Q ' ~l·. ·' ` ` 
rideih.  ` T/tc chrnyzn af the Lm·t!cs. NUMBERS. XVIII. T/tr ;rricsls' porlian,   » .
tt (lIlIIi· the vltildrett of Israel: att1t the · ll. C. 1171. lt`erin,:slo[ all the ltztllttwed things ~ I 1 V
nto tl.· lu1tI·9-4- lltavelgiven tltetn, bv reason of the E   4 i
ire tv ses, Britt}.: Aaron`s rod nuttin hefore ioltildmt cf Iatt0intittg,m and to thy suns, by mt I I ·l
L0l11l, the testitttotty. to he kept y for as 1·zLv‘1it11t. urtlittattce for ever. . I I I
t1tketta2=ttttsttVltc iruhels; ttttdthoul II ps4g·1q_I·_ I 9 'I‘his shall be thine of thc must '·. . V 2 .
=es <·1»a—-_ shalt quite take away their tnttr-I 1,_5;_11;_ Iholy things, reserved from the tire: I I 1 I '
ittttlst ·_‘ ttturtttes front nie. that thnydte nut. Ich I GI III levery ohlatiatt ut` thcir’s, every n I V· I
lteholil ll And Moses dtd su .· as tlte LORD 'III _I  ` ltncat oflbritt: 0f their's, and every V   Q
t attttti. cotutttatttled lnnt, so did he. _ II` [ ` lsin otferingo of their’s, and eve Z [ . I .
on Ill· 12Attdthe ehtltlren ot'Isn1ul spake ’*III;-g·I‘I;‘·I9_it111s1»11$ettermqp of tlteir’s,wlt.i¢`;II ' I _4 I
.tnetttv;t' utttu )Iuses.s:tyttt:. Behultl, we the, ' '_,., they shall render unto tttc, shall be v I _ I
I_   IIgrIrtslt,It we all petI1sh. I I II ICII II_ III I tnIIsIholy titrthee and for thy sous. _ ,; · `
r·ttu t* tusttevertcotttet tattvt nn: · ~ ~· 1 I t rtt<· 1   a ’ t ‘ » 1
teplaglz ttear unto llte tahernar·ieA of the rz I*Zt:’.!‘l.3$. Itltttulte-dt lilx;     I { » "
I I II I·0ItD§ltalI dIe_: shall we he een-   lit: 1tsh;tlI he holy ttttttt tIhee.   _.1 ‘
in 1· SL\ItIUt wt! ttytne. U- ·¥· · I 11 Ant ttis is t titto; t te ltcave `·i V ti ‘ _
sand all _ tIlIAl"l`1·]I{ XYIII. I1Ge.29.(}I. lotferitttrr nf their gift, witlt all the T-} Ii}; .
1t·ttt 111.1 I [Ihr? C/tut‘11r· Q/Ihr prsrs/s mid Lo-_MII I; G- Iwave otlertttes of the rhtldrctt et   1. ·
KtIt=tIII FIIIPSI fl IIVM ]!I'I(`5[X`!l7l1l t/tt: Lu-ldcI_`iI` IIIIIC Israel: I II1aveI given theIn uttttt . ¢]`§$—:1Z ·:
11t tt. 1- t‘t ts par rmt.   · ·* · tltee,s ant tnt tv sons attt mth Y}? `YQY ‘
lterttizv ANI) the LORD said unto Aarott.l c clt.l6.·10. dattgltters with then-, hy tt stat ut; °§·$§`f· _ {
teplttgts 'I`h<>u. and thy sons, and thy fEx_;y,)q km ilir ever: every one that is l clean 'IJI-‘I,i _ ‘
IHtlltet·'sItptts1- with tltet·sltallItt·:tt‘u 1.ev.2lk1, ,in thy house shall ent ot`it,   lf? I W
. l|tctttt<1uttyot`t11e sa111·t1tary; attd ,, CII II; III I 12 .·\lI the thest ofthe oil, and all ’$?·:l*.IF, I ,,
c rotlrtj thou and thy seas with thee shall " I   ` ' ,111e liest of the wine, and ot' the r`j_§-{4 ;·_ I
1rII1. htéitr the tttlquity of your priest- If°‘·*‘l9· {wheat, the tirst{rttits_u of thettt I-;Y`,,· ·
nite Ile hIt¤ud. t t·t·r.5. wlnelt tltey shall oller unto the {II   I ' 1 · ~l
I J And tlty ht‘etltrt·tt also of tlt1¤,k ll1·h,9,3,E. LORD, thettt have Iziven thee. "ilif ‘·
I»11 of1~· ttuhtcttt Levi.tl1et1·ih.··1l`tl1yt‘all1t·r.· ____ \ _ ___ I 111 Aml wltatsuever is tirst ripe itt   It L_ ,` ·'
111»1`1l11 Itrtttu thou with thee, tl1at tlteyll _I , q lthe land, which they shall brittt;  il"} ·‘ , III V 
hou>t·1. IIlMl'I><>)r¤itte¤\I1td I.ht·liol1l,1 ltavetalqeityuttr ut t1x.llI.1. ling of a goat, thou shalt not re- *· E' I'?
