~ I
" V" 5 -tt
_ Tk: titles rtfthc Lerllcs. NUMBERS, XXXV. The laws nf murder. A l  
”"?"l‘ A 3,\atl the ritins shall theyltaveto B. C. U5?. he Lv a murderer: the murderer l ‘ l
rtbe ttl .‘ tlwell in; and the suhnrhs ufthem —•— shall surely he put tn tlt-ath. t . ` l
tllilg ll  ; shall he for their eatlle, anti Ihr ;,g(jt,r_tt_t4_ 17 Antl if he smite him with l F i
‘s. llfllt I tlteir;·tietls,at1tl thrall their heaslsl _ 4 thrtlwintz u stone, wherewith he ‘ A`!
tntlhilll 1 »l And the suhurhsh nl` the cittC5, C """·U·M· may tlic, and he tlie, he ts a mnr- ~ 3 ` i
{AVG W which ye shall give nntttthe Le- ?“"l;'l  tlerer: thc murderer shall surely _` , · V
v_ A. rites. sltullrrttclt from the wall of ‘,`,'§;,“?§'é‘l‘ he put lu death. t { ‘ ~
he hal the city antl nntward, a thuusantl ]',_;'L', fq" 18 Or tf he smite him with an ‘ `
1tllwll'· _ ctthits rtitmd ahtlut, Hllb   TQ hautl-wea inn of weed, wheretvitn · `
"ttJ'Jvl’l· _ :3Aud ye shall nieasttrefrmnwitli- ` ` ` he may tlie, and he tlic, he i.v a ‘ { i
19 Sullt out the city nn the east; side twu`¤ nlvuc I/tcm mtmlcmy; the murder-Cy Slmll t ·  
` thtlustmtlctth1ts,and nn the sttulhl W SMH surely he put to death. V I l
te tllllt ‘, side twn tlttiusand euhits, and tm, F"’”· IU 'l'he 0 revenzer tif hlnnd him- A l — ] l `
_ _ the west side twn tlttmsantl et1lttts.lr!Jt·s.2l.-tt. selfshall slay the murderer: when _-.l . , t
c at ile autl an the ntirthsitle twti thttusand l E J(,_ Z. 3 hc meeteth lmn,he shall slay him. '_,;`l ’ ` t
he lain  1 euhtls; and the etty shall hc in the " ` ' BU But il` he thrust him ut` hatred.   J l
iestnull ’, midst.: this shall he te them the f·¤l¤·9G·5l~ p ur hurl at him hy laying q of ;’ ,‘ l
_ , stthttrhs utthe cities. 2 [my gn. wait, that he the; 1   Af I ~' · `
Ilxrtngtil fiihtd atnnmr the ciyes which ye Inrtt. lijl Or iii enmity smite hint with {ills; ’ ' y Q
z an ll sia etve unto tic ,et·tttcs, wrc _ ·» ns hant t tal. he tlie: he that .·C;Q',‘i.,E" ’
. xltvlllwt six citiescthrre1`u::e.wliittli   stnnte hizit shall surely he put tu 534;, ·r{'_ A {
ment'! ye shallatlpeint hlr the man-slayer, tleath; _ti1r he rs a 1nut1lert:r: tht! i2; =;`<" i `
t.li,Cal¤t that hemay tlee thither; and l ttl lt E¥·?l·l$· t·et·t·iteer nt` lilentl shall sla thc`  Q . t
I ld llataa ye shall add ferty antl two; ¤ ty ,-,-mr, intirilerer, ;vhen he iiieetetlixliittii   §Qk‘ 7, ‘
c tt lil  . l'l1l'S. ;ty.n¤,t$l.(;. ZJ ut it te thrust htnt sth t t·tt Y f’§·H’x’ ;
stm tl A T Su all the cities whieh ye shall* Jt·>.:u.B-ti withnnt. enmity, ar have vast tttlen Qt.:} i · — t
_ A . !1\'t* lll the Levites shell lu: tttrtylk `,c,_G_ him any thing witheut laying of [`L   I
n,Llttl·<~ . alttl eluht 1] titlttrs; them slmll ye. b wait, E j` § l !
ylvr with their suhnrhs.  lU""‘·,l·“l,]' I 2;} Or with mtv sttirtc. whcrcwith KF ‘; f
t trilll‘l7 Q B Atltl the cities xvltieli ye shall; `I""“`l"' in man may die.-seein: him t10t,antl gl  ‘ ‘ T.
ithc><~1· A mtv shrill bc tif the tiessessiuttc of , m tll·l*·'G; least it nptin him, that he die. and if     , ‘ "
A  t illlrchtltlren nl` Israel; l`rtnn fl/trml L*"`·-U-2-· {was ttut. his enemy, neither suught   · ` , I
iltlreltli ‘ lllttl llntvinmny ve shall trive nia1ty;'n Ex.!l.l2. his harm:     .'i ` if
elnltlrtl |»\ltlut`1·t»iti tltmf 1/nn Iirwe few   I 7 lil. 2t 'l`ht-n the cnittzrcmttiottrsltitll @*7 th V ’  
g stmt 1 Ma sive l`t~·.v; every tine sha V »¤·t‘·>·l· 7· ljtttlL;ehet.\veet1 tie slayer ant lt€   ` f r ' '
Vl\‘t* at his cities nntti the Levites, U==*·‘·lU·l,l· rt·t·t·n·;er ttf bleed :teet>1‘dt1t·' to  fi; : . it `
1 trthtetc ’ tlt·t·tltjtlitie tn his inheritance whteh IL l these jutlemenls; 3   i "_ t
, lteittlil  ‘ ·|lt·ittlieritetlt, _ ___l LLB Anti the etnizremitinn shall tie- A A,   t` ·  
A V 97 Anti the 1,01111 spake unto ""` ` `ltver the slayer tint tif the hand t»t` tg.-   '
tyltriltlill Jlms, xtgintry I I H [I in tgltite ttf ,tltt; rt··.·eiiet;r tft` liletitl. ami the l't;ll·  " `i ,_ '
jlltlllhi 2 ·l¤t·a ‘ nntn ( te ty ii t ren tt s- tlni Intiml. luregatitni s ia I restt¤rt· inn tut te ' ,'   ‘ ?' H
ml, anti say unto them, \\`heng1 W, glp; it·tlv ttlv his rl:I`n:t·. wlnlhter he was     ' I M
e tril¤¢·¥ {elle t·t·ine tn·tn· ,lttt‘dan inte the U if ttetl; nntl he shall alntit- in it num     J W
t·, l’a1l¢· ¤rttltlt`l’;tttnan; ti.- m_t,_·z. tht: tlt·ath t»t`the high tn·t··st,wliit·lt  ._ if--7. .
