is . . 4 . . , , , , . . 4 ‘ `
h   _` T Zmlrt and Cn:b1 slam. NLMBERS, XXY , XXVI. The lllidzanztes are vczwl.  
  ,. ne amstell, 7 until lflsshur shall cas- B4 C. 1 t52. unto him 0 uiicovenant of peace : ! I ,
ws ‘  V rythce awuycaptive. _ —-•;- 13 Anll he s all have it, and his § ,
n és M Z1 Anll he tuuk up lns paruble,1 my hm, sued utter him even the covenant i Z
lm smh and salll. Alas, when shall live 10,.; shall uf anp everlasting pricstlmud; Q ‘ ,i
he mi when Gall ll0_eth this! il he ele. because he was q xenlous for his ` * `
,hU mi Bt Anll shgpsfi shall wmv l`l{0lH O M1] q s Gull, and made unr atonement ihr { i .
“ the coast li Ciittiln anll sia 2 ` ` "" tll(!l7lllltll'€llUflSl'llBl, -— · ·
cl. “.,4_ atllictq Asshur, anllvshall _atllil:t ip l?"'H‘3D‘ _lL New thc name of the lsrnel· i ,
and I; Ehur, r and he also shallperislifurfi   lee that was slairli elim that was lt ‘
_‘ . .   ever, if ·¢· -·-_. s ain with the Mi ianitish woman ‘
    25 Anllllulaam rnse up, and wcenti 2"- lwns Zimrl, the sun of Salu, a rrinee `   ] * `
  _ _ and returned to lus place: and , .-W ,n1` a Vclncf hnuse among the Si- ' 1
1ts..n.~l. . (C‘ll.\l‘. ...».) . l
Uumm. llulclk alsn went his way, Ch 3,; 49 lll4?0l\ll`('S. s . I
infos _ L7l>ll\l"l‘l·1lt XXV, _ ia “;   ' 415 And the name of the Millian- _] · `: 1
M lu'.}, [7v Israr/1!2.l·` lnhnrerlom and MIDI-` ’ '   ltish woman that was slain was -A-: i-
m_IhI‘K nIry4 G Zimrimul (fnzlu slam b“";3’·_l6-_ Cnzbi, the daughter of Zur;s he I _ l
1; W AND Israel almde in Slllllllll, ui '_°"·‘0;§· iv/1.9 head 0rer a l»eliple,umI uf a. A l f‘ '
Sk '{mh _ anll the penplc hegan to lwlnn- Y 0 1'·X·3·$·'=y, thief house ln Xlilhan. v~ 1; Jl _ l`
nutwhhrelllnnb with the llaugh-id E 4 l(*· lll 1ll\nll_ the Luau spake unto   _ ,)‘
) Bum has ut .l<»ah. _ x.;04:>. Atagasy sal-mg_ I I ~ 1_, L, jy { t
  ,._ L Anil u thev called the pen le`u Jhs.22,t7. l'7\exl the Nlllhanltes and snute A; ’~· ‘ l
  UHI0 lhe slwrltiees of their gags:] l’s.l06.Q5<, ltlrllnlg y ’,g,Li,_‘i  
"HM; Us und the people dill eat, null bow- 29- lll For they Vex you 1: with their *3;}] 1
d 1'l,4m_ Qdd lluwn to their gulls.] i H'*$·9·W- wiles, wherewlth they have he-— df ; " —; ` ,
uidulw 3 And lsmel joined 1: himself un-1fl)c.l3.6·9. tguiled yan in the matter uf Pplrr, ,jr; ,·;__ ·· j I
wml M tu Baal-near: and the ant:ernl` thezg l1¤lll.1tl.i7.; and ln the matter lst tlmln. the —`   {P . I
ul WM l·0llD\ViLsli1udl may bu m P;";£j]g The é’lllIt qxutl Isglligzs {uhm in {hg   3 V   I
_ * z ·ay ann srae, _   ·;· · _ _pu1n.s0 oa. _   A _, .
