:1 i
¥ 1 Locusls mmcfnrllx. REVELATION, IX, X. Four angels are lc! Zansc.
3 waters, heeause they were n1r11le1 A. 1).913, |sn1111dnt"n clmrints of many horses *
· lntter, I-—•-(1r111111i11;:t1>hattIe. _ _  
1 12 :11111111;: feurttr angel sn11n11e11,‘1-11.13.10. 1 10 111111 they 11:111 tails hkc unto .
, :11111 tl1e tl11r1l part nf the S\1I11‘_\\’t1S Je.·t.23, `§e1:r{»11n1s, :11111 there were stinzx  
' smitten, 111111 lllCl.l1ll’tl [IZ1l't1t1l the` 1Zz1·.f12.7,B. ,111 t 1e1r 1111111: an1l0 their power
 Q 111011n, and the th_1r11 part nf the -I"¤1 if-10. Iwns tn hurt inen 1i1·e1111>nt11s. 1
1 stars; sunst11etl11r1lnartn1`t111-1111 A¤*·*·9- 1 11 A111l _they 11:111 11 kingp aver 1
I was 11arkene11, 111111 the day $1101111 15 Ch_ M 6 1tl1e111,u·/ur/1 1.1* the angel ofthe 11111- ij
' nat. ibrj a tl11r1l part ut` it, and lll!) ` ` ttnnless111t.\v_1111se11a11111 int11eIIe· °'
‘ "I§"‘1lJlt°l"‘1?§1.c1.1 1..11 1.1 .111  1 ‘°”‘“" ”" 1E'l2¥1`E£1?`I§2'11JlIl‘>‘l"§1‘1:.iL“1’11“*“ 1
{ 1 _ .1 :_ 1_ .1_q_10_ 1* 1* 1.1: 1 11u1—
r1ngelt1y111:s thr11111gl1 the 111111st.11t ya Eu_1O_]B lynn. D  
` ·' heaven saying with 11 11»1111v11iee. ' 12 Oneq wo is past' am] he-
1 Wu, we, wo, to the inhahizers ef L @-17-9- 1111111, there come twn hoes hrore I
f the e11rth,l>y 1·eas1>11 11t_1l1e ¤1.l1e1·1 201 l1e1·e111‘1e1·, _ _‘
1 vuices ofthe 1r11111pet nt the three , CJUU1 2_2_ 13 And the sixth :111:1:1 s1111n11e11,  
 ` angels, 111111:11 are yet te sound! , _ :11111 1 llitttftl 11 mice t“r1n11 the 17111 r Q
{ . (,UM,,1,ER IX4 `d1;.x.tg.—1,&c.   golden altar whreh 1s  
1  1 . · ` · .1 . ‘ L . ’ . .
Q 1 A/_1/if 1W?/1z{·1<»;{/lfft/*1 #{;··rf/ ” ‘°'_ _ 11s11y111g1¤ 1110 s1x111¤11;¤111·1111-11 1
1 { (1.1/111 _/11 1./1_/mm 11u11n,l0n wm jq11.0.0. had the trumpet I.1>11sn the [11111*
1 1 1.1 y11·rz1 the key 0f I/rc bet/1m1Irx.vl ul ,, y. ,l - ,l 1 f I - _ 1
, [ . _ 0 _ _ . _ _ _~ _.h_.._3_ 1.,e s _ w 111.1 aio 111111111 111 1111. _
1 311/. efm op/ml/1 I}1;p1/, 11.111 I/111-1 H __ _1 1/1 gmm nvm. Euplunuug T 1
i _ c1m1r·_/ur//1 Zrmzsls I1/rn scmyuensrl f§‘,1··.·3· 1; and me win. `fmnols WMU V
  .' 12 //t4‘H1‘S/ 11/V/151*/IS/1"/€» 1   111151:11, 11·h1eh were 1ir1:hare11 *1111 —
1 ,1 AND the h1'1h angel St\|lIl€lEtl,i j ·nn 110111, :11111 1111ay, 111111 11 n111111I1, 1*
, _ and I saw 11 starr: full 1r<1111"‘G';"Q3é*I· and :1 year, fer tu slay the 11111*11.1 I;
· heaven unto the earth: illlll tn 111111, "· · part ut 1111:11. I
yvas 1:111111 the key et tl1e h1>ttu111- ` 1 Jael 2.4. }tS]A11;l tI1e l1\1ll\l)t'?l‘(1l·tl1(! army! U
. Q. ‘ ess 1111.0 1 _ _ 11 1 1e 11>1‘s1:1ne1111·1rr:twn hu1111r1·1l
i \ 2 And he 1111011011 the 110tt0111Iess L 5*-3-1*- t.l1<111sa111I t1101Lsa111l : 11111111 I heur11 1: }`
1 pit.; 111111 there arnse a sinelte out lDa.7.13. ·the 1111111h1:rot` them.
