7 7 `   l A W
mfr mq   men jitfor wrtr NUMBERS, I. my ;111y,1{11;m])
lu he 1; all that were uhh: to go lbrth lo` H. (C l WU. 1 35 "l`h0sc that wort- ntttttltcmtl of
WE.I,i` j;<—— tl1t~t11,1r1·1·n ttf tht; trtltu ul` lluttns-
Mm_h“, 23 hose that werq tttttttlujrcd of, 1Sclt. wrrrr thirty 111111 two tltottsuttd
;;pil,M L them, even uf thq tr1l1u 111 b1t11um1.· und 1w11_11t111111·1>11.
,1 ,.,1 F, were fifty :11111 111111: tltousttttd uttd1 ith 51 Q1 ll\(!('llllc0 tn: tu thc ttttntltttr nt thc ,,,;(;1,_1·y_1_1_;:1tttl ttp\vur11.ull that wuru txblc to
r L,u_ 1tumes,fr11111 twottty yours old utttl 1:111 [111111 to wur ;
mu E upward, ull thut were ultlc tu go l 37 lhosc tltut were _11t1tt1\1t·r01l of
— · forth to wur; 1 ltI11·111,trt·1vt 111 thc trtltc t11` ll1·t1j:t—
t?5lTh0st:   wart; 11t11]1l11*t1ml ttl-1 ltttttlt. rrrrc thirty u111l tivo tltuustttttl
le ,cvm 11 1+·l1·1 112 11 9111 .101*1*1: 1:1111 I`tlll1'l1\tll1l1'•*tl.
Duty uttd_11vu tltmtszttttl stx hun-l 1 IlR_1' Uf tl11e_1·l1ildt‘{>11 Ul` l_l1tt1, by
dre and t1l`ty. 4 1 Illttzlr :1·tt1·t‘u111111s,:t1t<·1‘ll1<~trt:uttt—
1 RQ 26_TI` Of|.ltug·|11ltlt‘1·_ttt1lJ1tdul1,l1y _ _q,_ __ 1ltcs.l1y 1111; l111tts1e11t` tl11z1r t`;1tl1t·1·:¤,
1E 1.. tltc11‘gcr10t‘ut11111s. :11t•~r1l11-1_rt1t1111~ “D‘“‘·~·’·1’- u1·1·11rdi11: to tl11· tttttttlwr ttf ll11·
llcs,rl3{ thc ltottste 111 1111»trt111l11e1·1<.1 l11u1111·e<, {1*11111 tw1·t1tyyu:11‘soltl uml
  l11ltl11e‘111t111I>1~r 111 11111 111111111r1I,;11l 111:11 were 1111l•; tu go
1 , um w111yy1·:1r< 111 :1111 or! 1111wur;
. upwurd.:1ll 111:11 x11·t‘1~ :111111 to ml l ‘1*l'l`l111¤1·ll·I -. 1 1 F11 1
_ 1 ,_, . . , .. ., 1_.1 ut r1 1111111 11,111 11
l·*“1[`n i1t1‘th_t0 war; _1 1l11-111,r1·nt 111 tl11·1r1l11·1»1 ll:111,1t·1r1:
tgggltyvsc tI111tl1v1·111· 11u111I11~1m1 tfl , 1tl11·1·1~e1·111·1: :11111 1w11tl1t>us1t111l und
, cn 111 11: 1·111» o t1t1111 1 1»t·v1—11l11t111l1’1·tl.
I _ ll U `wcretlu·cc§1·11r11t11111 111ttt‘t1:1e11 11111115 1 11l_‘11 UI` tht: 1·I11l1l1‘vt1 of t\$ltt‘\‘, by
1u;1L 1* sgmd and bl), l1t1111lt·<·tl,m 1% _ »K_»_ __11l11>1r gu111;1·ut11111s. :111:-1* ll11:t1‘ 1`ut1tt»
I I ,1,`l3i’3Wl QI thc cltlltlrvtt of ISsu1·l1:11·, ll11»s,l1y1l11e l11111s1e111` tl11:11·1E1tl11~1·x,
tmpl *1 EY §l}B1l' {icttutzttltttts, ullvr _tl11111· 111·1·11r1l111;; to lluz ttutttlwr ot llto
U 4*,1,, `t11mll1BS, by   ltttusc 111 tl1c1r iu?] 111;11111·s1 11·11111 \w1~111yyu:1rs old :1111i
1 111.   l1ers,u1ccc111_1_11.: to tht: tttttttlmr 111 1 1t111w:11·1l, ull tltut were ulllc t0 :11
~ V t ta names,110111tu1·11tyy11:11·s 11111, 11111111 111 w111·;
Ll11· ll‘ll*l End upw11r1l.ull tl1t1t.wure:1l1l1;1111 ll ’l`l1o<1~tl111t\v11r1· ntttttlrr-rml ttf
, 11111tt_1~, ,0f01’tl1tu wur; _ 1111·111,_1·t·rn 111 tl11— trtbte ul` 1\sl11·t‘,
11111-1>,1.<1 521;-1lhé:%tl1111lx1·111·g1 1111111111·1·1;11 111 1 11-1 rw 111rty uttd vnu lltuusuttd uttd
1·. 1 1 , 0 to rt 112 ot >s:11·1ur,1 11\·1el111111|1·<·d.
