` Jesus is abk la save us, 2 At 3 JOHN. and to hear our prayers. Jutlc
19 Azul wt: know that wt: are Qt' A. D. 90. Ihirn that is true, and we are in 9 I w
Gtttllz aIrd the whole world heth rn -—•——- Irurr thaI rs true. even in his Son Drtrtrtrt
· witt nt ness. z l.a.2t.-15. Jtrstrs C rrrst. Tlrisy is the trut: prt:·enr
20 And wt: know that the Son of y I<.9.G. ititrtl. arrtl ott-mal hfc. t:t:ir·tevlr
· Gtrtl is nonrtz, and lratlr grvutr us arr ; l(jn.l(),l-1, l 21 l.lttlo clrrltlrt:rr,kt:cp yourselves ttl Wl
untIe:rstarrdrng,ztlrat wc nraykrrtrw .—•T-tfrorrr rdols. z Aaron, trrorrrht
W \Nt.\~.N. ,. M,   r, . . W. mw, ~..`,h,`·,t W words:
- rrcitlrcr
; The Sccmrtl Epistle of JOHNZ lQ}I‘fQlI§‘
‘ ulrurclr
· . ll B
5 Hc ezhortcllr rt rcrtain h0n0urableI A. D 90. havn hcartl {mnt the bcghrrring, yty  
mnlrmt, wtllt lur clri/tlrmr, 10 ptr- -—•—- slrtrttltl wall: nr it. ° '
I . . . . t
r sorter: ra Cltrwlttm love mrtl bxltntt =» 7 l·`t»r rrrarr c tlecuirnrs art: eater-
I I a tJrrn.3...3. _ Y
.   vglcsl lltry Tv lhe rcwnrtl ttf l}trtrIb J G H V ctl 1ntIr the \(yr»rltl, who t·t>nl`t:ss rrtrt
vrmer p1·nt·s.r·im1· ][)nnt1t0 have “~· ‘· "· tlr:rt csus `hrist is ctrrrrc in tht:
* I trnlltftrg to 110 tvilltisrtltzcers. 2l· fltesh. This is a tlt:t:crver antl an
L Ylllllu ulthertrtrto tht: elect lady -\W“`—.\ arrtrclrrrst.
I I _ and hrer chrltlrs:rr,wh0ml ltwt: E Um I I 8 Ltroktl to yottrsclvcs, that wm:
I III lhiltr;1tlr;larrtl1 not I trrrly. lItrtI ' ‘ ' Itrse not thtrstr things wlrich wt:
_ I u str a t icy t rat ruvc known t rt:Id )Iar.l3.9. ravt: I wrtrutrlrt, hrrt that wt: r·:—
I , I truth_; _ I III . 3 II, cnivt: a full rcwartl.
,~ .r 2 1*01* thc truthls sake, whrvh “ "· ‘ " I 9 \Vlrtrso0vt:t‘ trarrszrvsstwllr. antl
Q   dwcllctlt rrr tts, and shall be: withI n°'3'H' ahithetlr not inf tht; tlotztrirre In` I WHIP
I ‘. · tls Orr <:vt:r‘. I Ixm~,m{md, Christ, hath not Gtrrl. llt: that ·‘!”'“
  T 3 Gratrt: ht: wrtlr ytru, rncrtzy, mul; strrrru ctr- ahitloth rrrthc tlotztrrrrc tri` (`hrist,ht: flllftll
\ I  ' peace, fror1rGt>tl thc l·`:rtlrt:r, rrrrtlI p»¤·n 0 rt: ·a wr, rrr ru r arrt ¤¤¤f¥t¢¤¤· y rcre court: any urr.0 you _
I · I ltrvc. _ _ 1 Fd-/Wl arrtlhrnrg not tlristlmmrrru,r·t4tzuiI·J ·f>ll\{21
I  ; 4 I rt:_t0rtjt:tl grcatlv that I {orrrrtl U“’·· V*· lrrrrr not into your house, noithcr lllchl
I ,r" ~ ttf thy ohrltlrtcn walkirrt; itr truth, I/·J,,,,_I5_G_ Intl hirn God strtzctl: (IIIYISV
  . ns wc havn r·t:t·t~ivt:tl a corrrraanrl- t ll I·`trr ht: that hrtltlcth lritn Gtttl Z MB
I 6, I ttrctrt frtrnr tht: l·'atlrt;r. I; G1-l·$,9· spctztl, is tlartakcr lt. of his evil l"""rl
