77tr anprl wilh a book. REVELATION, XI. The [wa tut/tzcsscs prophesy.  
KN!) I saw another mighty nmzel A. D UG. stood, saying, Rise. and nteasureb 5
,5 .t t:otne_ down from lte:tven,;+—-~ the tetnple ol' God and the altar. ,
t·lttthed with tt tzlontl : attd a rain-, ,,·HAp_ tm and thetn that worslttp therein. ,
O how tt ttvts upon his head, and hisgu mv ,2, , 2But the cottrtc wlttt·h ts without K
,` 1 ttve_b was as tt were the sun, and A l',' l'. |'G the tetnple ileave out, and tnea- 2
Q,. lttstrtzt as pillars U1 tire: °\k‘ [ ,11, ‘ sure it not: titrtl tt is given unto  
' 3.\nd he had tn his ltundztlittle, ‘_1'_"“' `the Gentiles: and the holy city 1
_,, ltoolt open: and he set. Ins rigltt,c“·‘·,}’:, lshnlltltey trteatl untlerc tho!. forty I
,_ tootlupon the sea, and ins left _/uu[QLI Ul Kfé jugdcuio itttttttlhsk _ t
,_ on t te cart t, · ·· ·· · ; ‘ .· nt wt ·gtve pawrr un o l-
ic 3 And tjrietl with tx lmttl voice, asl _ l?fl·9' ttnyftwowttnesses,tzatitltlteysltull T
R; ttnltm a hon rttareth : anti when he ‘¤ **-*1-f· prophesy a thttttsttntl two httntlretl t
had lIl`1t*tl, seven tltuntlerse uttered lf l"’{?;lO· ltttzdk altrfeescure days, clothed tn t,
__ t..te1r voices. t ¤ t. of sat: ’c ot i.a ‘—
.U It i\ntl when the seven tlttintlrcrsl l2*‘-?;"· 1 -1 {l'l1lese are tliedtitvcti£li);G—t\'€i§t  
att trtlerltt t ton- volgcgy was g t. ...7. ,ant ite two can estttvs . stun - ,[
,1 ahout _to write: atttl l h¢·artl a in t·tt.tl.t3. tht: ltetitrt; the God ofthe earth. l`
Hf voice lrotn Iteavon saytn;;ttnto ine, rp ,_tt_g;_   _Jt Antl it any ntattwtll httrttho1n.l l
H healtl np those things which the };,,_3_5.9_ tttre prttt·etetlt·tltot1tot thetrtnouth. "
’ steven tltttnders uttered, and write k ,.:,._,,_ wind dovettreth their entetntes: und  
I, thotnnot. ' · _ I I V ,EZU_,,_,_{,, tt .t{ty·t1nttt will!l.t:t|{I`tetn,l1entu:tt
lr .> Antl the angel nlneh san ,_,_ ltttt'ttsttt.tttttt.tv1e tv et.tn I t
W stttntl npon the sea nntl upon the CHVW H t U llteseultttyuponet to shut heu-
··:trthc hlted up his ltnnd to ltea- ( I ·)!   ·),t}ett. that it rant not inltne days ot
., ven nv t-> · J· tt tetr prop teey: ant rave power
I; _tK Find swnr? hy hitnfltlntt Iivetl} Z¤*`··?·l· lttvtir xvaters u ttitnrn Lltfltn tolilttotli l~
h tor evtxr ant t·vt·r, w to erette rj-rrj"r;:tttt tt stnttq .te ear t wt t o I
Z heaven nntl the things that there- U LN; Xl·' t tluztttes, as otten as they will.
