;1_'    1. 1   Tm: mw 0fzn}1crilrmw. NL‘]1I`BERS, XXVIII. The cm1ti11ual Infrnt QFC’I'1!l§.   mgfnrgx
’ _1 { I `E1 smn aummg the brclhrcu of ourl B. C. 1152. thine 1\0HQ\11' upunl11111,t}):1t 11111111 } bfrprlnzlll
[ 1 .·> mthcn 1.-•-? c011grcgm1un 11f thc_ch1111re11 01 1 huuocksa
: I 1 5 A1111 Moses! brought their cause if L¥·18·;g. I§)1i111;l :§li\y ;’§l:;.1l<;111E;15elTlLmc Fm uf me  
E ` ` \1c|`o1·u 1.110 L1'1l1D. - .. 111 11: .1 . : · Y 1 · . UA It
. 1 ‘   6 il 111111 me Loma spake unto No- 1 _,   zairlthu 1;:1cs;fh\;11;1lTétgthwihx 05:;: .~ fgy;1 lim
1 · 1 ` xes s11yi11F' 17   $(1 .··11·.= 1. _ ,` -. . 1 ’ 111l.1'0r11111
1 ‘ 7 11`1\(5 111111gl1tc1·s nf 21:10]:11011:111 i‘;`h"33`__|7_ 1;1j111111c1}1r•i 1111: g.011g.'.;tf1:;  (mls Ul. I
  spunk 1*1:111.: 1111111 11 sh:111. S\\l(‘1}' 1 D¤m_3_27_ >11.1.1 111t,y 1.11 UU _1 ml ·‘ *·   ",m!]m_] “
` 1 uxvc 1111:111 :1 p11ss1-$$11111 of :111 11111u- 1 3z__w_ 11111y $112111 11111110 IIMQOW 1\P,· **1111 **1 lj; Am} I
§’ 1 - ~ 111:1111:0 :11111111: l110ll' lhthcrs 111*0-[ 31,1. 1110 1*1*1111mI* uf $1***:1 `Mm hm ` 111111; mgm
1 1 ’ ` Xhrcn: :11111 1111111 $11:111: 1:111151-: thc Zh cl1.‘lt1.21. QWN 1*11 1110 "U“¤1€1¥*mO“· _ Um.]-mg ul
. ‘ i11her1t:111c1: of their 11\11\C1` 1.0 paws 1 :11.2. J2 AIIL1 )l11sus11111:1;L11cL0RDc11r11· 11!tbn111;11f
' ; mm, [hum ·l 61.20.25. 111:111dcd 111111: :11111 111: tuuk Joshua ` mw lmdc
· 8 Am] umu Shu]; Spank {mm uml l1c111.t0.6. 111111 sum 111111 111:1bm 1·)lc:1z:1r 1111 'umid ll
` 1*hi1drc11 u1'Isr:11:l, $:1)*111:, l{:1 111:111 1”* °1'·20·;9· prhgst, 111111 111:11111: 1111 1111: CUl1{!'|'l· he half up
° ` ` 1111: :11111 h:1v1: no $1111 111011 ye $111111 g .. Q" #*11*11*: . . l111·k_ 111 [ 1
. ` 1·1111s1: hisi1111u1·i1:111céto pus \.\I\101;lg5xilg/é.;‘   And 111: 1:1111 h1s 11un1ls.111‘(1¤ "mUu;tm
_ , — his mmgylml-_ 1 Iléhlljggk h1m,:11111g:1va111111:1<111:u·1,:c..1?'t1§ . hm umu il
