\ ~}
l ' Z Offailh wilhmtl zvurks. JAMES, lll. Of brirlliuy the tongue. Agar
l i . smnbly a man with aguld ring, in A. D. GU. marxV, that Raith wttliout works xs 11) 01
* · gtxndly apparcl, and Vtlxcrcg (tonic in   dlcaal V V cccdcl
- i 11151111·r11ax111x vile raxihcixt; -*1ry MMI:] _z1 Q as nut Ahmhzmx our fatlxcr 111-U1111
Z ` 3 A1111yc have rcs1>cctm him that f "IV» "l’I}—!I1 pxstxlxcil by works. when r he hull 1:;.1.1;,
' _ wearcth the gay clt»tl1ixx:,aur·1{;;VVV l;V°_5 IU V VV_ L.5l1\;l /lV§I§T gba mn/ly VVV 1. hu
. ' ·r in thc scri ituru ’xun s ia ~ `·*;,·, .· ’c arc 110 rw: ‘ v a mvc
~ -¥ · llltiettliy iiuxgliimiir las thysull] yu »"   wprovc others. 5 Im! [gz/iwr 10 11111c,q
Zj s 1111 111111; ill ,v‘Q[,)j“' @ruILe Nw jovwue. _13 1/wy that 1_1·q111..1
Y; `; 9 But if ye have rcspcct 9 to pcr- _ 1 >,;,,,,1E,,_ un lm/y wisc mc mzld and yqrct- 11-1111S_·
· ' sans, yc qmiiriiit sm. and arc can-; 1.1,5 M11, abbr, wtthuul cnuyuzy mal shrft. 1111t hy
.Q. 1 vinccd of lhc law as 1x·ans:;rcssurs. 1 1.11. B/[K lxrclliVrcn,hu not inanya mas- 18 An
. 10 For wlmsncvcr shall kcc;1 thc pu·1.S.l3. Vturs. hnnwing that uu shall xs suwx
. ,` * wlmlc law, and yct nlliV:ri1l xn unc 1131.11; XJQVVL {cccxve thc grcutcr l cundcnma- pcacc.
· · . ` . c `s rxnllv uf a., ¤.1. ion. _
{‘ ‘ pl)l"[11‘lir Qllickrliat said,1` Du nut! nstsssw 2 l·'¤»rbin many things we uiTcnrl 1 Ayn.
[    ’ cmnmit aulultixry, saiil also, Un not `1· <;c_,1_!,9,1_z_ lall. 1{ar1y_1x1axx¢1il<:ml nut ln\vn1‘s$’ ll \\`h:1i 11 1/1.1/1 it prtxilt, my hrc- (CHM, ,3) lhchn, whithcrsucvur the guvcrnur 1*91151;
1   ` thrcn, tliuxn;11 a man say hu hath W`, .,5   lllslnth. V _ - z! upur
H  ;1·" faith, and havc nut works! Can »“ " " ‘“ Hi 1 5 kjvcn so thc tnrxgnc fl 1s_a lxttlc .1 1 1;
  3 ~*  iaith save hun! I H.? a ,,` ’ inicmhcr, and lmastcth I ;:rcai 1111111111
.1  F I 15 111. 1..1.1htr 1.1 mm hc rialmd, 1,,,._ ,gg,;1.; ythuxus. Bchu1_.11;_ 1 11 And thc tlJl\lS, ami. wl 1h111V111
2 ` 18 Xeea, a man may say, llmn,/L wl,   {[_ linings xn the s{+a,xs taxxx<:il,an1lh·¤lh V1 >11|
,1 — hast Eiith, and l havc works: shxxwl ‘ ‘ 'JUV hut-:n tanned ext ¤ mankind: 41111111
  1111: thy iaith Twitlmut thy _xt·<¤rlLs..1,,V,1,“,_ S But. the tuntzuc can nn mill} 111·1;11·.
2 , and I p will show thcc my tailh by 1,,,,1,,,u_ tamc; ll ls an unruly cvxl, full ul :1 1l1~;1
ng. V l my wurks. _ 1:1,.11;,,.,1 .,f llcanlly z pmslm. draw 1
,,,,1 19 'l`huu bulicvcst that thurc xs] ....1.., 9 ’l‘li1·rewirh hluss wc Gnd, cvvn 1.1111115,
  one God; thuu duest wcll: thc { 1*-.110.3. thc l·atlxcr;_ and therewith curse licaris
{  _ elcvilsq also bulicvnz, and lrcnihlc. 1 1iu.i1. I3. wc men, which are niadc ailcr thu so 11.1
11  . ::0 But wilt thuu know, U va1rx.—T;s1x1x1l1\i11lc ut bud. nccp;
T ev