,e,tt¤·t·ut·* ‘*I`l¤l|tl‘\*tt the I.evttt·s t`t·o1tt atttottu 2-I J9~ tleettt; they are httlv: thou shalt _. ., I__ SI2
age`, 1111 IIIP {‘htldtt·tt ot'1s1·;1¢-l· to you Huy J1 Ex.l1I.I3. sprinkle z: their hluud ttputt thu ttI· Y} {’§» " f'
l t1i`,\1tI~* V ”l’t Mum-tt ex a gn'; t}»1·tl1e I.u1ttt.1 ill-20. 1ta1·, and shalt httrtt their tat jitr uu I I, it; _' -
I I UITII the st·t‘vi¤·t· ot` the t:ther1taeleIy 1,1-1;:7.2,6. otlinrtttg tttadtI hy tire, fora sweet 4 IR; `— `
trot s · e 11· 1·ottut·t·:at1111t. ; rIt.H.»17. savour tttttut tt: .01tD. :4 .;I: '
lierttzttfw I 'l`h¤·l'<·tttt·e thou 1C and thy sons I n Ilzv. l3.I2. ` 18 And the tlesh ot' thent shall he Z¥’   '   · ,
“'1Ih Iht·t·sl1all k1·11I1y11111- I{1·11·st's‘ b II··¤»t·I5V_I9· thine, astl the wave-ht·e:tst and as gil   1, I ‘§
|111i,o11tl’ *’lil<'*¢ tut ty1·1·y tl1111q 11t' the altar. F l·¥·ZIl· Ill; the right shoulder are lhittt:. "(If   j `
m lh1·lV· mid \\‘tIhtttL· th1~va1l; 11111l ye shall II"I··Ij;;;’I lil All 2 the htzztve otlkertttus ot` the QI;   . Ir _
al l11·ltu" *"K\'¤>1 I have 4;1t·t>11 your p1·1t~st’s~ II} `;II‘j;;" ltoly things, \\‘htt·h the elttldtvtt ui ·*.{ i;_{-I_“ - I `
I ]11»11>1··‘ "’Ilt'¤= wt/ey,1t1111_1 a s1·1·1#11·11 of gift ; ‘ ’x"` ‘;__" Isntel utler unto the Lt>Il1l,ltit\'0 I 1··a; [7;-, ’ .·I
.11gl1ttl1t` “_"lI tIt··su·a11g1»11l1111 1~1111111tl1 1n;;l1I I W -'II_I` Izivett thee, and thy suits and thy jg _}; {Q"
$1,111;,11:.- wil he put l1tll1~;1l,l1_ I I, II.,   ` danglttets with thee, hy tt statute {I ·£§I»*1V.g _
1 ” "I :'\ud the l,ttn11 spake tttttoif1_I,Q_g_13_ ithr ever: it is a _/`(‘tl\'tZIlIlIII ot sail ”`lIi ’;‘   1
int all '*~" 'Il'I"’I¤1 Iiyhuld. I also have gzirettl ;(;:11·,13,;_ `Ior everltelhrtrtlte LORD utttutltee ‘I.'  
111 1111111  l=··’¤‘ the teltatqe o1' 1.111111 l1e11ve11lL,r { is attd to thy seed with thee.    
, 1.11   y 
1* iT 2 ,
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