1 _ ,
- i Ja/nfs lcsttrriony af Clmbl. 1 J OHN . 1. Hotniesa the test oftrue faaltx. Or 1
1 ; s·u111111a11dmc11t; of iis thc upostlcs AJ). bu. | ll S€£'tH1lAt.11(51\!]l/lZZ\11!.1\C§t3t. img? s1n111:1
` ofthe Lord :11111 Saviour: —<—;,sl1all bc111sso1ve11,w11ut111.11111erri 1,5 W1
‘ _ 3 I{11ow111g this first, that there 3B*;5i_{9i_ ~p<~rs011x`0ugl1t yea 1,11 Us 12QGu 110;
‘ · 5111111 came i11tl1c last days scot`-, §· *·__~’;, u0111vr:»11l1_u11 illll ..,111 int ._, _ 1 Ch,.
{ers Cwulkiriq:1t`tertl1cir111v11lusts, }""·‘“·,;5' [ 12 L<1v1<¤1¤Z_¥¤F!l_ wld ·h¤$§¤1¤ 111111
4 11111] say1111: Whcrc 1t' is thu 11111- N, ,,,,",Q _1111to the 1¤11111111g11t the day ni (41111, 10.,,p
1 mis1z11fl11s c11,111in1;1 1'nr $1111111 1l1c’,,j,__",";,;,"' i\\'1I'?l'0ll\!1ll¥ l111a1·c11s.l>1=111u on 11111, ;,,,,,G
fatheis {1:11 asleep, 1111 things 1*1111- 1 c,,,,,Q3,’},,,, 1511:111\1u111ssn1vq1l,lj1111l111'1>l1:l12n1Iu11ts A/IX
‘ 1 — ··i` thc l1c·*111~‘ 1,; _,__ " sl1a1111111 l.1'\\'1t 1 111*1*1:11 111a_ . ,
iiiiizcoiiliglgigiiihnlium B iéigni-?_1’1_rw_] 121 B•?\'\?l1·1l0lt‘FS wc, 111‘u1>1‘11111&,’ to ,,,,1 4
 I 5 For 1.1]1SI‘11t·:\' williiiulyarciz11n·=/11-,_511,:1_y »his p1·11n1isu,l1111k f111·111:1ys ligaveirs ,,,, ,,9,
mnt uf that e 111* tht: wnril nf (311111 Z1—1·.3.H. :11111 11 111:1v11a1‘tl1,\1·l1s:1‘e:111dwellct 1 sus Lh
i 1 1i.. liuhvciis wére nf nl1l, :11111 tho 2'1`t1.l.S. 1·i1:l11111111s111:ss. _ 2 A111
» . .. · ., · 1 . ··1.~f 11·s.11u.1. 1~l\Y11ltF1·1`0Tt-1.11C10\'Ut1,SC0l1|%I[1\7\[ .,111 S1,
caith lst.1111l111., nut nt t 11, 11.1 Ll .
· ‘ 1,,,,1 ,,, ,,,0 ,,.,,,,,,.. 111 H1·l1.2.3. y(11n111(f1)1’ such 1.11111:s. lliltlllliftilltf 11111; :11
» I1; \\111·r1il1v 111¤'11·m·l1l that t11o11iH"·§6-1:: that yc may hu 111111111 ut llllll 111 11-,,,·1d_
r w;1s,l11:111:; 1]vo1·11o11‘c11wit111vatcr.g ml;§g9·,:5·,, {10:101:, without spot, and l1lt1111c— 15;,1,,,
· . , : :,5:* · · oss. _ *11111v
_ ;  Ll,-W ‘mm_e“s and me 6,,,.,1,1 Z1 \ll£[*»ji·lin IQ Am] ;1p(;1111?L Nia! t.111:11011¤-S11l- mrmrtr
- which are now by the same worn 1 `   I`1:1‘111t: of nur .<1r1 is sz1vat1o1)1,1: 1110
· - ’. .. .   ·~ — · -1 herlanl 1·1.]
. 1 · - 1 -1 ·, res1·1vo1l 1111111 R,_1G_1__ uw as 0|ll_ 1111111111 hrnt V .,9,,],,,
' - `   lifigtiiiilét i.11)e;L¢l11v nfj1111;;1111:11t P ]·;_11,g_gi;_ also a1*un1‘1l1111{to tho w1s1111111:;111e11 ,1 A 1,,
` :11111 11u1·1litin11n1`1111:n111y 111011. 1».{»l.1i. unto 111111 11:111111·1·1ttu11_1111t11jrtful, 111111.
