II.-- ’ -, - 7 ..5,,. A 4,, M ......... A W., » »~-. I ,_.,
I °'   I.;Il;;jg·i-IIII '  
Ir II  II·I .·-I*‘ , . ’·
I I II ' 1  YQ; V I The Kohathiles. NUMBERS, Ul. ['hc Jhv  
I —    families; Mahli, and Mashi: lhesel 11. (‘. 1190. Iaatl upwardwcre six ttIIII¤,47.I§h0
; _ _I`I I are the families of the Levites u_u- »—•——— IIWU hundred. _ Qlwkels
I II I. cording tn the Imusc of their ta-I I 35 And the ehicf0f_IIIcI;ilhg—§hBk
` I  [ I II` _ them, I, CII_I_53_ Ithc lather ofthe tamIIw;II \l hil-
I ;C   ‘   21 Of Gcrshnn IUHS the family 0fI Iwas Zurtel the son nt NWHWYS
I ‘ I I ll ` I _ the Libnites, and the ilunily ef the CII _I IIIJG Ilhrsc c shall pitch nn tly  
I III I R It — Nhimites: these arcthe ftumhes of I" ‘ " ‘ ‘ the tabernacle Imrthwzml   ¤¤?W1
· I I ‘ I - the Gershnait.esI I _ I 36 And 3 under the eusII·. €ml§ t
, ` I I. ' I 22 Those that were numbered nf I I1 E¤·2»·9. II:lIm·I;e nf the snag nf IlI·.I·¤d tu lu
I I  ' I them, according} to thc numlier KIIII III the hnurIIs nf the t:tIII:n.A§:1g£%
I I `  all the males, rum a mnnt I 0 I I,· Ex_;(;_I_&C_ Il ie vars t Ieree , aIII II:
I     ’ Ig and upward, cvmz those that wcreI Itherent`, and the snI·kI·I~ {ml abi]
I I . I numbered nf them, were sevenI I EY I,. 9 Sic land all the vessels thcmi aglggd
I I I, I I ` theusztnd and live hundred. _ I ‘ '“" ’ ' Ithat serveth theretn, f tb
. I I I ' 213TIm 1`arniliI·sel`the Getshlmltesm _ 37 And the plllars nf I.;] Israel
I I I   shall pitch beltind the tuberuacleIi E¥·3=¤·IB· TUIYHI about, a1tIItIIlII·Ir·cg%
’ I weslwartl. am I Imr pms, ant It·Irt’
I I I ' I ill Aatl the chief of the house nf II tctI_25_g3_ 38 il hut these that III .‘h°k°l`9
I I §   gw the father nf the Gershunites shall Ifnre tl1eIalIernaI·le Iewar  
I ' [ I ;I lm lfliasaphthe son ut`Lael. IJ CII I ,3 Icum lietbrn the tal1t·mIII mm m
‘ I ` I I In And the charge nf the sons of ' "’ ' Icnng‘reg:atimt eastward. he nu
I I { Il LI (iershnn pin the tallernzwle of the _ I)lnse_s, and Aaron aatli ongggl
I_ I I II , -I lIIg eeriireuatinirlshall III: lllllb taller- U CII-I-I¤· I therenf. I I I { I I 20 FI) Itwn tJ[InIIsaIId.I I  
1  ` I' II 27 Anilnfl{ot:tt,tu1rnsIIe a»‘n ix.   L. ` -1t) I I at l Ie ,(\llI\ >
I I   ` ,1   ` mily of the Amranutes, and IheI IZIhIses,Nt11IIher It all IIII gk?
·  I IQIIII, I I I family nf the lll'll1tl'lIIl‘S, and the I, I(;III»_(;_IgI Int the _males nt Ihv I’1-Enum
‘ Z  I " IZ _I I'}! tamily of the lh:hr—*~ sti-atl nf all the iIrst|I {wud
Il T` II `I I I l'.I liUU[lIllg the chartge uf the sane-I It]IeI·1Ijhh-{III II(i$I-;II;l;:I.I Emu!
I I   I` ,,   I Illaty. `=¤ IJIIIIW-I III ltle nttlte lIevIttIs IIIsu·=IIII_,, wv;
.· III,I I   ,·, 29 The families nf the suns n(`I l/Ic I/IIIIgI. Ilirstlinzs amlmtx tht: I‘1=· kcoit
2 I I [ _. ', I I 1I Knhallt shall ]lll('l\ nu the sale ufl `vltildrna nf Israel ; ANIZI
_ I   ' · I I the tahernatch- suutltward. III cII_I_3I Sl I -12: And Muses IIamlIII?I, · of
I , I I .IZ· LII I 230 I\IIII the Ielmzf ul` the hnuse nf; ' LeanIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lI1III.¤=-.2:5 u
I I ._ V lll ' the fallter nf the familiws nf Ihn` __ _II hnrn amtmqthe I·IIlIIIlII- uadmu
' I I I .   I l{0lIaIIIIl<-s shall hc lilmtphan this " ‘"·'I‘· Itil Amt IIII tlIeIIIrsl\III¤I·m»8nf_.,
' ` I I , `=· I K'? snnnf `mwl. I III· IIIIIIIII;r 0 II:IIIIIj- And
I, ; I   I- yl *· II  I 31AnilIltI¢irw<:ltar¤nsha]/Iu;tlII· f\II:r.\0. mnnth nhl and It|I\v¢I{I`I Bud  
I Z _ ‘ I   `I _§, ark, 1: and the tallle, II and the tlIat,wnrI; ItamheredIIIIQUBIRNI
I I I PI     [I <·alnIh·st1c*lc, and tht: altars. 2 and I, CII_ZI;_G2_ Lwtmty amt twntItIIII>IIIIIdth°.¤
`   I I I I     f  II1evl·sselsnt`l.IIe saxtvtuarywhere- Ilretl IIIIII tlII·tIt·sI·arI·1IIIIi yen to
I I I I ·I III "  with thuii |IIIII1lster, and tlIt· ha1IL;- II wr II \-It 1( Anil the IIOIU-I **ngjnuB_I
· ,; 2 I, , I I mu, nam. a I Ie servuze I u:1I<·n . I ‘‘I‘ . uses. saymu, I ;
I _ I II I _   , I ill And lileazar the sen nt` Aartm _ _ .t5’1‘;I};I; /;t]II;[,tIt·tt1·FII»‘ Audu]
_ ; I IIII It I the priest she/l ln: chief ever they \I¤r·1JII:>· lhI·th-st.lIIIrIIaIIInII¤IhII_IIgtqgh (
4 · I, I I II » vhiet nf I.he {Invites, and have thI·· ISIIIIIIIIIIIII I]II,II;Itt|IeIIlI no wit
` I   II t¤\'<‘l'$l1IllL of them that keep the ;I\II.I._II_ IIIIIUIIII IIII IIIIIIII I·IIvItlIIInsIImI
i·   ` I. ~ <·Itar:;n nflhe s:utetaaI·yI IUIIIIIIS S III Ic IIIIIIu. Immz
. ·II ,·l II ,.1 tl'; 1[ tJt` NII·rar1l:1vuxtlII: family II_II IQ I. Lean. _ And;]
s I 'II I._ I, 'VZ nt` the NIaIII1tes,aaIl the family nt` I_J\`I‘,I ’I‘I Il; Aut] far [hasn that ·Ie,8_nd
I ‘ " · , I I the Xlushtlvs: Iltese ure the ht- " '`'`’ t·I·lhet·nII·tl[IIfIIIt·I\t‘IIII`_thg [ig
I I I I- I, II I` ¤II1i