1 ·llt‘
tvrrrvm:. gym; kmgg puwcpyptg JOSHUA, X1, XH. at the waters of Jllcront.   I * I
ll lllll lllll _ _ CIIAP'l`I£lt XI. B. C. 1-15t. ed ttotte of them. save Ilttzor ottly; '   l I
,I Dwcrs kmgs ut·t·rcvnu.· at the watmrs —5<—- that dtd Joshua burn. _ I ? l
lfltnlll l—lg‘ rtf Mervyn. tU‘l·\l'· ll·t 1-t And all the sI1ut1utilltcse ctttes, I I · T
llllll· lll_ ANIHL came to pass. when Jahia ll ”ll·lP·3; and tlte cattle. t te claltlren ot Is- ; — i_
ull ll¥llll¢· kntqof llazur ltad lteard ItwseI" lli· rael took for a prey unto theat· I I I
l _ I litmys, tltat he seat zz to Johah the 3;}:]; II · selves: but every man they smote _   I "
Pwd lj'“I·‘ lgiaz of Madoo, and to the kat: of JI; l’;!7‘ tvttlt the edze ot the sword, ttnttl . I
Ml- “ll"~ blatarott,b and to tlte lung ot Ach- u{,_QI_lI_ Ithey had destroyed them, aettlter _ , I
; lllll'- ml sltaph. I B_y,,_5_;;_ `lett they uoyto ttrcathe. I . I I
lll•¢ $“`l‘l·· 2 And tothe lrtazs that were: on tlte _fct._t;;_| t_ I 15 'lljlstlte L0ttD cogmauttded )to— . · t
’“"l’ llll’ll’-L north afthe atonotahts, and of the - E G¤_3t_.t9_ ses hts servant, so dtd Moses cotn— · I _ · I I
llllll llllllll Itlattts south of tJhtttaeratlt,c and ItJa.7.t2. ntantl Iuslttta, attd so dtd Jusltua: " · I
rr of GIIZ I III thIt t‘alIlfy, andIttt the borders of I   IIe ll{%tItu;totlttttq ttrtfltgtolof all that I _ I
»_ Q or: oa te wes ’ _ te , votttntattte . oses. · · ‘:
7ll_l$ll§ UI} ll .-tml/otlte (`ttttthtttitt: on tlte cast ll'! FlPP¤l¤!* lt} So Joshua took all that land, ZJI   - I I
ltts tt¤f?·’I aatl on the tvestI and to tlte Amor- I I ;'II'Ig·Q the htlls,s and all the south cotat- I_ I _ I: ,
1 mill- lt tte. and tlte llttttte, and tlte l’er1z-IkI,;III;`_g_I try, attd all the latttl ot Goshen.! _ - :‘ S. 3 · t
_ _ I ttte,and the .It-tlntsltc nt the tnontt· Il 1]; 20 Z' ' and the valley, and tlte plant, and l L   I
lsll Jll§lI‘·l ttttts, and ln the lhvitee nnder I_'3|'  thentottttttutt0l`Isr1tel,:tudtlt•: val- ;` ./     It
td =tllIl>I¤I - llertttonj in the land ot` tttzpetty Hj,__I ,Q3_ ley ottltesautti; QIZIIQIQIII
t2)1t-IlII.<- Il and they went ont, they attd all I m p,_.;5;_g_ lt };,t·:·n tlront t tltegrttotttttllalakuz {_  tf -· _ _ I
