. / "“" "` `
. ” _ .
. , ‘ Satan bound. REVELI-\'l‘lON, XX, XXI. T/ie rymmwtiudqament. '1
i kings. uml the flesh ofcaptains, uml A. D. 95. [¤fGod uml of Christ, uml shull reign 4 A
l thu flesh of mighty men, uml the 1+-- with lnm u tliotisznitl yours. _ tout
i ll0sl1ol`l1urses,und 0f them t.hut sit fCh_;(;_H_](;_l 7 Amlvwhcn thi: tlmusuml yaurs shut
. on lhum, uml the flesh of ull mm,. um cxp1rm.l,buturi shall bu luosed sori
. , t . .
l hath {rea uml buntl, buth smull und g ch.tG.t3,l-t. out ot his prison, _ that
i grant. I h 20 10 8 And shull go nut tn dctccivn the lorr
E 19 Ami I saw the ltcust, uml thc ‘;]{ 7 ’H ‘ 11utnn;_s wlmzh ulrc n1 thc lourquur- 5_!
ki11:suftliecurtli,u11d their urmios, ` ' ‘ ' tors ti t ic curl 1. Goszl uml Mutrow sun
t : zutlieretl togutlier to mukc w;1r_/`1iv:·r.t%. to gutln-rm threm to:r:ttn:r_ to hurt; nav
§ uguinst. l1in1 thut sul: 011 thc horsc,1 ¢h.l. 16. the ;]tl?: Innmlicr of whom ur us thc  
uml uzuinst his urmy. J, . I- l sum o t to suu. u .
E 20 And thc liuustv wus tz1lrcn,i1ml   wl"' I’ S' 9 Aml thoy 11 wont up on tho ti
‘ with him thc {nist; 11·optit¤t thut. UA ¤ llircuttthol the iturth, uml coinpuss- doit
I _t (C P. .0.) 4
; I wrnuzlit miruclvs lnelori; him, with 'G Ch 1 IS ctl thc cuuip of thc sutnts uhuut, the
I  .. whirjh hu tlnmnvotl them thnt hml t ‘9‘l ' uml tho ltulovcnl nity: uml tire: outnc gsm
 » rcccwcml thoniurkol`tl1cl1i:iLst,:11nl ' ' tlown trom Gott out ufhuuvcii, uml thc
{ thcm thut \vot·sl1n»ot:¢l l1is nnnzu. bch.l2.9. dl:vl1t11’ulltli<1iii. _ _ trot
_ _ 'I`lmstz l1<1th wort- oust nltvu into ui nw ,, _, I0 Aml the dcrtl that dcccivotl 7
i lukc it of lirc burning with briin- C Tjudgii ' them wus_cust into tht: lulaoo ul hrr
stone. ' hre uml hrn11sto11u,wln:rutho lmust Got
t   ill Aml tho rnmnunt wcrc slnin yl D1,6.l7. und the tulsa proplnet rmt um] shull 8
i Q} with thc swortli ol` him thut >::1t.t _ l1e>turi11ei1tctll.l:1y uml 11tgl1tt11rcvur in:
f upon thu horsu, wlm·l1 sword pro- " D“;Q·_?;, :1ml cvcr. _ nin
t' vcclloil out of his mouth: uml ull i Igjgflin ll And Isutvuizrnut wlnlc thrnnc, um
E ,, the lbwls/c were hllud w1tl1 thcirt ‘ "“‘ ‘ uml li1;n thut sul. on tt., lroin whosu ull
. ·i tlitsh. tf l(`¤1.6.£.' 3. tlutzu t ie curl in unt ltii>_lie11vrttleiit.n·t1it¤t1ixttn>ltuvit,"'   twtrm in them: turd tl¤·‘>’ ‘·\’¤t’¤= 1“
i' ` uml Sutun. uml houmlc him u thou-   1"l"i‘;’i9·lG' 1 jltttlzutil tivury muzi zxuctndiiig ttt un
t sunil yours n ¢·1.t.t.‘G. t unr woras. tm
1  3 Anil rust him into the liotlom- _r,gt·l·_;;_m_13_ ll Aint ilciitliluiitl hull Frlrrc Gust stl
_ , icss pit. uml shut him t1i>.;1i1s nn moru, till "°l‘·¥-';,~7· 15 Anil wliusocvcr wus_not fottml zu
· tho tlionsuml yours; sl1oitltll1c{t1l·i D‘·l·· '· \v1‘1tt<:t1i1it.hcl1.1okoflilu wus cust. ` wi
·, T tillctl: uml ul`li-1* thut. hc must. hu tv J»·.Tt2.t9. mtu thu lukn ot` ttr<:.u _ - mi
‘:  _ lttosctl u httlu souson. I Ali:. I6 27. t'll.\l"l`l·1ll XXI. h ` oh
§ »l Aml I suw tl11‘ln1t:s,r: uml thoy 1 pig,-at _ 1 A new tuuittrnmitl u univ curl . It ’  1;
i`  sut upon tlmm,uml im1t;n1o11t_t` wus tl Ah 18   ylm l1!·x.wttZ:1r.v.r r4t’(l0l’xpr·r1;tlu. 8 nn
lj :tvt·t1 unto thtcni; uml 1 suv that mln]; in [VM Jtultmtrttt :1/ I/in wir/ml. lil th
, ;t1uls:;ol`tl1in11 tlnitwurt: l1·;hi:utlt·ll 1 'mj A ¤lc.rcripLu1:1uflllr/1ct1vl.i1/v Jcru- gu
i or tho witness of Josns, uml iitr , su/rm. l
  thc worll of Gott. uml wlmzh hull U MM‘2“"aI’ A-Nl! l suw u mrwa licuvnli uml in
t    not worshi 1 nent tho houst, 1neilln.1·lt(`t1Ay, QL I u m:\v<::1rth: t'ortl1t: lirsi l1¢·u~ th
41 l I t l . .
im  has niiuqo. mnt.ln~r hutl iwzleiviitl}1iirt,,I$_U;_l·;_m_ von uml tim inst izurtli wcro ]1u>sntl ol
; murk ti ion their lt»r<·ln::nls. or n1- it uwuy; uml thorn wns no mort: sou. l
ui . , l 66.-...
H?  tmeir liunds: uml they lirtzil umll ’.Zl‘u,3.l3, 2 Ami l John suw t|1<:liolyt:tty.b ha
2;  rrttriictl /t with tfhrist u thuusuml jb 1; , , I now.|1:rn>:1lt·111.lzottintztlowiilruni <·1
np;  yours. t 1{:]’l‘m tioll, ont. of ln·uvu11, prt:purull us w
HU  . 5 But thc rcst of tho tlcutl livretl ']2_Zz2_' 11 <: hrnlo zl uilot‘11t;d lor hcrlitisbuml. 1
2, not uuum until tho thonsuml ynursi >_ _ { it Ant l huurd :1 grout vuitzn out ui
ng}  A wteru t1ni~l1ct.l. This is thu lirst ru- tc l`·"`l·"· lol` huuvl:n, surn1::,_ llnliolll, thc tu- ln
Sui s·trrl::=tto11. ll l’s.-l5.9-l l, l1i;rnn<·lte c ol` Gott is with tnnn. uml vi
gy! ti lllt¢