l Ei : -
A1: _ - The citrls qt”Bcnjr1m111. JUSIIK 11, XlX. T/w lat of Si111c17n,4c. 771z I01
.1 and went titrth tn Eu-sl1e1ncsh,ztml l B. C. l·11L 1-o11nd:1t1outthcse cities tollnzilntb k¤llt1t¤
l yvent forth tpwaml Gehloth. wluch 1++- lxeer, Ruinuthf ofthe south. lltts =l·”lt‘l¤¤1It
l A 15 ov1:r_:1q111nst the :11111: uxn uf tt Ch ma L1: the ixtliemmxce of the triltecl Zh M11}
1 Ad11n11n1n1,:1111l descended tu thel ' ‘ ' the trhildrun o1` Simeon uceunlxnz ¤111d>11s11
stone! 11t'l511l111x1tl1es1111 ot Reuben. 11 111-, the Le their futnthes. rxxclz- w
18 And pussed :1111111; 11111-11rtl the] p!r11`11. 9 Out r1t` the portion of tl1crlul· lllmmll;
1 side ever 111.5111ust 1.\rubz1h north-VVV _ dren 11fJ111l:1l1 was the ix1l1cr1111x11¤ 5 ¤\11tl
1 wnrd, und went down unto Al'1\·V'¢F"ii"fl ufLheehxltlr1:x1 11t`51x11eont forte $1111*111
V buh: " ‘ J' purt of the children of Judulxtte Bglt to 2
V j 19 Antltlxe hortler Ynssed 11lon¤to’u 1;‘._m_1;1_ ton nxneh 11 tor 11111111; tliex-1·l1111·1 °¥ Jtlllttl
thelside11f15etl1-liu::1l;11;1rt.li\v11{tl:   gr;]11_1_;_.l_ thi: chiltlren ni Sin11e<1n hntl 1t11;t $l¢liV¤l B
an: t te nu'-;:11iu:s :1 t in 11111 er, __ in ieritunee wit. 1in th · ` l1 ·rxx11u¢- Fw 10111
were nt (ll0Ll\tlI'i,ll `2 buy ofthe s11lt'¤ UW]?-QQ1 ot`thexn, ll m L Z9 And
1   ut the southl end nt` .lu1·d:111.l 3*- 11) 11111111 the thi1-1l1¤t cuxxm :11 ll¤¤111¥11;
` xis wns the sout 1 1:1111st. ISV V1g_1-_ t`<1rthe 1:l1il1l1·1en11t'Zebulun nccttre SW1 ll
420 And .lerd1111_w:1s the border <11' w   J 'in: tn their thtnihes : ztntl thehxr- EN =\l1Ll
' it on the eas; ixde. '1Vhis 101;:1 the A I l}\¤·9··i1¤· ltler of their inheritunee was u11‘1 ltfilmtll,
. 4 inlteritznnce tx. t 1e ehih ren 11 Ben-; - Sznritl: yr1:· 1
V j:11nin,hy thti trunsts {.l1er1l1nt` round   yjcr'3l'l°' 11 And their border went up tv- gwll; 
··  · z1l1o11t..11<·1·111-1 in: tot Itilf uxxxilie:4. 1: 11.10.17. watrtl the sen i and )Iurul11l1,1ul B 11 1
V V 21 New thc tut ies of the t.1‘il1e ufl _ _ S 3 rezuxlxetl to l>:1lil1;1she1hV nn1lre11©_.· Afllilbin
V V1  { the elitltlrexifnt Ilh:11]11111111 j1e<:0;‘1l-Va U'- l"· ·G · ud tu the rivet- thut Ls 11e111reJt»1· Hdl llllllt
1L.  ` *1 L rr 1 *2. *·· e z . . *1 J t.1111:t
‘   3   lletli-lirigiiiii,lixi1.l\l.li;Lvulhl;‘     lc HAR wd l "l2ulilx1sl t1xrne1l t“r11n1 Stn-11l t<1—¥· llqillxillz
` V V ’ ‘ Keziz `n v¤1‘.9· u-uxxl, 11111-111-11 the s11x1·x-xsxnz.111:`1 J 1lS
·l 22 Aiul Betli-nmluilt, und ll Z1:-lb (VV M 3] l1h11 t111r111e1· 111`t'11js1m11»t;1t1111-V1 1u.i llYl‘€ 111 tl
jj t· 11111r1111x1 :1111l Delli-el, 11 l {dn fl 1,; lthen t;111;th out In l1nl1ex·;11l1,111 unl °Q¤|111:
V ’ _ Ei ` 23 And Aviin, und l)1ll`1lll,l\lltl1UV ' l" ' lgtteth uy t_11 J11pl11u. 'l·l*;$}Y1t