Imrimin ?i\Il¤l   said untn the ]ulll§ces` J""~J·3*’·   lt gmalg mlpaigg, afmr {{:0   L ’ _
., ° SMU . ·. uy L ye every one ns;¤ with my p alrlw t lat tre ,¤nn spa ·e `_$   3- ‘
  WGH that were juinvll unto Baal- :rlL!· { unto ltldtsesi and unto Kleazar the I  ~ ` g '
" P'*°V~ E, ,20,f. , sun of larun the 1riest,savin: ;*'§ E` . ‘
mm] my U Wi Alltl behold, one nfthe chil- H 1)§ut.1lilG,` 2 Tuite ll the sulni l¤l`all the een-   ill  
U ku`., . \l¥€1\ Ul`_ israel eaine, anll_ hmught __ 21. crrezation ofthe lwlnlllren of Israel,   »; _· ·
km,] Hm univ his brethren a Blilhalntisli lh\.llt:Q2· , front twenty \'l’l\l"$0l4lZ1llllll[1\\'{ll’ll Tg __ li ,
_ mlm. \\'U11lan,1ntllesil;hte(`l\lnses, and lQ*·7“·{»‘-_ ltlmnuzlmllt. their l`l\llll'l'S’llU\lS(!. all   ic l ~
hg W, Hwy >l$hll‘uf all the ccviitzrvzutiliil   f that are able tu gn tu war in lsmel. j ._   *4 i ·  
‘ ` " H! vn n ren of srael, who were- *"‘·,· , · ll And Moses and lileazar the   * ." ·
mx mlm \\‘0<=|u1i:1fu;tnm the lllrnr of the ‘]"' priest snake with \hl·ln in the j` · l', ; -
Ul' mth ljh<;fl1;lHl¤;l!rgreg:itie11. .\s,\`~\,_`,.l|¤l1iil1sI1 of Muah, by Jordan ucar   ·   ‘
` l = lll when hine las It the san .lerie1<¤ savinz   " ·· i`
° Um I" nl' l"l<·l7xr tl y ‘ ” ' ` " ` l i ` ` I ‘ I
,,`· _ · ‘- .4 il: sen nf Aaron the <7NF—`l·-··l,r- l -t Ilrlnslhc sum ry/`lhn prvplzz from ;_' l. 4  
\J::,`L;,;_ l*Yi\*>-=- 7. nrt lout e t ie ant li ·Ilzynt4 J ’ . 4] T
[‘:£:r;:_,A lflwrl _xnta the tent, anll thrllsl 2Jl.»a.l¤.,ja   51[ llenhenc the eldest sun ef *1 V 1. is L
  ’_   , Millat then; through,thlzi11;mn|` hmm-. Israel: the elnh.lren of Reuben; ‘ . ·’ i -
.n_l .h.l.. I » _ _ ,
l$¤M‘l.anll the wnnlan lhraugh her`, qh_3|_s_ i lhumeli, qi whuln rmurllz the tannly . _ j
mum, I,. |:*|l§'·H Nvltllnf plazule was stayed J·»~.|;L.;!x. lot the llanlielnles: uf Pallu, the   . ·§ .
,‘ . hi im! N7 l' n l ren of srael. i; i_;;i g_ —l`an1ilvuflh<: Palluilvst V, °,_. · ·
S:(}·;!;]l\,, V »\ml thlisel that died in the "_2,;I_m I6 i ll Ut` llezrlun, the fannly of the 5;:   '
l*1*l¤;1¢¢\\‘¤>re twentyanll [`aur than-g Rwrj lj llezronltesz uf t'ar1ni, the lllllllly , Si i;
.:al_ . · ·   ·,. .;‘,·-..
  \l"Kil Amt libc LORD spake l1litl>`"""'S' io;   faniilies ef the   L    
,0 lint hi ‘{""`f·"**5`¤*\L§, _ _ \((‘u,\i·, 2{;_; -lleuhlanl<·s : jllltl they that were       V
mm. W]   I|Ul|t‘ll2Li. the san l;|>l·,leazar, H rh Y 1, ,x l nunll»l·rell el lh¤·1_n were hzrty and Q 3* 1  , , ·
yr m___`._ the Fan nf Aarun the prlesr, halhl   {ig",} three tlnnlsanllanll Seven hundred ·* gy,}. = _ E
v_ M l’l¤¤¢·ll rn my wralh away- {mal ` ',, .l¢7i.— and tlnrlv. .L 7 LS` .‘
h441nt·-» ll . . 3 .-»,..», . __ . _. , ,
mu] Sur ll/_<‘hlblre1i at israel, (whlle herb __ M ‘ ` H And tln·s