The JF Th¢Leviles’ smwim. NFIIBERF, [V. The rlzmjar r1fEIm:ar.
gsm 11,% 47 Thou §11:11t cvcn take Gvc nl B. 01190, 1 10 And t11c—ys11:111 pm, it 111111 _r1ll
Shekels aauccc by {110 111111; uflvr ?—•—— vessels t11c1·m11` w1l11111 :1 (7(I\'Ul'l11'I
w ,.»:1w shake of Lhc x:u1utu11ry s1111l1§ . ¤ 101 11z111gers’ skins. 111111 s11:1l1 11111. 1l
ll 1
.1'of 111110 tak I _ _ _ ._11111,1..c, _ _
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sm, ,,1 Nv1a¤ygcr:11¤.) _ _ _ U A 11 And 11111111 the ,.11111011 .1t.1r .
ph on 15. 48Ax1d_t110us11:1.1t ·.=r1ve 11112 m11nr·y: 10 }·¤·g(}__'{; Ithcy shall sprceaul :1 1:111111 111 111111-:
m,m“-um Nhstgwith the udd 11un11>cr 111 I ;;f'1·;j·;;;· `:11111 0111*111* _1t with il r·ov1·r111;: 111
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