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—mbm,g_ Z; The Israeli/cs mmxfzerad. NUMBERS, XXVI!. T/w land rlividcd by lat.   1
of HU;  j 42 *11 '1'1111s1> y qre the suns 01'D11111 D. C. 11152. 1t_11e _fumi1y uf thu I1c111·1111i1us, thc 1 ' g
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llccmy;   111c 1`:1111i1y of {1112 S1\ll11ilHl11CS. y13u.·16.26. 111"L1111 MuSIu1cs,111e 1`u11111y11fl11c 1 1 ` 1
BS Um, Y '1'11cs111m1111c 1:1.111111es of Dz111,u1`rc1· .‘ or H I . 1{111‘11t1111cs : a1111K1111ut11bcgut1X111- Q 1  
11, 11,,,, l11c1r1E111111ius. __ 1 "‘"m‘ 1*:1111. > I 1 _ x _
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11,,0 hm _ 111111111cs. :1c1·1>11.1;11g P1 {hose 111:11 113111-,7.un. g1|€<1.s_J11¥11e11$11,g1 1111: 1’1;111g11tci ut · 2 i 1
_ were 111111111u1·u1 c1 t 11:111, wore1 _ ` uv1.w 111111 u·1·m011er nrc Lu cv1 ‘ _ . _
1, q M1,. 111ru11s1·111·r: :11111 fo111·111u11su1111:11111 *1 G'I·‘“’;_2"; 111 Egypt: and s11c 11:11*12 unto Am- ` · ’
$$011 EL I 1'u11r111111111·1vd. _ lu"' ’ ‘ U' r11111, Aau·1111 :11111 Muses, 11.1111 Mirianx ` _ I
111 11 Ly t11cv1111dru11nf 1\s11crz l11L`11r.7,13, |111u11·s1s1e1·. » 1 ._ I '
1;,,1,; ug, 111-1G1'11\C11'1v1\111111yS : _111`.1111111z1. 1111; s1m1!u111. 1 1111 A1111 1111111 Aumnh was born ' ` 1
1 )]m.11_;. 11111111)* {11 11112 .1111111111rs; 111 .11·s111, I I 16 \1111:111, :1111,1 1\11111u, Iilcuzur, 111111 . 1 1- I
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1155: 11111 1 11111 111111 w1»11; 11111111111r- 1l1F\1i 1; _, ,· ` 
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