IV   Ophrztlt. 1c cI1.15.2;-32. lll Ant 11111111 tl1c·n1‘e ]>:1ss1:tl1Va12 (L . Ilu
1 ` 1 21 Andf`l11:pl1:1r-l1:1uxnmn11:1i,rind VUV] I 17 along on the oust to U1tt11l1—h1· °l*'l'l¤‘1\
{1 Ophni. 111111 tiulxu; twelve ext1esV ` ' ' pliex-,11 tn lttzth-l<11z1x1, :xx11lc1·11L "£*l1*llV[‘11
1 V " ` with their vil QQQUSZ 1:l5u.1'.G. nuttol‘e1111x1t1n-lxxxeth11111~t11Nut. ‘*’tl' ·1l11
lt B25 (}1l1e11xx,1* und ll:111111h,y un1l‘ SGA. 11 Anll the lnnxxlern11x11l1;1,»>1V1E11i Vf\l_1\x11l
‘ 1 x` ’; e¤:r111l1. 1 1111 11111 11111-111 sttle ln 1t111111111111:.: 1*11. 1r111
1 ‘1 K 211 .11111 ltizpeti z111111Cl11>111ir:111 1*** `—~~ ~ 111111 1111111111-g111111;s 111111-1—11x`1111·12 ml .\1t111
1 V , 1 l 1 l _ V 1
1 - 1 ji and Bhxzath.   Q V_ the 1.-111111y 111 J1pl1tl11111.1·1; F11 lgtk
1 --   id? Anil ltelcein, and I1-peel, :1x11lVfl·‘~3O·—t· 15 1\111t l{11t1:11l1, 111111 N11!111ll:1’.i gzlfyl V1
‘ 11 ' '11r:1l11 1 1,, QL-, V— H .:1111l Sl1i1x1x-1111,11 und 11l;1I11l1. 11‘.l = H1
 ,` · ll V. 2S__1\111li_Z<¤l=1l1. lilexvh, 11111lu Je-l° ir`5`l5f lB1:t_l1·l1_:111·111;q twelve 1:1111-1 111'1 ;V::lV“‘=11’'ir i11l11e1·ix. °J"‘l‘30' l,\`l11,QV l I 1 `A l I I  l*‘>t111~t1;
V I ~· zuwu, lleer->l1el1:1, /1 er Slxel111,:1n1l 111·t1.ll.t, 1 ::1 _\11111{g1111·t11_1111111§11-u11111111¤·l  Lgllftllat
`·  " Zllttlilllilll,   V I V I 1VV Rurllml 1111111 1-111-1111111111hV1111111111111-x1:1M1VlQA VVVVVU115
V .1 Ando lI.u.11r->lxu.1l, .11111 1l.1l11l1, MV .,3 I; 1 :1 .\111l 1h111·11;1st r1~111·l11·tl1 ttgg V ~ ttl t
 ' und Azetn, SU]; {{6 11111-,11 111111 s|1;11111;11111111_ 11111l l1·1tj _"*'¤l111z
: j 1 4 And Eit0lllAl,i\l\t] lluthut, and 11` “ ` ' ‘ >t11-11111st1; 11 1111111111-11111-¤11111=--1 @**111111
· _   l llnx‘1x111lx. t' lKl»!l~l· ltl11·11·11111·1l1;1-11-111-11 ;1t .I11x-1l11t1i ‘»l'  ltr .l11
V 1     5 1\11d %1hl:1¤.12 und Betli-xn:1rc:1· _1 1;1V;4_1_ .t1e1·x11·1txns with tl11·xx*\-1ll11:1‘~_ V  `ll"'lt11
l' l"’ll*· *"“l ll"mV‘$"*i*ll1 l 2l(i.»t.>Vl2. , lll rllllli 1.1 the 1x1lx1-x-xtu111··‘ tt!   Vl"·¤1‘1‘111
· ;   li 1\111t l}1·tl1-l1·l1:11»tl1. :111tlSh111·u- ‘tx-xt11· 11x` 11111 1·11111l1·1111 1»x` |~—i¤·`V1 VVV·l!t· ··’ "-lit}
1 1  1:1:1:s: It K-IV U 77 1·1’11·s:1x11l111111-1-1lI11u1·s. _, ligllt-—_111
V V    ‘ 7 zllll. llexnintxtx, :11111 l·ithr·1j. und Q ig " i _2| 11 1\111l 11111 111111 1111 1*:1111t*V V Vlwttl 1
1 · _ Aslmtt; tour t-1t1es :11xal their vtl- " lV-_‘;‘*··-V`- 1111r the 11-11111 11[ t|11· 1·l11_l1t1·‘l*‘* M "l1l1
l 1 _ 1V; hates: —‘*‘·'*l-‘ l- 1,11.11111-111·1~1.1·1t111;11.1x11»11·111111131 _ V=l{11|
l - I 6 And nll the villaisges tl1z1.t1cc1·1: -—--4-- 33 .\111l tt11·x1· I111.-111-r \‘·¤1=   l` l·*l`*>¤
V - . 1 LJ!
11 ‘ 1 V
1  1 -  1
` '
’ 1 1