= B 11111, l1el11ve11, he 11111, 1;I1l01'2\l11Z 11:.21111. ln A_s also 111 all }11s1`1,111Tt_s::,11 ,,1;,,1
V nt` this 111111 1111111:, t11at 0111: day vs .-»»~~\- s111:ak1112111t111:111 nftl11.s1. t.1115.,s, ln 1,,,,
  1111111111; !.n1·11 as a111n11sa1111 ytrars, q ’1`i1.2.13. ,111 1\’h1t¤11 ilfu SUIIW; 111111;% 1;-11 ,111 11r;1·;U(-1
  ` 111111 at tl1nusa111l yours as 11111: day. unt,/·111i111§ ,110 l¤11<}'¢l'$‘**<’¤I·"will tlwb [ ""· •“" W1: =11‘¢¢
l' ' 9 ’1'h1; 11111-11 1s 1111t slant:/r c1111- §’¤f;l/1;*1-7|5’··Bll1l!}2'l\C\} :1113 1111>Jl11l13c`\::"fffl,Ys;j 11; Hu
1 ,_ · ,, ·. .  L, -_ . mw 1 ».'-1.. 11;; U 11 sn 111 11 11:* .·1:‘ 1 *, 111111,11
1   i?1Zii;l;11tlbr—i Ml~l··*· _ lunto their 111v1_1 1lcstr111;111»11. _ 1,1..,,, H,
*' ' V ~ ·- 1·|Y11nt11·11l111·*111t11:1t ’ “°·2'~}·2'· 17 Xu tliorctnrtz, hulnvud, $00111: 7 Um
mg! {-U usjim (·`— ·1 1111 111-11 ·11l ’ lu"-!}   ro k11<11vI/mscHzimrs1>11|`111‘1·,h¢c\\'u1‘1¤ 1,1;),,,],,
1 . giiiuiilii[1]:11113(iiii·:Y11t»i111111é1»‘. l 1 "li";?Q·”‘ icst yu =1l>11. l11=1¤i: lcd 1111*111* with .-.1,1,,.,;.
1 “ 1 111 1111t 11111 11111 nf 1111: 1111111 \1‘il1`;K]_)i;i,£,_ thu error 11: thlti niiltzltgl, 11111 [111111 11,G1;U¥
1 ‘ ` z 1 as 11 11111:tn 111 tho 11i:l1t· 1111 ,.;,_|;_l1_ 1y11111‘11w11S 0211 1.1; tw. 1111.,1 ,
. 1  *1 11:821-1111-11 tho 111:z1vu11s11s11=11l tiziss 1·1·h_1i·_1·, I 18 B11! Fiwww 111 t¥Vi¤U€· and I" h1·:1r1l1
1 *1 ` ,111~;,,· 111111, 11 Q1-.·;11 muse, 111111 111111 2·y1,_1_5.1O_ ~t11e_k1111wlu11:e ,111. nur taunt 1111:1 S ,1:,,,
1   · rei1;1111:11ts shall 11111lt nin]; t`1:1·v1=;1t*u- 1·..1,1,l113_ ?:11*1i»111£, 1t.;)11`11s`Ehd air   ·_1-I-1:1, ,1
¤  , 1. .-   ( :*11‘ '   11111111
1111.1t 1111: 11.11111 .11su. :1111 1,1; 11011s 1: .11.1. 11. `11 1. V
I i' ` 1 ~A · 11·11‘k ·-
i · t11z1tarul11c1‘u111>.l1u11hcl1ur11u1lup. ·—-•—-—. 1llL1\. . 111..
1 · 11 1‘¤11t ll!