A tn ttrt·.,1nttl the earth, antl the XU HL ‘['7Antl when lheyshall have linish- '_
., things therein art-. and the sea. and   c L1ze.t0.tE- jetl thelir testnnonv, the hftutp tlhat
' the tlnnes wineh nre tln·t‘ettt,o - » ascent et t out ot tie tottont ess
  that there should he tnne no`! mit mt:. ipit sltolllinalteq war azatnst ehinh
' longer; ,1 [_tl_;5t,gl_ and sha uverettnte thent, an u
- 7 But in the dxws ofthe voice ot`l. - t- thetni .
  thc Seventh h nnkel, when he shall   i rl And tlteir tltzrttl ltotlitts sitnll lm It
,2 hewn to sotntd: the tnystteryt ttl u,,,’,,m,, `tn the slreetr ol_`tho zzrtrat nity,
nl tltotl shoftltl hetttitsltt»tl.L:tsLlt<: hath ,,,._, ,,,,,. wgtilt  
H, tec arev. o ns servan s te pro- ,,,,,l, may `tr   _. · * .
H, phets, _ _ my ,,,,,y Inns et nt tttetl. _
S Antl the voice lc which I heztvtl »t··· t/tttt. » tl And they ot` the people and kin-
id t`rtttn ltetwttn spake unto nie axatn, f§t,,rfl:_té, illltftllr illttl lllttlitiitlil TIM} ¤\i\l{t>US.
_ tttttt sttttt Go tttttz take the Ltttte   t. _ Mu suv t Mt t vit >·· ws ttm?
lil hook, which is opttn in the httntl ol'   ;;i`,QJ'I;' `tiays antl tt ltttll`, ztntl sltttll not sul-
,_ the angel wltttrlh stznttloth \tl1t1titliteiiJ('}`i'Hf 'ier ltltetr detttl hotlttts to he put tn ;
' sea an nwon t te ettrt t. ,’· ·   ut`t¤\‘¤·#.tt *
Ir El Anil livttnt ttnto lite angel. antll L"°"l·‘l·H· ‘ lll And they that dwell upon tht:
, stntl unto hnn, titre nie the little J, ‘ \e.n‘tlt shttll rejoice over thent, and
fl tttttttt, Atta ite sttttt ttttttt tttt·, ’t‘¤ttttt " §"·'·~}‘· ttt=t|¤¤¤
M ,/_; uml 8,,, ,L ,,,,; ,,,,,] ,, ,|,;,t|lIl~,t~.‘:. > ,l.»;ntotItter; ltecttttsetltesotwopt‘tt·
,0 tnalte thy holly ltttter, lint tt shalltttt }t`¤¢tu ltt:=¤\‘t·tt sayin: uulu them.
'X . pt:oplt·s, and nations, antl tongues, i l’·,‘·_;"·,J· Vttltw Ul] ll*ll"’l”· {lull lll"Y “Sc““d‘
· and lungs. " l‘··_*’;·l; etl up tu ltvnvett|nz1ttlotttl;w and
'I i , ,,. . , *’l·Z‘Q· l'·"'_l‘l·ltltt:tt· ettettttesacltelteltl lhetn.
l' . MMI 1 hh XL "f’ IH';`l‘l" l li! Ant] the stnne hour wm there tt. ‘
tr 3 7'hr ttt·n tu1`Im·sstrx 1t,.rt1t.’1vrN/- 6,.t ir·.:_.t.llJ· ;;:‘¢!2ll ear.ltqtt:tl·te,antI thu tenthpart
` Til'? llmft? l****"¢`Y‘ {Q _·$’*t¢! tU'”¥’¤¤· ¥;,,','":;,   till the tzttyy t`ell, und tn tht-1 earth- _
M 1/ttrlt/7‘1t1t1!tt)I. 7 1/trrht/ts! S/ml! mm tltmlge were slant itof tnen seven
‘ Jiuttl ttuuttwl 1/Mt, rmt! Ml Mvt. z ,,,_,,,_-_ tttttttstttttt; tttttt nte tetttttttttt were ·
’f` , cla?. I,_;l,4tq_tg_ ;tll`rt;;ltted, and gave: glory to llw
it} ND there was tzivcn me :1 reed rt a cit.>. tu. Utttll of lteaven. _
,, A like uttto tt rod; und the ottgetl —T;—— 14 thc sccontl u wo ts post; und,