MLM Ai is Iakm. JOSHUA. VIII. 771c Im1y1.1· hanged. _   ~ _ 1 1
[ l 1 t11c1·g:1u1·c we will llee hefure them. 1 11. C. 1151. 1city,un11 took 11, n11111111stcd and sev. ' 1 ‘ 1
eu , .11111 7 1.11*511)% $111111 1·1se up fl'UH`| _t11e -——·•i `111c city on Bree.   ? 1
ul mg i1..1ll1111S1l. :11111 scm; 11111111 1111: c111· : 1 1 20 And when the 111011 nf Ai 11101:- | 11 1
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‘;‘H‘;|‘_ 11.111111 1·1111r 11:11111. “ “· · ’· ;l111l1I, 111c smoke of the Cl1)' znsucml- V ’ ~
jddlheti 6k1\1111l11. sl111ll}l1c, w11;anlyc 11:1vc 1 11:11 1 up to 11c:1vcn,and they 11:11,1 1111 _ . 1
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_ Emi 1111111111111-111 of the LORD ¤l1:11l yuh 11111; w1l11c1·ness l1.U'llCd buck upon -_ . ,1
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