_ ll ilillt‘ll lt ye shall atmtiint yeul .It~.10.1l   was ant¤intt~tl.t with the htlly nil.  Q `   , ,
e tril><‘j"  _t'llll*$tt¤llte t~iltesttl`ret`in;e lhrynugl ,{;,, 1  q 2.i lint tt` the slayer shall at any ·  J AE · · , I
ltth\ltll`—’ llllll the slayer tnny tlee tlnther,'l'g`:{,,,`_Q_jy_ ` little etmit: withttnt tht- lit>rtlert»t`  {ij    
, “lllt‘hk1llt·th any nersnn 1% at una- gn, lu, the t·ity of lns reI`n;;e, whither hc  J? · ..-¤; " T
up-tlit·]¤` ( ltlttrls I 1 1t;i_;: 1'tl.  was tltal; H In I   . [lfl  
t, l‘\?l  ~ .jlt l ley shall he unttt you Iii. , 117 Anti the reveti::t·rttl' ltlllt nt     ·
_  .*'lll*fSlltt‘rt·ftizt;trtnntlieavt-tiger;i I’r·1?G·!l· {him withnnl. the Iltirtlets ttf the C} .    
ttlit*l·i‘liv· `lllili lht: inan—slny.;t- the tint, until ,[ t.;y_gt_t.t_ vily ttfhts rt·t`nue. anti the t‘t·vt*ttZt>t‘   i.   ;§-
teIttil¤l‘ll‘   >¤]=ut¤l l·t·tl»i-e the tcttttereualitttti tn,tel,tt. .tn` hlntitl klill tht} Tlaver; 5 he shall 1 *     {
tt` s1‘:tt· ~ lllt unttsnt. i   » lnttl lit: ent tv til` itttal:     ,· ‘ ¤.
  lil »\l1·l ttf these t·itit·s whit·h vtiir ‘|',,i`i¤[{t; l iis llt·t·anse he sltttnltl ltaye rt·— rift   »i ~'
[V. fw  .l;l;;lll$1\‘t'.stx it elites shall ye have l Y M M 7 i ttntnneal it; lh;— hilt} t·l` ln· rtrtitett  K ·· I
yjpnt t» ¤ ¤ ··_tt:t·. · · ji ; · 0 `ttttltll te t eat t t·t`t it: Inen ]lt`lt‘Sl; -<=: '·1` ‘
tnllrtllt'i I ll \¤·shall eiye tht·t·e l cities ani I""'I'l ' lttll al`lt·r tht- t|t·alh t·l` the lti::lt dll} t
ghnl‘tt`ll·'~ Ruth Sale .hn·tl;tn, gttnl tln·et· eittes ` i' ’l*' {lla"! ‘t»t·it·st. the slayer shall rtrlurn into Tl Q Q ' ,;
 lllllll Ye unite nttln· l;ttttl tl{t‘;ttt;iati,i ""`l l"’ tht; laml nf his ttttssessttltt. El; ill;}   l
ntttllll"` '_"'¥t`ll_~lt:¤ll ln; pines nt` t·t·{n;e, "]l'QQQ‘·, A 11 Str these tlluhts shall he Ihr a  Y1?   j _
nh, hylli `.l*’ lllwtc stx t·ttit·s shall I»t· ii re» }‘*""'“' slatnte ul`! jntl:1nt·nl* nnttl ymt. viz}   ‘  
_ _  ,l'l¥l‘»l~l//l tilr the t·|nlllt-en tit` Israel. lt‘l*·!7· l'- :ln·ttneln»nt your tstenelatitins, in all lj`*‘€ $3: lv S
Atten el ‘  §·“l·l n'|'lllt· sti-;ntgt·t~_ tn and tht- the l ,t tit~·n_t7,t;, yttttr tlwelltnzs ’i‘—§ @$1 r’,·
ty the lf  r"‘l*ll1l‘tlt·t· uniting lltpttt; that t·t-t·t-yl l‘l.li. I :ltt \\'ht>sn lnlletli any tierstm. the      
·i· ttl ll~‘  ;"l*" that lttllt·t.lt any nersnn una- \|’¤'.|“. tt- tnurllt»rt·rsli:t|l ht: ttul tnt|t·alh hy zi} Ei i `
·ll ttti if `“"_"" may lh·t· tlntht·r, l fl` *‘·`€l»l— .the mtintltt¤l`\v1lt1t·s··~ltllrt te the. `{:~.»>.i'·,;
, 11;: l.T lil '*" .-*1 l-.‘
tr-'   ~ t
.   t. ni';
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