1 ~ wt I
  ; · t _ 1· The GIIINIIIIBS J0gHr7,\_ 1};, oblaan a lcnyw. mg II
. ¤ It I F . * · Gtr k eountry ti servants ·  
- I I . Q2 it Ando he tt rote there u on B. C. ll ul MET} __ _ _, tthrnh
‘ the stone; uggpy gf the hrw uf {ln-   > ure l come, hee§1s5·r>t;_tl)io£¤tt;5I;tI IIIIIIMI I
· ses, which IIC www III me pm- ry |)¤...1...,g, the I,0ItD thy o .I_ Ft   d= II I,.III,III.u
· sence ofthe children ot lsijuel. l II BI 9 2; heurdm the ffttllc 0 HUM Mt YM LII yI,“
‘ 33 Aml ull Isruel, :tnd_the1reldersr IWILEII I; ·IIj· that he did in Lzypt, _] II III IIIIII IIII,I
` * and 0mC0l’S,l1llll the11·_iudLti{es,stlI¤on.new, e to , I · I_:III IIII
 ` ‘ · ;`  35 There was not u word of _ull   tt is muuldy: I   LI; _\IIII
` ‘ ai  that Moses commanded, which I,g(;|I_g0_ I, lJ_ And these bottles 0I v\\ll;’II III,III.I II,
` ; IE  Joshua rend not beforcoll the eon—I &€. Ivhtvltl   Ittgletlxrilvgf tI\m‘·III;lj ;II,· I-IIII
, < , I t gregutiun of Israel, with the wo—I I’s.$£`l.{l,:». rc io r ie) we en`. .   III I_I.II-III,
I i 1 en und the little ones und the I Is.S.D IU. our gawrneinsuntl om slio1:·.mI ,· Lrg IIIIII
.   .   stmrigers that éwere eonversnnt I 51Ilh» izoino old hy reason ot the ut? IIIII. IIIII,
. _ · .· I , man r. ·v onrne , IK It-
~ _ nmoug them. 1 ,, UH; J I Y _ _ _1 tt n ¢
‘ - it o1itm·13R1x_ ~<'t*·-!<*·;· it Ami mic mon took of nitty I,,IIII,II
h i -   1 Tha kings doznbiue mzoinsl kmrl.   viutunls, and rushed noto tourist. IIIIS II",.
 ’ , i   3 Y71e(}ibr·0niles,I1y l[I‘(Ifl,0[}It1l7l rl (_€_,I"TI III :1t[1tIiieI\jio\{tii ot thr LORD. I] WIII SIIIIIIIII I
· .:t , ` I ’ I [ ' F A s mn man e pence »·
.· iuwrw xl r.x.z.; .u ]’ “‘ "   _
? *· i\1J `t .: · t hss, when ull , L ;_' tthem nnd innde n lenque tw. ,[,jI.C;II
i* ·   A t,lielkii`1:;lht·lii(·ii wrm on tl11s_  y` ithmn: to let them hre: and lh ·I·;I,, S
Fl     . side Jordnn,I1n theI{nl§s, und in the ; ;;,._gp_yI_ Ipr1;n·es olgltho eoiigrventioiistton  
·’  ` r "1 vnlles mn in :1 tre ronss on 21{1_io,s, un_o ie _. _. N
z-I * ' L -_  l tlrrguigirygrt st;n(i\*u[‘;iL!;ii1ist, l,el>:r- __ _ __` _ W  lt»‘1l;\11d1tmur1etu[»:tSS:\tlltt‘tl¤l _ III]
i- ‘ . l V it  n0n,tlieI1II1tt1te,:unlItho Aimtrite. `IV II_ III I; Iofthree dnvs nllertliey hzid ixrttltg _ tI.III [III,
Z * \  i the Czm:mnite,the l’er1zz1te,the llig I‘ II;] II‘ Ilenqno with 1h¢·m,th:it they   IIItII.II_II
1  .1   ` vite ond theJehnsile l1eo1‘rllhr,·re*r4/. I_'£Ih'G ' Ithzrt they turretln·xr1ie1elibm1rsI tv. III II; I
E, I t 1 . —; { 2'Izhntthey gntheredc thems<·lves IIIL`. Q7 tt/mt they dwelt urnom: tlwut. rm.} ]II.I-
2   . :7  ' together, to light with Joshun und ,,I”I.II_g_III_ ' IIN And the children ot lsyit, III,] IIIII
