. I; ~ ·|I
  s l: _ ’
Km ` g Th.: one and tlur/y Irmyzx JOSIHQA, XIII. whzrh Juslma male.
Jl ‘ -` thu rivcrAr1uma umu mount Hur-3 ll. (F. 1115. 19 The king of Maldon, anu; the M A
`l · num, and ull thc plum nu llm uml: ———·•——- lci1xgul`0lluzur, one ;
I 2 Sihuu I1 king ul` thu A11mr1Lus, lL;uAp_ I1) 2ll'1`hc kim; of Sl1i1urnu-memu,;~ ,, _ Q
{ = wlnu dwelt in lleshlmn, uml rulml Y OI [,4 mm; the lung u(Acl1sln:nplx,unu; M   I
E from Amar, which 1: upon the " bu';] gz, ‘ Ul The kin:uf'l`:mnucl1,0nu;lh: __ ·_
` hunk uf ilu: rivur Amon, uml [rum] ”' "’ ' king nf )1U;;jdL\¤, (hm;  “l“’*=· *
` ’ thc mimldlu of the r1v»:r,uu<.l l`g·o¤11lb1)¤.2.C1:i.GG. 22 The king of Kcllush, unc; Hee -7-
I ‘ lmlf Gllxeaul, cvnzn Lllll.1) thu rlvurl 3.b.lu,l7, kingu1`.lukmzu1u u[C:xru1cI,<>ue; ’ "`
l .li1lil]ulc,1v}41r/1 rs thu burdur uf thu I; U, Tmmlh 211 Thu kim: of Dur inllhc ¤‘lm—Z _   V
* · . I c 11 4 run ul`;\1uul0r\; ` 0l` I)u1*,uuu; the kung nfl u:11ul1l»u· J L ;. .€
‘ * 3 Anal l`r¤»m the plain lu the scz1§”’*'·'/M ul'Gllr.:nl unc' ‘
’ S <>l`lJlnuuc1‘0tl1outlu: Ull:Il,1llll1\llll.U ~‘{’Z`*”5·’* nf 21 'l'he'km:' ¤i` 'Pirzulx, ouu: ui.
thc sul of the plain, cum the sul; 1 "¥**’*» “*· uw lungs qluny uml mw,
` sen. uu thc cust, tlm way lo Bulb-   "‘"* 9 Cll.\P'l`El{ XIII. ml.
jusl;iumLl¤;, Tn} l—1‘0lll ,1 nlm south, "`""l"1 ‘ 2 Tlzcbznuyzliszgfqilzzl11mz'710lyclcnn· 7"3 WT
un ur il As u nl 1—p1s;;u.l 1 C Nu.2l.33- qnerrvl. 2.2 uluum slam.
»l il And thc cumsn uf Ugc km; uf   35. lNiJ\\’ .h>slu1u\v:ls<1l¤l mul svrirk· 7
Ilusluuhwhichwrrsoflllullrc1nu:u1L· d I (B H uu in years; u1ulll1uLul1I>>ixZ·X
' l ` of thy giuins, {hint dwclte ut Ash-} ku ‘ ‘ ‘ lunmllim, ’1‘h•»u amulll uml sl m·k~u
. ' U¤”UV·1 iml ul il Wi, c I)¤·ul.l.4. iu ‘cur>: and tlmru ruxnxninlullxymi
j 5 AllLll”0l{.{l1t:llllllll()l1l\C_f]lUl'l\l0ll,g _ Q 1 vugv xuulvh land lm he lmssumll.
