E ·lL‘
— y;,,.,,I1 I Iwncizlrsfarbialtlen la mrtltlle DEt'TI¥R(1XO1I\`, H. n·i/11111e E1ia1n11»s, Mnnlivres. i _   I
,gI III; l11<1,11ot so |Il\\Cl\ asn 1R111tl1r1ea1Itl_1,I I1'. ('. IISI. 1111111¤I1yI111st/rr jbr :1. nssesinin I  
,I,uEI I,. [S Ye shall huyintzat 111`thcm tor f1‘¢¤d11¤¤’¤1/ 211 (’IIl1:1t also was accounted tt ~ .
,,,,,,,,2,; L money, that ye may eat; and ye W -*0* °f la11d ofziauts; :·ia11tsdwe1ttl1er1·i11 , . 1 1
I5,I,€I;. · sl1all also buy water 11ftl1e1n tor ‘·‘” N"'- 111 old tune; a11d the 1\1n111u11it.es `— , `
- 1111111ey, that ye may drink, Id G"~¥I0·F· vall tl1e111 Za1nz11mn1ims;11 1   , 3
IIC (,,,1, 1 7 For the [,01111 thy Gnd hath ·l"*-2** 21 A I11·oI1l1¢;!reat,wm1d111a11y.t1111I ,.! 1 ' I
I, I, III,.  - blessed thee 111 all the worltsc nf Ic 1‘s.90.17. tall,astl1e 1\11ak1n1s; but the 1,0110 , I .
I, II, 13,; . tl1y l1antl; he knoweth tl1y walk- tjt-11,14,2-1. tlvstrnyetl tl11·1n l1t%IIll’C[l\€H\§ and I , 1
I,eI11·I·,; l i111:tl1ro11:l1 this creat wilde1·11ess : 21.5. they S\lI$Ct'(‘tICtI then1,u11d dwelt i11 · ,I » . .  
,,11 1,.; _’ tl1uscffo1·1yy1¤a1s the 1101111 tl1y N··.l*.2t; their stead: ‘ I ` I
,-,·I11I111- ,   hI1I/1 bI‘11Iof I- _· . I ,
n,_ Y I ¥ll"Ul not anu. zJ11.tl.lF. isau, w1it—1 wet in Seir, w 11:11 i, ` ·' ·
‘ 1-1111,1:, B:\tt1l17 Wlnuu we passed hy from 11 ll(i,!l,;2G_ he destroyed the .1 llornns 1`rtun "< F ` I I
,,5 ,,·IIIII·. u11r l11·e1l1re11 tI1e cl11l1lre11 111`Esau, elm III,. III, hethre tl11·111: and they stieceutletl Q I, _ 1 _
ICII 1,.;, which dwelt i11 S1:ir,tl1r11u1:l1 the ;,mII·;Iry tl1o1nI a11d dwelt i11 their stead I. I ·  
mill 11 \\`1\l' ul`ll111 plain {ruin I£latl1,}1 and 11e11g11,11 1:11-11 unto this day:   I ,1 I ,1 · I
,II I,m·,· F 1111111 I·)z1u11·;:11l1er, we turned, a11d I Meal,. 23 And they 1\1‘1111s which dwelt   _, I . l I
I,,,II mj; . passetl hy the way uf t.l1e wilder- II NI,_gI_gg_ 111 Il11z1:1‘i111.Ic1¤r‘n unto Azzah, z   IIQ II
[4011111, ` l\\!SSUIXl11i1l1. _ IIGI, IILSII I,.I_ the n f`aI1l1t<1r1111s,wlueh1::11111: torth   jjgf I '
III“·I,I~II;1 , El 1\u1l the Inttn said unto me, II.   II .' out of t`aI1l1to1·, tltestroyetl 1111:111. }!'1¥g;—Ig_ 1I '
,l,je 111, °lllS\F1>SS11ot the Xloalutes, neitl11:1· " ' II‘I" :1nd1Iwelt1i11their stead.) _ {§=;·.;} II I
II,III· III; Ctlllltilltl with tl1t:111i11hattle; 111rl ”§"l'I·II·;·, .,,I 211] lhse ye up, take your your- gg-1 ig; ` . I
 I will 11ot;;1ve thee n1` 1l1e1r land _rnr * "· ‘···1"· ney, and pa~s b over the river Ar- 3;-,§;g ;." E
II,,,,I»_$, Z I\I\(lSSt3sSI<1ll, l1e1·a11se I l1av1eu1v1;ni In G°·I·l-G- 111111: l11·l111I1l, I have 1:i1‘11n into   §i.I‘I   I
IIWIIIEII; ` Ar unto the}; eluldren of Lot fer a Ill infn-rilctl thyII1a1Id 51l11111ItI1e 1I11111I‘it1II,Iltin: ii     ` I
I . II..;,I ; Imssvsstoii, tlmn. 111 es11t1n,ant 11s ant: · mein tf   · · . ,—
I:I;mIl»,`  I I0 ('I`l1e E111i1nsl dwelt therein in   **1* Y¤¤m· toposscsw/,11111l conleiid witl1 111111   J, ' I  
II; ,,,,Il ,1 _ luntrs past, :1 people great, ;1111I1""I·l;I“"’I/· lll hattle,   _· 1.
