· I  
III I I ` ·` " ” .
  I -·   Qmrrzrxgs at thc NUMBERS, XXX. fmsl c¤_1`lnbm·nnrI1s I 7./IP M
· II sorrile work, and yo shull kccp aI B. C. MS2. I 291TI\nd rmthc sixthduy¢·ightIIr’- , '
‘I I Ibust untu the Loki) sovon duys: i——•-·—Z]o<¤ks,two mms, (md i`ourtucnluIIIt~ — _`* I"**d
i , `{ t3 And I': yc shall otlbr 11l)\ll'lll. of-I inf the Iirst yuurwitlinutI hluinisli I**** **”*'
` I I'r:riti;:, ztsaiuriiicn Illiltli) hy Iiree, ni'] I 30 And their ment oiibriug :III 'f'****** *
I _ I _ zi swuct savour unto thc LOttD;`kEZ*“ 3"*' Ithuir drink rtli0 inunucr: I . *II '{l**.
_ I _; It And thuir niuzit otlhrinu slwll [cI g,_7_I.I_ I 31 And one gu11tf0rusInoiTcrzu£ . II'_   **
‘I I I I- of Iluur niinziod with oil, thruoi lvcsidc thc uoutuiuul burnt otlbrir. ‘   ‘_  I
· I I tenth doztls unto uvmy bullock ot` I ihis uncut oilbring, und his drink t.· I*_ I‘·*_‘*’
I  tho thirtccu hullorzks, two tnnth I m l’s.t6.-t. I furinsr. I   *{**“
‘ · dcnls to oooli rain ofthe two r;imsI‘ JW! l-UJUJ 32 1i And on the scrcnth C IQ***‘*# **
_ 15 And 11 scvurul tenth dcnl to 2·*·*· Isuvcn liulloczks, two ruins, ru I*'jl‘*'“c‘
I `I unrh hnnh of the Iuurtuunlnnihs; Iihurtucn tombs of thc Iirst 5-.: `I°I*·
, XG And onc kid of the guattsjizr n I without blvniish: II) ‘}***l_
‘ I sin uflbrinq; hcsidc the cuutirniulI-~-~~~~—i 33 And their mont oIl"criu2I:.x. _*I*I*?·“**
: * · hurm oilizring, his niuul, oilbring,I Ithuir drink ollivr1iigsI for tht- \u.~ fI*j*;t "*
I . I amd his drink otlbring. I Ilocks, Ihr tho ruins, rind for t. `J“I**’***‘
I ' *`I l7 ii And on thc second d=tY 1/Rin I_,.\I_gg_gIG_I11iiIi\Is, shall br utzrtordinq tu ti1;J II‘_I‘I*I** _*
· L I I ` .I·  s/wil qU?rr twclvu young hi1llncl il solreinn usstvnihly; yi; >II.. I 5** *I** *
I   I   ·,;  nuinliur, uilcr Ihr: n1:nnit=r1l I ;Ii’I**;;f;I**· I dlulno scrvih: work_I/I»:Iv·i:1: __ ' `I:1_*\\_**i  
 I ‘· · I ,ILI l9 And one kid pf tho ;;o;IIs_h;I· zi: II.7r*;‘II·%‘ I .30 But yo shutt o1i<~r:IIni1;nt u21'· _IIII_I__:I“
 I ` I I   sin oiluriniii lIz;‘?* $*“"’“¥` “****·‘ ***€ ·U*i**i ‘i' i :II"· *I`um
Q I I II tIht·rt·o[, und thvir drink ouiernizs. I " ` Ibullock. one ruin, sreron l:uul»> `I:`I,* *“ *
I I I I»’I 1£tI'li And on tht: third dzny t~II IiIIII*I °**“
It · I   I II 2211i/intl on thu fourth dzty ttni‘1,I,I·v.21.1. Isuit: your vows, 1; und your th I`,   .
I I I I   ·.I* huilocks, two rurns, uml Iinirtteoni tlII.2l1.L!l. Iuill otlorinus, Ihr your hurut vii" ‘ IIIII _*lI*_**
4 . · I`*· hunhs of thu Iirst your withuuti Ju.i|.’i5I. inus, und llbf your inout otli~1‘.I¤ ` IIIII*_'I"I *
I ‘ I I lIh;nIisII_; I I _ UU- und Ior your drink oituri¤t¤>· > ,.I.I,IIi_IH**`
 ' ' I I I I ~· BI 'l`hoir invnt oilivrinq, und t.hcirI I_‘-l_"·‘l- Ihr your I»t·:u·o otlorinzs. I.I,I.e[ _*l`
I _ ‘ = I drink otlbrings, Ihr tho IIuiior:ks,I }·"·"·*· -ttJ And liosvstotd tl1ut·iiIi*it`·‘“ ,II· III*_“P·
_ I I `. lit! thu rzuns und for tho l:nnhs,I Iisruul, n<·r·o1din: to ull th:tt*· IIII`I*_’* "
I { '· I' I/url! bv :n·r:ordni: to thoir nurnhurI _ LORD coiiiinzuidotl Xlosvs. IIIIII I`;**`*»
‘ * j ltr autor thc nunnior: IC *·""· [   t`iiAl"i'l·Il2 XXXI III I *f’ 
I . -·   I 25 And uno kid of tho mints fur an 3* **·*’;J·?· Vutrs urn noi In [Ir [II·, or swuuro on o1iIht¤II* I IIII_II'I'I"T_j
· ti Q .= thoir drink oilivrinqs, for tht: hui- Il.tot.11.,!7 fins soul with ci hond; ht~ >h:ttiIi· IIIIIM *I*·
I E ~ I i looks. Ior thu ruins, und lor Ih¤:I 1'~.J:..!i. it hrouk his word,1Iosh:ilid¤>¤i· ' IIII,`III 4***
·‘ i.uul>s. shrill Im uucurdiin: to thuirI 5u.t t. Iuortlin: to ull thm, III·oI·t:uticiil~   Il:lI'*
1 I II nuinhor, uflur thc inaunxur: I ‘·i$— l?*I*t· I oI` his mouth. ’ IIIIIIIIII *I
I I I :)·I_,\nd one I.{o:Itfm·u sin otll;rin:;i ]'*’· I *_~**-` Li it`:t woiuun also \'