The heaemtly Jmlsalmn. REVELATION, XXII. Th/2 river and tm: ofli/2.
4 And Gnd shall wipe away alle A. D. 96. thereof. a linmlretl and forty and
tears lifitlll tl1eir eyes; and tI1erel—•—· fenr euhits, accurdiztu In the mea-
shall he ne more death.}: neither g rh.7.l7. sure nfa man, that is,efthe an¤el.
serrnw,i 1m1·eryin·;, IltYll.llI5I' shallt ls.25.8. I8 And the lJu1ltlm;5 ef the viiall
there he any mere pain: for tl1e_,.1CU I5, 26 ul it 1vasef`ja.~pur:'aml the city
lhrmer tlnnes are passe] away ' `mf was pure aaltl, like ante elear glass,
5And he that sat upnn lllfil.lll'0I1C .I_ 3, I l9 Atnl the hittmlatlense ef the
y said, Belmlrl, I make all ll1111t:s I °` J' 0’ Walltnf thr·t·1lv tur·1·r;;arriislierl with
new. Antl he said nn1en1e.\Vrile; I1 ch.lG.l7. all rna1111ert1l"precmus stnnes. 'I`l1e
thrthese words arc true and fai1l1·‘gch_14s, lirst liatntlalien was jasper; the
{al. _ _ l 12.13, rstactmtl, sa11pl111·e; the third, a
1 ti And he said ttntn me, It k 1s_m,,|1.y., I- ‘c|1l1lr‘etl<111v;1l1e{earthaaenieraltl;
- dune. Il run Alpha and (htteza. r` j§'{ l` 3 20 'l`l1c lil`th.sartlunrx; the sixth,
, the l1ee1nn1nt:a111l Use end. l will J,,i,4li]i1_l.l, sartlttts; the isevetilli, ehrysnlyle;
e give ttntu l1m1 that is m atlnrst el` 7.:17, .the eiehth. heryl; the 11h1ll1, a
l the lh1111la1t1 of the water 0l`1il”e lor mm, ltwpaz: lheilenth, a r:lir·sepras11s;
lreelv. ‘ "' l the 1·lev•·11tl1. ajaeinth; Llll: twelfth,
[ 7 Ile that twercnnietlt shall i11- ll I·"·ll··l·9· lat1a1nt·1hyst.
ht-rit. 1 all thmm; antl I willhe his li 1.l11·»>, ill Antl the twelve gates were
. Gt11l,a11tl h<· shall he my sen. ll, IC,) G q 10 twelve pearls; every several gate
l 8 But the l`l‘{XI'Ivl1l,’/l :1111l 1111l1eliev—; ` "’_ ` ; was til` une pearl; and the street
‘ in;_*,1> and the ah1n11i11ah|e, p and *7 IJ“°·3·l~‘· ul the cltytzws pure gold, as it were
11111rtlert·rs.q aatl 1vln>ret11t111gers,r r Ilt~.lG.t. 4lranspa1*¤·11telasst
, and s1irt·ert~rs.s antl 1llalat•¢rs,l and r Al:il.3.§. Y DL! And l saw ne temple tlmrein:
z all l1ars.u shall have their part 1t1 W, ,1 har the l.¢1rtl Gull ;\lt1n;:hl.y and the
i the lake whtrh httrnelh wtth tire ( IL `lL'$(?' l I.a1nh are the temple el` it.
1 and l1ri11rs‘11ne: which 1s the se- ) W1 T ` i LJJ sllltl the 1:1ty hall ntitleednftlie
1 Cly;3 4_¥;;§l)|_ l Y U   1stuartl1t·tl}lep’t1l`ll1t: II1t111ll,[U5lIlll(>
t 1 nt l 1ere eatne tta 0 me one 0 l ‘ r‘ 1* .111 1t: Ihr l ie glary of Ga did
: these1‘1·111ra11eels whleh had the ¤'€l1·li»l.Ui7» lI¥lIlt'l\ ll, and the Lamh is the
r seven vials 1`11lI ar the seven l1Lij[":g"fgii'» ` lill=\})Tl‘;R Xml Ir
t·h1l< ren 111` srae 2 l ' ` "` I Thr rirrrre Ihr: lr/1!¢fQ/' tc. 2
Xl ' I3 Ualhe east three gates· r11ill1t:;”li”·7·]-H- I The Im: ef IW. 5 Thr hgh! qf
B north three gates; on the stmth 1’¤Z*‘*°·l·l-7~ l Ihsrilglel Ilallts/11`1:1.wvl/Z 5) The
ll three gates; and an the westtl111·1:li I—.3%.5.32,l.` nnerl 1t·1[[ nu! be tertrsltzpyull. 18
- gates, l Ulltil. j Nalsmlu new {nw millnl le I/le word
' ll And the wall nf the city hatlt ·l'*·‘l $;'7· 1 qt` Hull, ner In/rt t1 I/1»rqli·ant.
tl twelve l`e111alal1<»r1s, anlla in theml M"'·l~E ’H· XSD l1esl1<1w1·1l 1111: a pure river
.~ the names or the twelve apaslllsy g$";°·;:·w· lL till watertnl l1le,t·lt:11r:1s<:rys-
tl 11l`ll11t l.a1nl1 ]_!'l’}‘i"" ‘ tal, p1·at·l·e1l111t: tall ttl- the thrane
1. li Anil he that lalltetl with mel  i',"H el`G»»ll and ul` the l,a111l1.
b l111daat1l1l¤·111‘t·e1l}}tt1nleasnrcthe.}; _’ ix"; ' il I11ulht¢11111lsl 0l`ll1t:>st1‘t3t:lb ef
11 . <·1\y, and the gates thereal`, and the` l l' ``‘‘ 1*,a1nl11tl1; and
.· lll‘t2Hlll.ll ; and he rne.1s11red the; ch , . the le.1·:1·s 11l` the tree wlsrc for the
tl ttily wnththe reed.twelve tliausanll ~ C, 'f`|" H hea[1nu ef tl1e11at1e11s. _
l' l|l|‘lttllLISi 'lhe length, aml the J    _' ii Atal tliererl shall he ne more
»· lireatltli, and tl1e height ol. rt. are G l‘·'*’· l*·“"· enrse: l>11l thethr<1ae ul`Gutl€ and
I equal. jcl1.7.l5. t1l`tl1e Larnh shall be 111 11.; und
17 And he measured thc w.1lli»——-•»»-— his servants! shall serve hint;