I   ~ 5 Antl now I ht¢st·t·t:lr tht:t:, latly, II I·I·I G ,1 dctztls. _ 3 DU]
I   nut as thtrtrglr Iwrtrtc a now t·trrrr- " " ' I 12 Having marry thinzs to writt: ’·I""‘lc
I {I rrrantlnrtart trnttr theo, hrrt that 'luutllulm `tnrttr you, I worth] nut wrilc with C"“"“‘
I I I whttzh wt: lratl 1`mrrr tht: ht:gnrnrrr;,I "“”"l'· papor antl ink : hut I trtrst ta tttnrrt: I"? mp
,l   I that wt: ltrvtgn tvrrt: arrtrtht:r. ;I Or ,I0IL,_ unto )'Ul|,fl11d spunk 2 time to f¤<‘¤¢» mm V
` j   tt :\Iltl4[lIIS rs ltrvte.h that wt: walk _ ]‘j I I that it otrrjtryr may lm [rrll_ Vtlilltii
I R I·  Itlltcr hrs trtrtrrr;rrrrrtl'nrt:IrIs. 'l`hr$ Is * l- "·'· ·‘ - t 13 ']‘]III (;)II]I|I·I;II U{tIII» uiuc; SISIIII unt}: tl
, · rt: ttotrrrrrarrttrrcrr "rat as yr: -———•—— grt:cttrt:t:. Alrrt:n. ‘ `*"
  rrr tran
} I
I-.  ,WM.W.:tW. ,   M. ..,.   ....,...,`   .,. M vid
Il  — tron, t
  . . ar: ·t:
  The Tlttrtl Epistle 0f JOHN,   ,
ni T — Utrrl, a
l'   ·‘·‘ '’’' t aww"; 5 I rt
h, I . 1 H€COUlNI£H_(’£lllGf1llLSf01'lll.9]>ll‘l]/,l A. IJ. 510. I 4 Ihavc no ;5r·;:rtt:r joyb than to  
II ,, I 5mrtlh0sp1£altIy!0 Irtmprt>nclrt·rs: —•——,ht-ar that my tzlrrhlrorr wall: rrr NIIIIII]
III __ t 9 he ccmurq/lt Dztrlrrphrs, ItzrtlItm,tI-uzII_ ltrtrth. [tj·YI·I,I
OI t_ I thrcaltrttcl/1 htm for hrs_rtnrl:tIt0ttx`QII,. pm, 5 II0l0vt:t`l. than tltrt:st t`:ritlrlttll\‘t‘ t|Q{t_ II
2 w qmrostlton, 11 tuhase curl cxumplt;   I J' wlr1rtsot:vt=r·thoutltmxt tu tht· hiv- I; AII
In ts   hmm _/hl/ittvzg. ul I It 2 " ’·‘l· lllfala. rrIrtl to strarrztzrs; { IIIII, I],
II · 0 t_cr tttt tr rt: we ~ rt: nv~_.~ -»-.~.\—.\` tl lrit: r hart: httrnte witrrvset t· tlrv · I
2 _,   cd Gzttus,whtmr I lovc ini thc D I,r ,,3 QI lpharrty lrtzhrre tht: t·hrrr·t·h; wlrtva  
ug I ) truth. _ IIT ' ' t_t thou hrrrrz ft»r·war·tlt{ an tht·tt‘ was
my .>  .._ Bt:l0v0tl, I Qwrslt almvt: all " l‘·‘l;lU· ryottrntey Batter a gtrtlly sort, thtrtt ,;I·I,;II
2} _ I thin? t_h.rI tlIoItr nraycst Irrtrspur d Ar.la.3. shalt thr wt:ll; y Igv,
ug, ’·  ' illlt JE nt rca tr t:vcn as thy s0ul_¤ tr;m—ttII 7 llt·t·atrst: that Itrr hi< rr:rrnt:`s sill? ; I It
sml I IrI·trsIrertztlr,_ _ I 1 t;trt{, WJ IIht·y wont ftrrtlr, takirrgc rr0\llt\i=i ‘ riiiirrn
gt I .3 I·or I rctttrcntl y:r‘t:z1tly,wlrt:n tht; B ICI, 9 I; Iq oftht: (I•:trtrlt·s. I {tII~III(I
.'  II hrcthrcrr carrro and tosttfitetl of tht: ' ' ‘ "t H Wo tIrtzr·etl»r·e trtrzlrt to rt—t·nivt· t` truth
II  g lfutlr that is in [htm, t:vt:rra.stlrot1 /M””·“‘·lU· lxtrtetr, that wt: nrrtxht ht: l`t·ll<¤\¤`· math}
II · _ walkustu nr the truth. ;———7~—-—-1 ltclptsrs ttt thc truth. QI-u_
- .555
.  It _
E v_