~ ~ l ' 2 und 1n§uln:ull, uml in ull l3u>huu, f D°·3·*‘ ‘i· 3 "[‘h;s ls [hu mm] mm yu; g yl. A
Q umu llm bornlur of thu Ucslu11‘1tcS_, ‘ g Nu.32.2‘), muiucllx: ull ilu: lumlcrs uf lll,
l A ulxd the E\lu11uluxl.l11I,c§1,_u11d hgnll , 311. l’lul1sL1ucs.:ulll nl1Gqslu1r1,I1
. `   bglfizuli lthu border ol mlmn lauxglh Fx ,1 ,,3 lis Fmm Sllmnyn whml; lsxlnzfvfi
‘ ' , ur us 1 lon. 1 " "“ "' ‘ {sv at cvuu umu thc mn vm Mi #0
z 1 i *5 TIKUUI dll] Nnscs Ulf? SGWHTIK Hf , i cln.G.2. l·Ik>r}n;u<1rthw:ml, whzr/1 xs vurlnlll
l ·' - { lhu Lllllllillllll.lll`:Clllllll'(§llUl-1SI'ilUl`7 I Q 1. 20 to the l';1u;n;mitu: llvc rl |ornl> v·1
l ` : suulu: uml Muses tlu· smsrvum uf (C "" ;’ " Mw [>|,j[|j,m,(,S; me (;;m;qlux·>4
` ~ F ll¤·= i·us~¤<»u ’“"·‘°··~"““· ima the Aslulullutus, the l·J>1m·
` I \l1|lnI,l\U llm1ln2r11l¢¢s,mul thu Gull- m.|u.l,.1.I. Iuuilus, thu G1ll1t:·s, uml thu ljk-
` ‘ 1lrs.1unlm:n zuulllur vhll- H ""v,§]""`”"· lhe (`;um;ul1l1·s,:n111m»Lr:u·l for :1 p<·>m11 me-L _ ) nsmq, fmm liuul-uml L nnmlnerlrmlllli ’
’ · ‘ ;; ('<>l'(llllK lu llmlr mllvnxlnms; _ §‘L HA]- 15-) l ll4;1·1xh»u umu thu culurunni HW
Q Z. ; 8 ln the muuuluihs. uml m ilu:] Y~1·**\=·¤‘=’=¤!,‘llumgull. _
i { · valleys, amd in the pluiusl uml ml U "‘-in-$· ~ ti All thu iulmlmamls of (110 llllll \·
- '_ . thu spri1n:s,:11ul in Lhu \\‘1l¤lu1’|1<·~s,`n _|u_3_y_ m•v1m1·v_ 1`rmu l,e;lmnhu umu MW ,m».»..4
i ` _ `- l zxuml lu the south cuuulry; Ih¢·/l—, N ,],3 lroplumh-manm,k and ull llui >l· I
Q , ` ` Q . ll1Lli1¤:s,Llu: .\r11ur1In·s,:1ml the: lh-;" ' `lw`.3;   hluuuzm, \h¤~1u wlll I nlrivvl WN
{ ` _ ‘ u:u¤u1h:s, the l’¤:r1u1Lus. Llh: lll-{ `,‘ ‘j " mlm l¤;x`r»mI.Im;·l;|l¤l1·u1ll»t'I>Til¤‘l~ i¤·¤··£
* vxllcx. null Liu: .l¢:l>¤1>1lus: _ ' ·""····l`°· uulym lhvuln {hun ll hy lol \lM?·*  
E i U1} 'I`h·; lam: •¤1` .ll*l`ll'llU,I nun; (1.l¤»,13,$, the-ls|·:u·l11•·s1ln·m11ulu:1‘11u1u’l‘,=¤l 4 ’
.‘ , 1 thx: 1:111: of A1, /r wlxlnh ls lu~s1:lx. mu-; aj lSm¤.»l.1.   ll \\'n\l1wlmmll1nll4:n1l»r·ui¥s—s=m~! +   l
`. , It Thu kun: of lizllm, unc; thu gh 1 ,16 `rhp 1l;uln4~~; l;uv4-Ir¢»l·.~wul 1Iu·1¤‘¤¤· } W
· l;111:<>l`(j•:z¤er, mm; Q " ` l1cr‘1l:xm·lr, whwl Xlusm n um; r
I `  13 'l`Iw km: of I1cl:i1·,¤>nu; thu ’* H**·§·]*· llhmn, -l»l·yhml .l»¤-mm 4e:•sl\}··l·?-
. . km: u1`(l¢:Llm;r.ui1ie; 1 I a l'—.~1.».l. 1,,.,,1 Hs MUWS me Sm-.mu;_ U; 1:;
l `- ll']`Il1: laluzuf ur111:u,¤>11u; t1u,icl¤.IJ.T, l.0m> www l,lm1u; ,
l ’ ` I s km: ¤»l`A1‘:nl. umu; ll L). H 3 \ Sl l~`mm ,\ml·r, thm, is nnpuu W
‘ ‘ a l5'l`h¤e lun: of l,ilmnh,um:; the `_ ‘ ‘ ' lhmlk ln` nhl: rmer l\1·n··¤_n.:1u~l|l"
` — ` . i 1:111::<>1`;\