- of the pit, as the sn11»11t»11._ tllltl tl1e111 that sat. 1111  
· _  ,. were 1lar|11-111·11c hy reasnir ut' the_ L "' ithent, ltavtnt; hre:1stp1:1t1:s nf 1111·. i'
· L- · >11111ken{tI11: pit. ]·—~ ~~~ · —~~ and 1n1»1I1llU\lSZ1U an1l1111t11t` then' l'
1   111111 1111111 ttn:111 was enven 1»111ve1·,_U "¤"`4=1· 1111>utl1S1ssue1.l 111*1: an11 sinnhe :11111 I.
‘ as1l1eseor1>11111s 1: 01.1.111: earth have I, EI,] 2 h1‘1111st1111$  
= E1 111111*1er.   IH Ily 1 1eSe three was the Lhi1·1l '
· 1 4 111111 it was (Ytllllllltllltltbll tl1e1nf ‘ T1=¤t ·—. rr `p:11·t1»1` 1111·11 11i11e11, hy the 1111:, 111111 Q'
  that they $1111111111111t11111·t.tI1ezr1e:s d1'~1/1"?/~1‘- hy the s1111»l1e, 111111 hy 1111: l»1·i111» _`
L <>t'_ the earth, neither any green q F1,»;_13_ sttnn:. Whtcili is:»u1:1,1 1>11L nt` their ’
I  E 111111::, neither anv tree; hui, only 1111»111l1s.
3  · these 1n1·11 11·11i1:I1_11a1·e 111:t 111e ,v‘¤Ij·1€»12# 111 l·`1»r their grower is i11 then'  
1 [ sealy of G1111 111 t11en· thr1:l11·a11s. 1 (·*'·_~~'I_· 1nr111t|1,an1t1n t 11:1rtai1s : t11rth1·1r _'
I1 11   A1111t1»1t11:111 it was given that; J“·°l·""· 1ta1|s111·rr1·11l1e 1111111 serpents, an·1 "
1 1; they $111111111 not 11111 111e111,h11t that 21,,- ,,1 ha1111e1111s,and with tl1e111 they 1111 U
L1 " they sh1»t111t he t1n·1111·11t1·11 tiw:1 `Q _ ihurt. l'
gt  ; 1n1n11hs: antl their t11r111e11t wax as *`°l’·*1·"9· 211111111 t.11erest.11ft11e 1nenw1111·11
I   the t1»rr111:n1 of a s1;111·p1u11, when l1l7¤·.3F.1. were 1111t I1111e11 hy these 11111:111-s, f'
d`   I1}:it,1·1;11»1l11'1 1111111} I H I 1 U»¤·|1··tU· yy!   1·1:p1·11t1:11 1111t 1>1`lt11e weitzs  
V 1; 111 111 tiase 1ays $1:1 111e11 1 ,1 1·$_(;5_1··_ tr treir hantls that t1ey shnnil J
hii  $01*11 death, itlltl shall not 111111 it; U Ch 7 1 A not \v111‘s111p11ei*11s.: a1111 1111115 rr 111` 1*
  111111 shall tlestre tn 111e, and death Q ` ') _ gnhl, 111111 silver, :11111 hrass. :11111 1
‘ Q sI1:1l1tI1:1:11·11111 t11en1, ."1` 1(·;1'·,'_—;:’· s!ene,:11111111`w11111l: w111e1111e1t111:1· ' "
il} 1 7 :11111 the shapesi 1»f` the l01·ns's I‘·"··°»*J‘ 15:111 se1·,1111r 111:111, ner walk ; '  
2 _ turn hlte unt1¤11nrs1·s ;11·1211:1re11 1111- if Ij·9·1$· 121 Neither1·e;:1:11t.1·1l th1~y1»f their ` "
· to hattle; 111111 o111111·11·111:111Is wrrr L1/—·1·I1· 111111111:rs, nur 11t` their s1»1·e1~1·1e<. /1
gi , ·1s1twe1·e/:1:1·1»w11s h11r· e11111, 1111:1 y Jes;}. 11<11‘ 1>1` their t1·r111e11l11>11, 11111‘1zIt111·11‘ ` 3
zi  their {attest wrrc as the laces et" 1~.Li. {thefts. -
·. 1111:11. : I.·.17.'. (7Il.\I"I`I·IIt X.
am { H 1*11111 they had hair as the11ai1·, 1L.,_11;_g(y, `1 A ntf:/I1/{1 s/may 1111111/ npnrwrr/’1
2f _' 111 $111111111, :11111 their teethm 11·e1e H l,_ mi H 1 ml/1ulmzz/:1»]1r111n/11;/1m11l.· ti //1*
1 as tw In /*1 111` liens 1 ljf ` 1} `,' 1 sn·m1·1!/1 /1;;/11:11I/111tI/av//1,/1n·1.111/. ’
1 51 Ittttl they 11:111 11r1·:1s1p1:1t.1es. as it 1 I/Ch   lj`0'. Hm! [/1erz $/111//111 110 more l1rn1.·. it
,1 1 werell11·1111st;11:111-s af 1r1111; 1111111111;, ' “‘ ‘ 1 .]1>*1u 1.1