1 Q { 9 And imp hmie nodmmmcrvglleyl `P _h_r‘“_l5_ 1.U1&D c011111111111lu11 .. by 1111: 1.1111 Ulminzm.
I - ,   Ins 111l11:r11::111c11 1u110 M l;§,,,_3l_?;6 ofh ¤s?iIAPTER Yxvm . Ht? Qulwll
-  `· . .. 1111 .... ;. , *· · .1:111:1
~ I 1 . 1 10 All!.] if hc have 110 1l1'0L1\\‘CIl, 18.13. QF/*1*111;}.1 arclo bc 0Z1.s1=n:c1I, smumnm
1 , ` ` 2 111011 ve sh:111 ··ivc l1isi11hur1tu11c1: 2Chr.1.10. N1)thc LORD Sl1=11i¢ 1111111 )1" mlyml bu
Q j ‘ E 1 unto his 11\11l_Dl"7S bremhrcn. {1911.1121.%  sus. rjrtyhtg, I mmm Dr Iam; (,111,,.lHg_ in
· 1 1 11 .·\lld1f1l1S El11\Cl'1\i\\'G 110_11rc- f _~1·~ ·1- 0t111¤·1t1 tc 61 4 _ _~ ·   11,1,,,1 H
` V ‘ 111ren,t11cnye shall give h1s 111111;-   I:1111.1 suy \1l\[0 11\`UII\, M') 1}11l'?1|: um lim H
- ~ 1_ ]  l 1·1L:mcs: \1lI1U his _k.1ns111_:m that 1s h;‘}(·;,··¤.· ‘111td 111y 111*131111 1111; 11-11 $.11.11110; 1l11:1.111111.
` `Q , 1 _ _ next to him of 111s h1111_11y, :11111 111: `5   111:1110 hy1111e,1{lf1?1; i;?\\11:1:LL>.1;1;jit;  . 17 MM in
L 1 g $11:111 ]{0s>1:ss 11,: :11111 11 $11:111 111:` Ju 3 I0 11111.11 1111:.>11:1 11, 11 51:1*11. 11 1 . mmm M
 Y _ 1 ‘ . 11111.11 t 11: rj11i1111·cn of 1sr:11:l :1 sl :1- 1 {lim; 1111111 me 1111111:11 (1111% :;:1121:11. U mu 11,;,11 [mlm
3 Iutc /1 111` _11111:1111:111., us 1111; LORD isn lu 13 J {11111 |·11<1t1 $111111; M) lm U 1. · 111l111|,(.
xi ` 1 Ll  (·l,ummm](,1] )ll,S(1s_ I ' `wf i'111lIvSZS1» 1hc11111:1·111g 111:1d1:.11yl1;r m"\,m_mm
· · 1 1 1 1211 1111111111 10111) $:1111 1111111 1111- 1-1,,.,5_1.1_ ,1vt111·t1y—>St1¤1tt111tcr11111_v_111¤y··;t1l; 1.,»1,,,·S_,,,
:1 ‘ 1 Y s1:s. G1:t.l111:1:111p i11t.11L111s 1111111111; Ac1>1i,;_1_ 1.1v11l11111l1s111t110|1r;1)¢-¤' “111"1i 111 11111 W
1   _ Q 1 . ;\1>1Il'1Itl, :11111 $1:1: 1111: 1111111 whxuh 111 l11·111,31.9. ~11<1t, -¢1§1Y1>Y11¤1Y1./0V $1 001“U“1·‘ 11m,]U MS]
;  * T E , 1 11:11*1: given \ll11t) 1111: c1111111‘1:11 oi`) BFI?   11;t[i}ltl¤i1¢¢1`1¤f§· I l lt H ll mm $1111111111;
I 5 Igmull 11/ 1;11   , 1 1 11:11111: 11111 1:4111 I0 0 ’ 1 111-1;;, un]
.'   1 I · 1 1 1 13 Am] 11*111:11 1,11011 h:L1·9·1¤~ [1113 lt111t't\1ttL!1_¤1ttj1 1110 U11\Y=\t\**1*1*-*1*; 2*111,11 th
1 i V 1~ ··  was mllhcl-cd_ I _1u_;1U_l5’ '11m1r1`r1r111111:11L111l1:r1111:,_1I11111l1g11·1; uf dum, U
1 1 1f 1 11 1*111*111 yu ru11(:1l1:11 :11t:1i11s1. my tu. “`|11\ 1110 1-(>li1'Ul PHT! vt ml 1111** tv11t11111:;1l;
1 1 1 N 1 1 1·11mm:11111111c11t 111 1111: 111·s1:r1. 111` lSm.T.'2.I0. 111::1l1:11u11. _ _ .101*k,:1111|11
·, 1   , 1. l 1 Zi11,i11 thc strife of 1111: 1*1:11:r1·q:1- 153.0, ti IL 1.1 11 1:1m111111:11 l1111·11111111·1‘1t1Y: 211 Nw
