he ho J ‘
lfaj second. _ _ rl1Fs.1l0.t. tl1ou;:ht worthy, who 11:1111 trod-   l
'~¤¤· 10 l-ly the winch will we ar1zrr‘_H_r den under font the Son of God, '
*l`*'€> sznirttincdctl11‘ou::l1 tl11:11ller111uf» ` ' :1nd ln1tl1 counted the lilood of '
’.°· ot the body of Jesus Christ 1111ce"”·l”·3l-331 the no1·e11:1nt, wherewith he was  
Siilii ’“l’i“%.11   TY 1110.1 $1 1.111. ttl. 1 3* lTil£K‘l{‘€§lt12?p1l2‘T1"51l1""‘§;·§‘ll *
‘ _ ’ _ 4 i _ _‘ 1 Lorne on- - 11 ·   1 ie 11 1 .
rue: danlya miriislorincq und otlzerinz r.io>_lm1-c, E11f;:1·a1<·oZ ’ rl
' _¥" ofteinimes the $1111111 szicritioes, Thinhe 30 l·`or we know him thnt hath 1
01111 whinh cnn never h tnkr; nwny sins: 11zi1[..’l11d said, \1`e11z111111o11: bilunycl/1 unto >
12 But this 1n:_11_1, utter he hud thm- nie, lwill r1:1:o111|1e11<11, sznth thc 1
°m{l` oilbreit one snrrihcc for sins, 111ri.,m. rrrlmw lord. And m;11i11.1L’l`l11; Lord shall ` 
  ercr snt 1 down on the right hnnd r H MLB rz Dr nitlgol_1isr1eo11l11. _ _ 1
· . 11tC1Yd; r { H r ul J H6 ill rt 1sI:1f1r:1r{ulltl1111: tn{`nll111to l
13* »r1<·o cx1 `;1`011’1.—.. 1,; .~ 111‘·gG1
hi“`l` his   borixiudd cliiiziufodt-l1(,r’ mw   lliit Twill ti; idziiidiiibiiiiirce the _
féhe >1ooli_ rf 1 i mudn hiriner days. i11 wliioh, :1l`ter ye r
lit 11 -11r hyune 11 orin·* ll! huthli _ _ were ill1nnin:1to1l ye endurcel 11 ~
dy YF perfectvtl for ever thein thnt :1re`;:;};`;@lS` {rent tizht 1¤t`:1ill1dli<111s; i
B U >:1n11tili1:d, ‘ ' `· · ‘ 133 Partly whilstye11*oro111:11]e11 ·
15 Wlirrrqftlie lloly Ghost nlso is r l·lzc.36.’1}. miziiiz-gttidla hoth l1y r1111r11:11:l111s r V
Wim ;11vi1,noss to ns: for utter 111111. lic`; 1*111.3.2;. limll 11lYl11‘i11*11Si 11111} I¤•·1’ll)'. _“'l11lSL ’ -
lusm l1;11ls:1i1l l>1·lore. lrrr, rrr rr_ lye l11:1·z11111: I1 1·11111pn111o11s ot them L1
lG '1'lnsm is the roveniint th11tl ' ' lthnt 11·1v1·os1111s111l.   ·
ed t" will make with thorn :1l`1cr those "  l 31 l·`ory<~l1:1d 1=o111p:1<$i0n 11f`m1= - ‘
““'*’ days, snith the Lord. l will [intl ‘ "‘ "‘ ' 1in myl1or11ls,:1111ltoolc_1oy|ullytl1e 7 5
ll hu my lziws into their hearts, und 111r~~/·--- $[11111111;; 111 your zoods, k11111v1111; ‘ 5
*111111 1ln·ir1n11nls will l write them; ru Zcp r rs t1 111 y11111s1:l1·<·s thutl ye h231‘e_ 111  
X7 3 And their sins :11111 iinquitiesr '3'$_" `l11~:11·1·11 rr 11 better un :111 en tiring - 1
,_ will I r1·1n1·n1ln:1‘ 1111 inom. l L, >ul1st11111r11, ¢ ’
mail- 1:3 Now wliera rcniission ofthesc w D°‘l"2`m'r R5 j':t~t not :111*:11* tl1eret`ore vcnt  
b"’]!l ix. Ilzrrrr is 1111 111111‘1e11llo1‘1111rti1r sin.   I €l1·?·3· r1‘1111t11lc11co.1vh11·|1 lrnth greattrl ru- rr
ll w' 19 ll:11·1n;; \l11er1ct'o1·c l1retl1r1:n, , )1ur_1g_31_ 1o11111111·11s1:olr1e1v:11·1. _ .·
”· *l1ol1ln1:ss to enter nito the hui! is:. 1 LS1}l`11ry1:l1:11*e111¢121lofp:1l1e11c0,e 1
"“'” hestnl1ytl1el1loo1l11f.l1es11s, l_ Dv 37 3; 36 th:11. :1t11·r yo_ 11:111; done thc will |
·!11·1¤ 211 lly :1 new 11n1l livin: wn1·]a§' __'   ` ol`_G111l, ye m11;ht receive the pro- r
1 ‘Y““ which he hxith 5co11so1·r:1to1l tor U ]°·l·l—’·ll· mise. _ _
1’lIl(Tl\ H, rhrough rh., rc,|,11m1iS1r,$1,y’ 1 111·11,;.1.1. 5 JT 1·`or_1'yot :1 111111: while, 111111 lic
l1lIlll· ],r§¤€Sh; ga"`, rlmryc rthnt shall ooino will 1:111111:, und .
=¤11¤> Lil Anil hmsiug :111 high priestp ;r,wu,,L 111·1ll1111t.t:1rr1r _
4 · 1 <» 1` I · 1 · ~ - - 33 how the just shzill live l1y
.»1cr tl1Ll11u.1,1lto1l, 111111.11ltm , I .
hm"? 23 Let ns tlrnw 111:111* with :1 truer in-, 1211- rhiith: hut 1t` any mm: d1‘111v huclc. A
¤¤tU5** h.·;1;1, yu q {ull ;1gg11r;111(;o uf froth,] yoiii-.111Iuc<. my soul ohull hnve no pleasure lll
“¥"‘l l1z11·111¤ 11111 l1<:>:1rts sprinlaletl r irom C Lu_1g_g_;_ rhino. y
*"’ll` 11no1:1l m111<1*111111rc,:1111l our hothes rr \m G I, r {19 Brit E10 nre not  were Ifdllltd 1y r
L1. t_
,  il