EIUHS ` taltr tosts wttlt tltont ntuolt lttitt- 1tclt,l(}.€l. ttltttl Kllul l llll l‘l ~`l‘ll`· t‘\'t‘¤ ltttltt   lf l·
tt lltttl_llII’· t»lt:,et·ea ttstltesrttttl hltltttt, ya oI»oaI 1Tt.,5.;t. Illaal-tzad. ia the valley ot` lmltzttttvtt _I‘_’I;{  
edzo ot dI the sea-sltare tn ntnltttnde, w1tltI0t·tt..!l.-t. Iunderntotttttllertnott: atttlallthotr ;»tI :—i,, ~ I_
ls llllll li'; ltytses atal cltartots very nt tay, I l on Z¤`¤!¤n· Iktngs o ho tault, attd stnote theta, I, Ig,;* *2
ll'U)'l*ll l·~—; u.\ad when all these lttttzs wercI T"H"Il" llllll $lUlV llllfllt- » ill ‘:I` 2   ~
ttul- llv ll¤ ltsugt loujatlter, they (tame and “ "lf"’l"l¥*· lgl Joshua tnatle war Sa lon! time ‘Z r·` { -' ‘ I I
I I I oztrttetl together at the waters ut" IQIjI_‘IIIJ’l"“· wtth all those ktntts. _ Ijjf   5 I I
frotttl·,utI.t ,.lt·rattt. to ttultt aeatttst Israel, Il FTHS 0 19 '1`ltoro was not actty that tttatle I ;_' It ·‘ l I
  II»jo\ttdthel,otttts:t1tlunLa:laslttta,Iq ”“ ` "IIL ot·ace wtth_ tlteIcltthlrct_t oI Israel,       II   I,
t-·I III att not .ttr.ad t»eeattso ot them : Itmw ;,,..H,,, ,s.ttt: the lltvttes, w the talt.tbtt.ut:s ·_   _ __ UI
.tttlI>tItt··»I·I- tarto taot·rott· about tlas tone wtll, ,;,_m_.m_ ’ Iot Gtheon: atl utlwr they took to     , j ·,·»
sttottl. tt-- Ith·ltt‘t=t’tltettt no all slant la-tore1t—Na.:t.t 51, Iltttttle.     , · I .` V
dl tltet·tYI;· Israel; tltatt shalt hooeh Ir their! l)¢‘ttl.7.i1; I ill! For it was cfu: tlte Letm toy ge {___¤   ‘_ ‘.’
tls that r·I' lrot·Ies.l attd luuttt their olttzriotsml 2t).tt5,t7. Ihartlett their heartsi that. Ihey     "L · I !·
I rtrttttttttit-— wtttth·e_ .5 mt 1/mr should come aeahtst sntel in tat- af f _   |
ne _had the t Ntdttslttttt Iratne, and all the peo. I It-ao, ltle. that he trtitrht tlestroy thent nt-       I ,1;; ‘
:tl1t ttllttte- ttleat war wttlt lata, auatttst theta ·l°'··lll·lS· !tt·t·ly,mal that they nnght have no   I I - ' II
IMT0 lltl‘lIIg ltt the watat·sIot Mt-mat sudden- I ur   ,tht·oar, hnt that he tnttzltt tltrslroy g_ I I _t j ‘ ,;
IInItt•·dII  lint and they lull noon thont. III;hI'|£I;I[' `tltottt. as tlte Lttttttz cotatttattded {II   II - I j
LJIT, ~ · .\ntl tho l.0ttD0 tleltveretl theta tch IU H Nlosos. :I,   ‘_;,_; .