 .» I X 1 ~ , I mm, [0 smmgfy mc M um “·1,1`»,· :111.7. :111111:11w:1s1»r11:11111:11111111<11t11iNUS: 1111,; mr `
Q Q     L ~ { I:cf111·utl11·i1·1:yes; 1.11:11 {$1111. “»;,1m· y FZx,2T.f30. 11111* 11 s\vu1:t.s:1v1111r, 11 s111:1‘111cc 11111111 ` mv Mfvml
{ ' 1 l` . 1 111-MCl'11J1l1\llll'\K1l(1l:S1l1\111lU w11- Z ""'·U· 111' 11111 11111**111U LOW]- _ `. ‘_?l .11111 111
‘ . 1 1 111:r111—ss 111`Z111. CH H, ,,, 7 111111 II11: 111:1111; 1111c1‘1111:I11Ct¢`¤’» 1nx.I11111111~
‘ 1 ' 1 1 15 $1 A111.1 Moses spnkc 111110 1111: ` ‘ ""),shn[l /11: 1111:11111rth purl 11f :111 11111 ;;1y(, mu
1 - 1 ` . ’ , 1,111111, $:111111% 1“ 1·""·“·1'- 11111 1111: 11111: 1:111111: 11111111 11111Y_111t1·’ 111111l11,m.l·
1 · 1 111 1.1:1, 1.111: 1.111111. 1111: G1111 0 11f1111: lu m"_'Q';'> "f1s11:111. L111:111::111sc 1111: SIFUIIE "`““'1f' n 011:1 1-111
` , _ ~ ‘ 1 1 spirits 11f1111 111:sh, s1:tp:1111111111\’cr I, lg? 111 Q1; i1i<¢ }]>l\l1G{’dv \t11l<1 thu LORD J"' ·‘ dU1l.‘1l`11·1-1
· · iw I.111: 1:1111·*1·u1·z1t 11111 :·;   ""[   1 FUN 0 l*1'ttt¤· V **1 Y. 11111
,· V 1   X 17 \\'1111:h` 111:15*1;:11 0111 YI 111'13\1`\3 11 ;,g,:f.1:11::j B_1\1t¤1 1t1<>11111<·r 1¤1tt¤1t #t¤=¤1'_.*1*1‘§ U1c1111·;11`1
? 1   · A1 them, :11111 \\'1ll(31\ 111:15* 1:1.1 111 111:11111: 1;,, ,.,.,, 1111111*11t 1:v1·n: :1s 1111: mu:11 11111·1111i |1rv, 11[ 1,
 1 ‘   I1IU1I11 111111 \vh111h 111:1y 11::111 t11p111 m·1111‘11g1. U1_t1tt¥ t11111‘11111z. :11111 :15 1l11· 111111: L01111: ntsl
Q ‘ 1 11111.:11111\vl1ic11111:1yh1·111gt111:111 111; n 1iv.ti.U. )“.I,hl,n;_ 1 ·X»~. » . 11 1 111_ 1111 IC sx 1 1:1 1 t¢1.' ` lil 11111,
· ‘ 1 1 ‘ ` 18 T 1\t111Y1\1'!1·OHD s:1i111111t1:R111- In _ UM- 1l:1111\1s1111111:Hrs!y1~11r1xjt111111l~t=<1~ 811hl|11,,m
{ , s1-s. '1`:1l1·: t111·1: J11s1111:1 1111: s1111_111' C j;‘i6(’ig· ::11111 111*11 11:11111 111::11s 111 1111111'.1*v’1‘i 2hT,\)$:,
1 ` ` N1111.:1111:111111s 11:1111111i.s·tl11:sp11·11, E hih ,3,} il 1111:111 111111111;.111111u·11~1l w11|1 1111.111* f11111.<_ wh.
' ·’ ` . :11111 1:11* I 1111111: 11111111 1111111111i111; QKVIHTQ   ' L111: 11r111k 111lu1‘111;: I.111¢1‘1:111._ F Oflkrluy H,
·   1 11) A1111 s1:1.111111111:11»1·1: 1·I11::1x:1r1l111 Nl,_lh_Qm' 1 111 Tim :.1 1111: 1>11r_11t. 11111:1‘111!*‘· 1\‘u1~ks bl.!
` 1 ’ ; pricst, :11111 \11·1711‘1: _:111 the 1:n11::r1:- 1__1_1;1_1]_ 11:1·1·ry >:111I111111_.f111·s1111- 1111·- 1‘i»11:l·Q t‘1111vl,mlm
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1 : , tl11:1rs1211t. ti··1,J.1ti. <1t11¤1‘1t1!. _ _ _ _ [ —· 111111*1:
` _ 1 LIU A1111 11 thou $11:111 11111. somo uf ———·r — 11 'HAM1 11* UW 1>*‘¥¤1t1t11¤>!t *‘ 1
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