32 7”“i¥
  z = .;1 ' .
? l   " li Bard/‘rs nf the Zaml. NURIBFRS, XXXIV, XXXV. Y71nsc wha shall dtmdn ll, ~ 3 Qfgih
i   56 l\[orc0rcr,it sl1all come tu pass.: B. C. 1452. Inf their fathers, anal the trihc at ) dwbillmli
Q , ‘1 thutIsl1alltlou11tuynu,asItliougllt `—-—•;· lilo 1il11ldrun oflGatl iarr{:or;l111lg ttl · SMH M`,
T · , i to do unto thcm. tm muse of t noir :1l1r:1‘s. lan , U E
  ` C1·lAl"1'lilt XXXIV. l . ruccivctl tI1riri117urri!a1zcc, tllltlllilll wr Um]
, . , (lu ,,11 3,,) . l .\nd lh
` I · * The borders af Ihr: land. 16 The ( ‘ ' ‘ the Tl'll)(: _ot` Manassoh have n~ ,,.],1Cl, W
{ ‘ ,; 11111112.9 ofthe 711c11wlucl1sl1aIl divide alas H I kc Cclvuilltlmir irllioxillaiutci I ) _ ,-,,,.S_ Sh',]
1 , the [mul. sg' `L ", ' 15 ' ` lc two tr1 ics am t_1c 1:ll* ,1 .  
_ l I A-NDtl1o L0nD spake unto M0scs,l L“'4'_gL“l’ trihu have rcréeivfd their inllfnti @:1,,;; an:
, l · ·‘ sayiirr n ' ance on this Sl u orta1171m;· un- _ :A d .,,
· f i ` . 2 Cmiiiiiiiild thc children 0flsr:1•;·l,l D G_ H 3 cho (eastward, toward thc sua 0;, lhs?
and say unto thcm, When y_u gona: ` °* ` · · Using. ,1,,,,,5;,,,,]
1 . uuutho lantl ot"C1111az1n;(tl11s1sl.l1cl lo Anll thu LORD spake uml $,,1,. mu ,
~ _' land that shall tall unto you for an o :h.13.26. Moses, saymg, _  _ me wash ,
, _ mhuritance, men thc land uf Ca! 32.5. 17 'lhcsc rm: tlxelnamcs ot tll>· V ,,,,,1,,,,,h(
uaan, with the coasts thereof:) 1 rncn whirli shall divide the lalllt ,,,1,,,5; an
· ; ` 3 '1`hun a your south quarter shall d Gp ,5 IS unto you ; 11 lileazar tho pr1cst,;uu A ,,,,,,5;; ul
. l · bc trout thc wildcrncss oi Z111 1 ml   Joshua tho son of Nun. _ Eulm,-1,s U,
l , along hy tho coast of lddom, Sllllli 15   ig! Aud )'t:b$l1Hll(;§lli5 UT? [l>\’1¤l;`$l 6,1,,,] ,,,,
‘ fj your south border shall bo tho out-l ' 0 every tn c to lVl u t lu an :3 sm, g .,
‘ l ‘ _, 1_· must coast of thu salt sua b cast-, I I _ itlllcritmlcu. i 5}i&l[,,  
1 ‘ , ,   l; ‘_ ward; l' C ‘··m·3*· 19 And thc names of thc meal" y¤$1,,,11n,
l , 4 ` , g »t And your border shall turn from; these: 0lill1(>t.l'llJ0 ol Juda.l1,L:l1t. 11,,,, he m
l . , " thc south to the ascent of Akral»-1frl1._lG.2l. thc so11 ot`_Jcpl111n11cl1. rl,,.,,, VU ,
‘ , , l _1 ,1 bun, and rsuss nn tn Zia: and tho) Zlv-l·_t.%_. 20 And ol tht: tnho ol thr· cluldrtx ,»,,,,.$_ ‘
_ _ _ ·l   pzuung fort 1 Ll1crco|' shall bc fro1n_ }·Z•¢·~¥¢·l(¤· of Suncon, bhcmuul thu son tl > 7 gv nu,
Q _ ~ , ’J thc south to c lxarlt·sl1-liamca, and 1 Alnnuhnd. car to ~
l ' l all t ll .11ld l l 1, .1 21 Ofthe triht o1`Bcnj unin Lllll ` ` [ li`