Iurt;1g;11·,·‘ ~ l¤¤¤t1\'. :11111 tall, as them 1\11al1in1s; l" r\}'···I·I·:   '1`his day will I l1c;;i11t11put.t.l11:   I1` .·` , . II
IIN [,111; . Il \\`l111:h also were a1·eo1111t1·tlQ7'Q"·IlI\:IiI" 1l1‘ea1l11l`tl1eeantltliec1"e11rot`tl11·11     · I '
ISIV ,,III;,  Yi tllauts, as the A1111l;in1s; hut the Il ‘ "‘ '   11I11111the 1111tio11sl/1n!nrn under the gil; I. l I ', I IIA '
' _ Ilnalntes call thein 1£111in1s, I .1,, III ' \\'llUlt! hcavun, who shall l11:ar1‘1:-   1;, I II
I,II-],r]11» lZ{'l`l11> II111‘1111s11 alsodwelti11Seir IT I.I,_f3'I_I;EI_ port 11I`tl11·1e, a11d shall t1‘01uI1le, und   ‘I· ·' Il I
I_,,,II,,;;,;~_. l1g¢t11rl»»ti111e; hut tl1e children ot` I N,,_|,1_51;_ lll: ill t1t1!¤11¥l\ lltsttilllic <>i`\l11¢€· i5" . ’· ‘ `; ’
IICINI.   l1>1111 ¤s111·1·ee1le1l tl1e1n,wl1e11 they I I·,_11a_11, 1I1i1l .\111lIsc11t n11·ss1~11:1:rso11tol“  I:. I j_· ·* _· I
I-I I-,,·Iy,11;· IIRHI 1les!1I1)It·1l Itl1e111Ifrn111I I1eDIIe I l»1v1·.2II.It5. tl1I; w1Il1l111‘1111sIIotIIfed1·11111Ih, 111uIo  t' ·-   ~ _ I
turn, ant 1 we t 111 t1e1r · stea ;—s l’<.7°.1 1. $111111 11111:11t es11o11,w1t1w111 s ·__ I,- I
I,,,II 11-.  1 il~I>r111:l dnl 1111tIo tI1e land of his II ICIUGIIIII ot`I1I·11t·1:,1Is:1yinz.I I I I I  QQ; 11, _
IIIII II.,  ’ l111SS1:s—1<111, wl11t·1 t 1e L0111) gtve I -**"- ·’· 27 1lllifIllll]¤ilh$l 1111111: It 1}* ant 1 ¥é3' Z l', 21;, =j
yn111·1·11. 1, "IlI*QIIuI1I1I) _ I~~~~\~~~*~ I will zo alon: hy the luzhway; I     .1 1 I
, ~ - ’ 1se 111 sm1I1,1111tl;:etyn11, I ·I_I-_ will 111-ithor 1111*11 1111111 the right     _ ,
IIIUSII ,,,1 <·\’<1r the 5 l1roi1It Ze1·•·1l ; (1 and we IU ( e`l"?1;I ha111l 11111*111 tl11·l1·t`t. Q °   ’I Q_ '»—
U ._I,,,·$11,. ‘ "'lJlll· liver the hrouk Zer1·1l, ,1 (3.-,1 1_5_ LF 'I`l11111 shalt sell 1110 111t—at 111r   11 »,]_}‘~' ·
' , ll :llltl tht: spare 111 wl1i1·h weI zu;11111. 1111111ey. that I may eat; and give   I
I_ ’ (`MHU ll l`1‘11111 Iiatlesli-l1ar111:a. 1111t1l I111 11-1·.l0. 1111: water thr 1111111ey, that I 1nay It' ‘_;1;,,yT _. 1 I
1,,; I],,—y11¤ _ IW \\'1¢1‘e 1:11111e over the 5l11·n11k ·1:G1·.Ui1.i0. drink: only I will pass through on      
III EII,IIII·,   A1:1‘ga|,111r1.r1l11rtynnd e1:l1tyears; I I NC- lIl}’ lirttlg _ _ Fe   - _ I °