1 ' " . . , . . ,. `\MM,o\- ·1l11>1
1 -. :11111 hat
i y TJLB First Epistle gcncral rf JOHNZ "iij$,?C*`
  r, __i4_____ 111;tl1111
  . lnrtvxisi
1 i · — 0 A 1 tl r·¤1=tl1i11¤s write wc 1111111 11 11111
1 C1{.\l"1F.1{ I. A. D .0. 1 4 111 ,1.. . _., . ·
lg _  , 1 II; (mam:/I1 what 11.- hurl scm 11]:11 --+75- y1111._tl1=1t_/y1111r_11»y111=1y_l>5t111{-M ti 111 11
1 rg  /1:1011111 0/ //1:: 1\'1n·1l nf [102. 5 In U -l¤1**—l»l.}~¤· :1 ll11st11u111stl1111111,¤s.1,,1.1. 1 I. 1.1r.1111,¤
‘ ’- ·» `-1 ~·1` · 1 G 11 h· ui- ’·m"’·'-'b· 1wc1111vul11::1r1l11t l11111,a111l 110011111* ho :111:1
  1 hurt _f1Iu11111]1 ititt 0 L , , ,,,, . _ , , 1 ,_ ,
1 ‘ I 7,,,,,,];, ],O],,,,.M1_ F ·“·~‘;—,- · 11111111 y11_11, that (11111 is 11:11t,y .1111 1.1t1I111
.1 - i V 11l\'l’ wl1i1:11 was frn111 tl10n1£l`,i:;:"l1,’;’, 1111111111 is 11u 1l111‘k11•1ss:1t 1111. N ~ 1 1J 1 11
· - 1 110;:11111111;:. w11i1:|1 wc 11:1}*1*], Q ji',. (111’\\;0 say that 3*12,1111: 1`1~l41?\: 1*1. l11·
Q 11021111 whic·l11vo11:11·c $01:110 \\'111\ _{.111~»_15_11_ $1l|]1 \11tl1>h1111, .111 11.1 1 111 1.1 .1 , .1,11 11
hl!  mir 0,vos whivh wz- 11111*1* looked g .I11¤.t.J.L1. 111~>s,1v1e 1111, :11111 11n 111111111: tr111|1. 1.; [ 11-
°; *1 11111111, 111111 n111· 11a111ls_11ave1: 111111-* |11.t:;11»: 1 11t1t1I 111. 11}.1111I1>1)11lt111,`1t..»31ll‘,`;t ,,111;,1,51
' 1ll1211.oft111; \\`nr1luf111`11; 7* ·[11`¤l:·G’1. h11_1s111t11e·11t. 11, 111 1.111: 1.1 Il I . 1* 1
m 2 (l’111· the life was 111z111it“este1l, **·1*·l··‘· ,sh111 o11o_w1tl1 Zllltllvtlttf, .1111 (tt 11111,,111
1; :11111 we havn s1:1:11 it, :11111 hear wit- ufl-yi']; 1111111111 t {ft     111s .,1111 ,  
‘   ; ~ · t 1 utl1at.1:t1>r-1 ·; · tt canstc 1us 1*11 1 .’ . _ , _
We ' HF"- ind him" u“1i]3U·‘1] 11 1 yn. Rf: IP- 8 lf 11-1;s11y that we have 111151111 - yo hzivie
m _ 11.1l11f1,1I 111111:11 11.1 111 1 it ,1, u\,',,_4G_ V   h __ll ’__ _ dlh(_u_u,,I H , h
2t th1·1·, :11111 was111a111t:1stu11u11t.11us;{ M, Zim  num. tts, .111 , · NWN M
" 1 I1'1'l t. *1111111 wi: iavo s1:c:11a111 E _-J _ · ` 1_. .. _ _ X _ - ·—,
  1 111~<11‘11“·l;i·l:1r11 wo 1111111 yon, that _1;;;(q_0 1 9_ |t_¤1·u c1111t'1:ssl onr sms, ht 11- · 1'1111 1,; {1
bh   1-re also may havn f1·1111\\'S1lI[1 with 1.1.111e;1_z7_zs_ ¤¤1l111¤¤l¤¤111l Just W ¥*¤‘1¥¤V*2 “* ‘{'€H ‘Q‘l*_'**¤1
2. - iis: 111111 l1·111v our t1e1l1111*sh1pc ttl 1*..:115, ,s111s, :11111 tn tclcaiisu 711 ws |r11111.11 1*11151: y1
¥ 1 with thi- 11'a1l1or 111111 with his .51111 ·m 1’s.51.2. ,u11r1;:11t11n11s110ss. , *·l (wd
  I J1:s11st'l11·11;L Y 1 1 11) lt`1ve say that we have 11<1· |111»·U qv,
1 231
1 . 1
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