  tttto the hatal ot` lsraol, who staoto -;,,,},,,1I ` 21 T;\ntl at that time o:ttta·_Joslnta, if .}I.`,II‘ { QI IQ
ntl tht! I---I Iltt·at.and rhased theta tntto2t;reatI ,»,},,,,;;, _antl out otl`tltv 0 ,\n¤tltntt~ Iroat the   I » -. .— '· t
t_a·s tlxttrIItI tttlotaataltttttolIlisreoltoth-ntaitn,I ott»ut,,uInI Intottntahu, t`ront llehron. lrotn l)o—   I ,   » I
JnlttIa,tI.I .attlntttotltovalleyolXl1%t»eltt·:tst— u¤h.I.!.7. Ilnr. trant Aaah. and tront all tho :,;fI   .I ‘ I
tly tlt·slttI:I; Ward; and they stnote theta, ttttttl I tt t·lt.IL.!t·.!l. ,tnonntains ot` Jndalt. and front all `*;’ lif  ; `
tIn·rt·at.   llt¤)‘ ltclt theta none rotnanttau, I I>t·ot.7.;!t. tho taonatains ot Israel: Joshttzt .. 5     -· · LI
_. I, I I. . ,   I
ttsp laI.It-I . And Joshua dal unto thent as " [lll lljg alostroyotl tltent ntterly wtth thetr { ·’ {fg  
{hd lo l ·It~._ tltrt: Loan hatlo han: he hottzltetl lll “ll·l‘-~l»#· Kettles.  -` --,4 ·. { _-ji
t; as ltuI.I·I. lhetr ltorses, and burnt. q t.ltuit‘(*lta- , ”   I LJ',.   EJ 'l`hero was none of the Ana- ji: _` ·I.II >;,g... QI _
tltala·rltt·— ttotswttlt hre. I l`|§Il"|';";," Ihnos hrtl in tlte land of the ohtl· II _·`3jI;·_ig ·I·
itll\ltt¢t`*"I·' lll t.\ntlJosltttaat thattlntetttrtt- H UM',   tdrt-tt of Israel; only nt Gaza, tn - , · 3;;; 31 I;
;tlIla= >;tII__ I'IllllI:Yli,I\lItl toot; ll:tzor,and sntoto ~ l_ II IQ ‘ lt.:at1t,h and nt Asltdotl,c there re- ‘_ w   QI II
will l j` .l" 'llti l tt·rt:ot`tt·ttlt the sword:} u` ` yin; attained. " ¥‘ 5 ,
he lt·tt tt=..· iorllazor ltotorettnto was tlte lteatl ` ;l).·El,|ti t', I Lil No Joshua took tlte whole lattl,   ¤’     ll'_
tlestt·ot·t~tl... alall those luntrdoots ttrh II ttl. tit l'tr·r*or¤litt·· to all that the I.0ttD e ·T?·.·   I
[Amy Uatltf ll Atal tla·y staoto all tlte souls Na. t3..t1. `saal tl tntto Moses. and .lo~;hna eavo       [ I
  llllll t"*tt‘r* tlteront wtth tho eden: ot` rtzt. lit tor an ittln·r1tata·t· unto Israel ao- —j     t ` `
- tht·ttt_ lI·I IIM Mvonl,utterlytlosttoytttt: {-l1!'l!l·' ll}"l'·fl·J· gtzardittti to thotr tltytstoosr hy_tln:tr .I. I I _‘ _ I
taIta (IM IIIlIII‘tI ‘·t`Its not IlI:nty lett to ltroatlte: I ll lI*‘·lII· I3 ttriltos. Atal tlte latttl rested] ftottt 'C? Q,     I
Pos too vI=- · I tt· utrnt azar wttlt tire. I *·`_‘·*· ···· `war,    G}: I.
I I Itetatttttt aret·tta»sat`tt.t.II`·IFtl, font   ItItIt»-rly do; Ikyls INt>t\‘ tlteIst·_rtr¢· the ktaes ot the       I
I , _ tt to.: as, uses tht. stt , y,,_gI,__,;. land. tthttlt tht, t.lnhlttn ot I; I__,_ Il .. _I
med, att‘l_ ‘IllIlII·>tItlt<: totm otmtmttmtt-tt_ I   [,,-;,,4 ,u,t,g,·_ um) I».,`$.,$,(-It tt,.-H- _;     · I
ttlw ¤¤ll“·‘ _.‘ ·*‘l— ’*I¤*./Ur tht: rtttvs tha' stood ft~t¤.2t.·t-1,1;. ,l:nttl on the other salt- .lortl:ttt: tus   rr :.I j" -
·~·-lwtt1.tt:n'¤tt‘ettgtlt,Israttl bttrn— .#—<•— 4 v..tt‘tl tlte rlstng ot tho san, trotn     g   I
23   ,. r,II;I;;t
e le-§.z?!* ]
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