·• j ·,e s1 go on 0 aznr-· ar, aut g me, 7,15, 1 _* 1 , ‘ ·¢~ mr ,·lg),,
l . Q Al`, pass on to Azlnon. , tho son of Clnslon. _ , grr, ,,1,, ,
 l »  l ,€__g   Antl the horllor shall fetch a Mm ,7 ,7 _ TJ Anal the [»l'lll(7C t1fll1¤>ll'llll"Y ` 6 ,1,,,1 I,]
\_ 1 -   coinpass {mln Amnon unto tho ' ' ' 'tl1<>¤:l11ldr•:uu1Dz111,Dulik1tl1c>*·¤- _ mrc ,1,,,;;,
{ , . ` lj . rlvgcr of 15;:)*111,11 and the golngs uul` of Jus}!. _ _ , tllnczlnllll-,
; , { _ = ol`1t shall ho at tho sou, ,i2l€i.23.:1:\. 23 'I`l1u pl`ll1C£' of thq tTl\lllll`t?|l"Y lhn1),,,,-F,
 `l , ll ,, ti And ux_10rt,l1o u*os1r>1·11 llortlur. J¤‘·i$£l-5.6. Josopll, li¤1·tl1ut1·1l1uol tho •·l11llllr¥ hill ,`,-Um
·_  , , I yo shall or-1:11 have thu gruat. s¤·a‘ lol )ll\1111>St:ll, llauuuul thu >r1nl·c ot`tl1ulr1l1<¤~? ‘ =l¤·l·,l,·,l,,,Z
Z 1 {   l `   7 Anll this shall lic your north L UW, G ,7 thc cl11ltlr•·1`1 of ];Ipl11‘a1111,ht·111lZ¤ ?I,,· ,,,1,,.,
; . l . ., ,,_;;·; horllor; l‘l-omtllq s;1·te:rtst·:1vt¢sl111ll J,,__,,‘2 ‘ thc sonnf bllnplrlan. A QT ,1,,,1
* ‘  ‘l ,` 1* ,, luunt nut. tor you 11n»u11t1: llor; , ,,,_;,g_'   23 A1_1ortl1·r l H i 111,71, ·anol:u11toll1o rrlulrlroll ol`l>1`¤¤t‘l ·  ~lll1l1,lg,ii,,,,
  *1 W12 shall doscc11d,antl shall roavh unto, lthc lantl of ('anaan. V Y _ _ lll ,\,,,l ,
1 1 ·lL,._»‘ thu islclgoftho souot`tQl1111m:rull1I: Wd, 1 _,_m E m('ll?l;'l`l£ll XXXV. T (  ,l;ll1lllul1·,·_
' z j ,1-;» owtwar . ` ' ' 1 tig . mu or/y ciluis yzrnt 11*  ' ~>rn·1',,y,._
2 · l   l2JASlltl1eEiu1?1•3r shall go down P ur li _l,41·i9ql·; (3 riI1,;f;/,,—,h mlirr1!~" }"ll \,. $1,;
l .` ' tu or un, a11 t 11: gonws out ol` lt ' ·   qi rr nyc, 1) ’ 'ig u1v;ro11l‘H‘tl»'~  ·. as $,,1,,
` l l· li shall llc at the salt sca'? tlns sh·lll~ milrilrr ‘¤t|l1Ilr· 4
Q ' i   ln: your lan¤l, wnth thc cuusts Kumi, an Khltllglf? l-01lDS1i;1k0tllllllbllg"  .";"l`·2~l1:1l
A M ` tlu:r1;ut` round alwuut, · · “·l 4 in t uy plains o llloa 1, Y li'  . _   ' `ln-,,,
_ 1 ·   lil And Moses t:o111mn11tlr·1l thu ldan mar Joriuho. sayin:. __ >|112l·,I,h/I1 l
5 · . . .
‘   r·l11l**U1»l1r11,~,·,
' Q;1 lot.lu‘l1i<·l1tl1o lmao co11nna11¤le¢ll· }Zr·.t5.\. lvuos, of thu n1ll,·1·l1nn,·l· ul tl~" ‘¤*¤1<· tl,,,,
, 4 l ¥(Ig1\'(5 unto tho 111111; tribes, a11d to ‘ _f“· ]lossvss1o11,r1tn·s tu qlwpll 1a: Q llillllcs ,,,;,,
, It tl1cl1all`tr1l1z>; » ~ 4** ·&°· yl: shall guru uI.w11ntotl1l: l,—‘°·"  ` ,1*1 .\1lll ,,
‘ ll l·`orm tho trihc of tho  ~   ` ut lluullun avcortllllg to thu house 4-*--. tlnrnl.
 · ,   1 176
 1 1 ` ’ 1  
, ,1 `
  . ‘ ca , ·