False lcachersforetald. PETER, Il, Ill. De:rr1pIz`oz1 Qftvil scdizcers.   § '
I3 r2l For the proplxenyjtttme not A.D. UG. that they uriderstrtnd not; and } ,1
»- ··1nz nld time hy the wtll of 111an: —·i shall utterly per1sI1 111 their own * '
I: hut holy men of God spake ns they 5 0,. at am enrruptiotiz
were 111ovetla I1{vthe`Ilt1ly Ghost. ’ ‘/` li! And shall receive the reward I I
;: LHA ll:.lt ll. :Lt1.I.70. of u111‘1t;l1teo11s11ess, ns they 11 that I ,I
1 Ik forsjlrllelh lhen14rzffnLsvr lcnchgvs, U _ rcuunt it pleasure to not 111 the day- I }
slivwnig the mtpzely and 111:111sh- "··T‘·3-l6· Itnne. Spots they ure and I.1le1n— 5· I
t 11;cnt11fthm11 uml lhctr fo/lowers, (CHAR Q') ishes, sporting themselves with 1 l l
ff`- tieir uwn tleceivtnes wltile the * I
~· BUT there rz were false prophets “ D“·m·l1&°· leasvvith yon; D y 2 j
a so among .1e ieop e, even ;,M“_g,_:_g_;_ 1~t aving eyes {ull t1f`·Imlt1ltC1'y ‘ ‘
as tI1ere shall he false _tea<:l1:1rs _gC_gg_én, and that cannot cease 1'1·o1n stu! { I
;\?iIUII§§ ytiu. b yvlhul privtly shall_ an, he:t11{1111z unstahle souls; an hear: 1 l
1 ng lll tn11111a1e 1eresn·s t2ven· tTi.·t.1. 1ey tave exercised with covctous 1
th·11y111gtl1e lord tl1at l>o¤1el1t`tl1c111. I, ,,, ,n,m,,_ 1>r:1ctict·s; cursed children: ‘
and hrtng upon themselves s\v1t`t WL M wma 15 \\'hiel1 have tlusaken the rizht   gl
lI'9SIl‘\t<¤Il¤tl. _ twig, ,-CML way,:n1d are zone astray, l“ollovv111g { · t
Z Antl_ many shall follow thetr tl1e way ol l§11l:1:11n 0 [he sun ot Bo- 1 l
1 I isernictous ways; hy reason of eJ1t1te ~t-7, sor, who loved the wages of u11- I Qi
tv 1o1r1 the way of truth shall he _ ri1:l1tSllȎ rmnirna tv j ll
H willed, they are not afraid to speak **1*-1-!·Z°· J'g‘%’""jt‘ H An Mhgrmmm 10 I S
_, ev1lt1f1li:111ties.l 11 l'r.Q6.tl. y "ie°S' _ I  
  ll \Vherc:1s angels, which are ) I I Illlb second epistle, helovet], l I I
, greater in 11e»vt»1- anu 1111gl1t,h1‘i11t{