i ° -   with Ismel, withone iuctiord. y;y_|5_1i_ ;jo\tl1\U)'U¢l, tllld i‘§\tHU Htttu QI ltilltithnt
I ` ·» E:  31[Andwhentheinlmhmnilsofrl Ntr_,z1_;i;_ reruns on_ the tlmd du). .···_ ttm, {rI·
=; i ?  il ii  Giheun henrd e what Joshun hnd it t·I~.s.i7, itheir _(:1tms uscrr: G1heo11..v igtt- 3‘t]IIII
i ` · yi  done unto.1eri0ho und to Ai, Q on y· nr `l_`ln·pl11rnh, nnd deeroth, amd hir z·;r¤IgI. Ir;
zi , = 1 Q is tl They did work wilily, und went II '·*¤*:*I*· I.l?tIl\·J{>=tS1¤?I I _II II III. IW, mv ot t
` ll 1 li ide us if they hud been nm- ‘ ""I ·¤`U "¤· , . A nt ie rr n t re ·I· ¤-:m\I- II
1   Iiiissnldors, amd took_ old sneksnpon   F"L‘·'; thu Ismote them not, l¤Iz·r·1tu¤e Ita ulttItII. I
` ·‘ l their usses und wmt:-hotties, old, 'f’”" 'V _ :pr1nees ot the eonuieention ¤:· J\,]I,.I
i _ · Q, nnd rent, nndhound np; | ;;I;fI`;f" U} Istvo1‘n_l unto them i|\'Ili||7,II·*’—III .hji·nt;ItI
't 5 And old shoes und elouted upon I I_III,IIIIII I(·odotIs1‘:tel. Amlttvlltlu. Utllrlt   or lh—t,I-I
> their feol,z11nloh1 tznrnients t1p¤mjI, XII_I7_hI_ It1onI1;inriH111Ied nuznnst tlrtitrtihf I:1nIIIIII
i tl -1 · mid ull the hrend oi` their I ·I _I _III , lil nt n tn:p1‘i1n¢t·ssn1t tilt";-· rrr-IIeII
i ~ `i piiiitiisiori was dry and monhly. ] (U U I.If `theco11t;re2:nt1oi1. \\ e lutrv WI.; l.;l·_·t._ >
· " l 6 And they went to Joshua unto t 1\_:m_i_g_ lnnto them hy the l.01t1v bod ttl V ttnIIII
I `  ' thef cunip nt Gilgnl, amt} snidltiwo Ip .1n.1_ !. IQ irnrli Sow therefore we mit} 1**   tru
I , l' · d tx the men of sraxe , e 10.15.;. .I ouei Item. _ I =. ,1 in;
l ` Z   fiimn at fur eountry: noir l>·¤.Jl\.lt', 20 This we will do to thr·m. fl' \\_lth_|]I,
` s · 9 i l.iltiTOI·0l'ClIIl\i{H}'fJ1IlU(l¥tlt!\\'llil\lS. i IW will oven let them hte; lt], .1 ltI··I
J i 4 Q1 7 And the men of Isrnel sand unto I II ?U·II ·I _wr:ith he upon i1s,l1r·r·:t11st·¤·l 1 .t1:t»»|·ItI
l l Z `   I   the y llivites. l’er=idrenture yo I, IjII";‘I‘·iI · `onth wlneh we swnreimto tlt¤I’¥*tI - \,.»<·,kIIII
t I It dwell onion: us; und how sl1nllwe—I{ ,%jIII ‘I,’I' , \ ill And the p1‘xi1r·ess;m| nntol t¤I— IIn.hn.t
‘ · € ~l  rwtkv =¤1·==¤¤·¤<=/· ¤‘¤t1ty·»·¤i l,;;,’II$·: ·‘· Im litem 11m; tut 1.Ia ttm I or .,I
I _ i  8 And they snnt onto ,loshnnI \\‘I;   I,_;I.j‘,; I]I,,“·(·I-S II I,I wIII,It IIIII] I|I·I,I,,I»,i;II tII,I,.< II
1 ·l  nrc thy seivznitsn And JoshunII, _;eII_II_I_;;_ iwoter unto all the r:oiiu1·e·It I Ito ,I|t
* i'   50-id uhm limit!. \Vl¤<>f11`8 YB V! uml lu it-r3et,1i_ Iu>theprinveshndIn·orn1sr·»l~1 hi-I I~:;ItI-»·I
’ i It  from whence come ye { ru \I;»·,13, t EJ 1, And rloshnn onlin-.1 tot l It ·¤—·¤ln»,
t I . Z1  And they suitl unto him, Fro1n:xi—T-- Iatnd he spake unto them, >=¤.»·*r U . .\I
, i .t  1.:1
, . . _ v·
V t ‘ li 
tl · .  t
r  ` ~ .· ’
.> . 1 l
·‘ ii