II,.SI,,I{_ W tlltttl allq the ge11e1-11111111 o1` 111e1y·I'I‘·]I·}~I§II 2t1(.\sI/tl1e (`IllItIl'(‘l\(1I`I":S1I|l\\`IIlt$I\ 12qI ·jI1_.;_I  
,,I 1,Inl;·’ 5, Itlvll wl War were wasted out {min   I,‘II·III’TI· dwell 111 >e1rI, and t_l1e \lt1:1lnt1·s   · -I I II I 1
IIII:I.III,§t_· I. .11111111; the html, ng I- thu [4()I1i_I=‘ IIII II, ‘ which dwell 111 Ar,1l11l unto 1111+ 1)  ,_.   `f 1- _! 1
,I,_ new  * °‘I;i|l'4j\l1I|t1\l11·111. III {III   1111tillsl1all pass over .I111·tl1111, 111111 1   '    _
I,,,I,,-II.-, I l·1 lor 1111l111e1I_1l1e h;1n1l1· of 111eI ’ ' 'I It 1l1e la11d wl11el1 the l,0111>11ur God - I ; 'III ‘; _,
IVIIII,-,,  — l·UtlD was against theni, 111 ile- _II,_II_I5,II_ z1v1:tl1us._ _   Pu; i —
I} 111{111 1:   *llA'lY’lll\*l!I tmni atnont; tl1e host, *1; 1,,~g;,,,” 30 But $1111111;; kin: nf IIesl1l1n11 I, :1,1   ‘-=, `
  'lllI¤l_l-lt1·y_ were eo11s111ne1l. I Z1111 1-.11, would not let us pass hy I11111: tor Qt  . .3
II,,5,111~‘ I, lh Tl $1111 eatne tn pass, when all 1¤l·.x.t5.l·1·lG. the Lottn tl1y God har1l1·11<>1l /1 lus .5 'I} I
I,,·I,,,,,1r  lg Ilia tnun nt` war were enns111nedI J··~.2.!L10. sI111·1t, a11d 11111de l11s h1-art ol1st1»   ' ·, - I
’   =111·l1l1·11t11`1·11111;11n1111g111e penpie, 1i1yl1·21¤-lll. 1111111, 111:11 he 1111:111. deliver hnn 1I‘·=15I {_f ~;
{Im I11··~j  I: l7_'l'l1=1tthe L01t1> spake unto ine, "I*'_‘·1I·*l·?-!· 111111 tl1y l1a111l, as r1ppmr1.·l}1 this day.     ’I· ·
1],,-t,11u11`1   *i*l'lI1§.   Ill .-\ntl the I.0ttD said unto u11·,     I _ ,
[,lI1I1:l1ll11`   I1 llltltl art tu I1a.ss 0verLI11·1111:l1II  `j‘fI iyI ‘ Il1:l111l1l. I h111‘1: lI1r1;11111o1:1ve Sihnn ig   IIIM  
II, 5,.,1-; , ` J\F.|.l111 coast 11f_l1>11l1,tl11s1l11y; L AI,   ' and hisla111ll11:1oretl1ee: I)t‘E.{ll\ to yi   {Q_ r,’
II I,II,I, ·,   lil Antl Iellpn 1),,111 r;,I,,,4·s1_ nigh _,,__II_IIO possess, tl1at thou niayest IIIIIUTII gf jéff *,57
,1·l1,·estl.· i ""*‘l‘ iwatust tl1e 1rl11l1lro11 ot`1\1n- II._n_,,._j;»_ l11s la11d. gy} *11;- 3, 1
¤¤¤·1l1,1l1sl1·esstl1e11111o1,11111·n1erhlle ,p;,,_gi_g;1I I$L5'I`I11¢11i Sihon (‘tllT|tt out Ztl!$\lI\I$I if LI; .
III,II,,; ;`· ‘1‘1¤l1tl11:111; 1`111-1 11·1t| 11o1e11-e1l11·e ei, us, 1111 and all his pe1>11l1>, tw 11:111 Q1? .1:; 
II,e1r L. Ill lllv l=1111l111`1l111 1wh1l1l1·1:11 of 1\,n1- —•———1at Jahaz.   III?.
lat   ;—;I’  
_ ,;1  lee   ·
'SE  *17.. ·