111111 Au`.- yerc fifty und 111ttr tl11111s111111 111111 1,C1,_;1:_1;1_ 1 1`1·11tl. I _H { / 1 I 1 11111·1111e111111t 1I11·1ru1·111·ru1i1111s,u1¥1·1·
· 112t·1111·1~1111 ’,1~1t11111, lt! · ll l ·.·.l **1 tl   t`1l V
1111   121 'l'l111s1· tI1:1t w1~r1· 1tttt11l11~1·1-d of
[1 11,1111·,,pf0rthtn\\·:1r; ·~ _, _, W 1, 11111-111,1,1-111111`tl1t·lt·1l11=ut`N:t1>l1lult.
11111 1,1111. 1:;r'g'l1¤set11111l1»·111·11 1111111v1>1·1>.1 111 · ‘ ',y_·‘,1· 11-11-1 11111- 111111 1l11·1:11 tlt11tts:t11d :11111
11·1|1·1I'1 1 0 11·11‘t11:11 ',11111t111, ._' ', 3- ,1`11111· l111111lr1·11.
11·11111111:1‘ PF-‘T¤ &Ry=ttl:1111l :11111§   1 11 ’l`l111s1e11 r1r1· tl10st— thut wvrr
,111-11 1111¤?\11' hllllllwtl. V 1 1,,1,,'11,_1L 111t111I1t~1·1·11,wl1t1·l1 ll11s1~su111l .\u1‘11t1
11114 1_4`·gnZy0£fl111‘ i`l1ll1l1'\iIl o{1|11j1·1111.111 111t111I11·1·1-1l.:t11dll11·11t·1111·1·sot`lsr:t1`!. ~
1] |1·1`11 11 J I4 WU 114 1't‘lltl1` {11 11111111. hrtttu I\\‘4·l\‘t· 1111*111 ttawlt om: \\'1t$
11Z1,1·1|1111t·1Y §l}¤\\' gutt¢·r:1li1111s, ut11·t· 1l11;11·. 1111~1111· 111»11~1e111`l11<1':1tl11·1·s.
11 1g11111111~.,1U111llB¤,h)‘1111- l11111~1e 111 1l11-11·1;1i1 1 1:3 S11 ·.1·1·r1·_ ull tltosts tltztt w1*1‘1e
1,,11·$_;11·1— \'¢\'91,&CC0¤l1tt! \t1tI1<·1111111l11·1·111 , 1111111l11·1·1·1l111tl11·1·I11I1lr1·11111 l~r:11·l.
111.111,1,1.~,·ll8 Ilttmcs, |r11111 1w1·111y y1·;11·s 11111, hy 1111· l11111<1·111 1l11»11·1E11l11·1‘s.tt·11t1t
11-,,1111111 IK? Uglwflftl. ull tltut w1;1·1~ ul1I1» 1111 111-1-111)- y1·;11·~ 11ld u111I 1111w:t1·1l.:1ll
111111,;1111~rl;,¢&_f§.°sw‘1v111·; I I F ,,F,1_g_1,11_ 111111 11-1-1-.- 111111:111 :111111111 111 wur
111: 1 2 1utw1s1·1· 1111111 11·r1·1 11 111_11~ ,111 l>1·:11·l;
v1·1·1·11¤11=j'_*°m1_¢'}?” ¤tt111~¤1·1l»1>1»1 l_';1ll\|`2\|11\. 1y111—,\ 1, 1 111 lZ1·1·11 :111 tl11·v 111:11 w1~1*1·p 1111111~
,,11—1111~111";'5 0|'CYlh0us:1111l :11111 11m 111111- ,:1,11, l11~r1·1l w1·1r· >1x I1tt111|1‘1~1l tltttttsutul
six 1l11»~1~ · 1 :11111tl1r1·1ztl11111>:1t1d und time htm-
31 wi the cl\il1I1·¢·11111` Nl:111t1ss1·l1.1 1lr1·1l 111111 ll1`1\‘.
11-1;111»f>1¥.Y   if Hvtllrtitltotts. :1111-r tl111tr` 1 17 ( I:111 1[1111- I,p·,·i11—; 111`11~1· 11111
  11111.1- 11,1 rélrlslcs, by 1111: l111tt?1· 111 tI11·11·1:1?1 11·1l11·`111`1l11-11·1t1tl11·rswt¢1·t»11111 1111111-
_. 11111;: ,1100Urt IIILY lol tts 1111111 11er 11 , l11·1·1·1l :11111111:1l11·111.
,;,1;:,1,r11—1’ *6 ¤¤-IYN5. t't‘¤¤t11 t\\‘1·t1ty y1::11·>< 11l1l ‘ t 1*4 1*111- tI11· l.o1t1> 111111 s1»111;1·11 1111111
H, ,,,1111111Lld upwurd.:1Il 1l111tw1e11::1l1l1~111 }1l11~1·¤.s:1y111u.
1,1,11,_11~’¤f¤TLll BG Will'; -»--.. _. 1t1l¤111y11111tt>!1;1ll111111t=:111l11:rtl11: